You've Got a Friend || A Mich...

By adri_lovelives4ever

1K 43 0

When asked if he was happy, Michael promptly answered yes. And that wasn't a lie at all. He was happy to be d... More

Please read, it's important!
About the chapters and Cast
ch. 1.02 - Why do they hate me? [ may, 1970 ]

ch. 1.01 - Welcome to California [ march, 1970 ]

136 11 0
By adri_lovelives4ever

"Look, Ravi." Dhriti pointed towards the taxi window in an attempt to cheer her son up. "Aren't they pretty? The houses here are very different from where we used to live."

The boy, no more than 11 years old, was about 2 hours on the road with his family to their new home. His father, Aadav Arya, had gotten a new job at an auto parts factory thanks to his old boss at the steel mill where he worked. Thanks to the advance that Aadav received after a long discussion with his new employer, he was able to buy a small house on the outskirts of West Hollywood, California. This was the beginning of a new phase in the lives of the entire family, and as positive as it was, Ravi — who had spent his entire childhood living in the same place — didn't seem excited about the change.

At this exact moment, the taxi the family was in was passing through one of the most favored areas of the city, a place that was targeted by people related to the movie industry due to its proximity to Hollywood, as well as the greater freedom that gambling houses and nightclubs had here compared to neighboring cities. As a result, trade and tourism grew exponentially in this region.

Curious to see what his mother was trying to show him, Ravi turned toward the window. "These houses are huge!" He exclaimed in surprise and mild admiration. "How many people live there?" Ravi leaned closer to the taxi window trying to absorb more of the landscape so different from what he was used to.

"Maybe 100...?" He reached the conclusion, still in awe of the view.

The taxi driver snorted contemptuously, but continued on his way in silence, ignoring the family he was carrying.

"No darling." Dhriti chuckled lightly, before continuing. "In these houses live families like ours. A husband, his wife and their children."

Ravi continued to watch the houses as he processed what his mother had told him, but finding what she said was nonsense, he turned his attention to her with his head cocked to the side in confusion. "Isn't it a waste of space? Our old house was much smaller than these, but uncle Radesh and aunt Shanti and my cousins lived with us."

"Maybe." This time Ravi's father, Aadav, replied. "But a little more space is a good thing. That's why we're moving. My brother is also looking for a new place for him and his family." He explained, then smiled. "Now you will be able to have your own bedroom. You will no longer need to share with your cousins."

For the first time since the trip began, Ravi smiled. "Can I decorate it?"

"Of course, my love." Dhriti smiled softly at her son. "It will be all yours. And if we're lucky, soon your dad will be able to save up money to buy some new paint, so we can paint it any color you want." She caressed Ravi's cheek.

"Thank you mom!"


As the journey continued, the huge houses and extravagant shops were slowly left behind, being replaced with simpler, more compact houses, and all Ravi could do was stare in fascination at the way the whole environment outside took on a totally different atmosphere. Relatively smaller, slightly older-looking houses lined the streets, as well as smaller shops. And while to an adult it was evident that the new setting was due to this being a poorer neighborhood than the one they'd passed through a few minutes ago, to Ravi's innocent childlike eyes these houses and stores were just as majestic as the previous ones.

In fact, despite the buildings' somewhat run-down appearance, even Ravi's parents had to admit that compared to their former abode — a two-room wooden house where they lived with 5 other people —, these houses were a real palace. The road itself, Ravi noted excitedly, was made of concrete while the roads he was used to were mostly just dirt.

A few more minutes of travel passed before the taxi finally pulled up in front of a small one-story house, white walls and black roof, with a small mailbox that would soon have the family name in front of it. Ravi's father paid the taxi driver for the trip and was the first out of the car, following the driver to the trunk of the taxi to pick up his luggage. Soon after, Dhriti got out of the car taking Ravi's hand, they both carried a small bag in their free hands.

"Wow. Look at this place. Our whole family could live here!" Ravi exclaimed excitedly looking at his new home.

"I'm sure they could, sweetheart." His mother smiled and stroked the top of his head.

Ravi's father finally approached them carrying two more suitcases as the taxi that had brought them started to disappear down the road. Standing beside his wife and children, Aadav sighed wearily, feeling one of the many weights lift off his shoulders.

"I'm glad to see you're excited. This will be our home from now on. You should explore a bit and let me know later if you found anything interesting." His father smiled slightly tilting his head towards the house for Ravi to go there.

"Right!" Ravi replied, not waiting another minute to run towards the house, pausing briefly in the doorway and taking off his sandals before entering.

Aadav set the suitcases on the floor and turned to his wife, who mimicked the gesture, and then took her hands before leaning forward to rest their foreheads together. "This is going to be a new beginning for us." The husband started in a whisper. "This will be good for you, for Ravi. He'll be able to study with the other kids. The former owner told me there's a public school near here."

"Darling..." Dhriti began, concern painting her voice.

"It's okay." He reassured her. "I had a look there. Ravi won't be the only... the only non-white boy there. There seem to be other kids from families like ours there. He won't be alone. It'll be good for him. He'll have the opportunity we didn't have."

Ravi's mother nodded, closing her eyes as she accepted their new reality. "We can only pray that he meets good people there. If something happens to him..."

"Shh..." He pulled back enough to kiss his wife's forehead affectionately. "Ravi is a smart boy. He'll be fine, I'm sure."

Dhriti smiled and kissed his lips softly.

"Mom!" Ravi's voice echoed from inside the house. "We have a bathtub!"

Aadav and Dhriti laughed at their son's excitement.

"We'd better go there before he turns the house upside down before we even unpack." Ravi's father said with an affectionate smile on his face.

"Mom! Dad!" Ravi appeared in the doorway just as his parents came over the threshold with their bags. "We have a bathtub!" He pointed excitedly towards the bathroom.

Dhriti chuckled at Ravi's genuine happiness, lightly ruffling his hair. "We heard it the first time, dear."


The sun had set a few hours ago, the family was sitting at the table finishing their meal when Ravi decided to break the silence with something that had been on his mind since they arrived at the new house.

"Mom, when are we going to see Kabir and Raj again?"

Dhriti was already waiting for that question, but thought they would have at least unpacked before Ravi brought it up. "Not so soon, Ravi. The trip was too long, we still have to settle in here."

Ravi nodded as he processed his mother's words.

"We can invite them to come here. Here it is big enough for all their families." Ravi smiled at the idea, swinging his feet that barely touched the ground excitedly. "They can stay in my room, there's enough space!"

"We'll think about it okay?" Her father said before returning to eat. "But first you have to do as your mother said. We've just arrived, we need to unpack our bags, get to know the place, the neighbors. Who knows, you might end up making some new friends here."

"But Kabir and Raj are my best friends!" Ravi protested.

"I know, honey. But do you remember what we talked about before we moved?" Dhriti turned to her son before patiently explaining to him. "Ravi, those we love are always with us, even if they are not here right now." She placed her hand gently on Ravi's chest, just above his heart. "I'm sure your friends are thinking about you right now and don't want you to be alone while they can't be here. If you make new friends here, it will be good not only for you, but for Kabir and Raj as well, because they won't have to worry about you feeling lonely. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes mom." Ravi nodded, feeling a little better at his mother's explanation. "I'm going to make a lot of friends here, and then I'll be able to introduce them to Kabir and Raj. We will be a group of best friends!" Ravi smiled, pleased with the idea.

Dhriti leaned down to kiss his forehead, feeling proud of her son. "Exactly, sweetheart. Now finish eating, it's getting late, you need to rest."


A few days after settling in the new neighborhood, the Arya family was taking their first steps towards their new life. Aadav was ready to start his new job. Dhriti was taking care of the house trying to make it more familiar to them while looking for something she could work with so her husband wouldn't have to bear all the expenses himself. And Ravi... He was about to get some big news from his parents.

"Ravi!" Aadav called from the living room, holding something hidden behind his back, a smile on his face.

"Coming!" Ravi replied, hurrying out of his room, which he still couldn't decide what color he wanted for the walls. The beige walls were too boring, he mentioned to his mother the first night in the new house.

Seeing his parents standing in the living room, both apparently very excited about something, Ravi can't help but feel curious.

"Son, do you remember when your mother and I told you things would be different when we moved?"

Ravi nodded, standing before his father waiting for him to continue.

"Your mother and I have decided that you are going to start going to school a few blocks from here." Aadav bent down so he could be at eye level with his son, handing him a small package, which Ravi tentatively took. "We didn't get a chance to go to school, you know it. But we know the importance of education and how it will open many doors for you."

Aadav reached up to stroke his son's cheek, looking fondly into his eyes. "I'm sure that whatever you decide to do in the future, you will succeed and be happy doing it." He gestured to the package, indicating for Ravi to open it. "And the first step, Ravi, starts here."

Ravi opened the package to reveal a plain brown-covered notebook and a slightly worn black backpack, probably from a thrift store. But at that moment, for Ravi, the gift his father had given him was more precious than any fortune in the world. He hugged his backpack and notebook to his chest, smiling widely at his parents. "Thank you dad, mom."

"Son, I want you to remember this." Dhriti, who was crouching beside Aadav, placed her hand on her son's shoulder. "Not everyone has this opportunity that you are getting right now. I want you to promise your father and me that you will strive and seize every opportunity that life offers you from now on."

Aadav nodded in agreement with his wife, then spoke again. "No matter how difficult things may get from now on, you're not going to let anyone take this away from you. You are no worse than anyone else, and you have as much right as anyone to be treated with dignity, my son. You belong here."

Ravi didn't understand why his father's eyes suddenly filled with tears, but if anything, somehow in his heart, he knew he wouldn't let his parents down.

"I promise."


I love you Michael. I hope wherever you are now, you are happy. Miss you.

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