๐ˆ๐ง๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐ž | ๐Š๐จ๐ค๐ข๐œ๐ก๐ข...

By AnemicAnemia

46.5K 1.2K 5.5K

"๐–๐ก๐ฒ!? ๐–๐ก๐ฒ ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฌ๐ž!?" "๐๐ž๐œ๐š๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ˆ ๐ฅ๐จ... More

Major A/N
Early!Y/N x Reader


2.3K 64 251
By AnemicAnemia

~Ding Dong Bing Bong~

You didn't get up from you're bed ever since Kokichi left. You've been trying to go to sleep, but you couldn't.

You set your eyes on the monitor in your dorm that just rang.

The monitor showed all of the Monokubs on a couch with a weird background behind them.

"This is the official announcement from the Ultimate Academy of Gifted Juveniles." Monosuke said.

"It is now 10pm. Nighttime officially starts now." Monotaro said.

"Whetether you've been good or naughty, it's time to go tinkle and go to beddy-bye!" Monokid yelled.

"The dining hall and the gym are locked during Nighttime, so be careful." Monphanie said.

"Sweet dreams!" The monitor turned off.

"Nighttime huh? Guess I'll wander around since people won't be bothering me."

You hopped up from your bed and walked out your dorm, locking it behind you.

"Where should I go now? Maybe I'll check out that manhole." And you went off to the manhole.

You were walking towards the area of where the manhole is, and you saw a group of people.

"Gave up?" You asked.

"Yeah. Kaede was torturing us by forcing us to go through the dumb tunnel!" Kokichi yelled, about to let out crocodile years.

"I can see that. You all look pretty beat up." You said.

"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Kirumi asked.

"I'm alright. I feel better now." You said.

"That's good to hear. Perhaps you should go back to the dorms? Everyone else is already heading there." She said.

"I decided to go on a walk." You said.

"Alright, just don't be out too late. We're in a dangerous situation." That was the last thing she said before she went back to the dorms.

"I think it's fine." You said. You looked beside you to see Kokichi still next to you.

"Why are you still here?" You asked.

"I don't know. Wanna continue that walk you were taking?" He asked.

"Sure." You started walking ahead of Kokichi to the opposite direction.

"Y/N!! Why are you leaving me?" He ran up to where you were.

"Oh, I have something to say to you, Kokichi." You said, stopping completely.

"What is it?" He asked, tilting his head a bit.

You walked up to him slowly, scaring him a bit.

"Y/N..? What are you doing..?" He asked, sweating a bit.

You stopped moving. You tapped him on the shoulder before saying,

"Tag!" You ran off.

"Wh the-- THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" Kokichi yelled, chasing after you.


It's been two hours since the Nighttime announcement. You and Kokichi has been playing tag during that time. You both are currently laying down in the middle of the courtyard, staring at the stars.

"Why is there no constellations?" You asked.

Kokichi ignored you and continued stargazing.

"Kokichi?" You poked his cheek.

"Dude, are you dead?"

He said nothing.

"Alright, I'll go grab a knife and stab your to see if you're alive-"

"DON'T DO THAT I'M ALIVE!!" Kokichi had a panicked expression on his face.

"Good morning! Or night? Meh, whatever. Wanna go back to the dorms? Hey, can I see your dorm? You've already seen mine." You threw random questions at him while he was still sitting there, confused.

"Sure, we can go to the dorms, but you can't see my dorm." He stated.

"Why noooot? You got to see miiiiine!" You dragged out some letters when speaking.

"I am not letting you see my dorm. Now let's go." He said, dragging you by the wrist.

You let out a gasp before talking. "Are you planning a murder!?" You jokingly asked.

"Am I?" He said, smirking a bit.

You both reached the dorms and you were about to go in yours.

"Wait, Y/N."

You turned your head to Kokichi. "Yeah?" You asked.

"Everyone is meeting in the dining hall at 8am. Thought I should tell you." He said. "Well, night Y/N!" He went in his dorm, then you went in yours.

You flopped on your bed and let out a groan.

"It's so boring here! When can I leave and bomb Brazil like I planned!? Killing each other one by one isn't fun unless it was a country! I don't want to die, but I might have to just to get the thrills of it!"

You let out another groan before turning off your lights and taking off your shoes.

"Hopefully something interesting happens tomorrow."



The smell of smoke was suffocating.

Explosions in every direction.

Screaming coming from different people.

You just bombed Canada.

There was a family not too far away from you. You had a knife and pistol in your hands.

"P-Please don't hurt us! What did we do to you!?" The woman asked.

"If You go n-near my k-kids," The man grabbed a gun next to him, "I-I'm not afraid to shoot!" He said.

"Then shoot."


The man was stunned by what you said.

"If you're not afraid then shoot. It shouldn't be that hard."

You had a blank expression when you were speaking.

The two kids were in the woman's arms.

A boy and a girl, both crying and wailing from the burns on their skin and out of fear.

The man was shaking a lot, he couldn't even aim the gun in your direction.

"Oh? What's this?" A smile grew to your face.

"Am I really that scary to you?"

The man was taken aback by what you said.

"Eric, shoot the crazy girl! She's going to shoot us dammit!" The woman yelled.

The man just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"I'll give you 3 seconds to make up your mind. Either you shoot me and the torture and pain will be over, or you and your family dies. Choose wisely."

The man started panicking.


The man was sweating profusely.


The man was shaking like he couldn't move.



The man fell limp, blood dripping from his head.

"ERIC!!!" The woman screamed. The kids screamed louder.

"Oh, that's a shame." You said with a blank face.

"Why are you doing this!? What did all of Canada ever do to you!!?" The woman yelled.

"Why? Why not." You said.

"You're hurting innocent people!" She yelled.

"I'll give you a proper answer then."

You looked up at them with a crazy look in your eyes and the most insane smile you've ever given to anyone.

"Because it's entertaining! Seeing everyone suffer just makes my heart race of excitement! It's the best feeling in the world!"

You were laughing hysterically while the remains of the family were watching in fear. You pointed your pistol at the daughter.

"Now then, let's get back to doing what I started." You said, still smiling.

The woman was in horror of where you were pointing the gun.

"Say hi to the stars for me." You said.


You made an annoyed face.

"Why did you do that?"

The woman's arm was bleeding while she was screaming in agony.

"Now that's just annoying."

You started to grin.

"But you're weak now. I want to see a horrified look on your kids eyes when they see you."


The bullet went through the woman's head. She fell limp.

"Mommy!" The kids yelled.

They looked at the mother, then looked at you.

They were crying from fear.

"Oh, looks like the shepherd left their sheep. Maybe you should join her and your father."

You looked at both of them, then gave them the look in your eyes.

"So, who wants to go first?"

They stood shaking.

"My choice? Alright then."


The son fell limp to the floor.

"Brother!! Why are you hurting us!?" The girl yelled.

"I already gave you my answer. Didn't your teacher say to pay attention?"

The girl stood there, shaking.

"I'll say what I said earlier again."

You aimed your gun at the girl.

"Say hi to the stars for me."



~Ding Dong Bing Bong~

You groggily opened your eyes to see the monitor on with the Monokubs on screen.

"Rise and shine, ursine!" They said in unison.

"This is an official announcement from the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles." Monotaro said.

"It's 8AM bitches! Time to wake up and face the blood-drenched day!" Monokid yelled.

"I wonder who's dead this morning?" Monosuke said.

"Stooop... If I suddenly see a dead body, I'll puke again!" Monophanie whined.

"Enjoy your killing game semester!" Monotaro exclaimed.

The monitor turned off.

"I wonder if there is a dead body!" You cheered.

You got ready and left the dorms for the dining hall.


You were in front of the dining hall doors, and you opened them. You scanned the room.

"Are you kidding me? No one's dead? Dammit.." You sulked to yourself.

"Good, everyone's here." Kaede said.

"I'm glad there was no victims." Kiyo said.

"Are you okay, Kaede?" Kokichi asked. You walked to him and stood next to him.

"What do you mean?" Kaede countered.

"Well... you looked really bummed out after everyone started clmajng you yesterday." Kokichi said.

Was he acting? If he was, can I join it? I'm probably going to join it anyway soon enough.

"H-Hey... What are you doing all of--" Tsumugi was cut off by Kokichi.

"Seriously, you guys are so mean. Poor girl..." He said, putting on a worrying face. You just grinned and kept listening.

"She tried her best to encourage everyone, and you sore losers got mad at her anyway." Kokichi said.

"What's the point of bringing that up again?" Kiibo asked. "Why not?" You said.

"Actually, didn't you blame Kaede first?" Tenko said to Kokichi.

"Eh? N-Now it's my fault? Why are you guys ganging up on me?" Kokichi said worryingly. I know it's an act, and he knows that too. I'll act with him because I'm bored. "Seriously, what did Kokichi ever do?" You said.

'WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! You guys are so terrible! So horrible, so mean!" Kokichi yelled, letting the fake tears roll down his face.

"Hmph, you're too noisy. Cut it out." Ryoma said bluntly.

"But it's true. Everyone blamed Kaede without any responsibility themselves." Kaito said.

You looked over to Kokichi who was looking at Kaito with a "what the fuck" face. You couldn't help but snicker quietly.

"Hey, come on now. Everyone was probably tired." Rantaro said with his hands up, trying to calm everyone down.

"Shut it! That's no excuse!" Kaito snapped.

"No, it's okay! It doesn't bother me!" Kaede said.

You looked over at her, and your face was blank. Why the hell?

"It's just... I should've been more considerate of everyone's feelings." She said. "I was too focused on the tunnel... So, I'm sorry..." She apologized.

You stared at her blankly before Kaito spoke up.

"Alright, well... If you're okay with it, then so am I." He said.

How do you trust an idiot like him anyway? AND HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET YOUR HAIR TO BE LIKE THAT!?

"Phew, cool beans! Now everything's settled!" Kokichi cheered.

"But you did blame her first, didn't you?" Kiibo asked.

Robots I swear-

"Well, that was a lie. Y'know, one of those lies to make us more untied or whatever." Kokichi said with his hands behind his head.

"Did you know half of my lies are actually told with good intentions?" He asked.

"Highly doubt it." You said, smirking a bit.

"Let's just... discuss something else." Kaede said.

"Let's all discuss a way to get out of here-" Before Kaede could finish, Monokuma appeared out of thin air.

"Before you do that, I have an announcement!" Monokuma said.

"Hey, don't just suddenly show up! It's too much stress for my heart!" Tsumugi yelled.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to not surprise you." Monokuma said sarcastically. You laughed a little bit.

"So you did mean to surprise us." Himiko said.

"Well? Your announcement?" Ranatro said.

"Ooh! Ooh! Is it to spice up the killing game!?" You said excitingly, jumping subtlety.

"I guess you could say that," Monokuma said before continuing, "I want to give you guys a motivation to kill." Monokuma said.

"Motivation to kill?" Maki asked.

"In short, a motive! That oughta add some mystery to the proceedings!" Monokuma exclaimed. "Even if a killer is exposed, they could whip up a sob story to deceive everyone!"

"Wh-What are you saying? Your logic is impossible to understand...!" Kiibo said.

"Yeah, it sounds like my logic too." You said.

"Shouldn't you be able to understand it then?" Kokichi asked you while whispering.

"Nope." You replied bluntly.

"I will now announce the first motive! Make sure you record this moment for prosperity!" Monokuma announced.

"I wish I had a camera right about now." You said.

"Now then, the special motive I've prepared is called the First Blood Perk!" Monouka said, opening his arms whide enough to think he's praising God or some shit. "Wow! For the first murder that occurs, no class trial will be held! Can you believe it?"

You grinned a bit on what he was saying.

I don't want to kill anyone here unless someone already has a family, but that would be nice.

"No class trial will be held?" Maki asked.

"I'm sorry that I made the class trial seem more important than it already is..." Monokuma apologized. "So for the first murder, I've decided to hold a class trial at all." Monokuma put his hands to his stomach and laughed. "Please just relax, calm down, and kill! After all, the first one's free!"

"Huh? That's all!? We just gotta kill someone to get outta here!?" Miu asked, clearly disturbed.

"'That's all'!? What's that supposed to mean!? Calm down!" Kiibo yelled.

"First Blood Perk!? Don't make it sound like some kind of game show bonus!" Tenko yelled.

"You say that, but I bet you're real happy, huh?" Monokuma asked, quietly laughing to himself.

"There's no way I'm happy!" Tenko countered.

Kaede stood up.

"S-Stop messing around... Do you think this is fun for us?" She asked, clearly annoyed. "Do you really think I'd kill someone to get out?"

Kaede changed her stance to one of defense.

"In your dreams!" She yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Monokuma. "We're not gonna listen to you! We promised each other we'd escape from this place!"

I didn't promise but whatever.

"Puhuhu... Spare me your false bravado." Monokuma said. "You should be focusing pn hke you plan on killing someone. You gotta kill someone, right?"

"Why you... bastard!" Kaito yelled.

This is going to get interesting. You smirked a bit.

"I see... the prisoners dilemma. How very clever of you, Monokuma." Rantaro complimented.

Wait, what the fuck?

"Huh? What's that?" Kaito asked.

"We all know it's better to cooperate rather than betray each other, right? But if you don't cooperate, you receive some benefit that no one else gets." Rantaro explained. "It's an incentive to betray the group to give yourself an advantage. With that in the back of all our minds, we're less likely to cooperate. That's Monokuma's plan. To make a non-cooperative plan that tanks Kaede's plan to get us to cooperate."  Rantaro finished.

You were struggling to take all of that in due to how much information he just said. You looked over at Kokichi, who seemed very focused into what Rantaro said. Due to Rantaro's words... it seems he's been through something like this before..

A shout came from Kaede's mouth, which made you leave your thoughts.


"And if a murder were to occur... it'd be even more unlikely that we'd cooperate." Shuichi said.

"It's likely he created this Perk for that sole purpose." Kiyo stated.

"Right? I bet you can't stand all this tension in the air, right? So it's better to just kill!" Monokuma cheered.

Tenko had a shocked expression on her face. "Wh-What...? You..."

"It seems you are quite serious about forcing us to participate in this killing game." Kirumi pointed out. "What exactly is your objective?" She asked.

You looked over at Kaito, whose fists are white from anger, and half of his face red due to his boiling anger.

"His objective doesn't matter! I'm through letting him have his way!" Kaito snapped.

"I've had enough!!!"

Kaito's anger turned into infuriated, then turned into pissed.

This is getting good. Where the popcorn?

Kaito lunged at Monokuma to attack him, but immediately stopped when the Monokubs appeared.

"Hell yeah! Looks like we got ourselves a volunteer!" Monokid cheered.

"Finally! It's time for the Exisals!" Monotaro said.

Your eyes immediately widened and your smile grew bigger, showing your teeth. You didn't realize you started to laugh a little bit.

"Youse bastards better pay attention! This is what happens when you mess with us!" Monosuke exclaimed.

Kaito had a scared expression on his face. "Wh..What? What are you guys planning to do?"

"Run, Kaito!" Kaede yelled.

Suddenly, the Exisals appeared. You searched all around your outfit for the detonator, but you couldn't find it.

"Where the hell is it!?" You muttered angrily.

"Looking for this?"

You looked over to Kokichi, who was holding the detonator in his hand.

"Wow, how naughty of you, Y/N! I didn't know you were into bombs! He said.

You were lucky that everyone else was focused on what was happening with the Monokubs. Looks like Monokuma was crushed and the Monokubs were talking about what to add in a soup with Monokumas parts in it.

"I'll give you back the detonator," You reached for the detonator, only for it to be pulled away, "If you tell me what this connects to."

You gritted your teeth and he grinned.

"Fine. When I went in the Exisal yesterday, I put glitter bombs in there. Now can I have it back?" You gestured your hand for him to give back the detonator.

"You should've told me sooner and I wouldn't have taken the detonator. Here."

He tossed you the detonator and you caught it.

"Well? Aren't you going to set them off?" Kokichi asked.

"I can't anymore because they're not in the fucking Exisal." You said bluntly.

You just ignored him and looked at what's happening.

Just when you were about to pay attention, the Monokubs left.


"U-Umm... What's going on?" Tsumugi asked.

"Hmm... Everything's a complete mess now. But if there's no final boss..." Kokichi paused before speaking. "Then that means this killing game is cancelled!" Lokichi exclaimed.

Some cheered, some debated if there's a spare Monokuma, and you just groaned.

You accidentally tuned out, but you came back when Kokichi's words hit you.

"With the mastermind gone, continuing this game is pretty much impossible."

Right, he doesn't know I'm the mastermind now..

You looked at Tsumugi, who was glaring at you. You just gave her the crazy look in your eyes and grinned at her.

"Yay! We did it! Nyahahaha!" Angie cheered.

"So, we're not in danger anymore?" Tenko asked.

"Oh, so do we just wait here for the shuttle bus to pick us up, or...?" Tsumugi asked.

Kaede spoke up with concern laced in her tone. "W-Wait a minute! We don't know that yet--"

"Kaede, quit being a buzzkill!" Kokichi cut her off. "Everyone's still annoyed about what you did yesterday."

"B-But I didn't mean it like tha--"

"Or... is there something you would have us do, Kaede?" Kiyo asked, cutting her off.

"Don't tell me you wanna take on that underground passage again!?" Miu yelled.

"Quiet. We know it's impossible." Maki said, hushing Miu.

There was silence until Kaede broke it.

"S-Sorry..." She apologized, again.

"Whatevs, looks like we're done here. Phew, what a relief." Kokichi said, putting his hands behind his head.

"Fiiiiiiinally! God I'm bored!" You cheered.

Everyone went their separate ways, including you. Tsumugi pulled you aside out of no where and started talking to you.

"I know you are the mastermind now. And somehow, you programmed Motherkuma to probably listen to you, so go make another Monokuma." She explained.

"Okay! I was gonna do that anyways. I like this game so I'll do anything to keep it up and running." You started walking away before you turned around. "Oh, and one more thing." Tsumugi turned to you.

"I'll switch it back to Kaede. I wanna keep you alive." You walked off.


Words : 3385

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