Seven Minutes |18+|

By MrsKaminari1

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"All because of a stoner." 7 minutes wasn't enough for her she needs 7 hours 7 days 7 months 7 years 7 decade... More



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By MrsKaminari1

It's that time of the month when I'm thinking of Cameron. I don't want to think of him though, he wants nothing from me but what every other guy wanted.

Another month closer to getting married to someone that doesn't want me either, only wants me to parent his children.

He finally got his way nearly a month ago most nights since then he's gotten to have sex and all that with me.

I'm not gonna deny it, it feels good but I don't want to be with him.

I don't want to be here.

I miss my parents so much, time here isn't going fast enough, I wanna see them.

Even though I get more freedom now I barely get to speak with them because they are always busy.

I'm so far away from them.

"Good morning my Tesoro," he says, standing behind me as I look out from the balcony to the ocean view we have.

He kisses my shoulder but I brush him off.

He sighs and places his hands on my hips then pulls me back against him.

"You are to answer me with whatever I tell you," he says. "Morning," I mumble with a frown. He spins me around to face him. He leans down and kisses me.

I lift my hand up and slap his face. "I told you not to do that, I don't want your lips on mine," I say.

"You were moaning in my mouth just ten minutes ago," He says with a raised brow I slap him again. "Don't be disrespectful," I say and walk past him.

"Join me in the shower Mamacita I will whisper to you my dirty thoughts in Italian."

"You win," I say.

He chuckles. "I knew it'd get you."

It's my favorite part during sex, him whispering to me in Italian.

"My only purpose in life will be just caring for our children? Won't it? I won't get to go to college get my dream job live a little until parenthood..."

"I don't know why I'm the one being punished for my father's mistakes," I say.

He sighs. "Marry me and I'll let you go to college and I'll also allow us to use protection," he says.

"I still haven't gotten that ring," I say.

He lifts his hand and raises his finger a small ring around the tip of his finger since it's too small to go any lower.

A massive diamond on it that is the same length as the width of my finger.

I walk up to him. "Decide when you would want kids?" he asks. "Give it til at least twenty-two but if we can do twenty-five that'll be great," I say.

"What if you fall pregnant sooner than that?" he asks.

"Well, that's how my life will be then," I say.

Marco pov
Last night

"Make her fall in love with you give her what she wants-" I have given her what she wants!" I exclaim.

"We'll let her visit her parents but with you or she's not going, and she wants college too I dunno get a degree for something, do whatever you possibly can for her to agree to hold your child," Father says.


Catalina pov

I'm giddy and can't wait to see my parents, I've missed them so much but curse my father for doing this to me. I'm practically jumping up and down with excitement.

Holding my purse I exit the car.

I never thought I'd say this, but I missed the American air.

Even though it smells mostly of factories.

I don't even wait for Marco to catch up as I run towards the door. I asked Marco to not inform my parents that I will be present today.

I don't even knock I just open the door and run toward my dad's office where he always is. "Daddy?" I call out and when I hear movement I run towards it.

He comes around the corner and I jump at him to hug him.

He looks shocked at first but hugs me back. The tightest hug I've ever gotten.

"You're back," he says, his eyes watering. I've never seen my father cry before. "I've missed you so much," I say.

He lets me down. "They didn't hurt you did they?" he asks checking my face.

"No, they haven't, how is mum?" I ask.

"She is doing amazing almost fully healed, i'm glad you are okay," he says. "I wouldn't hurt her... Physically," Marco says.

Dad scowls at him.

"We are here for a week then we will be leaving for Italy again," he says. "Why can't she just live a normal life until she's of age? Instead of taking her now?"

Marco doesn't say anything, he keeps a stern look and ignores my father.

"Cameron comes here often to ask if you've returned he looks worried that we can't explain things to him."

"Pfft, Cameron doesn't give a damn about me, he said so himself that he just wanted a quick fuck," I laugh.

"You think he's a nice kid dad but he isn't."

"This is the last time you'll be seeing her until two years, you aren't invited to the wedding and you won't be able to meet your grandchildren until then either," Marco says.

"Can you shut up? I want to have a good time for crying out loud," I scowl at him.

I walk away with my father not allowing Marco to say another word. "I'll be setting up my working area," He calls out.


"Take your time," I say.

"Okay now that he's gone, Cameron is here and would love to see you he has a quest with him as well," he says.

"Oh great," I huff. We enter outside on the patio. We enter the little canopy lounge area.

The first thing I spot is a girl giggling next to a chuckling Cameron. I bite the insides of my cheeks.

It hurts.

"I think I'll go and help Marco," I say. Dad's smile drops. "What why? Your mother is wanting to see you."

Cameron stands. "Hey, kitty cat haven't seen you in ages," he says. I hide my mental scowl. "Yeah..." Wish it was longer.

"This is Sammy... My girlfriend, I think you've met her, like at Alaina's house or-"

"Oh my god would you look at the time, Marco is gonna kill me," I say and walk away. My heart has already been shattered by this boy and now again?

I rapidly blink my tears away as I walk up the stairs.

"Marco?" I call out. "Polo."

I stop in my tracks. "Why are you following me, Cameron?" I ask. "Making sure he doesn't actually kill you."

"I don't need your protection, this is my fiancé we are talking about, go back to your level 1," I say and hurry down the hall.

"In here," Marco says.

"You need any help?" I ask. "Go... Spend time with your family," he says.

"I asked you a question."

He walks up to me and places his hand on my cheek. "I am fine," he says then leans down and kisses me.

"Now that I've done a bit of thinking, yes actually I do need help with something," he chuckles.

"Oh you, always wanting sex," I say and smack his chest.

"Can't help myself around you."

"Aren't you a bit old for her?" I snap my head to the question asker.

It's Cameron leaning against the door frame. "Cameron, get the fuck out," I say and slam the door in his face.

"Now where were we?" I ask. "Your bedroom is on the other side of the house, but that isn't stopping us from having fun on the sofa, if you'll join me?"

"Anything right now," I say.

I move my arms around his neck and he lifts me. My legs going around his waist.

He walks us towards the sofa and then lays us down.


"I miss your home cook dinners," I tell mum while eating. "I can't believe you are here felt like we'd never see you again," She says. "I thought the same," I say.

Why are Cameron and that whore still here?

I've seen them kiss and get really close the whole time I've been here.

Pretty sure the moment I didn't see them they went off somewhere to fuck. He must have gotten on my dad's good side the time i've been gone.

"So what do you do every day when you are there?" Dad asks.

"I did gardening the other day but I don't do much but either read... watch something..." Or cry.

"Sounds fun," he says. "Why are you getting married so young?" That whore asks. "Because I got bored," I say with a frown on my face.

"I'm sure Cameron would love to marry you as soon as possible." Cameron chokes on his drink. "I don't do marriage," His voice strains.

Can't believe he has a fucking girlfriend.

I thought we would be something.

But that dream burst the second he said 'quick fuck' I hate him for that, it was a trick to see if I'd fall for him, and I did.

All the stoned talks we've had, I thought were real, even the kisses.

I can't believe I fell for someone that is way out of my league.

Should've known better.

It's always the boys you give a chance that breaks your heart.

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