The Battle Of The Riches | PE...

By prodyjungwon

54.8K 1.4K 42

"let's make a deal if I make her fall in love with me first I get her but you get her to fall with you first... More

The start of this journey
catching up
Crazy Lady
bad day
stolen keychain & ring
Cheong Ah Arts High School
the truth told
Hera palace anniversary
Min Seol A
Bae Rona
angry lady
gym teacher
rich kid
community room
2 can play that game

"trouble maker"

1.5K 52 0
By prodyjungwon

I was walking in the hall about to turn to Seojin office and I saw that girl what was her name again bae bora? Bae Rona that was her name she was talking to seojin assistant and I'm guessing he didn't let her in.

I was walking towards them she grabbed Eunbyeol flowers and looked at it she ripped the name off and threw it on the ground I was speed walking no " bae Rona what are you doing?" I tried my best to say it gently. She looked at me then over to the flower pot next to her, I walked over to her and she grabbed the flowers and threw it next to my feet "what are you doing!" I lightly yelled.

"Yah!" The assistant said. Jenny Eunbyeol and Seok-kyung came up behind me "bae Rona what are you doing your going to hurt junghwa!" Jenny yelled

"Do you know her?" Seok-kyung asked "she is the waiting list number one" Jenny said.

"Oh so what are you doing here causing a fuss and harassing junghwa?" Eunbyeol said. "Oh so your han Eunbyeol" bae Rona said looking at her name tag "I saw you leave the exam room in tears, didn't you make a mistake?" she added

"Why would I make a mistake?" Eunbyeol yelled. "You got in because of your mom's connections, your grandpa is cheong ah's director" she yelled.

She grabbed Eunbyeol "there's more to it, isn't there? Tell me!" She yelled I grabbed her from behind " Stop, what are you doing don't grab on to her like that!" I said trying to pull her away.

"Let go it's not true let go your wrong" Eunbyeol said trying to shake her off bae Rona pushed me away and I fell to the ground "junghwa!" Seok-kyung and Jenny yelled they were about to run to me until.

"Stop this!" I hear someone say I look and it's Mrs Seojin. They stopped and I looked at her from the ground she looked down and saw the flower pot being broken and me on the ground she gasp looking at me she helped me up a bit.

"What is all this?" Mrs Seojin yelled she walked past it to stand next to Eunbyeol and me. "This is the only way for me to get to see you" bae Rona said.

"What?" Seojin said shocked "tell me why I didn't get it" bae Rona said.

"I didn't make a mistake like eunbyeol and I sang every word and note perfectly." She questioned. "So why didn't I get in, release the scores" her voice became a bit louder. "I will never accept u til I see the scores"

Mrs Seojin walked a bit to be closer to bae Rona "you're just like your mom" she says "you're acting like a victim"

"What" bae Rona said confused

"Accept it" Mrs Seojin said "you just weren't good enough"

"What about her mistake?" Bae Rona said looking at Eunbyeol. Eunbyeol looked worried and started to move her hair back behind her ears "if it wasn't that bad of a mistake, an admission exam about picking someone with promise, you are not good at music " Mrs Seojin said

"So stop acting up and leave" Mrs Seojin added making Jenny smirk. "No I am positive the admission was rigged, I will never accept it" bae Rona said not moving a step.

"The admission was rigged? Do you stand by that statement?"

"Didn't you pre-pick who to admit in advance?" Bae Rona asked "isn't that why Eunbyeol is making a mistake?" Mrs Seojin looked shocked "if you don't leave immediately I will have you dragged you out"

"You bribed my tutor too, did you ajimma?" Bae Rona said making Mrs Seojin shocked even more "ajimma?!"

"You didn't teach me I can't call you  teacher" bae Rona went to the ground "I won't move a single step until you show me the scores" she said laying down. "Hey what are you doing?" Eunbyeol said trying to pull her off the ground. "Eunbyeol" her mom called.

Eunbyeol was pulling her arm up "get up, get up?!" Bae Rona pushed Eunbyeol down causing her to crash into the fallen flowers that were pushed earlier "Eunbyeol!" I yelled and I ran to help her until I got pushed too, "yah!" I look at bae Rona who pushed me.

"Eunbyeol, junghwa!" Mrs Seojin ran to us "are you okay?" The assistant helped me sit instead of laying on the ground. I look at Eunbyeol"my arm!" She cried out "what's wrong with it?" Her mom asked if I touched my face and I felt liquid coming down from my noise. "Yah bae Rona look what you did to them!" Seok-kyung yelled running to me, to help me.

Jenny was yelling at her non-stop.

Authors pov

Bae Rona mother oh Yoon-hee was running into the police station she looked for her daughter and ran to her "rona, Rona are you okay?" She yelled and she looked down at her daughters hands   "what happened to your hand!?" She said "my Eunbyeol and Junghwa were the ones who got her!" Seojin yelled making both of them look up.

"The ignorant girl was just too strong" oh Yoon-hee looked at Seojin and the two girls who were sitting next to her. "What" oh Yoon-hee said walking to seojin she pushed her "what did you do to my daughter?" She yelled

"Come on, from now on you can talk to me" attorney y Lee said  Seojin and the two girls got up "take care of it for me attorney Lee, I will show no lenience so charge her according to the law" Seojin said and left

"Why are you letting her go?" Oh Yoon-hee yelled "you can't let them walk off before we tell our side of the story!"

"Why can't we do that? You and your daughter just have to pay the price" attorney Lee said "here is the security footage" he said pulling out his iPad "and just in case you'd want to I got a copy so you can see it yourself."

"I'm quite kind as an attorney he the you go" he showed her the footage of it was bae Rona pushing the flower pot at junghwa feet and pushing Eunbyeol and Junghwa.

"She pulled on me, mom" bae Rona said (well no shit you decide to stay on the ground when you were supposed to leave) "it's okay Rona it's fine" she said to her daughter. "Assault and property damage, spreading and slander too, there are so many charges" attorney Lee said "you were also summoned by a school violence committee"

Attorney Lee pulled another video up of her pointing the trophy at Seojin neck "this mother and daughter are quite dramatic" he said to her ear "Ms oh Yoon-hee you were sued as well" he mentioned"you and your daughter deliberately and malevolent harassed Ms Cheon Seo-jin and her daughter and Junghwa."

"So two accounts of assault pay 100,000 dollars"



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