Cross My Line ( A Jasonette f...

CrimsonRed_Writes tarafından

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng is your typical 16 year old girl: has a loving family, friends in school, good grades... Daha Fazla

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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Last Note

Chapter 1

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CrimsonRed_Writes tarafından

A/n- so, everyone's past is the same as the show, but the only difference is that Joker kills Jason at 12, and the boy is with the clown for a year after the clown fakes his death to get Batman off his trail -yes, it's definitely giving Arkham Knight backstory as well- and though Jason DOES die by Joker, his body is kidnapped by the LOA. He gets revived, trains with Ra's and Talia for 3 years, quickly becoming the best assassin they have, better than the Al-Ghuls themselves even, and pretty much raises Damian at the League, even though he knows he's Bruce's bio son. Ra's and Talia let Jason go from the league, and the next night Talia brings Damian to Bruce to raise, since Slade attacked the night Talia gave Damian to Bruce. And I'm figuring out the rest of the story as I write. Please be patient with me yall. I'm typing all of this on my phone, and I don't have a computer, and my phone is slow, so everything takes a while.-

Jason pov-
I was woken up by the sound of my bedroom door being opened, and I heard the quiet footsteps of Richard Grayson, my 21 year old big brother, enter my room.

"Little Wing, time to wake up kiddo. You have to get ready for school, and Alfred's making pancakes for breakfast!" His ever so cheerful voice said, and I flinched when I felt his hand gently shake my shoulder, and I hope he didn't notice it.

I slit my hazel blue eyes open to look at Golden Boy, and I got up and stretched my limbs. "What kind...?" I quietly asked, yawning and cracking my neck, shoulders, knuckles, wrists, jaw, back, and knees, then started making my bed military style, making sure there was no wrinkle anywhere and making the corners and folds sharper than my dagger blade, all under 2 minutes.

"Well, duh, he's making your favorite: chocolate chip. Did you forget what today is?" He asked, watching me finish my bed and go to my closet to pick out my clothes for school. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I don't know what day it is, and I really don't care about it. All I know is that it's Monday, a bunch of French kids are coming to my school and city for 3 months, and that I have football practice after school, and a lot of Gym that Coach is going to make us do today because he's never in a good mood on Monday's. Oh, and I have to finish fixing my motorcycle before school, so I don't have time to eat. Why are you asking me what day it is, Dick? It's just a normal day of the year, like it's always been." I deadpanned, throwing a white shirt, red hoodie and my Red Hood hoodie, a black flatbill hat, my black leather jacket, black jeans, steel toed combat boots, and a couple of weapons on my bed.

I went over to my desk and put all of my mountain of homework-the majority of it belonging to my classmates/bullies- in a folder and into my black military backpack, along with a couple of book from the school library, an extra pair of clothes and my gym clothes, my phone  and headphones chargers, and other school things in the bag, then went to my dresser.

My older adoptive brother sighed. "You actually forgot... damn-" he was cut off by the sound of little running footsteps and a loud cheer that made me jump.

"Happy birthday JayJay!" Little 14 year old Tim Drake's voice shouted, running into my room and tackling me to my floor. I grinned as I hugged my little brother. Well, damn. I forgot my own birthday again. This must have been what Golden Boy meant by 'I forgot'. I thought bitterly.
"Thanks, kiddo. And good morning, little brother," I said, tickling him. Timmy laughed and squealed, trying to squirm out of my grip, and I laughed with him and gave him a kiss on the nose, not seeing Dick take a picture with a smile on his face. "Alright, I have to take a shower and get ready for another day of Hell, Timbers." I said, standing with him in my arms. Tim hugged me and grinned. "Okay. I love you, Big Brother!" He said.

I smiled. "I love you too, Lil Bro. Hey, can you do me a favor? I need you to save me a couple of pancakes. I don't want Dickiebird eating all of them like he did last year this time. Can you be the guardian of the pancakes for me?" I asked him mischievously, eyeing our eldest brother with my peripheral vision. Tim nodded, determination sparkling in his eyes. "Okay Jason! I'm gonna go wake up Damian, too, that way he can help me defeat Dicky if he comes for the pancakes!" He said as I set him down, then ran off.

Dick sighed. "Poor kid. I still can't believe Jack and Janet Drake hated him. Tim is the sweetest, most lovable kid I've ever met, and he was neglected and abused his entire life." He sadly said. Yea, that's why I can relate to him. He's not the only one. I just had it a million times worse than what they did. Tim's past is barely anything compared to mine. If only you knew, Dick. But I can never tell you or Bruce my past. Or anything about me for that matter. I thought, glaring at him. "Way to kill the mood, Dickhead. The one time I'm in a good mood on a Monday, and you come in here with your damn pity party crap. Go downstairs so that I can get ready for school, will you? I can't afford to be late, or coach will kick my ass and make me do suicides in the snow on the football field all day in my thin gym clothes. I don't really feel like getting sick, so, I'll see you at school." I snapped, pushing him out of my room and slamming the door behind him.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my phone from my bed and played my playlist from my speaker, and got ready for school, completely forgetting about my birthday and instead thinking of what I knew was waiting for me at school.

I sighed as I pulled into my parking spot on my motorcycle at school.

It was FREEZING out here, and I felt like I was getting a cold. Apparently the hoodies and my leather jacket were nowhere near warm enough, so I was a shivering mess out in the snow. I had a put special cold protection stuff on my bikes motor, wheels, brakes, and pipes, and now I was leaning against my bike while I waited for my brothers to arrive in the limo with Alfred.

Damn, it's cold out here. I may have to go in the limo tomorrow if I don't want to get sick. I thought, just as my hazel blue gaze landed on a girl with raven hair, diamond blue eyes, and an Angelic face, shivering like a leaf as she walked up to the school only wearing a black long sleeve, navy skinny jeans, and black combat boots. The girl's hair was down and blowing in the sharp wind, and a strong gust of it came at her, making her sway against the wind.

Not seeing the limo parking behind me, and not noticing Bruce in the front with Alfred, or that Damian, Dick, and Tim were already out of the limo, I shoved my keys in my jacket pocket and sprinted towards the ravenette and caught her before she fell into the snow, not caring about the crowd outside watching, or the videos being filmed.

The girl was shaking, and she turned red when she looked up. My heart stopped. This girl was... she was beautiful. Looking down at her made my heart race and put butterflies in my stomach, and I felt my face heat up. What is this feeling? What-what is happening? This-why do I suddenly feel nervous and... and- what is this girl doing to me? Why is she so cute and pretty? WAIT, WHAT?! What the fuck am I thinking?! What is WRONG with me?!! "Uh-I.. I was over by my motorcycle, and I noticed you looked cold. Do you want to come see my hoodies to keep warm, that way you don't get sick from this cold? You should have a coat or something, miss." I said. Hold up- Jason Peter Todd-Wayne, what the HELL are you doing?! Why are you even talking to her? You're anti-social, you don't talk to people! But.. I can't bring myself to leave her out in this cold, nor stop being around her. I-I feel... at peace around her, calm, content and relaxed even... what is she doing to me? What is this feeling coming o we me?

The girl smiled, which made my heart race even faster. "O-oh! Yeah, I had brought a few of my jackets and hoodies with me to Gotham, but uh... my class stole-er, is using them. I had accidentally got left behind this morning, so I didn't have time to go and buy a new one or eat breakfast. I didn't want to be late for school, so I had to run across the city." She said with a forced smile as I took my hoodies and leather jacket off. I frowned. "Why didn't you just get  a cab? It would have been faster and warmer, and you would have been able to eat." I said. Her class stole her jackets, and LEFT HER BEHIND TO WALK IN THE CITY, ALONE?! What the fuck is wrong with them? Don't they know that this is GOTHAM for God's sake? I wondered.

She raised an eyebrow. "This is Gotham, the City of Crime. I'm not exactly keen on using a cab, because you don't know if the driver is who they say they are until it's too late. That's not a chance I'm willing to take." She said with a shiver. I handed her my hoodies with a grin. So, beautiful AND smart? Damn. "Well, you can use my hoodies until you go and buy more warmer clothes. They won't do much, but they are better than nothing. Even I didn't realize it was going to be this cold out. I don't want you to get sick because I didn't do anything to at least try to help you out." I said.

I watched her eyes widen. "No, I couldn't do that! Besides, what would you keep warm with? I'll be fine without them. The school is probably warmer inside, anyways. Thank you for the offer though," she said, then began walking away. Smart? 100/10. Beautiful? 100000/10. Kind? 10000/10. "It's colder inside than you think, you know. You may want to use these, just to be safe side." I said. I wasn't about to just sit and let this girl freeze to death all day. That shit wasn't happening.

The ravenette stopped and turned to face me. I could have sworn she was looking behind me for a second, but I wasn't sure. She sighed, though her eyes held amusement and gratitude. "You aren't going to not let me wear your hoodies, are you?" She asked lightly, a ghost of a smile on her face. I shook my head. "No ma'am. Besides, it's the right thing to do. I don't like to see other people suffer at the hands or actions of others, and I always help people out as much as I can, whenever they need help. My older brother and my dad taught me that. And, I figured that I could do what no one else is doing and help someone out." I said with a genuine smile, pouring out my honesty.

The girl giggled, a sound that was music to my ears, and gave me a warm smile. "Okay, how about this: you take a hoodie, and I borrow one for today? I can return this to you at the end of school, that way you can go home with both of them and be warm yourself, since you insist that I use one." She laughed. My face heated up a little bit, and I handed her one. "I can live with that, though I would prefer you wear both of them. Here, this is the thickest one I have. It might be a little big on you, but at least you'll have some protection against the cold." I said. She flushed red and put on my Red Hood hoodie, leaving me with my plain red one, which I quickly put back on and put my leather jacket on over it.

"Thank you for letting me borrow this..." she trailed off, and I quickly caught on. "Name's J-Jason. Jason Todd," I said, rubbing the back of my neck nervously, not sensing people behind me. The girl softly smiled. "I'm Mari. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's nice to meet you, Jason. Thank you for the hoodie. I'm really appreciative of your kindness. I don't know how I can repay you for this-" she said, but I cut her off. "Oh, no, don't worry about it, Marinette. There's no need to repay me. I was just trying to do the right thing, that's all." I said. Her name was pretty. "Marinette, huh? It suites you. Your name is beautiful," I added. Mari turned red, and stars exploded in my heart. I admired the fact that Mari, who I voted was an Angel sent from the heart of Heaven, was wearing my hoodie. It was 2 sizes too big on her, but she still pulled it off and looked hot in it.

I looked calm on the outside, but inside I was a hurricane of thoughts and emotions that I've never felt before and emotions that I have. What are you DOING?! What-WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! How? What the fuck is happening to me?! I can't block out these-these emotions, this feeling... what is it? Whatever this... witchcraft is, the girl is doing it to me. Maybe I'm sick... what in the name of Hell is going on?!

"Th-thanks, Jason. Your name is cool too! I've never met anyone named Jason before." She stuttered, but recovered quickly.


I didn't know what feeling was taking over me, but it was making the butterflies in my stomach turn into freaking birds. What the hell is this that I'm feeling?!

I was broke out of my thoughts when I felt someone grab my torso unexpectedly. Letting out a startled yelp, I whirled around and judo flipped the offender over my shoulder and pointed my gun at them while putting my boot on their throat and putting Marinette behind me instinctively. I blinked a couple of times to see Dick on the ground, and Tim and Damian, my 12 year old little brother, standing next to him, and I looked up to see Bruce and Alfred in the limo, watching curiously.

I glared down at Dick, and put my gun back on my jeans before helping him up. My heart was racing, and I was trying to hide the fear on my face, but I covered it in relief when I realized it was my brother and not any of the kids from school that I still had to put up with in a little bit. "I swear to God, if you scare me like that again, I'm going to kill you, Dick. I've told you not to do that." I said with narrowed eyes.

My older brother studied me closely, his detective face taking in my features. He opened his mouth to say something, but the bell rang, letting us know school was starting. I paled at snapped my head to the school doors, and to my slight relief I didn't see any of my bullies, but I knew that they were waiting inside, probably by my locker. I looked back at Dick. "I'll see you later. You have to come and pick up Tim and Damian. I can't because I have practice, and I might be home late because of it. Oh, and sorry for flipping you. I just got startled, that's all." I said, ruffling Tim and Damian's hair. My older brother grinned and gave me a hug, then kissed my forehead. "It's alright, but you and I are having a talk later. Have a good day in school, okay? You'd better head to class before you and your girlfriend are late." He said, then turned and ran for the limo.

Mari let out a shocked squeak, and I glared after my brother. "She's not my girlfriend Dick! I just met her!" I shouted, my face red. Richard stopped by the limo and laughed. "We all know denial is the first step, Jase! Just don't mess it up, birthday boy!" He called, and I felt my face burn. "God damn it, Richard John Grayson, SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I FUCKING KILL YOU!! Alfred won't be able to stop me from kicking your ass when I get home, so help me-" I yelled, but was cut off when the bell rang again. "Love you too, little brother!!" Dick shouted out of the limo window, as everyone ran to class, Mari and my brothers saying a quick goodbye before rushing off, leaving me out in the front yard alone.

I watched as my family limo started to pull out of the school parking lot, a sad and fearful look on my face, and I silently watched them disappear into the distance. I wished I was with them, to be anywhere but school, but I had to stay so I could protect Dami and Tim.

Family came first, no matter what.

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