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By 12I_didnt_ask34

456 42 221

"๐–๐ก๐ฒ ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐œ๐ค๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐‘๐Ž๐– ๐”๐ ๐Š๐„๐๐๐˜?" "..." ... More



95 10 62
By 12I_didnt_ask34

Chapter 2: Fights and bloody noses

𝓒𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓰 𝓣𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻


Ah seriously? Clyde just HAD to tell the whoke fucking school Craig was fighting someone again. It's like it's that boy's fucking destiny or something. Seriously he needs help. Boom. A hit to the jaw. Craig felt his blood trickle down his chin. He looked at the boy to whom he was fighting. Craig saw the crowd Clyde brought as they stared and watched.

"C'mon Tucker you gonna hit me or what!?" The boy said. This boy wasn't a well known boy actually. He's name was Brimmy. He's still sixteen. Everyone always used to confuse Craig with Brimmy and it always pissed Craig off. But for some reason it always gave Brimmy a sense of satisfaction. Fucking weirdo. He used to have brown hair similar to Cartman but he dyed strips of it blonde. His hair grew more making his hair stick out more making it look more fluffy. Along with it grew in the back a little.

His hair sorta covers his toxic looking green eyes and he still wears the same shit from childhood. Craig sighed hard. He hated Brimmy. He got in his nerves so much. It was his fault that this fight was even formed.




Brimmy was smoking weed in his car. Ah. How much he loved getting stoned at school. Suddenly Craig pulled him out of his car and threw him on the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?" Brimmy screamed as he got up and got all up in Craig's face. Craig grabbed his collar and pushed him against one of the nearby cars. Which so happened to be Mr. Garrison's car. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU STEAL IT!?"

Craig yelled as he clinched his teeth. Pure anger in his eyes. Brimmy smirked. Heh. Forgot to mention he had a thing for stealing other people's weed. "Awww~ What Craiggy? Did I still your little weedy weed again~? You going to bitch about it?" Craig felt anger boil up in him. Can't believe he got his weed stolen. AGAIN! By THIS kid. The youngest in this grade.

"WHERE IS IT!?" Brimmy sighed as he looked sideways. "Smoked it" the sixteen year old said with a shrug. Right after Brimmy said that Craig threw the first punch. Little did they know Clyde was in the parking lot coming back from getting his lunch when he saw the first few couple of punches thrown. And that's how it started.


Craig stood there as he glared at Brimmy. "You fucking little bitch!" Craig yelled as he tackled Brimmy to the ground. They both wrestled on the floor for a bit as Clyde, of course, was hyping up the crowd. "OOOOOO FUCK HIM UP CRAIG! FUCK HIM UP!" Soon it turned into a chant. "FUCK HIM UP! FUCK HIM UP! FUCK HIM UP!" The crowd seemed to sing in unison.

But it wasn't music to Craig's ears. If anything the chanting stung his ears. Finally. Craig got on top of Brimmy and started punching him. Over. And over. And over again. A pool of dark red blood now on the pavement and dripping from Craig's fist.

"Alright break it up! Break it up! Mk!" Craig felt himself getting pulled off by Mr. Mackey. Craig was still trying to get a good last punch but got over powered and pulled away. Token came running out of the crowd to pull Brimmy away. "Now! You two boys go to the principal's office! NOW! As for the rest of you, whoever is still standing here in the next 10 seconds will serve detention after school!"

The crowd groaned as they all started heading inside. Craig started walking as he checked himself in the reflection of a nearby car. Pretty sure it was one of the teacher's. Damnit that little fucker could've broke his jaw. And he has a black eye..at least Brimmy has a really bad bloody nose. As Craig was examining himself he noticed someone in the reflection. Fucking..Kenny McCormick?

"Pretty boy got fucked up ey?" Kenny said walking over with his hands in his pockets. Craig rolls his eyes. "Nah.. it's nothing..and don't call me pretty boy, whore." Craig tried to brush down his fucked up hair with his hands as Kenny gave him a smile...like he was getting aroused by the fact Craig told him not to call him "pretty boy" and called him a "whore" to top the icing on the cake.

"Mmm...~ whatever Tucker see you around.." Kenny started to walk away towards the building. 'Yea go kick some fucking rocks McWhoremick'


"FIGHTING IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT!??!" Principal Victoria exclaimed. Her blonde curly hair shining at it's fullest. She face palmed. "Jesus...is the parking lot where all the stuff goes down for you kids?" The two immature boys were confused. "What's that supposed to mean?" Brimmy boldly asked. The woman looked at the smoker. "Today one of the teachers caught Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick smoking in the school parking lot this morning."

Brimmy started giggling while Craig just looked like he was done with life. He did smile a bit though. 'Fucking stupid bitches'. Suddenly the door opened to reveal Mr. Mackey with..Clyde? "Principal Victoria I just found out that Mr. Donovan here was the one who instagated this fight and even posted a video of it online."

Clyde just looked embarrassed but still managed to make a goofy smile. "Really now!? Mr. Donovan come sit down now!" Clyde rolls his eyes and walks over. "Mis where do I sit there is literally no chairs." Principal Victoria just looked so tired and pissed and stressed out as she covered her face with his hand. "I don't know Clyde just stand."

Clyde looked disappointed that he needed to stand but accepted it.

The blonde woman looked through all the files of the boys. Clyde of course has a single father.. his mother died while he was in 4th grade. Poor kid. He's popular. Eighteen. Good grades actually. He plays for the basketball team. Nice. No criminal record besides instagating fights. Well. He did cheat a few times but that doesn't matter.

Next. Craig. Mr. Tucker has two parents and a little sister. He's also pretty popular especially with the ladies. Seventeen. Decent grades. He doesn't really do sports. Surprising they could use a strong guy like Craig. But he sadly uses that strength to get into fights especially with Brimmy.

Lastly. Brimmy. He's a orphan and was in the foster care system before he was eight but got adopted by his grandfather. Not popular at all. No one really notices him. Sixteen. Wait sixteen? "Your still sixteen Brimmy?" He nodded. "I have a pretty late birthday..." She nodded. Bad grades. Almost like Cartman's.. no sports. And does weed and gets into fights with Craig and others.

After reading she puts the files away as she puts her both arms on the desk and leans her head on her hands. Clearing her throat she looked at the boys below her. "Now. You two boys need to get along. I'm tired of you always being up here. Brimmy stop smoking weed. Craig stop getting into fights. And Clyde- OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" Clyde looks over and gives his usual goofy smile as he slips his phone in his pockets. "Clyde..pay attention to things. Please stop thinking the world revolves around you because it doesn't. And stop instagating fights for you own personal gain. Your a man now. It's time you Grow up"

For some reason those words stung Clyde in the heart. He just looked down not looking at the woman. Craig noticed this but looks away. "For your guy's punishment for your unacceptable behaviors, detention for two weeks!" They all groaned and tried to protest and blame one another but she didn't want to hear none of it and sent them all in their way.




Surprisingly alot of kids we're in detention today. There was of course Brimmy and Clyde. And Cartman and Kenny. Sometimes Craig likes to think Cartman and Kenny fucking lives here since they get into so much trouble. Then lastly there was Butters. Craig sighed as he sat down next to Clyde. Clyde was on his phone looking through he's DMs on Snapchat.

Mr. Mackey then walked in as Clyde quickly put his phone away. "Now I want you boys to think about what you've done! I'll be back in an hour." The 40 year old man then walked out of the classroom and closed the door behind him.

"Hey you! What's your face!" Cartman yelled. Was he talking to Brimmy? Cartman got annoyed due to the fact he was getting ignored. "You! The one that looks like Craig!" "His name is Brimmy, Eric!" Butters informed smiling. Cartman gave Butters a half eyed response. "Brimmy! Brimmy you fucker!" Cartman yelled. Finally, Brimmy took out one of his airpods and turned to Cartman. "Oh my God what?"

Cartman smirked. "You got weed on you?" Brimmy shook his head. "No I smoked it all before getting in a fight with that asshole." Brimmy pointed his thumb in back of him. Towards Craig. Cartman sighed. "You useless price of shit." He then slouches in his chair. 20 minutes went by and Craig began to grow bored. "Hey Craig you going to the game tonight?" Clyde asked looking over smiling. Craig shook his shoulders.

"Probably not." Clyde's face dropped a little. "Whyyyy?" Craig rolls his eyes. "Because I hate football." The Ravin hair boy rolls his eyes in annoyence. It's true he hated football with a passion and couldn't see how people could get so worked up over something the doesn't even matter. Clyde didn't want to give up hope though. "Please! C'mon!" Craig shook his head getting more annoyed. "No Clyde! Fucking ask Token or Jimmy maybe Tweek to go."

Clyde glared at him. "Token is going to some rich party tonight. Jimmy is doing his stand up comedy shit and Tweek is helping at the coffee shop." Craig scoffed while looking to the side. "Guess you have to go alone." Clyde eyes dropped a bit. "Please Craig? I swear I won't ask you again if you go!" Craig sighed and bit as he looked down. Jesus he felt kinda bad. If Craig was being honest Token, Jimmy and Tweek haven't really been hanging out with the two for a while.

Not because they're assholes, not at all.. it's just because they have been growing up? If that's how you could say it? Token has a girlfriend now and going to all these rich parties because he's rich. Jimmy has been getting better at stand up comedy and began to spend most of his time practicing for them. And Tweek has been helping out with the coffee shop pretty much all the time and bearly had time to hang out.

Everyone kinda Changed you know? So that left Craig and Clyde. They basically kick it all the time now. Probably they are the only ones that haven't grew up, changed and blossomed into the world yet. He didn't want to make Clyde feel like Craig was changing and make him feel alone so he signed and agreed. Clyde's eyes growed, basically stars in his eyes. "LET'S GOOOOO!" He screamed laughing. "Clyde shut the FUCK up!" "Fuck off fatass!" Clyde yelled flipping him off.

"Ahhh~ oh yea! Right there~ oh yea~~! Ahhhh~ senpai~~!" Both Kenny and Cartman started laughing their asses off. Those noises were coming from Kenny's phone. Honestly it wasn't even a surprise. The rest of the boys in the room were confused. Even Brimmy was caught off guard. "Y-You guys! Get over here and watch this!" All the four boys got up out of their seats and hesitantly walked over.

Butters got there first since he was practically sitting next to Cartman, but immediately looked the other way covering his face. "Ew Kenny what the fuck!?" "Eyyy Cartman was the one who put it on!" Brimmy got there second. He pushed Butters out of the way to stand next to Kenny to get a better view. Earning him a unnoticed glare from Cartman. No one else noticed besides Craig. God. Why does he always notice everything? Even the smallest things people do. It's annoying.

Brimmy began to start laughing. "PFFT- AHAHAHA EW WHAT THE FUCK Y'ALL FURRIES NOW!?" Both Kenny and Brimmy laughed together when finally Clyde and Craig made it over. They both looked down at Kenny's screen and instantly knew why they we're all laughing. They we're watching furry porn.

"Why are you guys watching this when you could be watching hot chicks with boobs!?" Clyde exclaimed while laughing at the video. "Because Cartman wanted to watch this as a joke." Craig looked over at Cartman who looked to be thinking about something. "You like furries?" Craig asked smirking. Cartman came back into reality. "Fuck no! Furries are retarded!"

They all Laughed as they continued watching. Suddenly the door swung open revealing Principal Victoria. "WHAT ARE YOU BOYS DOING!?" The boys gasped. She then rolls her eyes and shakes her head looking down. "Just..Just go home kids." She then walked away down the lonesome hall. Everyone shook their shoulders as they walked out the door. Craig was the last one out when he heard his name being called.

"Craig." The boy walked over. "Yea?" He looked at the tired and stressed out blonde woman. "This was the second time of you getting in trouble today. I didn't want to point that out in front of the other boys. But I'm worried for you. I'm worried your going down the same road as Kenny and Cartman. Just. Please stop getting into fights. You used to be a good kid..you all did. What happened to you guys?"

Craig just looked at her blankly. He could only say one thing.

"I guess we just grew up."


End of chapter 2


This bonus scene will be called "die young" it's just mostly about Brimmy's home life and extra information. I might do bonus scenes of different characters at the end of chapters so if you want more bonus scenes like this you could ask!


Die young


The young boy got pushed into the wall the second he walked through that god forsaken door. He was pined up against the wall by his so called grandfather. He was holding a broken beer bottle at his neck. "You fucking little fag. You seriously think you wouldn't get in trouble because you got in a fight again today? And got caught with fucking weed!?"

Brimmy kept eyeing the beer bottle at his throat. He was going to die. And he was going to die young. "N-no sir...." "NO SIR WHAT!?" Brimmy could barely breathe as he was dangling for dear, precious life. He opened bits of his eyes to see bits and pieces of his grandfather's face. He was a drunken man in his early 70s. Very fit. He used to be in the military. He fought in Vietnam. He was never the same after he fought that terrible war.

He has clear blue eyes.. almost like Billy the kid. Tan skin. Messy grey hair. A white under shirt on. Black jeans. And boots. He also had a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Oh my God. Brimmy. He's dying. He could feel himself sufforcating. He's dying. He's dying. He's going to die. And he's going to die young.

He hit the floor as he gasped for air. In and out. In and out. In and out. "Get up. I'm going to show you what me and my men had to go through in Vietnam.." The old man started walking away. Brimmy had tears prickling at the edge of his eyes. But he needs to be a man. A strong one. He somehow found the strength to get up and follow the old man. Passing the old picture on the wall.

Tooken in 1967. In the photo it shows Brimmy's grandfather. He's sixteen. The youngest in the group. With the biggest smile on his face. Fluffy blonde hair all over his head. Arms around all his mates. Not knowing. That he was going to die. Not in the way you think. His true self is going to be lost while he fights in the war. Leaving as the happy go lucky kid lost and left behind in the cold jungles of vitamin; and coming out as a cold, vile man. He was going to die in that war. And he did. He died. And he died young.

End of bonus scene.

Official end to chapter 2

Date: Sunday, July 17th 2022 1:31 am

Word count: 2,803

Sorry for any mistakes

Thx for reading...

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