Chosen Ones Season 2

By Bkhanh1991

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Welcome now to another journey of Chosen Ones. Where things this season are as action packed , full of drama... More

Credits/ Rights
Guest Stars Per Episode
Ep 2.01 Dark Heart
Ep 2.02 Danger Danger
Ep 2.03 Things Are Not What It Seems
Ep 2.04 Will Everything Be The Same?
Ep 2x05 Desire and a Vision
Ep 2.06 Temptations of a Mortal
Ep 2.07 Tortured Soul
Ep 2.08 Unlucky in Love and A Good Laugh
Ep 2.09 Rise of the Source's Heir
Ep 2.10 It Ends Now
Ep 2.11 Back To Reality
Ep 2.12 A New Reality
Ep 2.13 Finding True Love
Ep 2.14 Aftermath
Ep 2.15 The Fourth Sister, Part 1
Ep 2.16 The Fourth Sister, Part 2
Ep 2.18 Return Of The Source
Ep 2.19 Evil Is Here
Ep 2.20 The Source's Reign
Ep 2.21 Utopia
Ep 2.22 A Charming Halloween
Ep 2.23 The Source's Heir Resolve
Ep 2.24 Near The Year's End

Ep 2.17 Dark Wedding And Future Plans

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By Bkhanh1991

Season 2, Episode 17, Episode number: 40


[It seems some time has passed. A poster in the front of the window, shows the Valentine Day's Special Luvey Dovey Cupcakes. Adrian then flips the sign to open.]



[Coop is with Marissa. It is assumed that Coop is a cupid again. He looks worried.]

Coop: So. Marissa. Any sign of PJ lately? Or even her boyfriend.

Marissa: Nope. Or even him. Dane Patten has been reported missing in action even since that day.

Coop: You don't think. That he.

Marissa: Nope. They are meant for each other. Dane Patten has changed.

Coop: Yea. But I know who is involved.

Marissa: Of course. The same one that caused the curse. That prevent us from giving us a slight push that Tamora and Eloise were meant for each other.

Coop: I don't know what to do. Or find him.

Marissa: They could be lost forever.

Coop: No. It can't. I already lost her once. I can't.

Marissa: I'm sorry. Coop. We all looked for a while but nothing.

Coop: Thanks for helping with the search.

Marissa: It's no problem. You're one of us. All cupids should help each other.

Coop: Bye. Marissa.

[Coop BEAMS out. Marissa then walks away towards a building.]



[PJ and Dane are chained to a wall, their clothes all ripped up and dirty. It's like they had been through a lot and their body looks fragile, lots of bruises and bumps. They are also out of their minds, mumbling crazy stuff.]

PJ (mumbling): So horrible. I did this. I deserve to die. Can't watch this... Aah. No...

Dane (mumbling): I'm not that man. Anymore. No. No. I didn't mean to. PJ. Believe me.

PJ (mumbling): I'm so sick. Aaah. That's not me. I won't be... aaah!

Dane (con'td): No. I am not meant for it. It is not... in my nat.. ah.

[Collin then walks in and is joy of their condition.]

Collin: Perfect. At the right level. Their minds, souls, wills, and body have been broken.

[He then grabs a piece of paper out and chants a spell from it.]

Collin (chanting): "Broken Ones, Hear My Call, Liberate, Mind, Body, Soul, And Purify With Darkness!"

[PJ and Dane now scream in pain. Fiery black flames then engulf each of their whole body, leaving nothing of them left.]

PJ: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Dane: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

[Their ashes only remain. The ashes then start to reconstitute into two figures, looking like ash bodies. They growl like zombies.]

[Collin then turns the page around. He chants the next part.]

Collin (cont'd) (chanting): Flames To Ash,Ash to Body, Reborn, Beings of Renewed Evil, Reclaim Your New Lives!

[A dark burst of wave expels from each of the ash bodies. It reveals two dark glowing bodies as they start to form into two people, from bottom to top. The woman, with a black velvety dress, and the man, with pants and a black short sleeve shirt. Finally, it is revealed that the faces are PJ and Dane, with a different demeanor about them. They are darker and now evil.]

Collin: My true sister. You have returned.

PJ: Yes. Brother. Johanna is here.

Dane: And Dazos is back and better than before.

Collin: Welcome back. Johanna. Dazos.

PJ/Johanna: I feel like I have been cooped up so long.

Dane/Dazos: I feel the same.

Collin: You two can do as you wish. But be careful. I don't want you to be exposed to the family just yet or even the outside world.

PJ/Johanna: No promises. But we'll try.

Dane/Dazos: Yes. We'll try to not cause so much trouble.

[PJ/ Johanna and Dane/ Dazos then FLAME out together.]

Collin: Now it's time check on the couple to be. Oh. It's going to be a fun Valentine Day's Weekend.

[Collin FLAMES out.]



[All of the food is set out on the picnic blanket. Two bottles of cider kept in an ice bucket. There is a salad, sandwiches, and fruit. Junior and Angelie are having a picnic. They start unwrapping the turkey and cheese sandwich and eat it.]

Junior: Isn't this nice? Angelie.

Angelie: Yea. I never had anyone done this for me.

Junior: Really? A pretty girl like you. No way have I can believe that.

Angelie: It's true. I always been under orders of my father. Killing. Seducing mortals. All that sort.

Junior: I'm so sorry. The first real relationship you only had is with me.

Angelie: What about you? Junior. Anyone before me.

Junior: Not really. Was mostly focused on work most of the time. And when we bumped to each other. It was magic even though it was the other way around for u.

Angelie: Sorry about that. Under orders.

Junior: Don't worry about it. Now you have changed.

Angelia: Yea. So... These sandwiches are amazing.

Junior: It took me all night. Of course. I had help from my dad.

Angelie: Anyways. A shame we can't stay here long.

Junior: We can. The Chief was okay with it. Allowed me a half day off.

Angelie: I can't stay here too long. I do have my own company to worry about.

Junior: We won't stay too long here.

[He takes a black box out of his pocket and kneels down. Angelie is shocked.]

Angelie: Junior. Wait... You're.

Junior: Can I get my moment? Please. Just for now.

Angelie: Sorry. Go ahead.

[Junior opens a box revealing a ring.]

Junior: Angelie Devilling. Love of my life. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?

[Angelie's face is in joy.]

Angelie: Of course. I will. Junior.

Junior: Great. Here.

[Junior puts the ring on her finger.]

Angelie: Best picnic ever.

Junior: Let's celebrate.

[Junior grabs the two plastic wine glasses and places it down. He then opens the bottle of cider and pours into the glasses, with him taking one, and Angelie, the other one.]

Junior: Let's toast. To our engagement.

Junior/Angelie(raising their glasses and clinking): To our engagement.

[Junior and Angelie then take a sip of their cider. They then place the glasses back down.]

Junior: I love you. Fiancée.

Angelie: I love you too. Fiancé.

[Junior and Angelie kiss each other. They get back to eating.]



[Still image of South Bay Social Services.]



[Tamora is with Mr. Edmunds in his office.]

Tamora: So what have you called me in for? Mr. Edmunds.

Mr. Edmunds: It's about Wilma. Your current client.

Tamora: Again. I'm sorry about the situation with her. I should have checked her background more.

Mr. Edmunds: I know who you are. Have been here for a while. It's okay. People can make mistakes. The thing she requests you to be her social worker.

Tamora: Really? I thought Wilma hated me. Because I was unable to help her even I promised I would.

Mr. Edmunds: Wilma feels bad about it. She says you are the only that can be trusted to work with her.

Tamora: I don't know about this. What if the same situation happens again? I promise her something and it doesn't go the way she wants.

Mr. Edmunds: Trust me. I doubt Wilma would dare to hurt you.

Tamora: And why do you say that?

Mr. Edmunds: Wilma was arrested. Her kids got brave enough to report her. The warden tells me she wants to be better.

Tamora: I don't know. Mr. Edmunds.

Mr. Edmunds: Wilma is only agreeing for you to work with her. Besides if you do this, there's a chance of a bonus in an upcoming paycheck.

Tamora: That does seem tempting. Alright. I'll do it.

Mr. Edmunds: That's all for today. Go head back to work.

Tamora: You got it. Mr. Edmunds.

Mr. Edmunds: I'll send you the information to meet her tomorrow.

Tamora: Understood.

[Tamora walks out of the office. Mr. Edmunds get back to his own work on the computer.]



[The Dark Sorcerer looks beaten up and very dirty. His robes look very raggedy. Collin gives him another punch in the stomach.]

Dark Sorcerer: Ugh.

Colin: Had enough? Traitor.

Dark Sorcerer: Just kill me already.

Collin: I could. But that's what is deserving of you. You actually thought you could betray me. Good thing I had spies everywhere.

Dark Sorcerer: I could have succeeded if that brute didn't get in my way.

Collin: You mean. My loyal soldier.

Dark Sorcerer: Otherwise. Brute.

Collin: With no powers. You're just a lowly mortal.

Dark Sorcerer: You'll pay for this. Ravor.

Collin: I got a better idea. Anyone would pay a lot for a soul of a dark sorcerer.

[Collin then conjures a dagger and touches the Dark Sorcerer. His soul is transferred into the dagger. The body falls unconscious.]

Collin (con'td): No need for this body now.

[He then incinerates the body to ashes and FLAMES out after that.]



[Still image of UC Berkeley.]



[Class has just ended. All of the students roll out except Parker who is called by the professor, a man looking in his late 40s, Professor Fred Brooks. She packs up her stuff and walks over to the desk.

Parker: Professor Brooks. This better be quick. Because my next class is in twenty minutes.

Fred: I just wanted to say. It's nice seeing you in classes again.

Parker: Yea. Back then. I went through a lot. Sorry.

Fred: It's okay. I know the feeling. I used to be the same age as you.

Parker: Really?

Fred: Miss Halliwell. I'm not that old. And keep up the good work. And don't forget about the exam next week.

Parker: I won't. Have a nice day. Professor Brooks.

Fred: You too.

[Parker heads out of the classroom. Fred does the same and locks the door and turns off the lights before exiting.]



[Junior has just arrived and enters through the door.]



[Junior arrives is surprised to see Ryan sitting at Reed's old desk.]

Junior: Officer Lakeland. What are you doing in Inspector Havenfield's desk?

Ryan: Oh. I have been promoted. To Detective. And Inspector Havenfield transferred out like two weeks again. So the Chief allowed me to take his place.

Junior: Okay. Wow. Without telling me? He just left like that.

Ryan: Yep. Don't know why. You should ask the Chief about that.

Junior: I guess I should. Guess that means you're my partner now.

Ryan: Yep. Detective Lakeland at your service.

Junior: Great.

Ryan: Also. Why are you in so early? You're supposed on a half day off.

Junior: Angelie had to head to work.

Ryan: Ah. It's been a slow day. No real cases. I suggest you just use the time to talk to the Chief.

Junior: Perhaps you are right.

[Junior heads towards the Chief of Police's office. Ryan gets back to looking over things on the computer.]



[Junior enters Mitchell's office and sits down after closing the door.]

Junior: Good day. Chief.

Mitchell: Good day to you also. Inspector. So? What's up? And aren't you supposed on your half day off now. Gave your permission and everything.

Junior: Well. Angelie had to head to work. So yea. Back to what I came here for.

Mitchell: Yea. What is it?

Junior: Just learned from Officer Lakeland. I mean Detective Lakeland now. That Inspector Havenfield transferred and didn't tell me.

Mitchell: I think he wanted to. Told me it was because of what happened during that cursed world you two were put into.

Junior: Understandable. It changed everything. Our dynamic.

Mitchell: So? How was the picnic?

Junior: It was good. And Angelie accepted.

Mitchell: That's great. Don't forget to invite me for the future wedding.

Junior: Course I won't forget. But I think I should make wedding plans soon. Before it's too late.

Mitchell: Too late for what? What's the rush?

Junior: What if more demons come after my fiancée. I can't lose her.

Mitchell: I get that. But don't rush it. I mean it took a while before I found the right one for me. After what happened to Jennifer.

Junior: I'm not. Besides we known each other for a while now. I'll talk to her about it.

Chief: Later. Inspector.

Junior: Bye. Chief.

[Junior then heads out of the office.]



[Still image of bakery and sandwich shop.]



[Wyatt is with Arika. The both of them are eating sandwiches and sipping on their iced tea.]

Wyatt: Thanks for meeting me. I know you been busy with your dad's company lately.

Arika: We both are. Your magazine company too.

Wyatt: So. I'll cut straight to the point.

Arika: Okay. Go on.

Wyatt: I think it's time to discuss the future date of our wedding.

Arika: I think that is wise. We can't wait forever with all the upcoming dangers we could face.

Wyatt: How about a year from now?

Arika: That seems like a good period. But when. What month?

Wyatt: Let's do a spring wedding. Maybe around March or April.

Arika: Sounds good. But we should also talk about our parents too.

Wyatt: Yea. I liked that.

Arika: How about tonight? Come over to my house. And your parents. The whole family can talk together and iron the details of what we need for the wedding.

Wyatt: Sounds good. Wow. All of the time I have been dating you. Never been to your house.

Arika: That's because you never asked to come.

Wyatt: Let's finish up. I think it's time for us to get back to work.

Arika: I agree.

[Wyatt and Arika finish up everything. The two of them then exit.]



[Still image of Turner Mansion.]



[Collin is sitting in a chair using his magical screen to watch Dane/ Dazos and PJ/ Johanna torturing a mortal, smiling in joy. Zora SHIMMERS in and plops a magazine on his table.]

Zora: Bad news.

[Collin looks at it and is furious. It features the corruption of his firm. He throws to the ground and burns it in flames.]

Collin: How dare they! My cousins.

Zora: I'll leave you be. I need to get ready for the wedding tonight.

Collin: Yes. I need time to process this news.

Zora: Understood. My liege.

Collin: They shall pay.

[Collin summons five demons to him.]

Collin (cont'd): Demons. I need you all to attack Wyatt Halliwell.

[The demons nod and then SHIMMER out. He then heads out of the basement storming off, still feeling angry from seeing what he just saw.]



[Wyatt enters through the door.]



[Alexander and Janel are busy at their desks doing some work on their computer. Wyatt then walks over to Natalia.]

Wyatt: Natalia. Any meetings scheduled while I was gone.

Natalia: Ms. Winger wants to meet with you. Tomorrow morning.

Wyatt: Okay. Thank you. Natalia.

Natalia: No problem. Boss.

Wyatt: Alright. I'll head to my office now.

Natalia: Okay.

[Wyatt then walks into the corridors and heads towards his office.]



[Wyatt then opens the door to his office and enters it. He is surprised to see five demons SHIMMERING in.]

Demon #1: You're dead. Witch. Fire. Boys.

[Demon #1 and the other four demons then fire energy balls at Wyatt. Wyatt puts up his orb shield to absorb the attacks.]

Wyatt: I don't think so. You all die.

[He then uses his Combustive Orbing to turn them to ashes.]

Wyatt (cont'd): Seriously? Why can't our family ever have a peaceful day?

[Wyatt then waves his hand remote orbing the demons' ashes away. He then goes to his computer and starts to get to work.]



[Parker walks through the door, wearing semi- formal outfit, a white blouse over a black suit jacket, and a black medium length skirt, with comfortable black heels.]



[Parker walks over to the hallways and heads towards Elle's office.]



[Elle is sitting in a chair and hears a knock on the door. A file is setting on her table. She then walks over to open it and sees Parker, arriving, as scheduled.]

Elle: Miss Halliwell. All ready for work?

Parker: Yep. Shall I sit down? Ms. Kingston.

Elle: Of course.

[Parker heads to the chair and sits down. Elle then closes and locks the door. After that, she goes back to her seat and sits down.]

Parker: Ms. Kingston. I assume we are still going over the Kelsons Case?

Elle: There is a lot of loose ends. And the current suspects we found have good alibis.

Parker: We must have missed something.

Elle: I checked several times. It seem the tracks are hidden very well.

Parker: There has to be something off.

Elle: Yea I know. I talked with my connections and nothing.

Parker: Ms. Kingston. Let me look over the file a bit. Maybe I can figure this out.

Elle: You're just an intern. Miss Halliwell. No one will take you seriously.

Parker: Unless you come with me. Maybe we can find more clues.

[Elle then realizes something and gives a smile.]

Elle: Oh my gosh. I can't believe this.

Parker: You figured out something. Ms. Kingston.

Elle: From the police reports, the brother of the victim was nowhere to be found after the murder.

Parker: There we go. Something.

Elle: I guess it's time to investigate some more.

Parker: Yes. We need a good game plan.

Elle: We have to just figure out where he was last seen.

Parker: Yea. But how. Both are us aren't investigators.

Elle: We'll need to hire one. I have my usual connection.

Parker: Great.

Elle: While this case is on pause. I sent you an email about some research I need to do for my other cases.

Parker: On it. Ms. Kingston.

Elle: Thank you. Miss Halliwell. Have a good day.

Parker: You too. Ms. Kingston.

[Parker then heads over to the door unlocking it. She then exits out of the door. Elle then grabs a business card of an investigation service and starts dialing the number on her work phone.]



[Wyatt is working on hard on the next story of the magazine, with the headline, 'Love's Woes and Joys. ' He is halfway through writing.]

Wyatt (to himself): Why did I even choose to write about love? I'm horrible at it. Not like Aunt Phoebe is.

[He then goes on his computer to do some research about love.]



[Still image of Cupid Temple.]



[All of the cupids are gathered around along with Victor as Marissa is standing before them. Victor and all of them look angry.]

Marissa: I know everyone is angry. It is unfortunate. What happened to PJ Halliwell.

Victor: Yea. PJ Halliwell chose to side with evil again.

Marissa: Victor. You know. It wasn't by choice.

Victor: Doesn't matter. PJ Halliwell betrayed our kind by becoming evil.

Marissa: There was no betrayal. Sometimes evil can overtake love. Like what happened to Phoebe Halliwell.

Victor: But yet Phoebe fought back unlike her daughter. And the same with the other one.

Marissa: Sometimes things are out of my hands. We can't interfere. It's part of our rules.

Victor: I say we find her and strip of her powers before anything worse happens.

Marissa: And how do you expect we do that?

Victor: Same way last time. Use Coop.

Marissa: Well. Victor. That's the best idea you had this whole meeting.

Victor: Why thank you. Head Cupid.

Marissa: The meeting is adjourned.

[The other Cupids BEAM out. Victor stays and walks over closer to Marissa.]

Victor: Marissa. I'm giving Coop one last chance. If he fails, you know what happens.

Marissa: Excuse me? I'm the Head Cupid here. You have no right talking to me in that tone.

Victor: Well I think I do. You haven't been doing a good job. Two our cupids got seduced to the dark side.

Marissa: It was only miscalculations. We didn't count on certain circumstances.

Victor: Excuses. Marissa. If Coop fails, I'm going to the main guy myself, Eros.

Marissa: You dare threaten me.

Victor: I do. Marissa. I'm only thinking the best for all of us. One dark cupid could infect all of us if the person ever finds a way to.

Marissa: I understand. Victor.

Victor: Later.

[Victor BEAMS out. Marissa does the same.]



[Still image of the club.]



[PJ arrives at P3, in the same outfit she was wearing, when being revived, a sexy black dress. Pam, Emily, and Kyle all gasp.]

Pam: Boss!

Emily: What's with the new look?

Kyle: Glad you are okay. We were so worried.

PJ: I'm fine now. Just wanted to let you know. I'll be gone for a while. Whoever was in charge. Keep doing it. And as for the new look, I am just changing things around in my life.

[The three are shocked at PJ's response as she was one never to not worry about work.]

Pam: Are you alright? Boss?

Emily: Yea. This is not like you. You're kind of an overworker.

Kyle: I think I got it. You're in love.

PJ: I am. But my new outfit doesn't correlate with that.

Pam: So I guess we won't be seeing you for a while.

Emily: And don't worry. Boss. We'll keep it in tip top shape as it has been.

Kyle: You can count on us.

PJ: Thanks. That's all I came here for.

[Coop walks in and glares at PJ.]

Coop: We need to talk. PJ.

PJ: Okay. Follow me to my office.

[He nods. PJ then walks off leading Coop towards his office. Pam, Emily, and Kyle sense something is up between them.]

Pam: Again so weird.

Emily: Boss usually has a good relationship with her father.

Kyle: Anyways. Back to work. We got a lot of do before the club opens in a couple of hours.

[Kyle cleans up the counter as Pam and Emily head towards the main area and dance floor respectively.]



[PJ and Coop have just sat down on their chairs.]

PJ: Hi Father. I really missed you.

Coop (sarcastic): Sure you do.

PJ: I may be evil. But I still have love.

Coop: Evil doesn't love.

PJ: That's where you are wrong. Dad. I do.

Coop: I know. PJ. There's no love left in you. I can sense love aura. After all, as a cupid.

PJ: Whatever. Now father. Tell me the real reason why you wanted to meet me.

Coop: Marissa assigned me to get you. They want to punish you for siding with evil. I don't know what. But let me help. I can help you find your light again.

PJ: I don't want to. Father. It's so freeing now.

Coop: That's not you. PJ.

PJ: Oh but it is. Ring!

[PJ REMOTE DARK BEAMS Coop's cupid ring into her hand.]

PJ (cont'd): Now your power won't be as strong.

[She DARK BEAMS out.]

Coop: PJ. No...

[Coop tears up. He then BEAMS out.]



[Aerial shot of San Francisco as the sun goes down and the moon rises in the night.]



[Outside. There is a black gate and a large mansion, in white, can be seen from afar. Some lights on air. A security guard is in the box, making sure no one gets in uninvited. Two cars, can be seen, parked, a minivan and a blue car.]



[Piper, Leo, Evok, Wyatt, and Arika are all together having been chatting for a while.]

Piper: Wow. And now you got this.

Leo: It's amazing.

Evok: All worth it. And it's also thanks to your wonderful sons, especially this one. He really got my name out there.

Wyatt: Oh Mr. Wilcox. That's part of my job.

Arika: I was really glad they found us. Or else I wouldn't meet this hottie here.

[Wyatt blushes.]

Wyatt: Oh. Arika.

[The maid, Serena, comes out.]

Serena: Mr. Wilcox. Dinner is ready.

Evok: Great. So we can chat a bit more. And elaborate on the wedding plans.

Piper: But why didn't you earlier?

Evok: I like a bit of small talk. Before. And with dinner. It gives us some time to think about it.

Wyatt: Sounds good to me.

Arika: Let's have dinner.

Evok: This way. Everyone.

[Evok and Arika walk off and lead Leo, Piper, and Wyatt towards the hallway heading towards the dining room.]



[Outside, the area is heavily guarded by demons. Kat and Declan are together, secretly hiding and are spying.]

Kat (softly): Are you sure it is happening in there?

Declan (softly): Yep. We have to stop this.

Kat (softly): I think we should call for backup.

Declan (softly): We'll be fine. Plus. I have hyper speed and can knock them all out on my own.

Kat (softly): And if you don't.

Declan (softly): Don't know. Haven't got to that part yet.

Kat (softly): Excuse me? Does it mean you didn't have a good plan.

Declan (softly) Sorry. I didn't have time. We have to stop this. Before it is too late.

Kat (softly): Let's just do this. And get it over with.

Declan (softly): I agree.

[As Kat and Declan are prepared to make the attack, they are ambushed from behind where PJ/ Johanna and Dane/ Dazos put a cloth over their mouths with chloform. It takes a while but eventually they are knocked out and fall to the ground.]

PJ/Johanna: It's a good thing. That Collin had us overview the area in case of interruptions.

Dane/Dazos: So what shall will do with them?

PJ/Johanna: I really want to kill them. But this guy is well known in the world. And Kat. She was one of my favorite cousins. I can't bear to kill her.

Dane/Dazos: How about we send them somewhere? How about Timbuktu?

PJ/Johanna (waving her hand): Timbuktu!

[Kat and Declan are remote DARK BEAM out.]

Dane/Dazos: Now let's change into something. More fit for the event. My dear Johanna.

PJ/Johanna: Do the honors.

[Dane/ Dazos then uses Projection to change into a nice black suit and PJ/Johanna into a black bridesmaid dress.]

Dane/Dazos: You like that? My love.

PJ/Johanna: I do. Now come on. I don't want to be late for my Aunt Prue's wedding.

Dane/Dazos: Let's go then. My love.

[Dane/ Dazos takes PJ/ Johanna's hand and FLAMES out.]



[On the ground, a fiery floor. A black essence is floating around and wants to escape its prison but it is held back by something. But unsure what. It then retreats moving around on the ground where it was.]



[A black car is parked outside on the driveway.]



[Paige, Henry, Tamora, Kat, Junior, and Angelie are having a celebratory dinner together. Everyone is having champagne. They are all laughing and smiling in joy. They are having steak and lobster along with steamed vegetables and salad on the side.]

Paige: First I was against this.

Henry: All of us here. But we know now. You two love each other.

Tamora: It's a shame your father isn't here.

Kat: Who's going to walk you down to the aisle?

[Junior glares at Tamora and Kat.]

Junior: Girls! You know why.

[Angelie frowns a bit but then smiles again.]

Angelie: It's okay. Babe. I just never thought about it.

Paige: Girls. Apologize.

Tamora: We're sorry.

Kat: Really didn't mean to.

Henry: Alright. No sad faces. It's time to celebrate. Let's raise our glasses up again.

[All five of them raise their glasses of champagne up above.]

Henry: To the happy couple.

Paige: To my future daughter-in-law

Tamora/Kat: To them.

Junior/Angelie: To us.

[They all clink their glasses and take a sip.]

Henry: Alright. Let's continue. If the food gets cold, it's not going to be as good.

[Everyone nods and then continue to eat.]



[Prue and Zora have just finished their vows as they each put their rings on each other's finger as PJ/ Johanna and Dane/ Dazos stand on the side where Prudence is and Collin on Zora's side. Prue is in a black wedding dress and Zora, in a nice black suit. PJ/Johanna is holding a bouquet of black roses. The Dark Priest then clasps Prue's and Zora's side hands together to hold, touching the top of their hands.]

Dark Priest: Now as One. Souls Intertwined. Once and Forever. Ever-loving.

[Prue and Zora now start to feel different after that blessing. Their eyes of desire for each other.]

Dark Priest (cont'd): You may now kiss the bride.

[Zora takes Prudence and kisses her passionately. PJ/ Johanna, Dane/ Dazos, and Collin all smile in delight.

PJ/Johanna: So what now?

Dane/Dazos: What is the next plan?

Collin: To Sleep. All of you.

[Collin waves her wand in front of PJ/ Johanna and Dane/ Dazos. And then over to Prue and Zora who are still kissing. They instantly fall asleep and fall to the group.]

Collin (cont'd): Now for the next stage.

[Collin opens up a portal to the demonic wasteland and throws all of them gently through it after he enters through and then closes it.]



[As usual, on the fiery floor, a black essence is still around as it is trying to rise but can't. Collin has arrived with a sleeping Prue, Zora, PJ/ Johanna, and Dane/ Dazos.]

Collin: Finally. I have fulfilled the prophecy. To bring you back. My real father. Two Born From Evil. And Two Brought To Evil. Two sides, now united. And it's time. Arise. Father. The Original Source.

[He then throws the four into the fiery floor where black essence is. Fiery flames start to arise as it awakens them, screaming in pain as they get consumed by the flames. The black essence then fuses with the flames and dissipates. The Original Source, is now reborn, in a black cloak, and looking to be a very handsome looking man, looking to be in his mid -50s.]

Original Source: Finally. I waited long enough. Centuries. Thank you. Son.

Collin: Of course. But now. I think it's time to summon your soldiers or should I say. Souls.

Original Source: Yes. Of course.

[The Original Source waves his hand. Three souls, appear in spirited form, of PJ, Prue, and Dane.]

PJ: What happened? I thought we moved on.

Prue: I don't remember anything.

Dane: This is weird. We died and are supposed to move on.

PJ: At least that evil demon didn't come back.

Prue: Probably cause he was fully evil and his essence got absorbed into him. Dane was lucky. He's half.

Original Source: Let me answer. Your bodies were used to revive me. That makes your souls bonded to me that's why you three can't move on.

PJ: What do you plan to do to us? Keep us here forever to torture while our family thinks we're dead.

Original Source: I can bring you all back. That's if you give into evil.

PJ: Fat chance.

Prue: Yea. Rather be tortured here than that.

Dane: And that is not possible. Only an avatar can revive the dead.

Original Source: Right you are. I was one till I betrayed them. I waited centuries for my heir to revive me. Poor Cole was just a pawn.

PJ: You're horrible.

Original Source: I am the Source of All Evil. The first ever. Of course. I'm horrible.

PJ: Like all sources. You will be destroyed by the likes of my family.

Original Source: With what? The Power of Three is gone. Because you're considered dead now. Along with the Power of Eight.

[PJ growls.]

PJ: Why you...

Original Source: Besides. Giving you all a choice was a trap. You see ....

[The Original Source grins evilly. Collin also does to.]

Collin: You all were thrown with the black essence, an essence of the Source. Because you have good souls. It took a while to affect you all.

PJ: Ah noooo!

[PJ as a soul stays the same but her eyes goes black.]

Prue: Nooot! Thi.. s! Agaiaain!

[Prue reacts the same as PJ.]

Dane: I... Nooo!

[Dane, like PJ and Prue, reacts the same. His eyes also glowing black.

Original Source: Now it's time to come back to your bodies.

[The Original Source summons their burnt bodies near him. They enter and stand up but feel pain due to entering their burnt bodies and groan.]

Original Source (cont'd): Don't worry. My soldiers. I got this.

[The Original Source then completely heals their bodies back to normal, and in the same clothing they had died in before. Their eyes glow black again. It seems there was enough remaining of the Source's Essence that it has become a part of them. An malevolent grin comes from their lips and they bow down to the Original Source and Collin.]

Prue/PJ/Dane: At your wish.

Prue: We live for you. Source.

PJ: And Master Collin.

Dane: We belong to you two.

Original Source: Good. My soldiers. Go rest.

Prue: But where?

PJ: If we go back home, our family will try to bring us back.

Dane: Yes.

Collin: I can provide some rooms. My mansion is huge. I have much guest rooms. And for you. Too. Father.

Original Source: I'll be fine. Go ahead with them. I got things pending to do after all of these centuries.

Collin: Of course. Father.

[The Original Source FLAMES out.]

PJ: I think I remember where it is. Still have memories of that cursed life.

Collin: Of course. That is what Parker said.

PJ: Time to go. I am much tired.

Dane: I the same.

Collin: Well then. Let's head home.

[PJ DARK BEAMS out taking Dane with her. COLLIN FLAMES out. As soon they are all one, a huge beam of pink light burst through ground and reveals, Coop's Ring, which is still intake. It then BEAMS out on its own, assuming to be returning to its true owner.]



[End Credits rolling to shortened theme song to reveal supporting cast and guest stars.]

Now on screen:


Holly Marie Combs as Piper Halliwell

Victor Webster as Coop

Rose McGowan as Paige Matthews

Ivan Sergei as Henry Mitchell

Ashley Greene as Arika Wilcox

Keanu Reeves as Evok Wilcox

Seamus Dever as Mitchell Haines

Kat Dennings as Angelie Deviling

Specially Starring:

Shannen Doherty as Prue Halliwell

Also Featuring:

Timothée Chalamet as Adrian Hart

Shay Mitchell as Marissa

Taylor Lautner as Dane Patten/Dazos

Bill Skarsgard as Collin Turner

Matthew McConaughey as Dark Sorcerer

Leonardo DiCaprio as Professor Fred Brooks

Jason Statham as Zora

Cayden Boyd as Alexander Michaels

Taissa Farmiga as Janel Thomas

AJ Michalka as Natalia Anacher

Lana Parilla as Ellen Kingston

Tom Felton as Victor

Elizabeth Olsen as Pam Allen

Hayden Panetierre as Emily Sampson

Robert Pattinson as Kyle Willows

Rosario Dawson as Serena

Taron Egerton as Declan Woods

Sam Riley as Dark Priest

Callan Mulvey as Original Source

Uncredited Actors as Five Demons

Uncredited Actors and Actresses as Other Cupids

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