I Love You Too (Klaus Hargree...

By humanouijaboard

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Book 3 of Klaus x reader When the Hargreeves + Chestnut + L/n finally made their way back to 2019 everything... More

To A New Life!
World's Biggest Ball of Twine
Is This What It Feels Like To Have A Actual Father?
And Then He Shoots It.
He Always Wakes Up
You're Overly Bitter For A 18 Year Old
Wedding At The End Of The World

When Did You Become A Domesticated House Wife?

20 0 1
By humanouijaboard

We'll get through by The Slugs!

And Trigger warning I guess for the end of this chapter, some childhood ptsd kinda comes out for Y/n and she freaks out.

I wake up with banging on door " Bleedhhhhsjdjmsmemmmmmm, we're sleeping fuck off." I groan , but the knocking continues, I get out the bed , my head is pounding with pain. Great. I look over to the bed and see that Klaus is somehow still asleep " Lucky ass." I scowl and walk to the door to open it.

" Have you seen Stan?" " Good morning to you too Lila, if you didn't hear what I screamed a minute ago I was still sleeping . So no , I have not seen Stan. " I say " Shit..." She grumbles under her breath " How did you know we were in here? " " Word gets around." " No one else is staying here anymore ." " doesn't mean I can't figure it out." She smiles.

" Well, sorry but I don't know where Stan is ." And then I think for a moment " You don't think he got Kugelblitzed , do you? " " I don't know , maybe . Man his mother is gonna kill me if he did ." " Why are you talking about yourself in that way? " " No reason , I'm gonna go bother your brother now ! Thanks but no thanks !" She skips away from the door .

" Never thought Diego would date a girl like that." I sigh and close the door . I drag my feet walking back towards the bed and fall back on it " Who was at the door?" Klaus mumbles out " Lila , she was looking for Stan. " "Hm, hope that kid didn't get into any trouble. But knowing him he did ." He laughs.

I smile and sigh " What are we gonna do today? Huh? Sit around do nothing? Go and bother Chet? Your call" " We have to go back to academy and talk to Dad... the buffalo room ... I can't help but feel like he's related to it in some way and I don't know why." He sits up in the bed and turns towards me .

" You remember yesterday when I was talking about my mom and how she said that I can't see what's been right in front of me all along and my menudo turned into a buffalo? " he asks me " I remember the first part but not the menudo part . My mind kinda went blank when you were speaking." I rub the back of my neck and laughed.

" Well  , my menudo turned into a buffalo and I ended up dying in the white buffalo room and Dad has a white buffalo painting . Everything seems like it point to him for some reason." I rubs his face in frustration , I smile sadly at him .

" Don't worry , you're not the only one ." I try to reassure him , he smiles at me a little " I mean, dad does get involved with random stuff , it's just that we don't exactly know what the white buffalo means so it's kinda hard to judge." " That's why I want to go back! So that I— we can ask him what all of this means! " he grabs my shoulders and gently shakes me, I laugh a little and grab his hands off my shoulders.I feel him squeeze my hands a little .

" When do you plan on us leaving? " Klaus sighs and looks up " I don't know... maybe a little bit after 10, is that good with you? " He looks back down at me for confirmation, I nod. " Yeah, I'm fine with that. It's not like we have anything to do exactly before then. But we probably should go eat something before then though. " Klaus groans and fall back down on the bed.

" I don't wanna get up." " Well you have to get up at some point so we can leave." I laugh " Plus, breakfast is the most important meal of the day." I cheer " That's a whole bunch of baloney, having breakfast doesn't affect anything other than giving you extra unnecessary calories!" He whines into the pillow.

" I heard that it boosts your energy levels and jump starts your metabolism so it can burn calories faster ." I state " That's all bullshit . The only resource I need to boost my energy is some nice Baijiu." " No, no more alcohol right now . Especially after how much we drank last night." I lay on my side to look at him better.

" My head is killing me and I know yours is too , so let's have some breakfast together, please ? I'll even cook something for you so you don't have to eat Chet's shitty hotel food that he cooked and ignore Chet's complaints of me wasting his supply." I plead , he takes his head out of the pillow and looks me in my eyes.

" I don't want to hurt you feelings but your cooking is shit." I frown and glare at him " I got to work on my cooking during our 3 years in the 60's , cooked for you mostly but you never ate it cause you were always 'to busy' but people in the cult loved it but maybe they were just trying to stroke my ego . " I think about all the food that I cooked trying to make Klaus eat it but he always denied it or said he'll eat it later.

" Dave and his uncle seemed to enjoy it also and once Dave's uncle found out I could cook I had to do it every night or we'd go out to the diner which I hated going to cause I always got weird looks. " I shake my head at the thought and put a hand on Klaus's arm .

" Please please pleeaaaasssseeee let me cook for you ! If it's ass you can throw it away or I'll eat it instead, just let me cook for you finally ! " as I begged, Klaus's mouth turned into a big smile and he rolls his eyes " Okay, okay I'll try your cooking ! But only because you're acting so cute." I feel my cheeks warm up and push his head " Shut up , idiot." He laughs and I smile at him as I get up off the bed.

" I'll be back and I'll bring the food to you so stay here ! " I cap my hands together happily and quickly leave the room so I can make breakfast for Klaus.


"Good morning Diego, would you like me to make you some breakfast?" I say happily " Have you seen Stan? " he asks firmly " Of course I can make you some scrambled eggs with a bits of bacon and cheese in it , would you like anything to drink?" I joke with a smile on my face, he glares and asks me again " Have you seen Stan." My smile fades and I look up at Diego , I sigh.

" No, I haven't . When Lila woke me up banging on the door asking me if I had seen him I hadn't . So the words of the day is 'No, I haven't.'" I say looking back down at the food I'm cooking, I hear him groan and mumble something angrily to himself " Come take a seat Papa bear, I'm sure you need a break and something to eat ." " No, I need to find my idiot son and make sure he's -" " Diego, please , take a seat .  Lila literally woke me up at 7 in the morning asking if I have seen him , it took me about a hour and...." I look at the clock on the wall and see it's 9:30 , damn sorry Klaus " twenty or thirty to convince Chet to let me use is supply to cook Klaus some breakfast, and you if you want some . " I look back up to him and see he's still glaring at me.

" My point is , both you and Lila have been looking for him for 3 hours straight looking in the same spots over and over again and still haven't found him , I understand that your scared but he's 12 and probably a lot more safe and stable right now where ever he is than we were at 12." I hear him sigh and walk over to sit in front of me "Who knows he might be out buying some underwear like I was told him to yesterday!" I joke " Why the fuck did you tell him to buy underwear?" I go silent for a moment thinking if I should tell him why .

" Kind of a long story that I don't want to get into." I laugh nervously " Anyways , do you want me to make you some breakfast? I can make Lila something too if you want, I'm sure Chet has some to go boxes or something somewhere ." " Do you even know how to cook? I don't think I've ever seen you cook a single think in your life." He criticizes " Of course I know how to fucking cook I had to survive the 60's in some way. I legit almost all my three years was spent cooking because I had to either feed the cult or Dave and his god awful uncle." I point the spatula angrily at him.

" When did you become a domesticated house wife?" " I became a domesticated house wife when Klaus decided it was a good idea to start a cult . I don't want to be one , if I had a choice I would want Klaus to be my house wife while I go off and make the bank but life doesn't work out that way sometimes, and we both know if I didn't do the cooking and the cleaning then probably everyone would've starved and kept it a trash dump." I mumble angrily .

" I'm sure if you told the cult members to cook and clean for you they would've done it." I jump when I feel two arms wrap around my waist and a new voice talk behind me , I feel my cheeks heat up and look behind me to see Klaus " You scared the shit out of me! And I thought I told you to stay in bed! " I argue " it's been three hours , you were taking too long." He unwraps his arms from around me and goes to sit next to Diego.

" Sorry I had to convince Chet to use his supplies. " I scoop up the eggs onto a plate " Ok Diego , one plate of scrambled eggs with bits of bacon and some cheese on it like I joked about before cause I didn't know what to cook you and one to go box of the exact same thing for your boo thing Lila, hope you two enjoy , if you do then please give me a five star rating on yelp and a good review!" I smile at him and sit the plate and to go box in front of him.

" When the fuck did you get a to go box? " " Hey, why does they get food before me? I asked for it first!" " Technically you didn't, I pleaded to make you food and you said no cause my cooking taste like ass. Speaking of which , Diego , go ahead and try it!" I encourage Diego, he looks down at the food and shrugs , he grabs a fork and picks up the food and put it into his mouth.

" Holy shit , Y/n are we sure you made this ? " Diego says with a full mouth and furrowed brows , I frown and swallow nervously " Yeah I'm sure I made it , why ? Is it really that bad ? " " Please swallow before you speak." Klaus pleaded " No this is the best fucking eggs I've ever had !" He shouted and some eggs fell out of his mouth , I smile and cringe at the same time " I'm glad you think so but please chew your food before you speak . I don't want to see you half chewed up food on he table and I don't want to have to clean it up cause Chet is gonna make me clean it ." I criticized.

" Hurry up and eat , I don't want Lila to have to eat cold and crusty eggs." " Didn't you just say that I needed a fucking break? " " Yes, I did, but so does she , now hurry up!" I crack the egg in my hand angrily and put it in the pan in front of me , it quickly subsides though and I smile again " I told you my food was good!" I sing out towards Klaus "Diego has no taste , I'm half convinced he'd eat some cracker crumbs on the floor and act like it's to best food in the world." " You've literally done that before Klaus." I laugh out " I have haven't I? " he also laughs.

" Well just wait your pretty little ass right there while I make your food right in front of you like a Japanese restaurant!" I grin at the both of them and continue cooking the eggs " Can you get me some orang- " " Get your own fucking Juice I'm still cooking." Diego groans and gets up to get a drink " I hope you never have kids " " I hoped that you'd never have kids but look at how that turned out." I give him a thin mouth smile " Ha Ha very fucking funny ." I look behind me and see he just grabs a bottle of beer .

He walks back over to his food and grabs his plate and the to go plate " Im getting out of here." He says while walking away " Love you!" I shout out to him " Fuck off!" I laugh at him and continue cooking " Geez , you two fight more than me and Ben did." " You know how it is , it's that sibling love where you both hate each other and love each other at the same time." I scoop up the eggs and put it on a plate along with a fork and sit it in front of him.

" Don't start eating yet I'm gonna get you something to drink." I walk away from him and go to a small fridge built into the bar and grab a little bottle of orange juice and walk back to to hand it to him " Awww, I feel so loved!" He jokes " Please tell me if you like your food or not, I really wanted to make you some food cause you never ate any when I made it before " I pleaded.

I walk from around the bar and sit where Diego was sitting before and stare at Klaus as he lifts up the fork and puts it and the food into his mouth. I wait a minute or two to see if he's going to say anything " So? Is it good? Is it not ? Tell me , the anticipation is killing me !" I put my hand on his shoulder and shake him a little , he slowly turns his seat towards me and lays his head on my shoulder.

"What wrong, Klaus?" I ask worriedly , I feel him laugh " It's so fucking good ..." he says quietly " Really?" " Yeah! Yeah, it is." He takes his head off my shoulder and he looks me in the eyes " You're gonna be a wonderful house husband." I raise my eyebrows and smile at him " House husband? Wouldn't I be a house wife? " I laugh at him " Nah , I'm the wife that goes out and makes the money so she can please her equally hardworking husband who's at home taking care of the kids." He explains while turning back to his food to continue eating.

" Can't I be the money making wife who pleases her husband with fine things while he stay homes and takes care of the kids?" " I don't know how to cook." " Then I'll come home and cook dinner and I'll wake up and make breakfast for everyone. Of course you're gonna have to cook sometimes for the kids sake but it's mostly gonna be me cooking. You'll do the cleaning and the kid stuff." I say .

" You clean better than I do." " You'll figure it out. " I laugh at him , he sighs sadly jokingly and looks down to his food " I don't think I want to eat this anymore " he jokes " What's so wrong about being a house husband ? All you gotta do is cook, clean, and take care of kids if we even want any, but other than that you can just sit around and look pretty." I smile and poke his cheek , he just groans " Fine we'll take turns being house husband and then which ever one we like most is what we do for the rest of our lives. If we get out of this situation alive." I sigh.

Klaus burps and waves a hand in front of his face as he finishes his food " And you give Luther and Diego shit for table manners." " Burping is different than spitting your chewed food all over everyone else's food ." "True, but still." I stand up from my seat and turn back towards Klaus " Wanna head out now? " I ask " Yeah, let me just brush my teeth first so my mouth doesn't smell like a mixture of eggs and orange juice ." " And you need to clean your mess." I jump and turn around to see Chet behind me .

I groan at him " Oh come on Chet, it's not that much! You can clean it yourself!" " If it's not that much then it shall not take you that long to clean them ." He glances back to the mess I made and then back towards me " It's the least you could do since I allowed you to use my food supply." I sigh and nod my head .

I look back over towards Klaus " I'll meet you outside." He just simply nods and walks away from me and Chet . Chet doesn't move from where he was standing " Shoo now old man , I'm getting to it, God..." I turn away agitated and begin cleaning up my mess.


" Please tell me we're not going in the same way we did the other day." I ask " Oh no, no, we'll break in through the window . " he reassures , I groan out in happiness " Thank god! I never want to go through that shit again, literally." I laugh and I think for a while " Which window exactly?" I ask " The one around where Ben statue was , we're gonna have to jump over the fence to even get in but it'll be worth it!" " Why can we Judy's walk in through the front door and sneakily go into Dad's room " I cry .

" Cause I don't want to have to see and deal with emo Ben and possibly get our asses kicked by EB , bird girl, and cheese block !" He whines " I.... Understand now yeah I don't want that." I nod " Imagine if they captured us , sure maybe our sexiness will convince them to torture us and Benny boy to accept us as his siblings finally. But if they don't then Raven from Teen Titans will send her birds down to pluck our eyes out..." I shiver at the thought and I look over to Klaus and see him cringing, he points a finger towards me and nods .

" And that's why we're going through the window." He says simply as we finally arrive at the academy " Okay, I'll go up first cause if they catch me then it'll most likely be a nice and warming family reunion and won't be tortured!" I say positively explained while pacing back and forth " Once I get over I'll make sure the coast is clear and you can climb over if I give you the ok, okay? " I look back towards Klaus and seems a little unsure.

" If I get captured then go back tell Diego and he'll do something about it. Promise." I hold out my pinky and he just sighs and wraps his pinky around mine " Alrighty then... lets go. " I pat my upper biceps and stretch them to prepare myself for the short climb up " Hurry up we don't got all day!" " Shut up Klaus, I'm making sure I don't pull a muscle, I'm not as young as I used to be ya know!" I argue with him as I jump up onto the fence.

I carefully climb over the fence and jump down to the ground once I get to the other side of it. I look around to make sure no one is there but I see a statue" We're in the clear!" I say " Great! I'll be right over " I just nod and walk over to the statue.

Number 8 / Y/n Hargreeves
October 1st, 1989 - October 1st, 2007

" Huh..." is the only thing I say when I see the date , I look back up to look the statue in the face " It looks like me somewhat I guess..." I mumble quietly to myself " Hey, look, its you!" Klaus exclaims as he walks up next to me. " October 1st, 1989 to October 1st, 2007 . She had just turned 18 and she got killed." I croak out .

Why was this affecting me so much? Is it because it's me or because she just happened to get killed on her birthday? What happened exactly that killed her ? Were they out on a mission that day , usually Dad gave that day off to us since it was our birthday. Maybe there's a chance he changed it and made sure he didn't makes the same mistakes as our Dad , which didn't really work if one of his "kids" still got killed.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder , I look up and turn my hand to see Klaus . He smiles warmly at me " Come on, let's go" he turns me away from the statue and towards the window he was talking about. It's closer to the ground , probably leads to the room with the big Kugelblitz, " Three, two, one..." he kicks through the window and uses his foot to break off excess glass.

" Dude, there's literally big ass rocks right next to you why the fuck did you risk your leg?" " Do you remember who you're talking too? " I have a random flashback to when Klaus smashed a snow globe against his head , he looked so hot that day... " Yeah, you're right, sorry." I swallow nervously while still thinking about Klaus on that faithful day.

Klaus slides in the window and i follow suit, we walk right past the Kugelblitz and up the stairs towards Dads room. Klaus opens the door to Dad's room and we come face to face with him , holding one of them sharps sticks you use to poke at logs in the fireplace, I raise my hands defensively and Klaus puts his hand over his heart and smiles at the man.

" You two again! To what do I owe the intrusion? " Dad asks us while putting his weapon back on the rack with the others " Well, you know, with the world ending for the thrice time, we thought, why not finally get to know our old man? " Klaus walks in and goes straight to the white buffalo painting " I'm not your old man, young ones. I may look like him, act like him, but I did not raise you." He shouts at us.

" You are to me , you can't deny it ! That's my proof right ther- W-Where did it go? " I look over to where the painting of me was with a pointed finger , but my finger slowly goes back down to my side when I don't see it " Wa-... Wasn't there a painting of home there the other day ?" I question the old guy " I have no idea what you're talking about." I look at him and back towards the empty part of the wall " Huh...that's...." Weird.

" Yeah, yeah, different timeline, we get all that stuff. But you're still him though! You look like him , and you act like him, only—" " Only what?" " You're so much nicer than the other one. He was a complete asshole! " Klaus finishes his sentence loudly " Such opprobrious language for your father! " " That's how bad he was! He made us train day in and day out and constantly locked us in the local cemeteries mausoleum without food or water or nothing and it was all for the " greater good" or whatever!" I cry out " Yeah, and I... I don't know what opprobrious means. " Klaus says nonchalantly .

" I'd love to stay here idly chatting, but I'm terribly busy. " he gestures towards the TV " Yeah, well, too bad! " Klaus shouts and slams his hand on the off button which, of course, turns off the TV . I cover my mouth trying not to laugh at loud at the old man's face " 'Cause everything's leading me back to you, back to here, the...the White Buffalo Suite. The menudo the resembled the painting. " Klaus explains loudly and points towards the painting.

" You two know about the White Buffalo Suite. " " That's where he died! " I gestured my arms out towards him and he pretends to die and falls into my arms. " What is it you want from me?" He asks us , Klaus gets up out of my arms and turns back towards Reggie " I... We... Have you ever felt like there's something you're supposed to be doing, something important, but no one's telling you what it is, and you're scared that you're gonna miss out or... or... or mess it up because you're always screwin' things up, and you're really fuckin' tired of it! " He smiles widely as he gets the words out.

" Good, go on. " " I need you to help me understand certain things about who I am." Klaus finishes up " Me too." I add " Such as?" He looks between us , I think on my words for a bit and finally say something " I want to know who I am fully , maybe to fully understand my powers in a way that doesn't consist of traumatizing me?" My words come out unconfidently as I speak but Reginald just nods .

" Like why did you lock us in a mausoleum and slowed down our heart rate... until we came to in a pool of our own vomit. Now, that's just—" Klaus's voice shakes as he speaks " That's what the little girl on the bicycle showed me, but she might be God. She might be the devil. I mean, I don't know. Who's to say? I don't know which is which. " Klaus shrugs and I just looked at him confused.

" You are marvelously deranged." Reginald puts it simply as he could " I... can't help but agree , I have no idea what he's talking about but it sounds insane ." I think for a second and the a memory forms in my head " OHHHH! The little girl on the bicycle that kinda seems like a bitch the pointed towards the barber shop all those years ago! I remember now! " I cheer " You both are equally deranged." He states again and smiles at us.

We look towards each other and then back to him confused , he walks over to us and gestures towards himself " Sit. Sit. Come, tell me everything! " he puts his hands on our shoulders and directs us towards the couch " Okay." Klaus says quietly for the both of us.


" I mean, it was kinda like a dream. But then it was like a perfume commercial. " Klaus explains slowly while laying on the couch , I watch him intently, listening to every word he says while Dad sketching stuff down in this big ass book, Klaus sighs and continues speaking " And then there was soup. And when I was finished, I just came back. Just...pow!" I smile as he snaps his fingers "so cool and scary at the same time..." I say quietly to myself.

" I said I'd come back. Are— are you even listening? " Klaus sits up from his spot on the couch and looks back towards Dad " If he isn't then I am , this is just..." " I'm hanging on every word. This is fascinating. Have you ever had any experiences like this before in your timeline Y/n?" He asks me " Let me think for a second..." I think back to 2019 , our 2019 . That's was probably only only time really.

" Back in almost apocalyptic 2019 I got strangled by Luther , our Number 1, and when I passed out I saw the exact little girl that Klaus described, she didn't say anything I don't think , can't remember, she just pointed to the barber shop which was rude. But anyways , when I went to the barber shop I saw you. You explained some stuff but not a lot , that entire interaction was just me shitting on you when I probably should've been asking more questions." I explained.

" And with the way it felt ... uh, I don't know , I guess it just felt empty and cold , but also full of everything and warm at the same time? It was very welcoming and unwelcoming all at once , it wasn't a very pleasant experience." I scratch my head as I tried to remember how it felt. Reginald hums happily to himself and gets up from his seat and slams his book closed onto the coffee table in front of him and walks towards a box.

"Everything is fascinating. Ever since you two winged me off those damned pills. I'd like to return the favor." He turns back towards us " Help the two of you to understand who you really are. Would you like that?" He asks us , I give him a small smile and Klaus lifts himself of the couch " Of course. " " There's nothing more I'd like more. " Klaus and I say at the same time " Other than a probiotic yogurt that doesn't make me fart." Klaus adds to the end of his statement, I feel my smile widened as I look at Klaus smiling happily towards Reginald.

Reginald holds out his arms and smiles at us " Then get over here, kids!" I feel myself get excited and then I feel myself get embarrassed at how excited I am at the thought of our father actually helping us for once , I hear Klaus giggle out a happy "okay" and he stands up from the couch , I hold my hand out towards him and he helps me up , we both look towards Reggie and then back to each other and giggle out of excitement.

Klaus and I wait happily as Reginald is getting stuff out his box or into his box ? I don't know I'm too excited to know , I'm just so happy that we have a good Dad in this universe! Eventually he turns back around and holds his arms out again " One at a time please , I can only hug so much at a time ." He calls out , Klaus happily walks over to him and wraps his arms around him , I smile at first but then I see something in his hand and trying to put it under his clothes " Hey, what are you-"

" A little stiffer than I expected, but we gotta start somewhere, I suppose . What are you doing back there ? Y/n what is he doing? " " Part one of your healing." Reginald states " What the fuck are you doing old ma- " " Experimentation." He turns around and turns something on , Klaus screams and falls to the ground shaking violently " Klaus!" I fall on my knees and try to look to the thing he put on him.

" Geez , you fucking his this well. Shit..." I cuss to myself nervously but Klaus is already passed out , or dead , one of the two. I feel myself panic slightly and I turn around to see the old dude walking towards me with one of them circle things in his hands. I feel my eyes fill up with tears as I crawls myself away as far as possible from him " Please , don't. I said don't do anything to me that won't traumatize me in the process!" I shout out while crying.

" Don't be silly , Number 8, you'll be fine , this is to help you." I feel my eyes widen slightly as I hear that name, he crouches down towards me and put a firm hand on my arm " Let go of me you asshole!" I hit him as hard as I can but he just won't budge " Dad, please , don't do this to us ! Don't do this to him! To me! Please!" "You're acting like a child, Number 8. All these tears and snot coming out of you for some little reason that's just gonna help you in the long run." He says simply , I feel him pull my collar of what I'm wearing down slightly and put the thing on my skin over my heart " Why are you—" he gets up and walks over to his box as quick as he can.

" I'm fixing something that I didn't fix like I was supposed too. You two together will finally make me understand what went wrong with Number 8 in this universe." He says calmly and he turns the other switch on the box on , I hear my self scream out in pain, but after that, everything just went silent .


I told you I would be back soon!

Kinda , it's been like 3 months (4 months next week when I'm posting this) since I last updated and I didn't mean to go that long without posting ^^;;. But the positive thing is I didn't go almost a entire year without updating this like I did when I started this .

You can thank the creators and directors of Umbrella Academy for my return , cause a couple days ago they posted the promotional photos for each character for the final season and announced the release date of the final season which is August 8th of this year .

The end is almost here for both this book / book series and The Umbrella Academy show , which is sad but everything has to end at some point , and there's still tons (kinda) of Umbrella Academy content out there if you haven't read the comics .

Anyways I'm done yapping about the ending of Umbrella Academy. I'm sorry for the name of this chapter it's the only thing I could think to put T-T, and I can't wait to write the next two chapters I have some ideas for them but I don't know if I'm gonna do it or not but I'll see when I write it.

Okay, that's all I have to say , I hoped you liked this chapter somewhat and have a good morning, afternoon, evening, and night !

See you soon!


Total words: 5748!

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