
By lifeless_soul

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

23.9K 717 157
By lifeless_soul

                When I was 4 years old I loved playing with Barbie, dolls and all those other pretty action figures that make girls have body image issues. Tinker Bell was my favorite because she is just so cute and sparkly with pretty wings. Those fairies seemed amazing to me since somewhere deep down I knew they didn't exist, and that thought made them even more fantastic. We always want what we can't have and I wanted wings because I knew I couldn't have them. Now becoming an angel has changed all of that for me, it has ruined my childhood fantasy because it actually came true.

                You know how those fairies carry their selves so gracefully, like their wings weigh nothing, well mine weigh like a ton and I hate them. At the most unexpected moment they decide to make an appearance and it's really pissing me off.

              "Wow that was an unexpected turn of events, I take it that you're not used to your wings yet?" Dwayne—the hot mysterious guy said, holding back a laugh.

              "Obviously genius, why else do you think I would randomly bring out my wings?" I said, with a roll of my eyes.

             "Don't they teach you that in that school?" he asked, pointing towards the general direction of the school, I nodded.

           "I just got here so I haven't really taken any classes yet, but I hope I learn soon because these wings are annoying." Dwayne chuckled.

           A thought nagged at my mind, making my steps falter a little. What am I doing with a strange guy in the middle of nowhere? What if he is one of those conniving demons I keep hearing about? Yeah, us power angels are civil with demons because we are supposed to work together, but demons are known for their strange fetishes and dangerous pranks. I have to be careful; I just hope he isn't a demon.

           "So, Mr. Tour-guide, are you an angel as well?" I asked, casually, secretly hoping that he is.

            "Well, yeah...sort of." I frowned at his vague reply, bumping my shoulder against his.

       "Oh, come on! You have got to give me more than that, you know almost everything about me...well not really, but you know who I am," I pleaded, giving him my puppy-dog eyes.

          "And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell, you know you love me, xoxo Gossip Girl," he said with a high-pitched voice and a straight face. For a moment my mouth formed an 'O' before I started laughing so hard that I had to clutch my stomach.

          "As unexpected and totally hilarious that was, I still want to know what you really are, come on it can't be that bad....unless you are like a dinosaur or something—actually that would be pretty cool." I rambled on.

          He sighed, "I am an angelus lapsus." His reply made my frown deepen.

         "English please?" he chuckled before telling me it means "fallen angel".

          Dwayne then explained to me that a fallen angel is an angel who neither decides to be not an angel nor becomes a demon. They are the in-betweens, so they do have wings but instead of a nice white color they are black. If he ever decides to become a demon, his wings will vanish and will be replaced by horns. At that information, I imagined him with goat-like horns and burst out laughing, at which he gave me a weird look. What can I say, I am a charmer.

        "If you don't mind me asking, why did you decide to become a fallen angel? What made you fall." He stopped walking, I looked up to see that he had a hard look on his face, his striking blue eyes were icy, almost chilling me to the bone. I gulped, looking down at my feet. "I-I am so sorry I shouldn't have..." he placed his finger on my lips, making me feel a warm sensation inside my stomach.

         "You know I have always been this very bad-ass lone wolf, I mean I had friends well more like bitches, but not a friend I could talk to. So, I am trying to be sociable okay? Give me some time I will spit my guts to you someday." I smiled and nodded.

          "I am flattered that you trust me so much to actually want to open up to me, but may I ask why do you want to share your life secrets with a stranger?" he grinned at me mischievously, making me wary.

          "I don't know if I should tell you, but I will anyways, the thing is when I was an angel my special power was the ability to see the future. Like I look at a place and a picture engrains in my mind of what is going to happen there." I looked at him, totally confused, making him chuckle.

          "I was walking by Sempiternal Seraglio—or as I like to call it, SS..."

        "Holy crap! I call it SS too," I squealed happily, he glanced at me with an amused expression and I gestured for him to carry on.

        "...yeah so when I looked towards the gates I saw the "future you" jumping across the gates. That's why the day you arrived I already knew you were going to, and I helped you reach the other side of the gates," he smiled, as if he is holding back a secret no one knows, but I am not going to ask him about it, he told me this much he will tell me more when the time is right, I suppose.

        "But that still doesn't answer my question, why are you talking to me?" He raised his eyebrows, "I mean I enjoy your company, but no one just randomly starts talking to a stranger just because they saw them trying to jump a gate." I poked his chest accusingly and he just laughed at me.

        "Sorry gorgeous, can't tell you everything," I pouted, feigning hurt, but I know he saw right threw my act because he just rolled his eyes.

         "By the way, where are we going? We have been walking for a long time now. Are you planning on pushing me off of a cliff or something? Because I know some things about you?" I asked jokingly. I expected him to laugh, but he looked me in the eyes with a stern look. I gulped, backing away.

        With a blink of an eye I was running away as fast as I could. Why did I come so far with a stranger? O my god I am going to die! I kept running, feeling a whooshing wind sound behind me. I stopped for a second to catch my breath—instead of breathing however, I completely froze, standing stock still, gazing admiringly at the sight before me.

       An endless sapphire blue sea stretched ahead of me, surrounded by high mountains and white sand. I realized that I was standing on one of the mountains that were surrounding the beautiful sea. I was mesmerized by this sight; it was the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. I bet the dusk and dawn looks breath-taking from this very place. I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice that someone was standing right behind me until I heard a whispered, "boo" right next to my ears, making me jump.

        I shrieked very loudly and the sound echoed throughout the entire forest. My eyes were popped shut, when I opened them Dwayne—the murderer—was standing there, with his hands covering up his ears. Before I could start running again he grabbed my arm, pulling me against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, putting his forehead against mine, and just gazed into my eyes. I was star-struck, I knew his eyes were pretty and blue, but up close I could see flecks of gold in them, and their depth took my breath-away. All too soon he pulled apart, taking my hand in his and started walking up closer to the beautiful sea. I tried to get my hand free from his hold—not because it felt weird, but it felt too good, when it really shouldn't—but I couldn't because his hold was too strong.

      "Look, I am sorry I ran away like that, but you have to understand I don't want to die! I am too young, I haven't even had my CW kiss** yet! I need to have that passionate love affair I have always dreamt of before dying, you have got to..." he shut me up by covering my mouth with his large hand. If that is even possible, my eyes got even bigger, fear nipping at my senses, making me a little woozy.

       "I didn't know you were that stupid! What the hell were you thinking? I was just kidding! Do you know wild animals roam freely around this forest? God you are a complete airhead, you know what? Whatever, go get killed by a wild animal. I don't care." He started walking away from me, I watched him walk away, not knowing what to do I ran after him and jumped on his back. He toppled a little, before grabbing my thighs in his hands.

       "I am so sorry! I am an idiot, it's just that we just met you know, and it's crazy how comfortable I am around you. I thought it was just too good to be true so I just freaked! Please forgive me," I begged. He didn't say anything for a moment before nodding his head. I chirped happily thanking him, and wrapped my arms around his torso in a big hug. He laughed at my childish behavior, squeezing my hand. It feels so weird to be around this guy, it's like we were meant to get to know each other. I don't know what else he has seen in our future, but I am sure it will be lovely. "Hey, where were you taking me before...um I freaked out?"

        "Shoot! We are going the wrong way." He turned around and started walking back to the way we came. I rested my head on his shoulder, stifling a yawn. Damn roommates woke me up so early in the morning.

       "Sleepy?" Dwayne asked and I nodded my head. "You know you should eat more, you barely weigh anything."

       "What? I weigh a lot; maybe you're just super strong. My ex-boyfriend had severe back pain after he carried me this one time." I hate thinking about him, he was such a wiener, and he called me a bitch because I was mad that he was cozying up to another girl. Yeah boyfriend, do kiss that whore with your nasty lips, I don't mind.

       "I think he your ex-boyfriend was a wiener, I mean you're so light, if it wasn't for your arms around me I wouldn't have known that someone is on my back." I almost kissed him; he is so sweet for saying that. He called him a wiener just like i did...Can he read minds or something?

          "Awwh you're awesome." He chuckled, putting me down. I frowned, about to ask that if I am so light why did he put me down. Before I could say anything he turned my head to the side with his hand and I found myself standing in front of the beautiful sea again, I wonder what the actual name of this place is.

         "This is the Lover's Valley, it is said that if you yell your name out to this place, it replies with the name of the person you love. Want to try it out?" I gave him a skeptical look before shrugging.

        "How about I yell your name and then you can do the same to mine?" he nodded his head, I took a deep breath, getting ready to yell. "DWAYNE!" I yelled. I waited for like 5 minutes, but got nothing back. "Well, you sure are bitter, don't you love anyone?"

         He knocked his fist on my forehead lightly, "I do love people, but this valley is for lovers, so, it only tells you the name of your lover, as for now I don't have one," he explained. Well, I don't think I love anyone either, so, I don't think the valley will say anything back. "Okay, my turn. ANGELA!" Once again we waited for a bit before I heard the valley yell—or more like whisper—"Dwayne".

          My eyes bulge open in shock. I don't love this guy! This valley is crazy. Dwayne started cackling next to me, I turned to face him and he laughed even more. I just glared at him, but it didn't stop his laughter.

       "You should have seen your face! It was priceless. Oh god my stomach..." I punched his aching belly, feeling the hard muscles under my finger. My hand wanted to linger there for a bit, but I controlled myself and started to walk in the opposite direction. I heard footsteps behind me, but decided to ignore it. I wasn't really mad at him, I was madder at myself, because when I thought the valley whispered Dwayne's name I had this weird feeling in my stomach. A lot like butterflies and I want nothing to do with them. My heart has been broken way too many times, all I want to do here at SS is to embrace my alter ego as an angel and just do my duties without getting involve with some guy I don't even know.

                "Angel I am sorry, I know it wasn't funny, you don't even know the way back let me give you a piggy-back ride there." I am like the laziest person on earth also probably the hungriest, I eat all the time. Good thing I have a high metabolism, or I think all angels have a high metabolism since I haven't seen an overweight angel here yet.

                The whole way to SS Dwayne and I talked about random things, or he said some random thing every so often and I just yapped away with him. All of my life I thought I was the weirdest person on earth, but here I truly belong because they are just as much—if not more—weirder than I am. The thought made me grin like an idiot.

                "Here we are my lady, so I am assuming all your fun classes of the day are already over, I think you probably have the "learning how to fly" class at this time. If you run all the way down the hallway right after you open the open and turn left you will find that class." I gaped at him, with my mouth slightly open. How the hell does he know what class I have, much less the location of it? Before I could ask him all these questions, he came closer and pulled me into a big hug, startling me. After a moment of shock I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest as he placed his head on mine. "I know you have a lot of questions Angel, but I can't answer all of them right now, I got to go, but I promise we will be spending a lot of time together, very soon." I nodded my head, pulling apart.

                I waved him goodbye before making my way inside. I slowly closed the door behind me, stealthily tip-toeing inside when I felt a hand touch my arm. I glanced back and saw dear Andrea standing there with her arms folded across her chest, giving me a questioning look. I returned her look with a guilty one, smiling at her sheepishly.

                "I am so glad to see you Andy, don't you look mighty fine this morning." I checked my wrist for my invisible watch, making a tch-tch sound. "Oh would you look at that, I am late for my flying class!"

                "Ah so that's why your wings are already out?" She questioned and I nodded, fast. "You're such a bad liar, the trick is to just think about your human form." I close my eyes, thinking about my wingless form, a moment passed before they were gone. I hugged the life out of her, in a similar manner than I did to Principal Clarkson.

                "Okay if you're done choking me, we should get going; you're almost late for your flying class." My eyes lit up in excitement, learning how to fly must be the only thing I have been excited to do. Looping my arm through Andrea's I started walking, leading the way, which confused Andrea, and made me smile smugly. Well I shouldn't be so smug it's not like I remembered, it was all Dwayne.

                I was surrounded by squealing pretty girls—or should I say angels? While they were all very excited, I was ready to puke out the cheerios I had this morning. Why? It's because currently I was supposed to observe while my teacher—Mr. Schneider—was flying above my head. I don't have acrophobia, I love rollercoasters, and bungee jumping, but flying seems scary. Only my wings will be there to project me from falling and if I lose concentration, I am screwed. Taking a huge gulp I stood in front on the fake mountain in class and jumped upwards, ready to fly.

A/N: alright not proof-read...so yesterday my family found out i write...they are always questioning me whenever i am typing something. I kind of want to give up i mean i managed to write 1 complete story...anyways enjoy!

**CW kiss: kisses that are super cliche and sappy like the ones that happen on like every show on CW TV. I am so sorry I am explaining this so late :D

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