[VegasPete] I Was There

By peteluvegas

21K 855 295

Five times Pete witnesses Vegas' weakness, and one time he shows Vegas his. . - I was there when you're nervo... More

I Was There When You're Nervous
I Was There When You're Weak
I Was There When You're Sad

I Was There When You Lose

4.5K 218 76
By peteluvegas




(I was there when you lose)

In his fourth year as a bodyguard, Pete had a new roommate named Porsche.

Unlike other bodyguards who needed to go through training for 8-12 months or came from military backgrounds, Porsche didn't. Pete heard that he was a streetfighter, and the privilege that he had was because he had saved Khun Kinn once.

Even though other bodyguards like Big and Ken hated his guts because Porsche had climbed immediately to be the head bodyguard for Khun Kinn, Pete found him pleasant to be around. Sure, he made mistakes and chaos here and there, but nonetheless, Porsche is a good guy. Most importantly, he's clean enough to use the same room as Pete.

One day, a big chaos erupted from the meeting floor of the major family mansion. Pete only knew what happened when Big and Ken dragged an unconscious Porsche to their room and laid him on the sofa - they said Porsche had hit Khun Macau and got punished by Khun Kinn. That made Pete massaged his own temple - damn, what now?

He was about to walk into his room to look at Porsche, but then from the hallway he noticed Khun Vegas walking in hurry with Khun Macau. From afar, Pete could see blood smeared on Khun Macau's jacket and he noticed that Khun Vegas looked very angry.

Pete hesitated for a moment, but then he decided to walk down the hallway where the two minor family sons walked to. From the back, Pete could see Khun Vegas had his arm around Macau's back while his other hand gripped his brother's upper arm.

"...Khun Vegas! Khun Macau!"

Pete half ran towards the two brothers, and he nearly gasped when he saw the blood running down the side of Khun Macau's face.

They stopped for a few moments and Khun Vegas looked back, but Pete could see him clicking his tongue and was about to walk away again - probably was too irritated to face another major family bodyguard.

"Khun Vegas," Pete said when he caught up with them, "...Khun Macau is hurt, let me call the family's doctor to tend to his wound."

Khun Vegas didn't look Pete in the eyes at all. From his face, Pete knew he was suppressing his anger not to snap at him.

"No need." he said shortly, about to walk again with Khun Macau towards the elevator.

"...Hia, my head really hurts." Pete could hear Khun Macau say. He was pressing the wound on his forehead with his own hand, but Pete could see the blood still running down his cheek.

For a split second, Pete noticed how Khun Vegas' expression softened when he looked at his brother. He immediately stopped walking and looked hesitant for a moment.

"I will prepare a room for Khun Vegas and Khun Macau to wait for the doctor to come. Shouldn't be long, the doctor is on the sixth floor." Pete said, ushering the two young masters to one of the guest's rooms so they could wait there comfortably. Pete used his communicator to arrange the doctor's visit to the meeting floor, which didn't take long when the minor family name was mentioned.

When the doctor tended to the wound on Khun Macau's forehead, Khun Vegas was with him all the time. He gripped his brother's hand tightly, even though he didn't even say anything. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, as if making sure that the doctor didn't mess up his brother's wound even more. Pete could see the nervousness on the doctor's face, because even though he was used to treating the main family, there was just something with Khun Vegas that was more... intimidating.

"Who is that new bodyguard and why is Kinn protecting him?"

Khun Vegas wasn't even looking when he asked that, and Pete needed a few seconds to realize that he was talking to him. Pete was standing a few feet away from the bed like the good bodyguard that he was, but then Khun Vegas looked at him and nodded his head as an order for Pete to get closer.

What should he answer? He didn't know anything. He didn't even know what happened in that meeting room.

"The new bodyguard is Porsche, Khun Vegas... But I am sorry I don't quite understand what you mean--"

"--Kinn punished him to avoid my men taking action on him. He hurt and insulted my brother on purpose, if it was another bodyguard they would be dead by now."

Pete didn't know what to say. What exactly did Porsche do to Khun Macau? He really has no fear. He wasn't even afraid of Khun Kinn, that bastard Porsche...

"All I know just Porsche is the new head bodyguard for Khun Kinn, that's probably why--"

"A new head bodyguard? What is this Porsche, an ex military personnel? An ex soldier? A trained assassin? What is he?"

Khun Vegas was looking at Pete with his sharp eyes, making this feel like an interrogation.

"He's a college student, a bartender at night... and a street fighter, Khun Vegas."

The young master's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, it seemed like he was trying to put two and two together, but had too little information for it.

"...a young street fighter as Kinn's head of bodyguard? That's weird..." he said, mostly to himself.

"But Porsche is really capable, he gained his position since he saved Khun Kinn's life once." Pete said, didn't even know why he felt the need to defend his friend.

Khun Vegas looked like he was thinking, and to be honest, Pete was never able to guess what's running in his head.

"...saved Kinn's life...," he repeated, "...interesting."

There was this wicked smirk on Khun Vegas' lips, nothing like what Pete had seen before.

"Hia, let's go home."

But in a split second, his expression changed completely as Macau shook his arm. Khun Vegas inspected the now covered wound on his brother's forehead, nodding when he knew that it was properly treated.

"Alright." he said shortly, his palm on Macau's back.

Pete hurriedly opened the door for the two young masters, but before Vegas walked out of the room, he looked at Pete's hand that was on the door's handle.

"You never take it off," he said, looking at the chain bracelet on Pete's left hand.

He never did. No reason actually, just like his old bracelet, he never really took it off either.

But the difference is, right now with this bracelet, every time Pete's eyes landed on it, it reminded him of the one who gifted it.

Pete didn't even know how to react to that, but then he figured that he didn't have to when the two young masters already walked out of the room.

"You don't have to escort us to the main door," Khun Vegas said when he noticed that Pete was walking behind the both of them, "...just take care of your friend Porsche for now."

If people didn't see Khun Vegas' expression when he said that, they could easily believe that it was sincere. But Pete knew this person enough to understand that those slight smirk on his lips meant something else. Usually, things that people cannot even predict.




Porsche is a chaos-bringer.

A shit-stirrer.

It amazed Pete how much he got in trouble for the first three months of his working period. But Pete was even more amazed with the fact that he managed to stay alive through all of it. From a very petty thing like accidentally killing Khun Noo Thankun's fishes, to the life threatening ones like hitting the son of the minor family.

From Pete's observation, Porsche's survival strikes weren't just because he's lucky. There's definitely something here, things that didn't happen to other bodyguards ever. Khun Kinn went as far as coming to their room to ask where Porsche was - when he never entered any of the bodyguards' room. At that time he looked frustrated, but not angry, which was a rare thing for him to express.

Pete didn't want to get ahead of himself, especially when it comes to other people's feelings, but the last time Pete saw Khun Kinn restless like that was when he was in a rather serious relationship with his ex, Khun Tawan. It's definitely bigger than the fact that Porsche saved Khun Kinn's life once - and it was all confirmed when Khun Kinn took a bullet for Porsche when they were attacked in the forest.

Porsche too, wasn't that much different. When he gained consciousness in the hospital, the first thing he asked was about Khun Kinn. Damn, he even yelled at Khun Noo Thankun for pranking him about Kinn's condition. Pete could see the unshed tears on his eyes, for a moment probably thinking about the worst thing that could happen to Khun Kinn. Porsche didn't say anything else before he hurriedly walked limply to Khun Kinn's ward, didn't even care that Khun Noo Thankun yelled at him that Khun Kinn hadn't woken up yet.

Something smells fishy here. At this point, it's hard for Pete to believe that they were just a boss and a bodyguard. What boss would put their life in line for a mere bodyguard? A problematic one too, at that?

But Pete never said anything, as usual, he just observes. If one day Porsche was ready, he knew that his friend would tell him. This was in no way a regular relationship (if this ever was one) - they needed to really be careful. So for now Pete decided to just pretend not to know, probably Porsche would be more comfortable that way.

"Where's Porsche?"

Pete was waiting for Khun Noo Thankun outside of the restroom when Khun Vegas came. He brought flowers, yellow roses, which Pete knew were definitely not for his cousin.

"Khun Vegas," he said. Lucky that he didn't arrive when Khun Noo was around, or another chaos would happen in the hospital corridor, "...Porsche is... in Khun Kinn's ward."

Khun Vegas frowned, as if finding it weird. "He doesn't have his own ward?"

"He does, he's just visiting Khun Kinn once he woke up--"

"Where's Kinn's room?" he asked without waiting for Pete to complete his sentence. Pete just pointed to the VVIP room direction, which was replied with a nod from Khun Vegas. Pete took it as a small act of gratitude.

Another thing that Pete had picked up about the whole Porsche and Khun Kinn's relationship, was that right now Khun Vegas had also shown some interest in the new bodyguard. The first time Pete noticed was when Khun Vegas deliberately asked Porsche to be his bodyguard in front of Khun Kinn, which idea was harshly turned down by the older.

The second time, which became the confirmation part, was when Khun Vegas allowed Porsche to ride his new Ducati bike. That's weird, knowing that Khun Vegas was never really into motorcycles. And even if he ever was, why would he take a major family's bodyguard for a spin so casually?

But when Pete thought more into it, there were two possibilities of what was happening. First, Khun Vegas was really interested in Porsche, and Pete refused to elaborate in what way. Second, Khun Vegas knew that there was something going on between Khun Kinn and Porsche, and now that he knew Khun Kinn was a competition, he pursued Porsche just for the sake of winning against his cousin.

The second possibility seemed awfully much more like Khun Vegas, from Pete's perspective. This was based on years of silent observation, and a gut feeling of a good bodyguard.

Pete heard from people who have been working for the main family for years that even since they were kids, Khun Kinn and Khun Vegas were always in competition. They once got along pretty well, after the death of Khun Vegas' mother, a lot of things in the minor family started to change. Including him, who was about six or seven years old at that time.

When they entered middle school, the cousins were as good as strangers. The best thing that resembles communication for them was business meetings or events. Between Khun Kinn and Khun Vegas, who were both the heir of their respective family, there was always a lot of tension. They were both almost equally smart and strong, except that Khun Kinn was two years older so he had a little bit more experience in several things.

But at the end of the day, the most contrasting difference between both of these mafia heirs was that their father raised them differently.

Even though Khun Korn was a respectable mafia leader, Pete could see he raised his children quite well. He is one calm man, he spared time eating with his sons, sometimes even playing chess or golf with them. Yes, he was cold and not the typical father who would hug his sons in public, but at least he was approachable and present. Additionally, the three sons of the main family weren't that far apart in terms of age, so they grew up quite well together even without the presence of their mother.

Khun Kann, though, was a different story. Pete heard he is a womanizer, bringing different young girls home for pleasure. The cleaning lady in the major family mansion even said that Khun Kann had been doing it even since his wife was still alive. Of course he got worse after her death. And Khun Vegas needed to witness it all from a very young age. His only resemblance of care was probably their nanny who took care of him and his baby brother, Khun Macau. But Pete also heard that this nanny left too, and he didn't really know what happened after that.

Pete's train of thought was interrupted by a loud slam of a door from the VVIP room direction. When he looked towards the source of the sound, he noticed Khun Vegas walking in big steps, his face was red as if he's suppressing his anger.

Pete noticed Khun Vegas' tight grip on the flowers that he brought until his knuckles turned white. Pete almost stepped back when the angry man got closer.

"Khun Ve--"

Pete hadn't finished talking when the young master shoved the yellow roses to his chest, and Pete couldn't help but take it from his hand. Did Porsche refuse to take these flowers? Was Khun Kinn the one who asked him to take it back?

But looking at how angry Khun Vegas was, it's probably because of his own cousin.

"Here, take this."

Pete gulped. His voice was almost venomous, laced with suppressed anger.

"For me?"

"Why not?" he said in English, flashing his usual smirk, "...yellow roses mean friendship. Say, aren't we friends, Pete?"

That didn't sound like a genuine question. He didn't even sound like he wanted to be friends for real. Even if he did, how in the world would Pete be friends with someone like Khun Vegas? He couldn't even think about it.

"...well, I guess..."

"Then good. I don't make many friends because I hate people," Khun Vegas smirked, "...but you can be an exception, since you're kind and... a little bit observant, I see."

Pete gulped. Why did it feel like this was a threat? How did Khun Vegas even know that Pete had been observing him? Was he too obvious? Does he look like a spy? Or worse, a creep?

"Anyway, tell people that Kinn just woke up. What a shame... don't you think?" Khun Vegas' smile disappeared, his eyes getting sharper, "...I mean, he could probably use some more sleep to make up for those three days in the woods." and by the end of his sentence, he had worn those friendly smiles again.

This person's expression confused Pete. The line of humor and things he actually meant were so blurry, but with that soft voice it feels like he could almost get anyone to believe in him.

Khun Vegas then patted Pete's shoulder, signaling his leaving.

"Okay, then. I will be seeing you very soon, Pete." He said. Pete didn't know in what context.

The thing that kept bothering Pete was how angry Khun Vegas was when it came to losing. And in this little game he tried to play with Porsche, Khun Kinn definitely has the upper hand.




In Pete's opinion, Khun Vegas was the best among Theerapanyakun's children when it comes to the mafia business.

He's sharp, strong... and most importantly, cunning and ruthless.

Khun Vegas was the kind of person who can come up with a plan fast, yet precise. He knows what information he needs, and the shortest and fastest way to get it, that's why he works fast and efficiently. He's not afraid to pull triggers, he's not afraid to swing knives. He lied like he was programmed for it, and with a face like that, he could get away with almost anything.

Pete realized that from his very first mission with the minor family.

Just a few days after Khun Kinn and Porsche went back home after being kidnapped by unknown people, chaos erupted in one of the family's casinos. The news about the major Theerapanyakun family's leader being injured probably looked like an opportunity for them to loot and make chaos. But they forgot that the casinos were a joint business of the major and minor families, so even when Khun Kinn wasn't there... Khun Vegas was.

Not only did Khun Vegas handle the mess in the casino, he also found the source of all these shenanigans. Long story short, Khun Vegas had the whole blueprint of plan to get revenge just in one night, and he asked Khun Korn for Porsche (of course) to be his right hand man. Khun Kinn, though, didn't trust Khun Vegas at all, that's why he sent Pete and Arm to help as well. Khun Vegas looked disappointed at first, though, seeing both Khun Noo Thankun's bodyguards came with Porsche. But when it's Khun Kinn's order, he could say nothing.

Khun Vegas tortured people for informations, kill people when they are not of any use for him anymore, made a whole fake deal with Italian mafias, and killed everybody involved in the fake transaction. He said an event this loud would send messages to other mafia gangs out there not to mess with Theerapanyakun, even though one of them was weak. With the win against the Italian mafia, their position strengthened in the business, their territory expanded.

But probably the most important for Khun Vegas was the taste of victory against his own cousin, Khun Kinn.

This Italian mafia had long been the most annoying rival for the both families, yet they didn't really have the opportunity to eradicate the whole gang because of the lack of proof and witnesses. Khun Kinn had closed some deals with them, but never with major profits. He had been trying to find the weakness of the Italian goons, yet they hadn't completed the investigations yet.

But now, Khun Vegas has eradicated them in one night.

"...If this mission succeeded that would mean I win against Kinn," Pete recalled what Khun Vegas said, "...most importantly, my father would keep his mouth shut for a while." They were on their way to make a fake transaction when the conversation happened, while Porsche and Arm were preparing for the weapons.

The things Pete noticed from Khun Vegas when they did the mission together, was that he has the focus like a hawk. He didn't get distracted, never got side-tracked. His eyes were sharp and his jaws were clenched, meaning that he was concentrating.

"...don't look at me like that, Pete. You might fall without realizing."

Pete shook his head immediately. It sent chills down his spine when he remembered that Khun Vegas said that to him in his soft yet low voice. It felt like a threat, somehow, when he said it like that.

Probably it's just the heat of the moment, probably it was just the tiredness of the mission catching up on him. They had just arrived in the minor family's mansion after the mission, and they had time to freshen up and rest a little before the night time, where Khun Vegas invited them for a celebration in the west wing of the big mansion.

As Pete laid down on the bed in the minor family's guest bedroom, he remembered how Khun Vegas, without any doubt, pulled triggers to kill people. He would smile before that, but after the person fell to the ground, his eyes would look empty for a split second... and then he would go on like nothing happened.

Pete saw no remorse there. But the way those eyes turned soulless for a few seconds made Pete wonder, what was he thinking? What sort of emotions is he feeling? People would just easily miss that unless they paid very close attention.

Pete's eyes slowly felt heavier when he tried to replay the successful mission they just carried with the minor family. It's been a long time since he was involved in a thrilling mission like this, and his heart pounded in excitement the entire time. Khun Vegas' plan was immaculate, his execution was perfect.

Pete wondered why such a strong and capable person always compared himself to someone else. Especially Khun Kinn, his own cousin, who in fact excels in different things than him.

Pete was jostled awake when the phone in his pant's pocket vibrated. He immediately checked it, knowing for the fact that the only person who would contact him through it was his boss, Khun Kinn.

Keep a close watch on Vegas.

Report to me immediately if he does anything strange, especially with Porsche.

Pete then replied to acknowledge the order. Before the mission, Khun Kinn had also asked him to watch Khun Vegas and report back to him. Pete understood how it was harder for Khun Kinn, especially when Khun Vegas had succeeded in carrying out the mission he should have done himself. Not to mention that the major family had suspected the minor family had another secret plan with how they offered to fix this situation.

Pete closed his eyes again. It's a few hours away from the party, so he should probably sleep a little more.




Things went south quite fast, especially when alcohol was involved.

The minor family was famous for their parties, which focused more on the fun aspect instead of the luxury, unlike the parties that were hosted by the major family. In the minor family's party, everyone can join, including the bodyguards who are not on duty. The atmosphere wasn't far from the nights at Yok's bar, Porsche's former workplace that has now become Khun Noo Thankun's favorite place to go.

Pete, though, didn't get to drink too much. He had one glass of beer and that's it, because he was basically still on duty to watch Khun Vegas and Porsche. He stood a little far away from them, beside Arm who was dancing with a drink in his hand. His fellow bodyguard friend had put down his guards long ago, and started to get a little drunk from the way he staggered on his feet.

But Pete understood Khun Kinn's concern about Khun Vegas and Porsche - because the young master hasn't taken his eyes off Porsche at all since the party started. Khun Vegas stood so close to Porsche, his expression was like nothing Pete had ever seen before. His eyes softened, his eyebrows relaxed - yet there was this faint smirk that he unconsciously drew from time to time, like someone being satisfied that his plan was working.

It amazed Pete how Khun Vegas can express totally different feelings like that. In no time, he had gotten Porsche laughing with him, even to the point that Porsche accepted gentle touches on his arms without looking uncomfortable. They talked and laughed, and when the music started to get louder, they started to dance with drinks and cigarettes in their hands.

Porsche did look like he enjoyed Khun Vegas' company, while Khun Vegas never took his eyes off Porsche at all.

Before Pete decided to call Khun Kinn for his report, the phone in his pants' pocket vibrated. He immediately went to a more secluded area where the music was a little less loud, but he still can observe Khun Vegas and Porsche.

"Why haven't you reported anything yet?!"

Khun Kinn sounded frustrated - he must have waited for the report the whole time. Pete originally thought that he would just observe them a little more before reporting to Khun Kinn what he saw in general. But apparently, the Boss wanted the report to be real-time.

"I apologize, Khun Kinn, I was still observing them," Pete said. He wondered if Khun Kinn would get angrier as seconds passed by. He was never in this situation before.

"Tell me now what's Vegas doing with Porsche?!"

Pete looked at the two people in question again, now a little bit shocked to see them dancing with each other. Porsche looked tipsy, like, damn Porsche, he said he's a heavy drinker?!

"Ai Pete!"

"Yes, yes, Khun Kinn, Khun Vegas and Porsche are dancing right now, the party is still on-going. But they are not like... touching each other or anything, just dancing with drink and cigarette in their hands, and like–"

"Is Porsche drunk?"

"...well... he looks–"

"Is Porsche drunk or not, can't you see?! How hard is it to tell if someone is drunk or not?!"

Pete slightly pulled his phone away from his ears. When he focused to look at his target again, Pete was shocked that they both bumped on each other and the next thing he saw was Porsche's shirt drenched and the glass in Khun Vegas' hand was empty. Pete was about to walk towards the two people, but then he noticed that Khun Vegas was helping Porsche walk away from the party area - probably to fix his wet shirt.

"...oh shit..."

"What?! Speak clearly!"

For a moment, Pete forgot that he was still on the phone with Khun Kinn. The next move that he could think about was to get Arm and try to follow Khun Vegas and Porsche, but when he was about to walk through two guards, they stopped his steps.


"Khun Kinn... Khun Vegas accidentally spilled a drink on Porsche and now he's taking him somewhere. I'm not sure where, the bodyguards here don't allow me to follow."

"Fuck! Keep trying to get in and follow them, I will be there in a few minutes."

Fuck, indeed.

The minor family's guard kept blocking their way, threatening to use violence if their blockade was intruded. Pete didn't want to make chaos that would start unnecessary conflict, especially in the minor family mansion where they are the guests. However, trying to reason with these bodyguards was like talking to the brick wall, Pete's patience was wearing thin.

Less than ten minutes later, Khun Kinn barged into the room with a gun in his hand, and wasn't even followed by any bodyguards. It didn't take him long to arrive, which means that he knew things would go wrong. He probably stood by near the minor family mansion so he's ready to jump when the slightest thing goes against his liking. The minor family's bodyguards couldn't even meet Khun Kinn's eyes when they voluntarily made ways for the young master to get in.

Pete reached out to his gun on the back of his jeans, having it on standby because he knew this might escalate. Khun Kinn didn't even wait to kick the restroom door open, and the commotion had attracted the attention of other minor family bodyguards. Khun Kinn had a gun in his hand, his knuckles were almost white from the way he held it.

"The fuck?!!"

Khun Kinn made a mad dash inside the restroom - Pete could still see how Porsche pushed Khun Vegas away from kissing him on the lips. The next thing he saw was Khun Kinn throwing a big punch and Khun Vegas jerked back by the force of his strength. The older cousin aimed his gun at Khun Vegas, who was still trying to recover from the shock - but it only took him a split second to pull his own gun and point it back to Khun Kinn.

In no time, everyone had their gun out - Pete and Arm raised their gun against the minor family's bodyguards who were aiming the gun at them. For a few seconds, it was silent - no one even dared to move, or even breath.

The air was suffocating - the restroom was small and as he roamed his eyes around, Pete noticed that Porsche was leaning on the edge of the sink, face flushed red and legs shaking - he wasn't wearing his shirt anymore.

"Don't you see the ring on my finger?!!" Khun Kinn yelled in anger, implying the power of the major family emblem ring he carried. This was by far the angriest Pete ever saw him, "...get the fuck out!!!"

It was such a short seconds for Pete to be able to study Khun Vegas' expression thoroughly - not to mention the restroom being narrow and dim. But he could still see the extent of rage in his eyes, his right hand that held the gun shook as he pointed it at Khun Kinn's head. His lower lip busted from the force of Khun Kinn's strength, and for a split second, Pete really thought Khun Vegas would be too blinded by the rage and was about to pull the trigger.

But he didn't - Pete could see how it took Khun Vegas his entire self control not to let the anger cloud him, that finally he decided to slap Khun Kinn's hand away at the same time he was putting his gun down.

Without sparing any glance, Khun Vegas stormed out of the restroom, intentionally bumped his shoulder with Khun Kinn's. The sound of him kicking the door echoed in the narrow room, bringing back people inside it to reality.

"You all get out!!!"

Pete immediately put his gun back into the inside of his jacket as he hurriedly got out of the room, ignoring Arm who was shouting out his name. He heard chaos erupted outside and he just knew that it had something to do with Khun Vegas - he probably needed an outlet to unleash his suppressed anger.

And just like what Pete predicted, Khun Vegas went feral on his bodyguards at the area where they danced just a few minutes ago. He beat the shit out of his own men who couldn't do anything to fight back, breaking properties in between.

"You all fucking useless!!! I said don't let anybody in!!!"

Pete stood still when he heard a crack as Khun Vegas' knee made a hard contact with someone's skull. He couldn't even blink as the angry man dragged two guards out of the room by the back of their clothes -- and even though both the guards were bigger than him, Khun Vegas' strength was unmatched.

The next thing Pete knew was Arm grabbing his shoulder as he was about to run after the young master - he didn't even realize the action he was about to take.

"Don't," Arm said, "...not our business."

As if he knew what Pete was about to do, Arm tried to reason. He was right. This has nothing to do with Pete at all, this clearly was the minor family's problem and they should deal with it in their own ways. Even if Khun Vegas beat them up to death, why should Pete care? It's not like they are his friends.

"I guess the party's over, let's go home." Arm said, "...I need to go to the toilet first. Damn, I probably need to go to the one on the upper floor, I don't want to see Porsche being punished by Khun Kinn. You're coming with me?"

Pete shook his head, "I'll wait here."

"Don't go anywhere." Arm said before leaving, knowing well that when Pete was curious, chances were he would go find things out to satisfy that curiosity.

Just a few minutes later, a terrorizing scream could be heard from somewhere in the mansion - it was so loud that the people in the room stopped doing whatever it was they were doing. Like an autopilot reaction, Pete ran towards the source of the voice in pure instinct - not even knowing what he was going to find. The scream went on and on for several minutes so Pete could follow it, but then stopped altogether. The sound was coming from a floor below, and Pete was now on the top of the dark staircase.

Pete didn't know what's gotten into him, the next thing he knew was he descended the stairs quietly. The scream continues but this time Pete could tell that this was a different person. As Pete walked down, he started to see what's happening - Khun Vegas was there, one of the bodyguards was on the floor in the pool of his own blood and Pete kind of thought he was dead. The other was still screaming as Khun Vegas twisted a knife on his thigh.

Pete was stunned on his feet, couldn't even take his eyes off of Khun Vegas' back, as well as how his left hand was shaking from the strength that he held his knife. The air was suffocating, the room was dimly lit with just one little yellow lamp above them. It looked like a storage room, humid with no ventilation - so the smell of rusty iron and blood was very prominent.

At that moment, when he actually still could, Pete should probably walk up the stairs again - before Khun Vegas noticed that he was there. But there was something weighing his entire legs that he couldn't even move. His heart beat faster he could actually hear it. Khun Vegas' back was facing Pete, the man he tortured was in between life and death already.

Pete should probably run, because there was no guarantee that Khun Vegas would spare his life if he noticed him witnessing his psychopathic behavior.

Yet there he was.

Eyes glued at the blood that seeped through the spaces between Khun Vegas' fingers. That broad shoulders were still shaking, probably in anger, his neck glistened with sweat from how closed and narrow the room was.

Pete held his breath when Khun Vegas pulled his knife out and kicked the man to the ground, only to step on his injured leg with his entire strength. Pete noticed his jaw clenched, a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his face.

Khun Vegas finished the job with a strong kick on the person's jaw, sending him limp on the floor - probably also dead.

Khun Vegas just stood there after that - those eyes were there again. The empty eyes, the ones that made him look like he was just a shell. Pete wondered what that meant - was that regret there? Was that satisfaction? Did he just dissociate?

Pete had observed this person for some time already but he never seemed to be able to figure him out completely.

"You think I don't know that you've been standing there the whole time?"

Pete felt chills go down his spine.

His stomach coiled just by how Khun Vegas slowly turned his head to look at him.

"Did Kinn ask you to follow me?"

Pete should have ran away, probably it wasn't too late as Khun Vegas walked slowly towards him. He was a fast runner, he could probably outrun the young master easily.

"...you fucking told him, right?"

Khun Vegas' voice was low, his tone was flat but cold. Those eyes were something Pete had never seen before - but strangely he couldn't even avert his gaze.

Pete gasped in shock when Khun Vegas' bloody fingers were suddenly wrapped around his neck - both his thumb and middle finger pressing the parts where it hurts and blocking his airway. Pete instinctively tried to let himself go, trying to pry away the strong hand that was threatening to kill him right at that moment.

Pete wondered, though, if Khun Vegas would really do it. Somewhere inside him, Pete knew that he wouldn't. So Pete didn't even fight with all he had - he knew he would be able to escape if he tried his best. He just chose not to.

There was a wicked smile on Khun Vegas' lips seeing Pete struggling.

"...fucking Kinn's loyal dog."

As seconds passed, as Pete's eyelid started to get heavier and heavier, he could still see that smile disappear from Khun Vegas' lips as his own consciousness deteriorated.

Pete stopped struggling when he felt his lungs constricted, the whole air was sucked out leaving him with nothing to breathe with. He just let his whole body go limp - and when he waited for his body to collide hard with the edge of the stairs, the pain never came.




The first thing Pete noticed when he opened his eyes was he was laying on his side, on the cold and dirty floor facing the staircase. The pressure on his neck was gone, although it was a little bit sore now. The pungent smell of blood was still there, even though the bodies weren't there anymore.

So I didn't die, Pete thought.

"So you really were the one who told Kinn, huh?"

Pete didn't even realize at first that Khun Vegas was sitting just at the far corner of the room, a few feet away from where Pete laid. His voice was low and calm, he sounded tired and resigned. So Pete tried to move to a sitting position, a little bit struggling because his full strength hadn't come back yet. He then leaned his back to the wall behind him, the new position making it easier for him to look at Khun Vegas.

Khun Vegas' legs were stretched out, his shoulders hunched as he also leaned his back on another side of the wall. He wasn't even looking at Pete - he was looking down at his own legs as if they were the most interesting object in the room.

"...you're so loyal to him you'd probably pick him over anything, right?" the young master continued. There was no aggression in that voice, also no curiosity. Only resignation, only tiredness. He sat there like someone who had lost a big competition, like someone whose hope to win had been crushed out.

Like someone who had admitted defeat.

"I am just doing my job." Pete said slowly, careful that his words would make Khun Vegas angry again.

Khun Vegas chuckled sarcastically, "...of course you are."

Even when he said that, the whole venom in his voice had disappeared - it's not like the way he spoke normally. Khun Vegas was always someone so collected in terms of expression and emotions. He didn't really show it out in the open, making Pete wonder what exactly was running inside of his head.

For a few minutes, they just sat there, nobody even saying anything.

Pete could have taken that chance to run, at least go where Arm was in order to get an additional layer of protection.

Yet there he was.

Sitting in some kind of a basement with the heir of the minor family - who actually had attempted murder on him a few hours prior. But instead of trying to run away, Pete knew he wanted to stay - to be there and witness all sorts of things that the young master would do when things didn't go as he planned.

"...don't you too, want to laugh at me for being knocked down by Kinn just like that, at my own house? You must be happy that your boss is winning against me, right? Afterall, you're his most loyal bodyguard."

Pete didn't know what to answer. He didn't even want to.

How could this person change 180 degrees like this - Khun Vegas never let himself look vulnerable in front of people. But probably since it's just Pete - a mere bodyguard, someone who doesn't matter - he just let the guard down because he needed it. The mask he carried was probably heavy - and he desperately needed someone to share his true face with. Doesn't matter who, as long as they cared enough to glance.

Pete's chest felt constricted, yet again.

How hard was it for Khun Vegas to live in a continuous one-sided competition?

It would probably be easier for Khun Vegas if Khun Kinn was competing against him too, so when he really wins he would get the recognition that he always craves for. But reality was Khun Kinn didn't even spare him any glance - the heir of the major family just does things as he needs to, the way he wants to. Pete thought, probably this made Khun Vegas felt more insignificant - how the one you always tried to defeat didn't even count you as a challenger.

How many things in his life had Khun Vegas done solely because Khun Kinn does it too? How many things in his life that he just brushed aside - like things he likes, what he wants to be, what he likes to do - that Khun Vegas needed to push aside because his need to beat Khun Kinn was higher than his need to make himself happy?

But Khun Vegas probably thought he didn't deserve to be happy before he wins against his own cousin. But how to? The said cousin wasn't even in the same competition.

"...answer me, Pete. Do I look like a pathetic loser to you?!"

Pete didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he watched how Khun Vegas' eyebrows furrowed as if he was in pain.

How Pete wished those pains were temporary.

"You don't." he answered. Firm and sure.

Hearing that, Khun Vegas laughed. A loud and sarcastic one at first, but then turned into a low and sad one.

"...you're playing it safe," he said, looking at Pete with an expression in between anger and something else Pete couldn't quite catch, "...which is fair, you're probably scared I will stab you."

But Khun Vegas' smile disappeared - probably as he saw for himself that there was absolutely no fear on Pete's face. Pete just stared back at the young master, challenging his sharp eyes like he's brave. That's when Khun Vegas probably realized that Pete really meant what he said - it wasn't something he said out of fear.

"Today's win is yours. I was there as a witness."

Khun Vegas yet again let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"...my win needs Kinn to get shot first."

"Major family had been trying to finish those Italian gangs for months. You did it in two days." Pete said. He didn't even know why he was trying to convince Khun Vegas why he wasn't a loser. Was it pity? Was it fear? Pete didn't think so.

It was something else. But Pete failed to recognize it. There was no record of a feeling like this in his system.

"That's the unfair part, you know." Khun Vegas said. He folded his right leg and rested his right arm there, playing with his fingers absentmindedly. "...no matter how hard I tried, or what battle I won, I would never beat Kinn. Did you see how he used the power of his first family ring against me? I need to obey just to avoid our clan being annihilated, that's how powerful it is. That only means I would forever be inferior to him, and that's unfair because I didn't even choose to be born into the minor family."

How decapitating it is to see yourself like that? To see yourself as someone lower, and even though you always try your best to win, the key determination of the strongest would always be what family you're born into.

"...and no matter how good I become... At the end of the day people always choose Kinn. Like my father. Like Porsche."

Your father is an asshole.

Khun Kinn loved Porsche for real and you didn't.

Pete kept those arguments inside his head, seeing no point in him saying those to Khun Vegas just to console him.

"...and you definitely would choose Kinn too, if you're faced with the same option."

How could he be so sure?

Even Pete wasn't, at that point.

Pete's eyes met Khun Vegas' sharp ones. But now those eyes were dim. Pete wondered if this was the real him, his real expression without pretense.

There were a few things that Pete noticed from Khun Vegas that time. One, his dim and tired eyes looking at Pete like he was craving for company. Two, the way his behavior changed completely, as if the strong, brave, and dangerous Khun Vegas never existed. Three, how it must have been so lonely for him to keep all those thoughts for himself - how hard it had been to carry the feeling of defeat on his own.

And maybe four, Pete wanted to stay there and gather enough courage, so maybe one day he could answer all of Khun Vegas' questions and debunk every false and bad thought he had about himself. How he wished those shoulders wouldn't carry a burden heavier than he could. So Pete stayed there, not even caring about the fact that this was the person who had choked him unconscious just a few hours ago, even when he knew he probably shouldn't.




But Pete did anyway.

He stayed there not moving - none of them was even saying anything. The whole anger seemed to be drained from Khun Vegas and what's left was exhaustion. If only Pete could read what's on his mind, probably he could help more than just sitting there in silence.

"Ai Pete!!! Pete!!! Where the hell did he disappear to..."

That was Arm's voice. Poor man probably had been looking for Pete everywhere since he disappeared out of nowhere. Arm might have been very worried of his disappearance that he was still looking for Pete a few hours after he had been missing. A very Arm thing to do, really.

"What a good friend you have there," Khun Vegas said. "...you can go. Your duty in the second family has been completed."

So without saying anything more, Pete stood up and made his way towards the stairs and silently climbed up. Before he got far, Pete looked back at Khun Vegas - only to find the young master still sitting on the same spot, now burying his face on his folded knees like a child who had been scolded.

Pete silently wished that the world would be easier for him, somehow.





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