His Little Fae

By AidaBekar

1.8M 52.7K 13.1K

He wanted a Queen, she had no need for a King. He wanted his mate, she wanted adventure. He wanted her close... More

Coming soon
Unwanted Encounter
Prison Discussions
The King's Orders
Bad Decisions
Attempted Ambush
Upsetting Him
Foreign Lands
Terrifying Truths
Last Moments
Thank You
Small Signs
A Spiral of Tears
A Chance
Another Encounter
Unsupervised Adventures
Strange Visions
Your Mate is a Billionaire
(Not) Thinking Rationally
Fates Intertwined
Unconcealed Ardor
New Relations
Drunken Haze
Luna della mia Vita
Kitchen Escapades
Euphoric Illusions
Moonlight Exploits
Fiery Animosity
Mild Vexation
Incandescent Flames
Sorrowful Mourning (I)
Midnight Discussions (I)
Midnight Discussions (II)
Dead of Night (I)
Dead of Night (II)
Saccharine Showers
Buried Enmity (I)
Buried Enmity (II)
Come Home
Lying by Omission
City of Lights (I)
City of Lights (II)
Calm Before the Storm
Monody (I)
Monody (II)
Monody (III)
Laconic Heartache
Arduous Distractions
Ephemeral Nights (I)
Ephemeral Nights (II)
Melancholic Bloodlust (I)
Melancholic Bloodlust (II)
A Fae's Epiphany (I)
A Fae's Epiphany (II)
Faerie Hunting (I)
Faerie Hunting (II)
Seeds of Doubt (I)
Seeds of Doubt (II)
Fresh Marks
Seraphic Truths (I)
Seraphic Truths (II)
Doorways (I)
Doorways (II)
Empty Threats (I)
Empty Threats (II)
Loyalty (I)
Loyalty (II)
Drawing Near (I)
Drawing Near (II)
First Blood

Doorways (III)

2.2K 77 19
By AidaBekar

In spite of everything,

I will believe people are really good at heart.

Alexius' POV:

Gabriel had returned.

Based on scout reports, he and the vampire's under his charge were still being held within the Alpha King's territory. The only person who'd made it back was Demetrius, Queen Valerie's right hand.

I had almost killed him myself when he went off on a tangent about how wonderful my sister's blood had tasted. They hadn't been sent in there to hurt her. They had most definitely not been sent in there to kill her. I barely knew where to begin. The plan to extract Alexandria from the werewolf king's ranks had been destined to fail from the start.

But betrayal from Gabriel? ... I hadn't expected it so soon.

"He'll be arriving in a few minutes, Alexius, we all know how fucking punctual that bastard is," Castiel said, his back against the wall, his eyes dark. "What are you going to do?"

I flicked my gaze away, my fingers weaving together over the dark wood of my desk as I barely managed to keep my anger in check. Outbursts would get me nowhere. "He made an attempt on her life. And will be punished accordingly."

"And since when has Gabriel ever been under anyone's command?" He questioned, running a frustrated hand through his hair. "He tried to kill her after I left the territory, Alex. Your sister. One of the two last members of our royal family."

That same rage coiled within me, burning and blistering as it crawled up my spine and curled around my lungs, Castiel's words only igniting it further. How dare Gabriel show his face here again after that attempt? Did he think I was unaware? That Demetrius hadn't reported back?

I let out a low growl. My eyes trained on the door as one of the guards knocked before hastily stepping inside. "Your Majesty, Lord Gabriel awaits you in the throne room."

Castiel pushed himself off the wall while I stood to my feet. "Have every guard on standby, he is not to leave that room unless I allow it. Is that understood?" I ordered.

The fae nodded before I waved him off. "He has no cards left to play," I told Castiel, my eyes burning a molten gold. "We will hold him accountable, even if he thinks he answers to no one."

Castiel gave a faint nod, his eyes still lined with uncertainty as we strode out and made our way through the halls of the castle. It had taken months to fully free it of the stench of blood and death and wolves, and even longer to clear out the memory that came with it. But the former throne room where my family and their close advisers had met their end still remained empty.

It was the only part I couldn't bear to enter.

A cool voice stopped us in our tracks, one I'd grown very familiar with over these past few months.

"And where are you marching off to so early? I called in for a meeting, did you forget?"

"Good morning to you too, Valerie," I said in acknowledgement, my eyes turning to meet her blood red gaze. She was shorter than me, smaller and so much less dangerous looking, but her entire aura radiated power. She wasn't the vampire queen in name alone, that much was obvious.

Unsurprisingly, she leisurely fell into step beside me, as she always did, her eyes darting forward. "That's not what I said."

Castiel's lips quirked at her response. "Will you ever take a joke?"

"Not if it's made by you idiots."

I chuckled, a bit of that anger loosening as Castiel scowled and she continued. "Now answer my question."

I peered at her through the corner of my eye, my gaze narrowing carefully. She had her own issues with the General that needed to be resolved. "Gabriel is here."

She paused in her tracks and visibly stiffened. Gabriel seemed to be on every species' hit list. He had nowhere to hide. The wolves would rip him to shreds. The Vampires would drain him. And the Fae would burn him alive.

"He's here? In the palace?" Valerie asked, a predatory glint in her eyes. She tilted her head at me and I was struck with the full force of her crimson gaze. Gabriel had left members of her coven to rot in the Alpha King's dungeons; he'd tried to escape and leave Demetrius behind in werewolf territory. He'd betrayed our agreement and her trust. If there was one thing I knew for certain, it was that Valerie did not forgive. Gabriel would lose his life for what he'd done to her people, but not before answering to me first.

I jerked my head in the direction of the throne room entrance, and her eyes followed the movement to the massive set of doors. "I'm going to kill him," she said a moment later, without the slightest bit of hesitation.

Castiel raised his hands in both willingness and consent. "We won't stop you."

"Stand by, Valerie. Don't engage him just yet," I warned her and she held my gaze, not liking my request. Then, after a long moment where she seemed to realize I had no intention of backing down, she slowly nodded, the word 'yet' undoubtedly convincing her that she'd get her chance.


Without another word, I entered the new hall where Gabriel had been ordered to wait, the thrones at the far end were vacant as I stepped up on the dais. Castiel stood a step below me, his stance stiff and watchful and Valerie lingered at my side, her attention already falling upon the man at the center of the room.

Gabriel stood proudly, ever the grinning bastard. I watched silently as he tipped his head in mock reverence. "Ah, Your Grace, it's so wonderful to see you."

I merely stared at him, my distaste evident in my gaze. Castiel snapped first. "Cut the fucking crap, Gabriel. We know what you attempted."

The former general's face melted into one of clear disappointment. "You wouldn't even allow me to explain myself? To provide proof of my innocence?"

My eyes narrowed and I doubted there was anything he could say that could make any of us show even a sliver of mercy. But what was he playing at? Why was he here? Gabriel was cunning in ways that I loathed. There had to be a reason for him to come back and saunter in here as though his death at my hand wasn't guaranteed. "Speak, Gabriel."

His gaze didn't break from mine. "Your sister is a traitor and the mate of our enemies." Castiel snarled. Gabriel ignored him, a cool, unreadable expression still plastered across his features. I clung to whatever patience I had. Valerie seemed to be struggling to reel back her anger as well, not from the insult, but rather her own thirst for his blood. "I did what was necessary for our cause. For our empire. She would've brought you to your knees, we all know it."

Castiel took a step forward, already moving to respond, my gaze shifted towards him, a single hand coming up with a silent command. Stand down.

Gabriel was the one fae I had never wished to have as an enemy. And I knew him well enough to know when he had something up his sleeve, some card he had yet to play. He would never show his face here if he didn't. Not to mention, he didn't exactly need me, or Castiel, or even Queen Valerie. A handful of the surviving fae respected him, loved him. Hell, they would have been following him if every member of the royal family had died.

He had led them after my parents' death. He had rebuilt the kingdom before handing me the reins. I'd been too young to command anything during the early years after the attack.

Gabriel had served the throne all his life and it would seem that he's had enough of bowing to his young protege. And that was quite all right.

Dead men didn't need to bow.

"So with all your great wisdom, you decided it'd be best to kill her?" I questioned calmly, my hand closing around Valerie's wrist when she made to take a step forward.

Vampires and their tempers.

Gabriel fell into a sweeping bow, his movements swift and lined with mockery. "Again, to assist you in your cause, Your Majesty."

My jaw clenched, a sudden spark of anger once again rising to the surface. "You were ordered to bring her here. To bring her home."

"And she refused. She chose her mate over her own people."

There was a sting. Of anger, of disappointment. But Alexandria's choice did not warrant a death sentence and even if it did, it was not his place to carry it out. Gabriel was guilty beyond doubt.

"As anyone would," I responded, calmly, patiently. "You are not innocent in this, Gabriel, and nothing you say can prove otherwise."

"Ah, so I can stop my attempts at appeasing you?" He asked, a cynical smile curving his lips. "If so..." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. Some new emotion danced in his eyes, something cruel and spiteful that he hadn't dared show before. His perfect mask slipped.

Gabriel spit on the ground, my gaze briefly fell to the stain on my marble floor, before returning to him, unimpressed. Castiel seemed to shake with barely restrained anger, his instincts telling him to end him and Valerie seemed to be in the same boat.

"Your sister is a half-breed, a traitor, and a whore. And you, Alexius, you are nothing but a hopeful runt pining after familial love," Gabriel growled, always knowing how to rouse my anger. "She's betrayed you and been marked by the enemy, yet you still waste your time caring. You would run this kingdom into the ground for a dog, no less."

My fingers twitched, itching to reach out and silence his incessant words. Gabriel was a thorn in my side, a snake whose poison had filled my ears for far too long. I should've never let him enter the Alpha King's territory, should've known he'd give in to his rage and bloodlust, his need for revenge. Alexandria and those two children Demetrius had reported killed were victims of my carelessness.

Gabriel laughed bitterly, he was trying to get a rise out of me, and it was working. "I should've never saved you that day, you pathetic bastard. Orion should've had you and your mother thrown out the instant he found his mate. Your life is nothing but the result of people's mistakes." His words were laced with venom, he meant every last thing he said. And for years, he'd allowed these truths to boil. This was his tipping point.

And it was mine too.

In an instant, I was before him, my hand closing around his neck, my fingers crushing his throat.

Why was he here?

I couldn't figure it out and I didn't want to anymore. For a moment, I only saw red and all I could imagine was the image of him lifeless on my floor. I yearned for it the same way Valerie and Castiel did.

Gabriel fought against me, his hands closing around my wrist, his eyes widening in slight panic.  He could barely speak. Good. His efforts were futile, I had long since surpassed him in everything. There was absolutely nothing he could do to stop me from crushing his throat.

"A bit unfair of you," I heard Valerie murmur behind me, her voice lined with obvious dismay. "Going in for the kill without offering me a piece of him."

I grinned, my expression feral, my eyes wild, and Gabriel must've seen his end in my gaze because he fought harder, his mouth opening, gasping for air, attempting to speak.

"I... have..." he sputtered, his vision growing hazy and his eyes unfocused. "I... have... her."

His words didn't register for a moment. They were nothing more than final sentences uttered by a man seeing death for the first time, a coward's final hope for survival. But they were the answer. To my question, to the why. Why he was so confident, why he was here, why he didn't fear my killing him.

Because he had a hostage.

I stiffened, my hand briefly loosening before I threw him to the side, watching angrily as he fell to the floor. He stumbled, attempted to regain his balance and gasped for breath, the panic fading from his eyes.

"What?" I growled, though some part of me already knew. Three words. Three words was all it took for the pieces to fall together. Three words that brought me to heel.

Gabriel looked up at me, his eyes boring into my own as his gasps evened out. That arrogance returned to his gaze. "I said I have her. Alexandria. Your darling sister."

I shook my head, noting the way Castiel inched down the steps to join my side. Valerie silently made her way down as well at his new admission. "That's impossible. You were their captive. You could never steal her from him," Castiel managed, his voice disbelieving.

But I knew he could. Gabriel always found a way, even if it was through the worst means. His threats, his words, they always carried weight. He would never risk coming here if he didn't have something to bargain with.

"Where is she?" I bit out, my voice low, my anger rising. I was already moving to grab him again, but this time Gabriel twisted out of the way, his hand coming up to casually dust off his clothes, his composure having completely returned.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that question, Your Majesty," he said, that aggravating confidence returning right along with his composure. "Though, I will warn you. If I do not return to my men in the next few hours, I've ordered them to kill her. I do wonder if they'll take it slow."

I shook with rage, my fists clenching and unclenching, my eyes dilated. I took a threatening step forward and although Gabriel seemed to hold all the power in this moment, he still took the smallest step back, almost on instinct. I wanted to lunge at him, to kill him anyway and search for her afterwards. But if his words were true, she'd be dead before any of us ever found her.

Still, I took another step in his direction, but this time Castiel held me back, his eyes never leaving Gabriels. It seemed our roles had reversed.

Valerie stood at my side as well. She had no reason to care for Alexandria, but she sure as hell knew how much we did. And no amount of bloodlust would make her break the delicate trust we'd built these few months. So she remained still as a statue, her eyes also trained on the fae general before us.

"So here is what's going to happen, Alexius," Gabriel said, a smile touching his lips as he dropped the title. The urge to grab him rushed through me again and my fingers dug so deeply into my palms, warm blood trickled out of my closed fists.

"I'm going to walk out of that door and not one of your guards are going to stop me," he continued, gesturing grandly at the massive doors that led out of the throne room. "And if you even try to have someone tail me, I'll send you one of her pretty little fingers," Gabriel said, smiling sardonically. "Or perhaps that tongue of hers. Goddess knows she could do away with that."

He laughed. None of us did. Gabriel knew exactly what he was doing and what he now held over our heads. I couldn't let her die. Not again. Not my little sister. My last sliver of family.

"What do you want?" I finally asked, already knowing his answer. Gabriel wanted power, he wanted control. And for a long time, it had eluded him. But not anymore.

"You will step down," the general answered, his voice even, his expression schooled into one of cold calculation, his words a command. "This kingdom is not yours to rule. And the one true heir to it all is already in my grasp.

"You will give me the reins to the Faerie kingdom and you will serve me, as I have served you all these years." His voice was lined with satisfaction. He would have the throne, would have me under his thumb, and would have Alexandria. But he seemed to be forgetting many key players. One of them stood beside me, the other was somewhere in France plotting how to get his mate back.

His plan was riddled with holes but the crown would cover them up, the power that came with it would make him unstoppable. There were many who were loyal to him, who loved him. Because he'd always fought for an offensive stance against the wolves, for revenge and blood and war. I had believed the same, perhaps some part of me still did. There were days when I woke up and craved blood, and there were others when I looked around and suddenly felt like that twelve year old boy who just wanted his family back.

Gabriel couldn't have our numbers. He couldn't rule over my people. The only thing that kept me from chasing the thought of vengeance was the fact that we'd barely begun to stand on our own feet again. I'd rather see my kingdom and my home growing, then begin a war that would reduce us to ashes yet again. A country healed was more important than settling the score.

Control your anger, son. It can be your greatest enemy when making decisions.

This kingdom is yours to protect. Even if others tell you otherwise. You are my son. My firstborn.

My father's words rang in my ears, always dulling the sharp urge for revenge. It was his voice in my head that had kept me sane, that had kept me from acting upon Gabriel's wishes before.

The werewolves were strong. They had always been strong. In numbers, in resources, in everything. And King Livius knew how to play the game. He was a better leader than his father, one more just than any of us ever could be, and his people... they loved him. If it came to war, the only thing that would keep him from annihilating the Fae would be Alexandria's link to our race. A Fae army stood no chance against a long standing kingdom, but Gabriel would call them to battle anyway.

"You have one week," Gabriel finally said, dragging me out of my thoughts. "One week to meet my terms or she will die."

"If you kill her, it won't be me who ends you."

Gabriels smirk grew. "Oh, but I work for you, don't I? I'm quite certain the Alpha King knows that." His expression was wild, unhinged, determined. A fantasy played out in his eyes, one with him on the throne and a crown on his head and wolves dead at his feet. He was a fool to ever hope for that. "He will come for you first if you let her die, Alexius. You and your reign. So perhaps I ought to let him do the dirty work for me, no? Clear out the slate and let me do the rebuilding afterwards? I do find it interesting when history repeats itself."

I clenched my jaw, my hands still itching to curl around his neck again. "One week," Gabriel taunted in a sing-song voice as he turned to walk away, gladly giving me his back because he knew none of us would so much as touch him.

"You fucking coward!" Castiel called to his back, his fists also clenched, his body bubbling over with rage. Valerie watched coolly, her own anger simmering, for now. When Gabriel moved to step out, a few of the guards intercepted him and looked to me for orders.

I gritted my teeth. Hating this, hating him. "Let him go," I commanded and Gabriel turned, giving yet another scornful bow before disappearing entirely. There would be no tail, no following him. He would go out, he would fly, he would teleport, he would do whatever the hell he wanted, and we could only watch.

There was no way out of this. If I gave him the kingdom, it would be ruination. And he was right. If he killed her, the Alpha King would without a doubt blame the Fae yet again and we would be at war. And all would be lost.


I wouldn't allow it. I couldn't. I won't lose her and I won't lose my people. Not again. Not again.

This kingdom is yours to protect.

And Alexandria was mine to protect as well. I'd already been failing her for years now. I couldn't keep failing.

"What will you do?" Valerie asked quietly, her voice dripping with hatred.

Control your anger, son.

I inhaled deeply through my nose, my eyes briefly closing in an effort to calm myself. The tension escaped my shoulders, my fists unclenched, my panic eased. I had to think this through. There could be no mistakes and we didn't have much time.

But Gabriel had given me an idea.

Everyone hated him. The vampires, the fae, the wolves. And if they haven't attacked yet, it's because they were uncertain where their enemy resided. All I needed to do was control the narrative.

"What I was supposed to do ages ago," I murmured in response, both of them giving me questioning looks at the composed look on my face. Let Gabriel think I had no idea what to do next, let him think he had me in a corner. Anger could be misleading and he'd mistaken my own for helplessness from the moment he told me the news.

"I think it's about time we paid a visit to my future brother-in-law."



Little life update: I just finished my sophomore year of university and am officially on summer vacation! Hoping to wrap up this book before the fall of my junior year. I have so many other projects I'd like to share with you all, and eight written chapters of HLF that need editing.

I'm taking summer classes, so it may be hard to stay on top of things, but my goal is to publish everything by summers end!

Thank you sm to everyone who's been waiting on these updates for yearsss, I honestly have no clue what anyone sees in this silly little book I started five years ago. But I will see it through because you all deserve no less.

See you next week (hopefully).

- Aida

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