That Time Rimuru Got a Daught...

By Asora09

110K 2.8K 1.8K

Rimuru was having to deal with all the paperwork 20 years after the end of the Great Tenma War, and suddenly... More

Chapter 1: P-P-P-Papa?!
Chapter 2: What a terrifying little girl...
Chapter 3: I am not a puppy!
Chapter 4.1: The Aftermath of the Battle
Chapter 4.2: Preparations and Journey
Chapter 4.3 Family Time in Dwargon
Chapter 5: The Teddy Bear Incident
Chapter 6: Purudator?
Chapter 7: Noooooo! We are doomed!
Chapter 8: Nyan~♡!
Dragon-san and Slime-chan①: I AM NOT GOO!
Chapter 9: Run Away~
Chapter 10: Mama lost it.
Chapter 11: Wuv you~
Chapter 12: B-Baka
Chapter 14: POW-POW!
Chapter 15: Checkmate
Interlude: Their respective nights
Chapter 16: Happiness
Chapter 17: The Battlefield of the Strongest Wife
Chapter 18: The Battlefield of the Strongest
Chapter 19: *Ufufufu intensifies*
Chapter 20: The Kidnapping Incident
(Non-canon) Chapter 20: Haa haa, haa haa
Chapter 21: Childish
Special Chapter: Cute and little Santa-chan
Interlude: We're going on vacation!
Let's Go to Earth! ①: I didn't do it, I swear
Let's Go to Earth! ②: Geez, you guys are hopeless~!

Chapter 13: Tch, tch, tch, tch, tch...

2.3K 80 14
By Asora09


(Rimuru's Perspective)

A cruel view was displayed in front of my eyes. It was gruesome, there was really no other way to describe it.

I was really hoping to find a different scene when I arrived, but that was just my wishful thinking. The ground was bathed in blood; the houses and buildings were engulfed in flame; the scent of ashes and burnt flesh filled the air.

And yet, there was not a single soul present. Not only that, but there wasn't even a single body, which would be weird, considering the unreasonable amount of blood spilt everywhere.

"...W-What happened here...?" Benimaru fell to his knees at the unexpected sight. It made sense. Even if he had seen how everybody was getting massacred, there was no way he wouldn't get bewildered if he came back and found literally nobody.

I had already expected this ever since Benimaru arrived at our village and told us they had been attacked by the orcs.

"...This might sound a bit too gruesome to hear, but..." I began to talk nervously. I obviously couldn't hide the information I knew forever. That said, it didn't make it any easier to say, at all. "...They were eaten."

Benimaru turned up to look at me from where he was kneeling. " you mean...?"

"...The bodies. They were eaten. By the orcs." As I said this, Benimaru gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Why do you know that?!" Benimaru stood up in a flash and grabbed me by the collar. There was an indescribable rage in his eyes; it was only natural, considering the situation. "Are you in this together with those pigs?!" He began shaking me, my feet dangling around from the height difference as he held me up.

Beside him, an ogre with white hair looked at us without interfering. He looked very old, and had a japanese-styled sword at his waist. He was none other than Hakuro, who was tasked with Benimaru and the others' safety by the chief of the ogre village. He seemed calm on the outside, but his clenched fist and tight grip on his sword revealed his true feelings. He didn't interfere with Benimaru who was shaking me down as if he was a thug back on Earth. Perhaps he also suspected I had something to do with this.

There was another person, however, who did seem to want to intervene. It was Ciel, who glared at Benimaru with scary eyes. That said, I can't allow this situation to complicate any further, so I sent Ciel a quick admonishing glance to tell her to back down. She did, thankfully, but she was still glaring at Benimaru. The only difference was that she no longer appeared to be entering a battle stance.

"...I am not." I replied simply to Benimaru.

"Then, why...?" His gaze was drawn to the ground, and his grip on my collar seemed to weaken, as my feet were gradually getting closer to the ground.

"An orc lord was born." I began the explanation. "The orc lord has the special characteristic that allows those under his command to obtain properties of the enemies they defeat—by eating them."

"I sent someone from my village to investigate, and we were able to finf that out." After I said that, Benimaru finally lowered me to the ground and fell down to his knees. "...For now, let's head back and rest. There is nothing we can do here anymore." I said with a dejected voice.

It was technically possible to alter this outcome with my skills, but revealing my overpowered and unreasonably unfair skills was not a good move, unless I wanted to catch the world's attention. I do feel bad for Benimaru and the ogres, but it is just too dangerous to reveal my hand like that to the enemy—and to the world. There are some things that are better off unknown.

With that said, I backed away from Benimaru, giving a chance to Hakuro to approach him. They exchanged a few words I decided to ignore, and then Hakura helped Benimaru stand up from his weakened position.

"...Are you sure?" Ciel called out to me as I was about to prompt everyone to leave.

"...Yeah. revealing our hand right now would only call for unwanted attention and danger for Reili and us."

"...I understand." Ciel sounded weird, with her usual intonation. She seemed to read the mood and avoided using any of her usual quirks.

Suddenly, it began raining.

What a depressing night, to be honest. First Luminous and now this, why can't they let us alone, I wonder?

After that, we returned to the Goblin Village along with Benimaru and Hakuro.


After we arrived, the depressed Benimaru was taken away by Hakuro to rest along with the rest of the ogre survivors.

Ciel and I, meanwhile, returned to our home and laid down on the bed side by side. Reili, who had been sleeping in her room in the [Imaginary Space] this entire time, got retrieved by Ciel and was gently placed in between us.

And we just stayed there. Ciel and I both stared at the ceiling while being unable to sleep, just as we did in Dwargon.

Ciel? I began a conversation through [Thought Communication].

Yes? She replied.

...You know, up until tonight, I really hadn't realized just how much power we hold in our hands.

... Ciel remained silent.

Like, I knew we were strong and all that, but being strong and holding the authority that we do are two completely different things.

...Yeah, that's true. It is not as with Guy Crimson, who despite being very strong, holds no authority over this world. Ciel seemed to understand what I was trying ti say.

...Yeah. If we wanted to, we could quite literally change this world however we like. I answered back, sadly. It was possible to do so with the authority I got from Veldanava, and the several unreasonable skills I hold.

...You're thinking about what happened at the ogre village, right? Ciel was able to understand where I was coming from.

...If I wanted to, I could make all of those ogres come back... because I have the power to do so.

... Ciel said nothing.

But even so... I didn't do anything. I clenched my fists under the bedsheets. What is the point of holding so much power, if I can't use it to help those that need it?

...You did nothing wrong, darling. Ciel turned to look at me. You held back because you knew the consequences using those skills would bring.

I know, but... it's just too much to carry with such a responsibility. It is heavy; this amount of power and authority is just too big for a single individual to hold.

Darling, if you are burdened by the power you have, then I will share that burden with you. If you decide to use that power, I will be there and carry the consequences of using it with you. If you decide to hold back from using it like earlier tonight, I will accept that guilt you hold and share it with you; because that is my job, as your wife.

Ciel took my hand in hers as she spoke.

......I see.

That's why, it's okay to depend on me whenever you need it. You're not alone in this world.

...Thanks, Ciel.

Ufufufu, you're welcome.


The next morning, the first thing to do was to have a strategic meeting with Benimaru and the ogres.

"I have already mentioned this to the chief's son, but our enemy has an orc lord in its ranks." Currently, we were in one of the rooms in the Goblin Village. The people present in the room were, Ciel, Rigurd, and I, on one side, and Benimaru, Shion, Souei, Hakuro, Shuna, Kurobe, and some other ogres on the other.

The ogres who had been seriously injured, which were everybody but Benimaru and Hakuro, were treated the previous night and now were in better condition.

"As I am sure many of you are aware from legends and tales, an orc lord is quite the formidable enemy, allowing those under his command to inherit abilities from the enemies they defeat." I said. The others were all paying attention.

"Considering how the ogre village has fallen, the strength of each individual orc in the army is not to be underestimated." I said, implying that the ogres' strength was taken in by the orcs. "And so, we will have to think about how to proceed."

"I suggest we form an alliance to take on the orc army, that is the only way I can imagine us being able to win." With my strength I should be able to defeat them quite certainly, but there was no way I could say that. That, and we also need to gain the cooperation of the lizardmen in order to form the Jura Forest Alliance, so taking on the orc army solo was not a choice.

"And with that said, I propose you all temporarily become my subordinates." Some eyes opened wide at this declaration. I saw how Benimaru was about to object, so I quickly continued talking before he could. "It would only be temporary, while we deal with the orcs. Once that's over, you are free to remain here with us, or go to another part of the forest to live, I don't mind."

Benimaru, who was about to object, backed down and listened closely. After I was done, he spoke quietly. "...May I discuss this alone with my companions?"

"Sure. Kake as much time as you like. Ciel, Rigurd, let's go." After that, all the members of the ogre village were left alone in the room after Ciel, Rigurd, and I left.

"Papa. Mama." Once outside, a cute little voice called out to Ciel and I. It was Reili, of course, wearing quite the crazy bed hair and her pink pajamas that she had used last night. That, and she was talking in a tone of voice that didn't sound happy at all. She was also pouting, in fact.

"Reili? Are you okay?" I called out to her.

"Hmph!" In response, she averted her face from me with all her might.

"Reili?!" I was shocked to be honest. She looked really mad, for some reason. She still looks cute while pouting, though...

"Reili is mad with you two." She said so as she pouted even more. Now even Ciel was shocked.

"H-Honey?" Ciel nervously called out to Reili as she crouched to about her height. Reili just pouted even further and completely turned around from Ciel. "Waaaa! Daaaarling!!! Reili is being a meanieeee!" Ciel turned to look at me with tearful eyes. She looked really sad, I'm not gonna lie.

"R-Reili-sama, any more than this, and Ciel-sama might not be able to resist anymore..." Rigurd seemed worried about the mental damage that Ciel was taking.

"Hmph!" Reili crossed her arms as she ignored Rigurd just like Ciel. Kukuku, it seems it is my turn to show everyone how it's done.

"Reili! Can you tell Papa what's going on?" I said with the utmost confidence. Looking quite smug.

"Ptttttt!" ...the only thing I got from my sweet and beloved daughter was a tongue-out gesture as she tried to mock me. Urgh... this is too much for me to handle, she is rebelling against the authority...

Now it was Ciel and I who were on the ground powerlessly.

"Kuahahaha! What's going on here?" Just as that happened, the Storm Dragon decided it was a good moment to make his appearance.

"Uncle Velora!" She smiled and happily waved at Veldora.

"She is okay with him?!" Ciel and I both shout in unison. Why is he okay with him and not with us?! I am sure Ciel was thinking the same thing. Or well, she probably added "worthless lizard" somewhere in the sentence, but not that it matters, anyway.

I sent a glance at Veldora, and turned back at me and nodded, as if wanting to say, "I understand, leave it to me." ...This is seriously starting to worry me.

"Reili, what is going on he—?! What's up with your hair?! Hahahaha!" Veldora began his argument well enough, but halfway through, he noticed how Reili's hsir was a complete and utter mess, and began laughing at her. It wasn't his usual laughter, but one that cleaely showed he was having the time of his life.

"..." Too bad for him, Reili didn't share his opinion, and so began staring at Veldora with dot eyes. She perhaps thought that she had just gained an ally, only to be instantly betrayed. Life is cruel indeed, Reili.

"R-Reili-chan?" Veldora seemed to sense he had messed up somewhere, and so he started shaking and sweating heavily. Reili was looking at him with eyes as though she was seeing a troublesome bug.

"Tch, tch, tch, tch, tch."

"Reili?!" Ciel and I raised our voice at our daughter who had turned into a tongue-clicking machine.

"...Erm... excuse me?" As we were having our small family quarrel, a voice called out to me from behind. I turned around, and saw Benimaru and the other ogres standing in a line.

Before answering, I quickly sent Ciel a glance. She glanced back at me and nodded, placing the operation, "Make Reili happy," effectively into action. It was something we had planned out just now and organized with a simple exchange of glances. It was something only people with a near-perfect level of coordination could do.

In short, Ciel would find out why Reili was mad, and later we would fix it together, as now I was busy with the ogres.

Thus, Ciel took Reili into her arms with a single movement, and entered the [Imaginary Space] together with her. Veldora also disappeared from the scene, perhaps he was also taken by Ciel into the [Imaginary Space].

"*Cough* *cough* Have you decided already?" I stood up from where I was kneeling and addressed Benimaru and the others with perfect normality. They were looking at me with dot eyes, though, for some reason.

"...Sure. We have decided that we would like to become your subordinates." Benimaru said as he bowed his head. "Please allow us to serve under you from here onward, Rimuru-sama." He and the other ogres then kneeled on one knee in reverence.

"Great. Then, I will all bestow you with some names." I said. The ogres became noisy for a couple seconds in shock, but ultimately, I was able to name them. They had exactly the same names as in the original timeline, with the exception of the few others that weren't present in the main timeline.

I also assigned each one of them with their own task, as I did in the main timeline as well. With this the plans for the future and the establishment of Tempest was proceeding smoothly.

That night, by the way, I had to spend a large amount of time petting and spoiling Reili before she was able to forgive me and Ciel for leaving her alone in bed as we woke up early in the morning. I was always observing her with [Universal Perception], but it seemed that wasn't enough and she felt lonely when she woke up without us in bed.

The following days were peaceful, with a lot of training and strategy planning for the upcoming conflict. That was our routine until...

"Thank you for greeting me! I will give this village, too, the chance to submit to my rule and authority. I hope you will consider it an honor!"

Crap! I forgot about the arrogant lizard!


Short, I know, but have mercy on me.

I won't say this was a busy week, because it definitely was not. To be honest, I have been lazing around the entire week and didn't feel like writing. Or well, I did write, but not something related to this fanfic.

Most of the time I spent it rereading one of my favorite light novels—not Tensura—starting a new manga, farming SQ, and watching the end of the Spring anime season. It was quite the good season, I'm not gonna lie. If you watched it, what was your favorite show? I think mine was Date a Live IV or Deaimon, in case anybody watched any of those two.

Regardless, I guess I have nothing else to say, so I hope we meet again in the next chapter! Bye!

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