One Piece Star Allies: (One P...

By MetalSmasherNTT

40.4K 731 384

I have actually been wanting to write a One Piece story before I even got on Wattpad and I don't want to wait... More

Question #1:
Question #2
Question #3
Question #4:
Your Crew Part 1: Kirby
Your Crew Part 2: Meta Knight
Your Crew Part 3: Bandana Dee
Your Crew Part 4: Magolor
Your Crew Part 5: Marx
Your Crew Part 6: Gooey
Your Crew Part 7: Taranza
Your Crew Part 8: Susie
Your Crew Part 9: Daroach
Your Crew Part 10: Adeleine
You Crew Part 11: Rick Kine and Coo
Other Characters: Galacta Knight
Theme of the Star Allies:
Starting Bounties For Every Member
(Updated) Previews of a few scenes
Everyone's Roles:
Chapter 1: The Superstar Warrior Arrives:
Chapter 3: (Y/N) vs Luffy Part 2: "No, I'm Gonna Be The Pirate King!"
Chapter 4: Gems Jesters and Jetting

Chapter 2: (Y/N) vs Luffy Part 1: Meeting of the Gluttons

1.5K 49 31
By MetalSmasherNTT

Here's the second episode, now I was gonna have the fight between you and Luffy here, but as things progressed I once again decided to make it a two-parter, the fight between you and Luffy will happen next episode, I'm really sorry for this, but I don't want chapters to be too long so here it is.

"What are you waiting for morons!?" Alvida yelled before pointing at you and your crew. "GET THEM!"

The group of Pirates let out war cries before the ones with weapons charged at your Crew.

Meta Knight and Kirby with both their blades in hand charged as well and began clashing with Alvida's crew.

Just before Daroach could join the frey you pulled him by his coat collar and whispered into his ear.

"Hey Rat, go around and steal whatever you can, we're still pirates after all."

The Rat Mink gave you a smirk and nodded.

"Got it boss." He said with a tip of his hat.

He then ran off somewhere to steal all the valuables on the ship.

You then turned and faced Alvida who smirked and raised her signature club.

"Y'know Pretty boy, I'm kinda disappointed." She said as you raised your hammer as well. "I coulda put a handsome fella like you to good use."

You nearly threw up at that remark, but you managed to shove your lunch down.

"Eugh, as if I'd ever serve a fat ugly gorilla like you!" You retorted almost immediately and upon hearing that the crew that were left weaponless and stood at Alvida's side all gasped in shock.

All went quiet, except for the clashing blades of Meta Knight, Kirby and Bandana Dee in the background fighting Alvida's men.

Confused by the sudden change in atmosphere, you raised a brow and asked:


"Ooh...ya shouldn't have said that punk." One of her crew stated shaking his head at your imminent demise.

"Huh?" You asked as you let your hammer rest to your side. "Why's that?"

"You'll see." He replied with a chuckle.

Still very much confused you returned your focus to Alvida who now seemed very pissed.

Seriously, this troll of a woman's veins were pulsating to the point where you thought they'd burst.

"What did you call me?" Alvida asked lowly grinding her teeth together.

"I said I'm too good to be serving a fat ugly bitch like you." You stated and that was what did it for Alvida.

"YOU LITTLE MAGGOT!" The female Pirate yelled raising her club.

The large woman immediately began charging at you while screaming like the ogre she was.

You just stared on with a confused expression as the wall of meat kept approaching you.

Alvida's crew cheered her on expecting to see a bloody paste out of you soon.

However, they got no such result.

Instead, what they got was shocked expressions as you quickly delivered a hard smack to Alvida's chin.

This resulted in her launching through the celling and disappearing into the sky with a twinkle.

All of them looked at you shocked and terrified, you just singlehandedly defeated their Captain.

They all had no time to process what had just happened as the bodies of their comrades who were busy fighting Kirby, Meta Knight and Bandana Dee flew past them and hit the ground falling unconscious.

Looking towards the fight, Alvida's remaining crew were horrified to see your 3 crewmembers sitting atop a pile of their own crewmemmates.

"Poyo!" Kirby cheered raising his sword high while Meta Knight gave them an intimidating glare and Bandana Dee just gave a friendly wave.

The remaining crew then turned back to you as you pointed your hammer at them.

"Hehe, alright guys...SHOWTIME!" You yelled.

From the outside, Alvida's crewmembers could be seen being launched into the sea or air as you and your crew absolutely wrecked them.

Meanwhile, Daroach was making his way through the ship taking whatever looked valuable.

The Passangers had evacuated a long time ago, some leaving valuable things behind, that combined with what the ship had already made this one of the Star Allies' best haul yet.

Turning down the Hall, Daroach stumbled upon 2 members of Alvida's crew talking to a little pink-haired boy with a barrel between them.

"Ooh, Beer..." Daroach thought with a smirk. "We can sell that to alcoholics."

None of the Star Allies liked alcohol, even you, their captain couldn't stand the stuff.

However, other people liked alcohol, mostly sad drunks and they'd shovel out a lof of Berries and other valuables for the stuff.

So, why not take some to sell?

The 2 Alvida Pirates seemed like they were about to punch open the barrel, so to preserve their profit Daroach acted quickly.

Meanwhile Coby backed up to let the Crewmember punch the barrel open.

The little boy was afraid Alvida would find out about this, but these 2 terrified him just as much.

Honestly, Coby hated feeling like this, so afraid, so helpless, so weak.

What could he do though?

They were pirates, he was just a little kid, trying to do anything would result in death.

So he became a doormat for everyone on Alvida's crew taking the brunt of abuse from all of them.

So when these 2 demanded a drink of his haul, he couldn't say no at all.

They said they'd keep quiet to Alvida, but Coby knew somehow the Ogre of a woman would find out and they'd blame it all on him.

He hated it on her crew, but he hated the thought of dying even more, and just like always, it seemed fate would make things worse for him.

Suddenly, the 2 pirates gained slash marks across their bodies scaring Coby quite a bit.

The pink-haired boy fell back into a sitting position as the pirates dropped to the floor.

Coby's fear only grew when he saw Daroach standing over him.

The Rat Mink glared down at the boy and placed his hand on the barrel.

"Are you gonna try and stop me?" Daroach asked and Coby shook his head furiously.

"Good choice kid." The Rat Mink chuckled placing his hand on the barrel.

Just as he was about to take the barrel, his sensitive ears picked up a sound from within barrel.

"Breathing?" Daroach thought backing up a bit. "Is there someone in the barrel?"

Daroach readied his claws in case something dangerous would come out.

Coby believing the Rat was going to cut him up grew panicked and began screaming.

"AAAHHH, Mr Ratguy please let me go believe me I'm not worth killing at all there's really nothing to gain from murdering me trust me I..." As Coby kept sniveling Daroach tuned him out and focused on the barrel.

Soon, his suspicions were confirmed.

A figure burst out from the barrel so suddenly that said barrel was destroyed.

With that gone, Daroach could get a look at this person.

Monkey. D Luffy:

"I SLEPT GREAT!" The boy with the Straw Hat yelled enthusiasm and joy within his voice.

Daroach raised a brow at this odd boy.

"He was sleeping in that?" The Rat Mink asked himself as poor Coby just stared on in confusion.

First, he had been working with that vile woman Alvida for a really long time, then a rat-person came and tried to steal a barrel of what he thought was beer, but then it turned out a person was in that barrel.

A lot of things were happening at once for him and the poor kid just couldn't process it.

Meanwhile Luffy stretched himself after his little barrel siesta and when that was over with looked around.

His eyes immediately landed on Daroach and the 2 stared at each other.

"Oh hey there Mr Rat." Luffy greeted as if it was a normal thing to see a rat-human hybrid. "Where am I right now?"

"Uh..." Daroach said unable to answer for a while.

Sure he has seen stranger stuff in his life, a giant living dark star with one eye that possessed him, a kid who could absorb stuff and gain new abilities, a robot girl with daddy issues, eye-ball monsters who wanted to consume everything just cause they had no friends.

However, he still had to question what was up with this boy.

He had apparently been sleeping in a barrel comfortably judging from what he said, saw a rat man and just asked where he was as if this was normal.

"You're on a ship me and my crew are saving slash robbing." Daroach answered retracting his claws.

"Crew?" Luffy asked before smiling widely. "So you're a pirate?"

"Pirate, thief, incredibly suave charming and mysterious bandit..." Daroach replied with a cocky grin. "Call me whatever you want, though I do prefer that last one."

"And you're a rat too, that's so cool!" Luffy stated surprising Daroach even more.

That's not the response he usually gets from people, it's usually disgust, fear or a combination of the 2.

In fact the only ones that weren't put off by him being a rat mink were the Star Allies, but honestly they were a group of weirdos themselves.

" what are you doing here kid?" Daroach asked crossing his arms.

"Right now I'm just looking for something to eat, I'm starving." Luffy laughed making Daroach and Coby sweatdrop.

"Well I won't stop you, but you better hurry up and eat, my Captain can be quite the glutton sometimes." The Rat Mink chuckled with a tip of his hat. "And by that I mean most of the time."

"Alright, thanks." Luffy thanked as he started walking away.

"WAIT!" Coby suddenly yelled getting both of their attention.

"What is it?" Daroach asked.

"Did you say you had a crew here and that you were saving this ship?" Coby asked now very worried.

Daroach nodded: "And robbing, we don't work for free."

"That means they're fighting Alvida right now!" The boy screamed his worry increasing.

"Who?" Luffy and Daroach asked confused.

"She's my captain and she's the meanest most evil pirate to ever sail the seven seas!" Coby yelled scared.

"Well that's just your opinion." Daroach shrugged.

"Yeah there's probably worse pirates than her out there." Luffy agreed.


Coby received a harsh bonk on the head from Daroach's staff.

"Don't yell, we're in the same room brat." The Rat Mink sighed.

"Wow this kid sure is a whimp." Luffy laughed and Daroach chuckled along.

"Yeah, we have a kid with pink hair on our crew and He's waaaaaay braver than this little coward." He mocked. "Also stronger, and cuter..."

The constant mocking put Coby in even lower spirits as he sunk into the ground.

"Well, I'm gonna go find something to eat." Luffy stated before walking off.

"Don't worry kid, I've seen your captain and believe me, my Capitan's faced far worse than some cavewoman with a club." Daroach assured with a tip of his hat. "In fact I'm pretty sure Adeleine could even beat her."

"I-I don't know who that is." Coby said confused.

"Don't worry about it kid, that troll woman stands no chance, I'm pretty sure she's already been taken care of." Daroach assured.

"Daroach, I took care of that Troll woman!" You yelled walking into the room along with Kirby, Meta Knight and Bandana Dee.

Meta Knight had his cape wrapped around him.

"So what did ya steal for us." You asked the Master Thief.

"Um...I got nothing..." The Rat Mink shrugged and that did not make you happy.

"And you call yourself a master thief." You said disappointed.

That offended Daroach.

"Hey, I was gonna steal a barrel of beer from this little wimp over here." He said pointing at Coby. "But then it turns out some weirdo with a Straw hat was sleeping in there and it was just a whole thing!"

"Daroach, there's no need to make up stories, if you're losing your touch as a thief..." Bandana Dee tried to say.

"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH BANDANA WADDLE DEE!" Daroach yelled not standing for his status of Master Thief to be questioned. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK LIKE YOU'RE A BETTER THIEF THAN ME!"

You gave Daroach a bonk on the head with your hammer.

"Calme down Rat." You ordered before turning to Coby who's fear grew when he realized something.

"W-wait...y-you..." He stuttered out.

"What is it four eyes?" You asked as Daroach stumbled around with stars circling his head.

"YOU BEAT ALVIDA!?" Coby yelled not believing it.

"Who's Alvida?" You asked confused.

"I believe he's referring to the Troll Woman you disposed of earlier." Meta Knight replied.

"Ugh, I was kinda hoping to forget about her as soon as possible." You groaned a shiver running up your spine.

You still hated the thought of sleeping with that troll.

"YOU ACTUALLY BEAT HER!?" Coby yelled.

"Yeah, one smack from his hammer and boom she's up in space." Kirby giggled shocking Coby even further.

This man before him, beat the woman that had been tormenting him for so long...and in one hit no less according to this child.

"Hi, I'm Kirby, what's your name?" The Pink Star Warrior asked.

"Oh...uh...I'm Coby..." He introduced.

"Hey, Coby and Kirby." Kirby cheered grabbing Coby's hands. "We both have pink hair too."

At this moment, Coby felt all his worries melt away, he felt a sense of joy he had not felt in a long time.

This boy had a powerful aura of pure happiness and it felt amazing after what he had been through.

"Hold on Rat, you said there was another person here?" You asked remembering Daroach mentioned a person with a straw hat.

Daroach shook his head to snap out of his daze and adjusted his hat.

"Yeah boss, apparently he took a nap in a barrel, now he's off somewhere looking for food." He explained and that caught both yours and Kirby's attention.

"Oh yeah, this is a passanger cruise, of course they got food on here!" You realized.

"Of course that's what gets your attention." Meta Knight sighed as you and Kirby ran off to find food somewhere.

Bandana Dee looked at Coby.

"So are you part of that Troll Woman's crew?" Bandana Dee asked and Coby nodded.

"Kidnapping a child and forcing them on her crew, it's disgusting even for a pirate as gross as her." Meta Knight scoffed.

"We have kids on our crew though." Bandana Dee reminded.

"That's different..." Meta Knight stated. "We did not kidnap our children and they can defend themselves."

"Plus one of those kids is stronger than all of us combined." Daroach added.

"So what are we gonna do with this kid?" Bandana Dee asked reminding everyone that Coby was here.

Meta Knight stared at Coby and just like that, the joy and happiness Coby had felt from Kirby vanished and was replaced with that all too familiar feeling of fear.

Meta Knight was incredibly intimidating and his glare made the kid's blood run cold.

Alvida was nowhere near as menacing as him.

"We'll wait until our Captain decides." He said simply.

Coby looked like he was about to panic after hearing that.

"Don't worry, (Y/N) can be a jerk sometimes, but he's not some tyrant." Bandana Dee assured.

"At least not anymore." Meta Knight muttered.

"Hey, you tried to start a war with our island just cause you thought everyone was being too lazy." Bandana Dee reminded placing his hands on his hips. "You have no right to judge."

The Knight grunted tucking himself further into his cape not wanting to be reminded of that past event.

"I was homeless for nine months Meta Knight, you blew my house up." Bandana Dee said lowly. "All (Y/N) did was take food, and we've got a lot of that on Yumetochi, it wasn't that big of a deal."

"All I did was steal a chest and some cake, the Dark Matter star creature was not part of the plan at all." Daroach stated.

"You started a war Meta Knight, and it cost all of us...Bandana Dee continued."All of us except Kirby, you lost your Halberd, (Y/N) lost more dignity, I lost my house..."

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" Coby thought unable to understand what they were saying.


"Food!?" You yelled opening many doors throughout the ship hoping to find where they kept the food.

So far you and Kirby had found nothing resembling food.

"Dad, I hear eating!" Kirby yelled pointing at a wooden door.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" You yelled running up to the door.

You kicked open the door and was met with a pantry of some kind.

With the door open you could make out a distinct munching sound and in the middle of the pantry you saw a guy in a red shirt and straw hat munching on some apples.

Luffy turned to glance at who just entered and came face to face with you and Kirby.


Well, hope you enjoyed.

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