Cafe AU (NetaxReader)

By kiweedles

596 15 3

Listen...I have no real plans for this, but I wanted to post it separately just in case I decide to do more... More

New in Town

First Date

176 7 0
By kiweedles

Neta is very awkward. How did he even manage to set this date up without passing out...who knows.


You stood in the park fiddling with your phone. You'd told Neta to pick you up here instead of your house. Not that you thought he was the murdering type, but better safe than sorry. You looked up when you heard a car stop nearby.

Neta popped up from the driver's side of the car and stared at you for a moment before making his way over to you. He was dressed slightly more casual than usual, but still made you feel underdressed.

"You should've told me I needed to dress up." You looked down at your outfit, but Neta immediately shook his head.

"Oh no no, you're perfect! I mean, the clothes are...I mean..." He tripped over his own words and you couldn't help but laugh. He looked away, his ears flushing red. "I just mean you look great."

"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself." You smiled and he stammered out a 'thank you'.

"Well, I guess we should get g-going then." Neta motioned to his car, and you followed him to it. He opened the door for you and you slid inside.

"So what's the plan for tonight? I don't think you mentioned it before." You questioned Neta as he got into the car.

"Oh right. I was thinking dinner at an Indian restaurant. I hope that's okay. I know it's a little late for dinner. Since this was all kind of last minute, I had a hard time finding a reservation." He glanced at you apprehensively.

"That sounds perfect. I can't wait to try it." You reassured him and he relaxed slightly. He started to drive and you glanced down at your phone again.

You still hadn't heard anything from Evi in hours. It was hard not to worry about her knowing how much she liked to downplay things. You scrolled through the messages again.

"Hopefully it's a good restaurant. Since I just moved here I don't really know what the best places to go are yet." He laughed awkwardly. "M-maybe you can help me with that." He chewed his lip, glancing at you again.

You looked back through Evi's messages, trying to will a new message to appear. You sent her another one asking how she's feeling but it stayed on delivered. Your finger tapped anxiously against the side of the phone.

"Um...Y/N. S-sorry if I'm boring you already." Neta mumbled, and your attention was pulled out of your phone. You hadn't even realized he'd been speaking to you.

"I'm so sorry, Neta. I'm just a little distracted." You felt awful for ignoring him and right at the start of the date.

"Is everything okay?" He asked and you stared down at your phone again.

"It's just my friend, the girl I work with. She called out sick today and I haven't been able to get in touch with her, so I'm just a little worried." You sighed, checking the messages again. You startled as Neta quickly slowed the car and pulled over, putting it in park.

"Does she live nearby? Do you want to check on her?" He turned to you, his eyebrows knit together.

"W-well...she lives a few minutes away. I don't want to ruin our date though. It's okay, really." You smiled, but he shook his head.

"If you're worried, then you should check on her. We can always go out another time...if you want to. Your friend should come first." Neta didn't look like he was going to take no for an answer and you honestly felt relieved. As much as you wanted to go on the date, you knew you wouldn't be able to fully enjoy it tonight.

"Thank you, Neta." You smiled and he nodded. You gave him the address, and he started off towards Evi's apartment.

"Oh wait!" He pulled into a convenience store and got out of the car. "One second, just wait here!" He ran inside the store before you could respond. You watched him through the large windows, scurrying back and forth across the store. After a couple minutes he came out with a large bag in his hand.

"What's all this?" You asked as he got in the car, handing you the bag.

"Well...I forgot to ask what she was sick with, so I just bought a bunch of different medicine. Plus she's probably dehydrated, so I got some water. Then I thought she would need something to eat, but I didn't know what she likes, so I started grabbing random things and I-"

"Neta." You cut off his ramblings and he shut his mouth, not looking away from the road. "It's all perfect, thank you." You looked through the bag at the random assortment of items and smiled.

After another few minutes, you pulled up to the apartments. Neta rushed out of the car to open your door for you. You tried calling Evi's phone but there was no response.

"I'll walk you to the door, if that's okay, I mean. Just to make sure you're safe. I don't want to impose." He waved his hands.

"You're not imposing. Come on, it's just over here." The two of you walked to the apartment, and you knocked on the door. There was no answer, so you knocked again, a little louder. After another moment, the door unlocked and Evi peeked out.

"Evi! You didn't answer my texts, I was so worried! Are you okay?" You looked her over as she opened the door up wider. Her face was flushed and her eyes slightly glazed over.

"Sorry...I'm tired." She glanced up at Neta, her face contorting with confusion. "Neta? Am I hallucinating?" She looked back at you.

"Nope, he's really here. And we brought you some things to help you feel better." You put your arm around her and walked into the apartment. Neta hovered awkwardly outside the door. "Come on, lock the door behind you." You looked over your shoulder at him, jerking your head towards the inside of the apartment.

Neta startled, hesitating a moment before following behind you. You helped Evi to her bed and tucked her in. Her forehead was burning up. Digging through the bag, you found some medicine for her fever and gave it to her.

"Thank you, Y/N. You're the best friend ever." She reached up, slapping your cheeks lightly, her eyes rolling around sleepily.

"Mhm. Next time, just tell me you need help, dummy." You took her hands and lay them down on the bed.

"I'm so glad you're here with Neta too. I knew you two would start dating." She sighed contentedly and a fierce heat spread through your cheeks.

"W-what are you saying, Evi. We're not dating." You laughed awkwardly, glancing at Neta. He was staring wide eyed at the two of you, his face beet red. "J-just ignore her. It's the fever talking."

"R-right. Of course." He looked off into the corner, fiddling with a button on his shirt.

"If you're not dating, then what are you doing together, hm?" She closed her eyes, snuggling into her sheets.

" was just one date, okay? And it didn't even happen so hush." You leaned down, whispering into her ear. Evi just smiled lazily before seeming to drift to sleep.

You looked over at Neta who was lingering in the doorway, trying to look at anything but you. You stood up and walked over to him, placing a hand on his arm. He jumped, turning to look at you.

"I-is she okay?" He glanced at Evi, sleeping peacefully.

"Seems like she's got a pretty bad fever. I'd like to hang around for a bit to keep an eye on her. You can go home if you want to. I can always find another ride."

"I can stay. I mean, I want to stay, if that's okay?"

"It's definitely okay. I'd love the company." You led him out into the living room and you both sat on the couch. You turned the TV on and found a random movie to put on. "Sorry about our date. I'm sure this isn't what you had planned for tonight."

"It's fine. I'm just glad you were able to check on your friend." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and fiddling with his fingers.

"Hey." You put your hand on his arm, and he turned his head to look at you. "I really appreciate what you did tonight. It was really sweet of you." You smiled, and he flushed, giving you a small nod.

"It was nothing. I just wanted to help."

"Well, it was something to me." You relaxed into the couch. "I guess our dinner date turned into a movie date." You glanced at the TV. The movie wasn't interesting at all but you were struggling to focus on it, anyway.

"Looks like it." Neta stared down at the floor.

"Neta, you can relax, you know? I'm not going to bite you." You laughed and he groaned, covering his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. You're beautiful and nice and-" He rambled into his hands.

"And interested in you. So stop worrying so much." He moved his hands and sighed, slumping back against the couch.

"Right. No worrying. I'll do that." He stared at the ceiling and you could almost see the anxious storm inside his head.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." You hopped up from the couch and rushed into the kitchen. You knew that Evi always kept a bottle of wine around. You made a mental note to replace it. Grabbing the bottle and two glasses you went back into the living room.

"Wine?" Neta raised his eyebrows.

"Yup. This should help you relax a little." You sat back down and filled the glasses, handing one to Neta. He wasted no time nearly downing the entire glass in one go.

Neta's free hand sat near yours on the couch and you inched your fingers closer to it. When you touched him, he jumped, looking over at you.

You turned his hand so that you could twine your fingers together with his. He didn't pull away, instead squeezing your hand tightly. You smiled, scooting closer to him and resting your head on his shoulder.

You spent the next couple of hours drinking and chatting, working hard to get Neta to open up. The wine bottle was completely empty now and he seemed significantly more relaxed.

"Wait wait wait, so you're actually the boss in your office? You tell people what to do? You?" You looked up at him, holding in a laugh.

"Pretty shocking, I know." He smiled. "I guess I'm pretty good at it since they took the trouble of moving me here and all."

"I can't even imagine it." You tried to picture Neta bossing a bunch of people around and laughed out loud. "Go on then, show me how you do it."

"S-show you? You want me to act like your boss?" Neta stuttered for the first time in ages. You held his hand on your lap, running your other fingers across the back of his hand.

"Mhm, give me your best commanding voice." You teased, bumping him with your shoulder. Neta looked down at you. His green eyes stayed connected with yours. You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or something more but you suddenly felt very hot.

"Commanding?" He spoke softly, his freckled cheeks flushed. Neta reached up and cradled your cheek in his hand. You held your breath. "Y/N...." Neta leaned in, his breath brushing against your lips.

"Yes?" Your heart raced and his hand slid around to the side of your head, moving down your neck.

"Close your eyes." You felt a flutter in your stomach and you quickly obeyed. Neta's lips were so close that you could feel them barely ghosting against your own. There was only a moment of hesitation before he finally pressed his lips against yours.

The taste of wine lingered on his tongue as you parted your lips and allowed him to deepen the kiss. Pressing your hands against Neta's chest you grasped at his shirt, twisting your fingers into the fabric. You knew it wasn't wise to take things any further right now. Not only were you both obviously a little drunk, but you were on Evi's couch.

Neta's arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. Your foggy brain fought against your body and, in the end, your body won. Slinging your leg across him, you sat yourself on Neta's lap.

Your fingers tangled into his hair, pulling his head backwards. You sucked his bottom lip between yours, pulling it towards you. Neta's fingers gripped tightly to your thighs and you rolled your hips against him, a small choked noise escaping from his mouth.

"Y/N..." Neta broke the kiss, his voice breathy. "I don't know if this is a g-good idea." Leave it to Neta to be the voice of reason, even when drunk. You thumped your forehead gently against his and sighed loudly.

"You're right." You wrapped your arms around his body and leaned forward, resting your weight on him and snuggling your head against his neck. When you thought about how your date would go tonight this was not even close to what you'd imagined. Even getting a kiss from him seemed like it wouldn't even be a sure thing. You made a mental note to take it easy on the drinking next time.

"That's...not what I do in the office, by the way." Neta wrapped his arms around you and you could feel his voice rumbling in his chest as he spoke.

"I should hope not." You giggled and he rested his head on yours. Your eyes felt heavy as you listened to Neta's steady breathing. He was warm and something about the way your bodies fit together felt perfect.

If your mind was clearer you're sure you would have scolded yourself for feeling this way. You still weren't sold on the idea of another relationship right now, not after how the last one ended. Being vulnerable and risking getting your heart broken again wasn't exactly an appealing notion.

Images of your ex came into your mind and you quickly shooed them away, not wanting to sour your mood. It's not like you had to make any choices right now. You'd just enjoy Neta's company for now. You took a deep breath, breathing in Neta's woody scent. All the energy seemed to drain from you instantly and before you knew it you were drifting off to sleep.

- - -

"Y/N!?" Evi squeaked and your eyes shot open. You sat up suddenly, slamming your head into Neta's chin and eliciting a pained grunt from him. Looking around in confusion, you realized you were still in Evi's apartment and the sun was streaming through the blinds.

"Oh my god. Neta, are you okay?" You grabbed his face, looking at the big red mark now forming from your headbutt.

"I'm f-fine." He stammered, his hands hovering awkwardly around you without touching you. You were still sitting on his lap but without the boost of courage from the alcohol, he seemed to be unable to cope.

"I thought I hallucinated the two of you coming here!" Evi stared at you in a panic, her hair a tangled mess on her head.

" was real. We just wanted to check on you and bring you some medicine but I guess we fell asleep." You answered, feeling Neta shift uncomfortably underneath you.

"Y/N...." Neta mumbled.

"Wait wait, why are you two together....Wait!" Evi gasped, covering her mouth, her eyes lighting up. It seemed her memories from earlier were a blur.

"Evi, let's talk about it later, plea-"

"Y/N!" Neta raised his voice in a panic.

"What is it?" You turned to look at him, your eyes wide. He squirmed under you again and you could feel something hard pressing against you. Your cheeks burned when you realized what it was.

"P-please...get off of me." Neta covered his face with his hands and you scrambled off of his lap.

"I'm sorry, Neta." You moved back as he stood up, awkwardly trying to cover himself. "I...didn't realize...."

"It's fine. I'm fine. I...should go." He glanced at Evi who was watching the exchange in confusion. "Evi, I'm glad you seem to be feeling better. Sorry for intruding." He gave a small bow. Evi thanked him and you and Neta shuffled stiffly to the front door.

"I'll get a ride home from here. I don't want to cause you any more trouble today." You gave him a half smile, looking down at the ground.

"If you're sure. You haven't caused me any trouble though." Neta walked outside and you lingered in the doorway.

"I'll text you." You bit your lip, suddenly feeling nervous for some reason. Neta turned to face you and nodded.

"I'll text you too. I mean, after you text me. Or before. Who knows...." He trailed off, laughing awkwardly. You smiled, reaching out and grabbing the front of his shirt. You pulled him down to you and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Bye." You whispered against his lips. Neta hesitated for a moment before placing another quick kiss on your lips and then hurrying away.

"Bye!" He called out as he speedily made his way to his car. You closed the door, turning around and leaning against it, a wide smile plastered across your face. Evi was standing in the hall behind you, arms crossed.

"Alright, tell me everything."


I'm tempted to add some b plot with relationships between other characters. Cause honestly I'd love for Evi's canon relationship to happen in this if Mot was around and saw YB being a creepy jerk to Evi he'd get his jaw broken.

still deciding who y/n's ex is gonna be...the poll on twitter seems to be leaning towards making it a character i've written about before instead of someone new. that doesn't leave a lot of options because most of them are very good boys that wouldn't hurt y/n like that 🤔 maybe Saleos if i used his "pre-Neta" personality. JUST THINKING OUT LOUD RN

ANYWAY, thanks for reading <3

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