Didn't see HER coming

By kyligirl

51.2K 2.3K 355

This is a story of my INCREDIBLE life! *Note the sarcasm people* My names Eve and I don't know what I'm here... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 (part 1)
Chapter 36 (part 2)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (part 1)
Chapter 38 (part 2)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (part 1)
Chapter 44 (part 2)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51 (part 1)
Chapter 51 (part 2)
Authors Note❤️

Chapter 50

406 37 8
By kyligirl

My eyes fluttered open and I smiled hearing the birds that chirped around me. All wolves felt at home outdoors. Our natural instincts kicked in and we felt at peace. I realized I was outside by the stream that Hunter had shown me. The sun was now behind a screen of clouds making it darker and slightly colder in temperature. Trying to sit up I struggled when I noticed I was being held down by the weight of Hunter's arm around my waist. I was pressed up against his body that I could feel his warmth. I could hear his soft breaths next to my ear and when I shifted his arm tightened making me roll my eyes.

'You know... He really is quite the charmer.' Avery said suddenly. 'I could see him as your type.'

'I thought you hated Hunter.' I thought back.

'Hate would be a strong word. I was wary.'

'Oh please. You couldn't stand him. What's changed?'

'I don't know. Something. I feel like there's a connection and I'm sorta... Drawn to him.' She sighed in content. 'I haven't felt like that since I was with Grayson. I miss it. Anyways, he cares for you and that's all that matters to me.'

'Yes, he cares. Maybe a little too much.'

'Too much?' She growled. 'There is no such thing, Eve. Do you like him? It's okay if you do.'

I struggled but managed to turn over without waking Hunter. I looked at him. I let my eyes trail over him slowly as to not miss a detail. His dark hair was ruffled from sleep no doubt, but it looked so soft. It had gotten longer since the first time I met him. It now sort of hung over his eyes and was softly swept to the side in soft waves. His eyes fluttered slightly and I smiled thinking about the shining green orbs underneath his long lashed lids. They were captivating. His jawline was beautifully sculpted. Lifting my fingers I lightly trailed them over is olive skin to his arm that was around me. I could feel his strong muscles as he stirred a bit in his sleep.

Once I was certain he wasn't waking up I continued to trail the veins in his strong arm down to his hand. I turned it over before slowly lacing my fingers with his. I smiled liking the way I felt when I held his hand. 'Yea, I like him.' I thought more to myself.

'Then you should be happy.'

'How can I when my heart screams for Lash?'

Just thinking about my betraying mate I scowled. I wondered what his huge announcement would be and I sighed. Looking down at our hands still holding on I shuffled away from him. I guess we should be heading back now. I softly shook Hunter until his eyes finally fluttered open. "Hey, I think it's time we start heading home." I smirked seeing him stretch; still tired.

"5 more minutes." He groaned like a child making me chuckle.

"How long have we been here?"

"A couple hours maybe." He answered turning his head to look at me. "You were exhausted and fell asleep." Something in his eyes seemed to want to tell me something. We just sat there for a minute staring at one another not knowing what to say. I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Umm, thank you; for bringing me here and showing me this."

"No problem, princess." He smiled. "You seem happier than before."

'She would be even happier if she accepted that she liked you.' Avery snapped but I ignored her.

"I guess a little sleep was all I needed to just forget my troubles."

"You mean your ex mate?"

"Is there a difference?" I rolled my eyes. I stood and brushed myself off. My hair was out of the ponytail it was in and I ran my hand through it. Hunter stood up too slowly stretching his muscles. I don't know why but I stepped forward and hugged him; never wanting to let go. "If Lash is my problem... Your my remedy." I mumbled into his chest. I smiled when I felt his arms tighten around me. He didn't want to let go either. "Your my best friend."

"You'll always have me around to make your problems disappear." He said.

"I love knowing that." I backed up and looked into his bright eyes. "Knowing that you'll always be there."


His eyes trailed down to my lips and flickered back up to my eyes. I felt such a pull in that moment. All I wanted was to feel his lips on mine. To feel the care and love that I was denied along with my mates rejection. I could feel a straining pull of my heart that called to Lash, but I had become rather good at ignoring it. All I wanted was to feel like I could make someone else happy. I slowly leaned forward as did Hunter who placed on hand on my chin pulling me closer. I smiled. I could feel his heavy breath fan my face and it tasted delicious. Our lips were just about to meet when a Howl was heard from miles away. Loud and strong and the pull to howl back only meant one thing. Lash. Kill joy.

'Lash Pack meeting! All pack members are to meet your Alpha's in front of the pack house balcony as usual. That is all.' That's was Lash's Alpha voice going through ever Lash Pack members mind at once. Both Hunter and me growled in anger when at the interruption. Soon there were howls being heard all over the territory.

'Way to kill the moment, son.' Avery growled.

I cleared my throat again and turning my head away I shuffled my foot awkwardly. "Well I guess we had better go." I shrugged. "Alpha's orders."

"I hate pack life." Hunter growled before walking behind a tree to shift. Most likely he stripped and left clothes there for another time. I smiled thinking about all the pairs of clothes most likely all over the territory. For any wolf. Soon Hunter's midnight black wolf appeared from behind the tree. He sat back on his haunches and howled out. He was notifying himself to his Alpha. Believe it or not but ever wolf had its own Howl. The Alpha knew each one. Whenever the Alpha called his wolves howl to let him know they are coming. I couldn't howl cause I couldn't shift. So I mind-linked.

'Yes Alpha.' I simply said.

Walking over to the huge wolf I quickly hopped up onto his back and settled down between his shoulders. "I think I'm definitely getting better at that." I said triumphantly. Hunter whined and shook his head. "Oh who asked you." I snapped before he took off towards the pack house.


"What the hell happened to you?" Haven asked as she found me and Hunter at the edge of the huge crown of pack members gathering.

"It's a long story." I grumbled.

"No it's not." Hunter laughed. "She was riding on my back in wolf form and I jumped over a muddy spot and she didn't hang on!"


"She fell off like a tumble weed and fell right into it." He burst out laughing again and held his stomach. "You should have seen her face!" I glared while Haven smirked. "And you said you were getting better at riding."

"Alright, enough." I looked down at my now damp and muddy clothes. "Ugh, Rose is NOT gonna have fun this laundry day. Where are the soon to be parents?" I asked.

"Well you may have a hard time finding both of them."

"What? They didn't make up!?"

"No they did... But then it went south." Haven sighed. "I am never having pups. Too complicated and too noisy."

"You ain't never gonna have pups.. Too ugly." Suddenly Ryder showed up and just couldn't help himself to bash Haven who snarled at him. "Now has anyone seen my soon to be mother; but surprisingly still pissed off; mate?"

"What did you do to her THIS time?" Both me and Hunter asked in unison.


"Yes you!" I glared putting a hand on my hip. "What have I told you over and over again? The woman is always right! Especially when she's pregnant."

"Clearly you weren't right to pick out that outfit. Did you like soak it in mud or something?"

"UGH!" I growled while the other laughed. "Common lets go find Casey." We all walked off.

'What do you think Lash's announcement is? Besides that the pack should rejoice now that Lydia is Luna?' I asked Avery. I was still so sore on that.

'I don't know, but it must be something for him to call the whole pack together.' We walked around for a while before giving up. There was no way we would find her in this crowd. 'Don't worry. I'm sure she's fine. Probably yelling at and scaring someone. She is one moody she wolf.'

I couldn't help but laugh thinking about Casey making someone else a victim of her bipolar attitude lately. "What's so funny?" Hunter asked. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "I guess we are gonna have to find her afterwards."

"Find who?" I gasped when I heard Casey speak up behind me. We all kinda jumped.

"You." I said hugging her.

"Oh don't bother; I found you." She chuckled, but her smile slowly faded when she saw Ryder staring at her. "Now that I think about it maybe it was a bad idea."

"I didn't mean to! I couldn't help it!" Ryder yelled.

She sighed. "Yea, I guess it wasn't your fault. I can't say the same for the stupid Alpha. No offense, Eve."

"None taken."

"What did Ry do?" Haven asked.

"I woke her up." He grumbled.

"You got upset because he woke you up?"

She glared. "I'm pregnant and sleep comes with the territory! I need my beauty sleep or I get cranky and I'm gonna look horrible before I get fat!"

"Oh boy." Hunter shook his head. "Ry, this is gonna be a LONG 6 months."

"No one asked for your opinion, Hunt." Casey snapped making Hunter jump. He walked behind me like I was his protection.

"What are you doing?" I whispered back to him.

"Taking cover. She doesn't seem to be after you." He said making me chuckle. Walking over to Casey I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"But Case it's good for the mother of the baby to be outside and get some fresh air."

She seemed to think before smiling. "Yea, I guess it good for little Julia." My eyes widened.


"JULIA!?" Ryder said his voice rising an octave. I gave him a look that said "don't push it" before turning back to Casey.

"Julia's a great name." I dared Ryder to say something. Casey nodded.

"It was my mothers name."

I now glared at Ryder who looked sheepish.
'I'm sorry.' His voice said through mind-linked.

"Apology accepted." Casey answered smugly. Walking over to her mate she snuggled into his chest. I shook my head at those two. They were gonna make great parents for little Julia.

"What are you gonna name your pup?" Hunter suddenly asked.

I shrugged. "I never think about it."

"Oh, common. It's like you girls with weddings. Your meaning to tell me that you've NEVER thought about baby names for your future pups?"

"I never thought I would have any pups to begin with." I shrugged again. "So no."

"Well off the top of your head?"

I was about to open my mouth just when some howls were heard and claps sounded. Up on the balcony Lash stood strong and proud. Would I be so horrible to think about him possible "falling" over the....

'YES! You would be now stop!' Avery growled. 'He may not be on my good side but he IS still my son.'

'Okay okay.' I thought but my mood didn't improve when I saw Lydia walk up to stand next to him. I couldn't help thinking about her falling over the side, and Avery didn't complain. I could feel everyone's eyes on my as they studied my reaction. I tried to keep my face impassive best I could. Hunter growled softly and when I glanced at him his eyes were dark as they also glared at the Alpha.

'What's with him?'

"Welcome. Thank you all Lash Pack members for attending this meeting. It's rather important." Murmurs were heard throughout the crowd. "Part 1 of this meeting is to state to those who don't know it yet; that I've found my mate. Your new Luna of The Lash Pack." I could tell the shock of everyone when Lydia stepped forward and waved to the wolves below her. Oh she was just born for the spotlight wasn't she. "Luna Lydia is marked and has taken her oath. She is officially Luna of this pack and I expect everyone to treat her with the equal respect they would their Alpha." Lydia seemed to smirk. Everyone bowed their heads and mumbled congratulations to the new Alpha couple. Everyone except me that is.

Avery was snarling and pacing in my head. Her anger plus mine was about to make us explode. I stood tall while others bowed to the girl that tormented me everyday growing up. Avery was a rightful Luna. With her as my wolf that made me one too. I knew better that Lunas didn't bow to other Lunas. She had no more power over me that Casey did. I watched as Lash's eyes took in the submitted crowd before him. He scanned the crowd and I honestly felt like busting out laughing when he saw me standing there defiance in the way I stood; arms crossed and a bored look on my face. He seemed to be trying to make me submit, but both me and Avery weren't having that. Feeling brave I even lifted my hand and wiggled my fingers at him and smiled. I knew his wolf would just LOVE that.

"Thank you all." Lash continued his voice changing from easy going to tight and strained.

'Because of us?' Avery wondered.

"The second part is the more important part. As you all know all of our warriors are alert of the groups of rouges that have been hunting around the borders of our territory. You need to know that your Alphas are doing whatever we can to keep the situation under control." He seemed to glance down right at me as he said that.

'Did he seriously just say that the attacks on out pack was a forgotten hunting route?' Avery screeched making me sigh. 'What is the matter with him! He is not the boy I remember!'

'Yea, a lot has changed since then. First thing that changed is he's no longer 12.'

'Well he's definitely not the Alpha that I dreamed he would grow up to be.'

"Apparently, we have a bit more than just a problem. The point of us being Alpha's is to make decisions for the better of the pack and its members." He seemed exasperated. "I've recently found that some certain members believe it's better to take things into their own hands."

'Where is he going with this?' Avery asked curiosity getting the better of her.

"What is he doing? Is he talking about..?" Haven asked.

"Us? Yes." I completed.

"I need to make myself clear that that is NOT how it works in my pack. I'm here to set an example on the defiance that I've witnessed." He paused and I felt my stomach drop and hit rock bottom. "So your Luna and I have decided to Banish one member."

"What?" I asked.

"Hunter Robins is no longer a member of the Lash Pack and is expected to leave Pack territory within 24 hours or else it will be punishable by death."

"WHAT!?" Our whole group shouted. All eyes were on us now and the rage I was feeling was enough to kill anyone if they stood within a 5 ft. radius. Suddenly all the wolves started growling at the shocked Hunter in the middle of our group. Ryder was growling back not about to let anyone hurt him, but the wolves were under the Alpha's command. One simple statement and Hunter was no longer one of us. Avery's warning growl actually made some wolves freeze in their steps. I dared them to come any closer. Avery was so overprotective right now. Neither of us could even fathom what was happening.

"No Harm is to come over this wolf before his deadline." When I glared at the Alpha above me he actually looked nervous. "I'm sorry it came to this. Our decision is final."

'That Son of a Bitch's beta daughter has something to do with this. Hunter can't leave.'

Looking back at Hunter who still seemed to be in shock. His eyes met mine and something spoke to me. He couldn't leave. I needed him. I believe Avery did too. We needed him. I had to stop and fix this.

"Your now all dismissed." Lash announced before walking back inside Lydia trailing behind.

"I don't think I punched that girl hard enough earlier." I said sharply. When I turned around to the group Hunter was gone and no where to be seen. Haven's mouth was open in shock. Casey and Ryder looked so worried for their fled family member.

"Does anyone know what just happened? He didn't just seriously banish Hunter did he?" Haven asked trying to laugh it off. "I couldn't have heard that right."

"Oh it happened." I said.

"I'm not just gonna let this happen." Ryder snapped furious. "Go back to the house and make sure Hunter stays out of fight. No longer a pack member all wolves of the pack are gonna be after him."

"They ant hurt him." Casey said. "You heard the Alpha."

"Exactly, and I'm gonna go talk to him right now." His eyes were dark black. Casey sighed before walking off without another word. I looked at Haven and she read the message in my eyes.

"I got it." She sighed before following Casey. She would keep an eye on her. Turning to Ryder I saw he was headed for the pack house.

"RY WAIT!" I called running to catch up. "Ryder! RY! STOP!" I grabbed his arm and he snarled at me angrily.

"Let go of me, Eve."

"No!" I yelled. "What are you gonna do? Go in there and get into a fight with the Alpha?"

"What else can I do, Eve? Huh? I'm not going to just sit here and let Hunter be forced away from us unfairly."

"Ryder you can't do this." I said.

"AND WHY NOT!?" His wolf was surfacing and he tarted to shake. I took a step back afraid of him shifting.

"Ryder calm down. Please. This isn't helping anything."

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his wolf down. He knew I had a point didn't he? When he finally was calm and his eyes back to their regular color he looked at me pained. "Eve, what am I supposed to do? Hunter, and me have been through everything together since we were pups. I'm not just gonna let this Alpha throw him away unfairly. What do you expect?"

I glared. "I expect you to go home and comfort your mate and your cousin! I expect you be with them just in case, and let me go in there. I'll be the one talking to Lash."


"No Ry! What are you going to gain from going in there and defying your Alpha? The best your probably gonna get is banished as well and then your mate is gonna be mateless and your baby fatherless." He opened his mouth but closed it. "Do you really want to have to put poor Casey who's already under so much pressure to have to chose between a safe haven for her unborn child and her ego born big mouthed mate?" He sighed. "That's what I thought. "Let me talk to him. I don't have much to lose."

"You have Rose." He said back making Me whimper.

"I know." I looked at the floor. "I don't know what's going to happen, but I know I just have to do this. This is my fault anyways."

"No Eve it wasn't." Ryder put a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't believe Lash would be this cruel. There had to be the same Lash I saw when he was mine that is still there. I... I can fix this." I swallowed. "Maybe. Just go home. Be with Hunt. Just... Just in case." Just talking about this made my eyes threaten to water up. Ryder finally agreed and once he was gone I walked to the front door of the pack house. I prepared myself for what I was about to face. This was going to hurt, but my friends future depended on it. His future with me.


"WHAT THE HELL, LASH!" I yelled barging into his room without knocking. He looked shocked as I stood there fuming. I could stop the growls coming from deep in my throat. Seeing Lash something just seemed to snap. I was no longer gonna let him have the hold over me. "You had better have a good explanation."

"First off, your speaking to your Alpha. Have more respect and don't speak to me so formally." He growled.

"Oh that's not formal enough for you. Formal would be me calling you out on the d*ck you've been acting like!" I shook my head. "Ever since that night."

He sighed and he sat down in the chair that was by the window. "I knew this was coming. Let's go downstairs to my office and then we can...."

"No, we are gonna take about this right here right now." My eyes widened. I knew those were Avery's words not mine. She was taking control. Luna against Alpha in a battle of strengths.

"Fine." He shrugged. He gestured to the edge of the bed. "Have a seat."

My eyes took in the bed in the room and I scowled thinking about Lydia's words earlier. About how the room might be messy, but that's what happened when a mate is actually useful to her Alpha. I tried to block all thoughts going in that particular direction. I DIDNT want to know.

'Don't think about that.' Avery said. 'We've got more important matters.'

"I think I'll stand. Thank you." I said disgusted.

"Suit yourself." Lash mumbled. "Now go ahead. You have the floor." He smirked.

"What the hell was that!?" I spat through my clenched teeth. "You can't banish Hunter."

"Oh really? Because I think I just did." He rolled his eyes making my blood boil.

"You can't banish him because you have no right reasons."

"As I said I'm making a statement. Clearly you and your friends think it's alright to challenge my authority over the pack."

"Ha! Authority!? You haven't done anything in the packs best interest since you became Alpha." I growled. "We just did what you wouldn't. If you had maybe then we wouldn't have so many rouges "hunting" in our areas."

He glared. "I did what I had to." I growled. "Eve, I can't just let this go." He sighed. "You deliberately met with that rouge when I told you not to. You put yourself in danger as well as Hunter and the others."

"And why would you care?" I snapped. "Stop acting like you do. Your lying to yourself, Lash. You don't care and you never did."

Suddenly he jumped at me and I was pushed back roughly in the wall with his blocking any exits. He growled. "Don't you DARE say I don't care."

"You say you care?" I shoved him off of me. He seemed surprised my my strength. "PROVE IT! For once in your life prove what you say!" I scoffed when he didn't say anything. "For once I have to maybe think that Lydia isn't the bad guy here. Just you."

'What do you mean?'

'Lash had always hated Hunter. He never had a reason, but when we became mates he HAD a reason. He knew Hunter had feelings for me and it drove him crazy.'

"You know what? I have one question. If it's the answer not the answer I think it is then I'll walk out that door. I won't come back."

"Eve, don't be over dramatic."

"Just answer this question." I practically pleaded. "Lash." I took a step forward so we were chest to chest. Him staring down at me with those blue orbs. I felt my resolve start to fade and so my next words came out in a rush. "Did you even want me to be your mate? From the very beginning, and do you... Just possibly... Regret rejecting me?"

"I DONT KNOW!" He yelled exasperated. "Okay, I don't know." He sat down heavily and put his head in his hands. "Oh my god, I'm so confused."

'That's makes two of us.' Avery said baffled.

"What's so confusing?" I asked softly. "Lash you used to tell me that you believed in me. That you thought I could do this. Be a Luna." I shrugged. "What changed? Did I do something?"

"No." He shook his head.

"Then I'm right. You did all this; rejected me no rejected US, because of your petty jealousy with Hunter." He growled so I knew it was a sore subject. "And now you banishing him is for the same pathetic reasons. Because you don't know what you want and until you do neither of us can move on." I looked down at my feet. "And that's not fair."

"Well I'm sorry that I did what I thought I had to for the pack. My title seems to be a burden to us both." He grumbled.

"Your Alpha and that's never going to change."

"No." He sighed. "It's not."

"You've marked and probably mated already with Lydia. It time for you to move on."

"It's not me who's not moving on. You didn't accept my rejection. That's why your still feeling the bonds pull." He shook his head. "Guess we both need to just let go."

"So your really doing this because your still jealous of my relationship with Hunter."

I watched his eyes harden and all emotion drain from his face. "I'm doing this because you gave me no choice. This conversation is over. You can go now." He said waving me off.

"Your unbelievable!" I was finding it hard to breathe now. "You can't punish someone for a crime they didn't commit. Being out there was MY fault; not his."

"Goodbye Eve." He said resolved.

I sighed feeling my stomach twisting as I turned for the door. I wanted to run, but Avery had a different idea. Her anger bubbled up inside and suddenly it wasn't really my words coming out of my mouth.
Turning around I growled.

"You know.... You really weren't who I thought you were." I scoffed and tried to stop myself from crying. "When you didn't reject us right away I thought maybe you'd change. I thought I saw something in you... Something good." I glared. It was her voice. "But I was very wrong." The tone in my voice changed as Avery slowly took over. I wish I could see my eyes in a mirror and knew most likely they would be black. Lash watched me with an impassive expression. "I've been watching you since forever and I had high hopes for you. For who you'd become, and now I see that all you care about is yourself. Disappointment doesn't even begin to cover it. For you AND your sister." I shook my head. "You want power? You've got it. Just don't expect me to be around to watch." Then with a heavy heart I ran out of the room. I heard him faintly call after me but I didn't stop until I ran all the way to the East Meadow.

'Take deep breaths, honey. We're in control.' Avery said.

"Well what now?" I sighed. "What am I gonna tell the others. Hunters deadline is 24 hours and I couldn't help him. Again I ended up making it all about me. About Us."

'There is no us. There is no you and Lash. I wouldn't allow it. I meant what I said, and so what's next you ask? We're not gonna be here.'


'We are leaving.'

"I really don't have any place to go."

'We are leaving the territory. With Hunter.'

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