
By freshassembly

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This is a mortal Percabeth story. Percy is the most popular kid at Goode high and the school heart throb. He... More

Worse Than Hell
I Need a Plan
The Proposal
Truth or Dare
The Story
Et tu Brute? Et tu?
Welcome Home, Dad
Twenty Questions
The Search

The New Girl

941 7 9
By freshassembly

POV: Annabeth

Hi, I'm Annabeth Chase.

 I just started my first day at Goode High and here I am. Lying with my books on the floor after bumping into my toxic ex-boyfriend. Now you're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation. But first things first here's a little about myself.

I live with my stepmother and stepbrothers. My dad has a room in the house, but it's just gathering dust. He's never around.

My mom left when I was 9 and after that my dad just threw himself into work. He neglected me and I never even thought anything of it. I figured this is how all fathers must treat their children. Finally, I grew up a little and stopped worshipping him.

I think my dad loves me, but I just remind him too much of my mom. I'm a lot like her. She was an architect and that's what I want to be. We both have the same stormy grey eyes and curly blonde hair. I even got my know-it-all qualities from her. But in other ways I'm not like her at all. I always knew my mom's job was important to her. I just didn't think it was more important than me.

I admired her because she was determined. She was a hard worker. Little did I know that that would also be the reason she left.

My stepmother is... Well... She's fine. We get along fine. We don't really have a relationship, though. Because my dad is never around she has to pick up all the slack. She's not mean to me, she just forgets about me sometimes. When she married my dad I doubt she thought that she'd have to raise their kids by herself, but she still does it. 

At home I feel invisible. It's not much different at school. In San Francisco I had my friends, but they all moved to the East Coast.  

I'm starting Goode High today. My dad and Helen (my stepmother) decided to move to New York because my dad is usually stationed here, anyway. They figured that this way he would spend more time with us.

I, however, know that that isn't going to happen. My dad's work keeps him very occupied. I think that even if the whole family moved into his office he still wouldn't spend time with us.

I stopped thinking he would come back for the holidays or even my birthdays a long time ago.

I just stopped caring.

Or, I wanted to stop caring. Deep down it hurt that he didn't have time for me, but if you don't want to get hurt it's easier not to care. That's what I keep telling myself.


I take 10 bucks from the counter and started walking to school. 

I'm nervous about the academic portion of school it's the social aspect that makes me want to throw up.

As I near the school I realize it's not even open yet. My school back home opened early because it had a top notch library, opened to the faculty, students, and outsiders.

I guess this school does not have that. 

I don't even have my schedule, so I have no idea when school even starts.


I sit down in front of a big oak tree and read since it's only 7:00.

Don't judge. I like the library.

I usually get lost in the book I'm reading and lose track of time, but my nerves are getting the best of me.

I close my book and look at the school. 

I just can't help but notice how very normal it looks.

 To be honest, I don't know what I was expecting. It's just, when people tell you stories about New York you think about Broadway or sky scrapers. You think about something magical, really. But when I look around it just looks kind of murky. Nothing special. When you take a deep breath you just inhale smoke from cars and cigarettes. I'm sure there's a nice part of New York, but from where I'm standing, I prefer San Francisco.

It's now 7:15 and the school is still deserted. 

I get up from my very uncomfortable spot on the floor and walk towards where I keep hearing a soft snoring noise. I figured it was just an animal, so I definitely didn't expect to see a person.

It's a boy. Actually, scratch that, it's a man. He looks about my age and is very handsome. He has a perfect jawline and thick eyelashes. I can't see his eyes because they're closed, but I have a feeling those are perfect too. He just has such perfect chiseled features. And a little bit of drool on the side of his mouth. 

However, I can't help but notice a large bruise along his face. Actually, the closer I look he has multiple bruises.

I'm so focused on how he looks. I almost forget to wonder what the heck he's doing sleeping by a tree at Goode High.

I've been staring at this guy for at least a couple of minutes when an alarm goes off on his phone. 

The normal reaction to that would have been to leave and respect his privacy, but my body's not listening to my brain, so I continue to stare.

His eyes slowly open and once again my body doesn't listen to my brain.

I want to asked him why he's sleeping out here. I want to formerly meet him.

I told you earlier I'm a know-it-all. I like to know everything.

My curiosity just gets the best of me.

He yawns and slowly sits up. Still not noticing me.

When he finally looks in my direction it looks like he has a mini heart attack.

I'm not sure what to say. He just stares at me wide-eyed. "Uh, you drool in your sleep." Not exactly the best opening line, but it was better than just staring at him. 

He quickly sprints in the other direction towards the school, seemingly not caring that his backpack is opened and he's dropping everything.

I watch him as he runs into the school not looking back once.

I still noticed a slight limp to his walk, or run. Also THE DOOR WAS OPENED THIS WHOLE TIME! Wow. I feel dumb and embarrassed. I hate feeling dumb and embarrassed. I should have just left and ignored my curiosity.

I walk into the school and make my way to the office.

The front desk worker seems nice. He has a headset and looks very busy. It takes him a while to notice me. What's with that? That guy took a long time to notice me too. I really am starting to believe I'm invisible.

I clear my throat and he finally looks up. "Hello, my name is Hermes. How may I help you?" He says in a very receptionist-y voice.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth Cha-" He taps his headset showing me that he's not talking to me, but to someone on the phone. My face turns a deep shade of red out of embarrassment. Who knew that school secretaries we're so busy? I certainly didn't.

I recognize his name, too. Hermes. He looks very familiar. 

"Hi, my name is Hermes. How may I help you?" I don't reply, figuring he's talking to someone else. However, after about a minute he continues to stare at me expectantly. "How may I help you?"

"Oh, me?" he nods "I'm Annabeth Chase. I'm a new student. I'm here to pick up my schedule."

He hands me my schedule and a map. He then quickly scribbles down some things. After that he goes back to talking on the phone and I'm left just standing there. That's it? I don't even know where my locker is.

I read what he wrote down and luckily it has my locker number and combination. 

It says to wait here and my tour guide would pick me up once school started. He also gives me a late pass, so that I won't be tardy on the first day. 

Don't tours usually happen before school starts so nobody gets in your way and you aren't late? 

New York is weird.

I wait by my locker for another 20 minutes before the first bell rings. I've already memorized my schedule and was studying the map when someone yells "ANNIE?!?!?" 

I recognize the voice immediately. That's the voice that I've spent my whole life listening to rant about music, family, friends, pretty much anything. 


She's been my best friend since kindergarten until she moved. I had no idea she was even going to this school.

We hug and  she bombards me with questions. "How have you been? Why are you here? How's your family? Did you just move? Are yo-"

"Woah woah, Thals slow down. I'm fine. My dad's job brought me here. My family is fine. And yes, I just moved." She's grinning from ear to ear and so am I.

I was really upset when she moved. Her dad got a job offer to be the principal of a school on the East coast. I guess it was at Goode.

She starts giving me the grand tour of Goode when I hear more yelling coming from down the hall "ANNABETH!!" 

I turn to see some of my other old friends Piper and Hazel. Hazel's my second cousin and she's always lived in New York. My mom's uncle is her father. It's pretty complicated. I kinda lost touch with my mom's side of the family when she left, but Hazel and I still talked every once and a while.

Piper moved around the same time as Thalia. At school they were probably the only people that made me feel seen.

We all hug and exchange some 'hi's' and 'how are you's'. 

They then tell me that Rachel also goes to this school. 

Rachel and I were never really that close. I mean, we are friends but it was more obligatory than pleasure. 

You see, my dad is good friends with her dad. Well not exactly good friends, more like business encounters. Which means a lot of stuffy cocktail parties and dinners. The only way to not die of boredom was talking to Rachel. I've still always hated those events, though. They would happen every single time my dad was in town for a while. I always felt like such a tool at those parties. I was just supposed to sit there and look pretty while the men talked about business. It just proved that my father would rather work than hang out with his family if he spent all of his free time still doing business. 

We finish the tour and they walk me to class. We have a few classes together, but not very many. Luckily we all have the same lunch period. They're really excited to introduce me to their other friends.

My first period is algebra. It's mostly stuff I already know, but I still pay attention as much as possible. About half way through the class that tree-sleeper-drooler-guy rushes in. 

He apologizes to Ms. Dodds for being tardy, but she doesn't seem to care 

"Perseus Jackson sit down now. You have detention." A scared look  flashes across his face, but he hides it quickly. I don't know why though. Ms. Dodds isn't all that scary.

As he makes his way through the class I can practically see all of the girls swooning over him. 

One thing I notice is that the bruises he had this morning are all gone. Odd. His eyes lock with mine and I can see the panic in them. However, he covers it up with a wink and a smirk.

I hate to admit that he's attractive, but I can also tell that he's a total asshole. I don't like the player type. I already fell for a player once. I can't do it again.

I don't want another toxic relationship and I can tell that that is exactly what he would give me. I might be a little quick to judge, but I'm just protecting myself.

My other periods go by really quickly and before I know it it's lunch time.

I walk into the cafeteria and my friends wave me over. 

They introduce me to everyone (the seven, the Stolls, Juniper, Grover, Will, Reyna, Calypso, Clarisse, Katie, and Chris) and I already knew Rachel and Nico. I knew Nico because he's Hazel's brother. 

At the end of the table sits Percy Jackson. 

I groan inwardly. He's speaking in hushed tones with Grover and when Jason asks what's was wrong they both just put fake smiles on. 

The rest of the table is quite gullible because they didn't notice. 

On the opposite end of the table sits Rachel and when I waive and smile, she just nods in my direction. Her eyes are puffy like she's been crying all night. 

She glares at Percy and looks at Piper expectingly. 

"Ummm... Hey Perce? Why did you break up with Rachel? And over the phone no less." 

I can tell Piper doesn't really care, but she's just trying to be a good friend. 

Piper always wants to make everyone happy. I can tell by the look on her face that she's extremely uncomfortable and genuinely likes Percy.

Percy just shrugs and that's what makes me mad.

Rachel and I aren't best friends, but we are friends and he hurt her. 

I do think it's kind of stupid of her to fall for the player in the first place, but still. 

I also kind of think that she should have known it wouldn't end well, but some people can be oblivious to "love".

Rachel scoffs at his response and starts to cry again. 

As Hazel comforts her she gives Percy a pleading look for him to apologize.

Let's just say he doesn't. 

I wanted to say something, but this is the first time I've ever had a big group of friends and I don't want to screw it up.

All of the guys look at Percy with slight annoyance and roll their eyes, but I can tell they aren't really that mad.

However, Grover looks at Percy sympathetically. Now I really am curious. 

Rachel and Hazel excused themselves to go to the bathroom and to "freshen up" and the rest of lunch goes by smoothly. Except for when Percy gets the number of some girl right in front of Rachel. The girl did come up to him, but you could still see Rachel's heart shatter. 

After that he receives a balled up napkin to the face by Jason.

I also notice some other tension in the air between Calypso and Percy. 

My guess is that he broke her heart too. Predictable. Calypso and Rachel seemed distant too. I assume that the reason for that is that they both dated Percy and he tore them apart.                                                             


My favorite class by far is Greek mythology. My mom used to be obsessed with it and so was my dad. They taught me everything there was to know. They even taught me Greek.

The class also has the best teacher, Mr. Brunner. I respect him, but I also feel comfortable around him. The only downside to the class is that I share it with Percy Jackson.

He comes in late but Mr. Brunner doesn't seem to care. He just smiles and tells him to sit. But when this other kid comes in late he scolds him. It wasn't that bad but I was still confused.

Percy Jackson has to sit next to me because there are no other empty seats. 

Well, there was one other empty seat but that was next to this total brat Drew Tanaka. I've been here one day and I already hate her.

Mr. Brunner tells us to try and have a conversation in Greek with our neighbor. I had a feeling Percy Jackson, the school player, didn't know how to speak Greek, so I just berated him. 

Annabeth: italics
Percy: bold

"Γιατί είσαι τόσο μαλάκας; Ήσουν τόσο κακός με τη Ρέιτσελ. Σε μισώ τόσο πολύ. Με αηδιάζεις. Γιατί αντιμετωπίζεις τα κορίτσια σαν σκατά; Ω, περίμενε το ξέρω. Είναι απλώς επειδή το απολαμβάνεις. Δεν φαίνεται να σε ενδιαφέρουν καθόλου τα συναισθήματα των ανθρώπων!"

"Why are you such an asshole? You were so mean to Rachel. I hate you so much. You disgust me. Why do you treat girls like shit? Oh, wait I know. It's just because you enjoy it. You do not seem to care at all about people's feelings!"

"Πω πω, σοφό κορίτσι πες μου πώς νιώθεις πραγματικά για μένα."

Translation: "Wow, Wise Girl, tell me how you really feel about me."

Mr. Brunner must've overheard because he chuckles.

I just sit there with my mouth hanging wide open. He can speak Greek. 

Embarrassment washes over me. Mr. Brunner gives us both A's and we do some work sheets and then Greek mythology is over.

I don't want to stick around to talk to Percy but I do want to talk to Mr. Brunner and apologize for the language I used before. 

I figured Percy would have bolted out of the room as soon as class was over, but I was wrong. 

He's talking with Mr. Brunner in hushed tones. 

The only thing I hear is, "I'm fine Chiron. You don't have to worry about me." 

Percy then walks out. He notices me and stares before he glares and walks away.

I'm almost late to my next class, so I decide to talk to Mr. Brunner tomorrow.

The rest of the day goes by quickly. 

I get my stuff from my locker and start walking out. That's when I bump into someone. And  end up lying on the floor with my books. "Oh, I'm so sorry" I say.

"It's fine" he replies. His voice sounds familiar.

He helps me gather my stuff and hands them to me and only then do I realize who it is. 

Luke Castellan. My toxic ex-boyfriend I was talking about earlier. Yay! (Note the sarcasm)

I don't know what to say. My mouth keeps opening and closing like a fish. However, I don't have to say anything because he leaves. He practically sprints down the hall. And even as he walks away I can't seem to form words. Very few times in my life have I ever been speechless. I almost always have something to say.

Why is he running away? I'm the one who should run away. I'm the one who's mad. What does he have to be mad about? 

How come Thalia didn't warn me?

I run out of the school and I ignore my friends calling for me.

School is going to be a lot harder with Luke Castellan and Perseus Jackson.

When I get home I run upstairs and collapse on my bed. 

I ignore all notifications on my phone, too. Instead, I replay my day in my head over and over again.

It's bad enough being The New Girl and now this!! 

Fuck. My. Life.

Hi, I hope you enjoyed this story. This chapter is a little long, so I'm probably going to make the next ones shorter.

Thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it.

Word count: 3179

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