I Scream (Book 1)

By TheNeopolitan

151K 3.7K 1K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 23 + 1/2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Book 2

Chapter 17

2.7K 89 24
By TheNeopolitan

I was a bit confused as to where I was the next morning. The first thing that I noticed was that I was very warm, and that I was pressed against two bodies. I froze for a moment and tried to remember where I was. I looked down to see Recherche cuddled up to my chest with her arms curled up to her own chest. She had a peaceful expression on her face, but the trails that tears had left ran down her checks.

The second body that I felt was Wolf's. His chest was pressed against my back as we tried to squeeze onto the twin sized bed. He had his arm wrapped around my waist, whether it was something that he did when he slept or if he was trying not to fall off the small mattress, I didnt know, but this wasn't anything that I was used to and now that I was awake I wasnt sure that I was comfortable with it.

As I quirmed around in the small space I accidentally kicked someone else. I looked down to see Bolt sprawled over our feet at the end of the bed. I paused my squirming and looked around the room, trying to figure out how we all got into my bed.

The four beds were lined up against the the wall that was across from the door. The one that was on the other end of the room was Bolt's bed. The one next to that was Wolf's, and the one next to that was mine, but we were on the every last one, which was Recherche's bed. And then I remembered what had happened. Rechereche had started crying last night. Because I didnt know what to say, I layed down next to her and gave her a hug, then the boys did the same.

An alarm went of, making me jump and the others groan. Wolf reached to the bedside table and shut it off.

"That's the alarm to get ready for school," Wolf grumbled, resting his forehead on the back of my shoulder. I looked down at Rech, who looked up at me with her purple eyes.

"Thanks for... being here for me last night," she told us.

"Are you sure you'll be okay going to class today?" Bolt asked her with a yawn as he sat up and stretched.

"Y-yeah," she said, unsure, then she added with more confidence, "Our team needs its leader."

"You sure?" Wolf asked from behind me.

"Yeah," she answered simply, but I was the master of unspoken words. Her eyes told me how she really felt. 'Don't leave me here alone' they begged. I rested my forehead against hers for a moment, letting her know that I understood. Then I patted Wolf on the head, telling him to get up and move.

When he was out of my way I slid out of bed, grabbed some clothes, and headed to the shower. After I was clean and dressed again, I pulled my hair back in my usual hairstyle and looked at myself in the mirror. My bruises grew fainter but were still visible, the dark patches really stood out on my pale skin. The small cut in my cheek and the crack in my lip were healing well, but didnt do anything to help my appearance. The hot water of the shower had helped to soothe the dull ache in my muscles for the time being, but I was still stiff and sore. I ignored these feelings and walked back to the room. There I met up with the others and we headed off to class.

As we walked down the halls, groups either fell completely silent, or they whispered to eachother, many of them stopping to glare at me. I smirked back at them. They had no idea what they were looking at. Part of me wondered what they would do if they knew who I really was, and what I had done.

"What are you doing with her?" A girl down the hallway shouted after my team, calling thwm out like they were as bad as I was.

"You heard the Headmaster, she is a student here now, and she was placed on team Rainbow," Recherche stated as we continued walking.

"Didnt she kill your teammate?" A boy demanded.

"No, but I will kill the one that did," Recherche snarled with such fierce determination that the boy flinched back. Then as we continued on, my teammates either got looks of fear from Recherche's angered gaze, or looks of sympathy for their lost teammate.

The teachers liked me about as much as the students did. I grew board with a history lesson, and rested my cheek on my hand as the short round teacher with a rather impressive grey mustache droned on and on about one of his hunting trips that had gone wrong and had forced him to live in the wild for a few days and nights. It sounded like a vacation to me.

Thinking that he could catch me off guard, he pointed at me and said, "Ah Miss Neopolitan, taking a nap with our eyes open I see. Were you even trying to pay attention?"

I nodded 'yes' in absolute boredom. When was this going to be over? I wasnt used to being trapped in a room like this.

"Oh were you?" He scoffed, not believing that I was actually listening to his ridiculous adventure. "Then how many nights was I trapped in the forest of shadows? Hmm?" I could tell by his tone that he had hoped to catch me of guard with his silly question. He kept saying that he was lost for four days, so anyone not prepared might have answered four. However, my options were either this or prison, so I was in fact paying some attention. Although right now I wasnt quite sure which of the two opitions I would have liked better.

Keeping my head rested in my left hand, I used my right hand to hold up three fingers, telling him that he had been there for three nights. He didnt really pay that much attention to my answer. He assumed that I answered wrong and began to mock me for it.

"Aha! I knew that you weren't paying attention. This is just one more reason why I dont trust the likes of you!" I could tell that he was about to go on a rant about 'the likes of me' as my mental voice snapped that I didnt like the likes of him.

"Um, excuse me sir," a girl with a long red ponytail had cut in politely, raising her hand.

"Yes Miss Nikkos?" the Professor asked, looking up at her.

"She answered the question correctly, sir," thw girl replied.

"Oh, ahem, well... It was a lucky guess. Moving on..." the Professor grumbled and then carried on with his dumb story.

Something moved in the corner of my eye and my reflexes acted before I fully realized what was happening. A paper plane had been thrown at my head and my hand had reached out either to swat it away or catch it. I chose to catch it and glare in the direction that it had come from.

A girl with dark hair and a red hood grinned and waved sheepishly at me. It was Ruby and she started making gestures that looked like unfolding something imaginary. She wanted to me to open the plane. I did as she requested and smoothed the piece of paper on my desk. On the inside were scribbled the words 'Meet team RWBY in the library after class?'.

I gently tapped on Wolf's shoulder, who took the paper and slid down to Recherche. She read it, scribbled something else, and had Wolf pass it back to me. It read: 'Are you okay with this?'. I looked over and Rech and nodded yes. Thwn she gave a small thumbs up to Ruby.

"Oh-ho-ho! What is this?" The Professor asked, walking over to me and pick in up the plane paper as he glared at Wolf and I. "Passing notes are we? That will be detention for both of you."

"But-" Wolf protested as I cursed mentally. The Professor cut Wolf off before he could explain any thing.

"You have a second detention! Would you and Miss Neopolitan like a third?" thw Professor snapped. I pulled a hand on Wolf's arm to prevent him feom challenging the Professor and shook my head no.

"Thats what I thought," the Professor scoffed before continuing on with his lesson. With a soft groan I rested my head on my hand again and waited for the class to be over.

[A/N] Hey guys! Sorry this chapter wasn't very exciting, but it was necessary to move the story along.Dont worry, we'll be getting back to the good stuff soon! Next chapter team RNBW meets team JNPR! And the attached photo isn't mine

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