Disney House of Villain's Red...

By turtleangel10

27.5K 624 189

When the Disney Villains are sent into a different world and given a chance to prove there is good in them wi... More

The First Villain
Alona's Home
New Rooms
Transformation central
Girl's Day Out
The Truth Is Finally Revealed
Our Love
It's Not Me It's You
What's Gonna Happen Next
Now Published

Octopus and Dragon

1.5K 39 10
By turtleangel10

Gaston walked in with Alona laying in his arm. "I will shoot down any beast that dares to harm this child. Who do you like more child? Me or that beast I told you about?"

Alona pointed to him right away making Gaston grin with pride.

Pain and Panic took Alona out of his arm. "Come on Alona, let's go learn a new game."

Alona ran out with them.

"How did you do it?" Cruella asked Hades.

"Pain and Panic shapeshifted themselves to look like Alona's parents so they could tell them they're disowning her. Also, Jafar's staff is more useful than I thought. There won't be any investigation or any of that other stuff, it's now all on paper, I'll be her main guardian but you all can co-sign."

"Seems that child won all of our black hearts." Evil Queen said.

"No one wins hearts like Gaston." Gaston boasted.

"Shut up." Jafar demanded before hitting Gaston's head with his staff.

Later Hades was alone relaxing in the hot tub, some of the stuff they ordered got delivered already like swim trunks so Hades decided that after a long day of tricking people and doing business he could relax.

He heard someone running up to him and he didn't have to open his eyes to recognize the tiny footsteps. "Don't run Alona, you could get hurt."

Alona climbed over and sat on the edge of the hot tub. "I have to give Gaston a room and then Jafar said I have to go to bed."

"How long was I in here?" Hades wondered.

"Jafar said you're my guardian now, what's a guardian?" She asked curiously.

"Are you just stalling to stay up past your bedtime?" Hades smirked. "Anyway a guardian is someone that keeps a kid under their watch. Means you're stuck with me kid."

"I thought you were that since you got here." Alona told him.

"Yeah but now this time it means nothing can take you away from me." Hades said. "I'll make sure of it, now get to bed."

Hades smug face turned into a shocked one when Alona kissed him on the cheek before she ran back into the mansion. "That kid will be the death of me."

The next morning the imps burst into Hades room freaking out. "Boss! We can't find the kid!!"

Hades groaned as he rubbed his eyes and got up. "This house is huge boys, of course, it will take forever to find her. Maybe we can put a tracker on her or something." As Hades teleported from room to room and asked the other villains if they'd seen her they were all starting to get worried too. "We've checked everywhere, the only room that's left is...."

"THE POOL!!" Everyone screamed at once before they all ran to the pool and slammed the door open.

"That's it, you're doing so good sweetums."

"Ursula?" Faciliar raised his brow as he saw Ursula who was using her tentacles to keep Alona above the water while she tried to swim.

"Oh hello fellow villains." She waved. "I don't know what happened, one minute I'm in the ocean then next I'm in this strange little ocean and this child came in and offered me a room."

"Oh good, Alona tried on the swimsuit I made her." Cruella smiled.

"She told me she doesn't know how to swim so I decided to teach her, what a breath of seawater she is. So sweet I could just eat her up." Ursula said gently squeezing Alona's face making her giggle.

"We're just glad she's alright." Facilier said.

"Ursula you can survive without water right?" Jafar asked.

"Of course I can." Ursula scoffed.

"Then dry off, we have much to talk about."

After breakfast, all the villains sat in the living room trying to figure out what the next step is.

Alona was sitting on the floor with Pain and Panic playing jacks until a raven flew in and landed next to her. "Hello bird, can you talk like Iago?"

"Oh boy, guess who's here now." Hades rolled his eyes.

"What nonsense is this?" Maleficent walked in. "Why are we here? Speak now!"

Alona got up and went to Hades who put her on his lap.

"Calm yourself Mally." Ursula waved her off. "We don't know how we got here but enjoy it, this place is paradise."

"We're evil villains you fools!" Maleficent shouted.

"Not here, we don't have to be." Faciliar said laying back. "This is a place where we can relax for once, have everything we've ever wanted."

"You should be striking hearts into the fear of people!"

"I never really liked the sounds of people's screams." Cruella said not even looking up from her knitting.

"Hades! Is that a human child on your lap!"

"So what if it is? You got a problem with that horn head?" Hades snapped before he stood up putting Alona on his hip. "Now listen up dragon breath, you don't wanna be here then leave, and don't let the door smack ya on the way out. But you have nowhere else to do. This isn't our world and if you stay here you got to pull that broomstick out of your butt and join the crew here. If you harm this kid in any way none of us won't only not forgive you, we'll destroy you!"

Maleficent looked at the others but they all were glaring at her and clearly, they all agreed with Hades. "You are all such a disgrace, but if I have nowhere to go and you fools have no idea how to get back then so be it."

The raven crowed and Iago nodded. "Yeah, tell me about it."

This was one of the worse days of Maleficent's life, she was trapped here and her fellow villains have all turned into mush. She went to find the other female villains but they were all with the little girl dressing her up and gushing over her, it made Maleficent sick, but when she found the boys they were all just staring at the backyard.

"A child like that deserves a fine tree house." Gaston said.

"Oh yeah, let's get her something she can fall out of and crack her head open like an egg." Iago disagreed.

"Maybe we can get her a slide to play on or a swing." Facilier suggested.

"We can make a charming little play castle on the ground." Jafar added.

"What is wrong with you fools?"

Everyone turned to Maleficent.

"You are all supposed to be even now you're all having a meeting on how much you can spoil that brat?"

"Don't call her a brat you witch wannabe!" Iago snapped.

"If you keep spoiling a child she's gonna turn into such a nightmare then what?" Maleficent challenged.

"Wow, this is a new low for you." Hades told her. "She's lived in a nightmare her whole life until she killed her family, of course it's seeming like we're spoiling her. SHE HAD NOTHING!! We have no idea how old she is. SHE HAS NO IDEA HOW OLD SHE IS! DO YOU THINK SHE EVER HAD A BIRTHDAY PARTY?! OPENED CHRISTMAS PRESENTS?! WENT OUT FOR HALLOWEEN!? NO! I EVEN HAD TO NAME HER!! YOU CAN BE A EVIL WITCH ALL YOU WANT YOU PURPLE-LOVING FREAK! BUT I WILL NEVER BE THE REASON THAT LITTLE GIRL IS MISERABLE FOR ONE MORE MINUTE OF HER LIFE!!" Hades walked away in full flame while the others walked away from Maleficent besides Jafar. He's dealt with a spoiled princess himself so he got where she was coming from.

"If it becomes a problem we'll deal with it, but that child has been thought more than all of us put together. We are strangers but she invites us into her home and keeps us fed, sheltered, and actually happy for once. Give it a chance here and her Maleficent. You might surprise yourself." With that Jafar left.

Maleficent was still angered with the villains but she kept to herself until Alona walked up to her. "Are you looking for something Miss?"

Maleficent groaned. "Why are you bothering me? Don't you take naps or something?"

"The Shadowman said I shouldn't be taking naps because then I won't sleep at bedtime."

"Where is your magic chamber?" Maleficent asked.

"What's that?" Alona asked.

"It's a place for making curses, hexes, spell books." Maleficent sighed annoyed.

"Oh." Alona took her hand and took her to the library. "Here it is."

Maleficent's shoulders slumped in annoyance. "This is called a library, not a magic chamber." She then spotted something. A book on the table with a girl that looked a lot like the child on the cover. "Who is this?"

"That's me before Hades and the shadow man saved me. My father always cut me open to giving me different things then Hades came and helped me then the shadow man turned me back into how I used to look.'

Maleficent looked through the photos and her hand went up to her mouth as she gasped loudly at what she saw. This girl was made to wear and pose so horribly.

"There you are." Hades walked over.

"Hades, is this really how she was when you found her?" Maleficent asked.

Hades looked and widened his eyes. "Yeah, that's how she was. Wow, I knew this is what happened to her but... to actually see it."

Evil Queen walked in then and picked up Alona. "I believe it's my turn to put the child to bed."

Alona let Evil Queen carry her out and Maleficent turned to Hades. ''So, this is what the parents did?"

"Worse actually, this was how they made money. Hundreds of beds in this place and she had to sleep on the floor, kitchen full of food to feed an army yet they only fed her once a day or not at all. Let being evil go Maleficent, we all did and now we're happy, deal with it for once." Hades told her before leaving.

Maleficent was walking to the room she was given and heard the Evil Queen speaking. Looking into a nearby room she saw the Evil Queen holding Alona up to a mirror. "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the cutest one of all."

Alona giggled before Evil Queen tucked her in and kissed her head before telling Alona her side of her story.

Perhaps this child was different.

Gaston's room

Gaston's Bathroom

Maleficent's Room

Maleficent's Bathroom:

Ursula's Bedroom

Ursula's Bathroom:

Alona's swimsuit

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