The Squib and the Werewolf

By fayally1998

6.9K 374 21

Raya Lupin is desperate to go to Hogwarts, especially after her older brother Remus comes home with stories o... More

1. Second Family
2. Harsh Reality
3. Persuasion
4. The Start Of Something New
5. Houses
6. School Bullies
7. Midnight Wandering
8. Wandless Duel
9. Detention Buddies
10. The Secret Is Out
11. Sweet Tooth
12. Not Quite Grown Ups
13. Team Players
14. Spirit Animals
15. Nicknames
16. Love Birds
17. Presents And Cake
18. Chasers
19. Scars Run Deep
20. Winter Thrills
21. Friendly Advice
22. Slytherin Boys
23. Best Day Ever
24. Map Builders
25. Unhappy Workers
26. A Step Too Far
27. Wounds And Warfare
28. Truth And Lies
29. Apologies
30. Older Boy
31. Rebel
32. A Success Story
33. Rejection
34. Mature Situation
35. School Changes
36. Drinking Buddies
37. Biggest Mistake
38. Consequences
39. Aftermath
40. We Are One
41. Good And Bad
42. Not Quite Christmas Cheer
43. Fears And Explosions
44. Runes And Reassurance
45. Engine Crazy
46. When The World Comes Crashing Down
47. Placing Roots
48. Responsibility
49. What Does The Future Hold
50. Nothing Left To Hide
51. Love At Last
52. Animal Secrets
53. End Of Year Plans
54. Party Time
55. An Engagement
56. Dangerous Work
57. Moping Around
58. Potion Partners
59. Adulthood
60. Fighting Spirit
61. Othala
62. Not In The Mood
63. The Chosen One
64. End Of An Era
65. A Brothers Love
66. Bringer Of Joy
67. Happiest Day Ever
68. Debt To Be Paid
69. Positive
70. Anniversary
71. When It All Goes Wrong
72. Birthday Blues
73. Change Of Plan
74. All Hallows Eve
75. Traitors Trap
77. Unjust
78. Half An Orphan
79. My Son
80. Unhappy Ever After

76. Intense Interrogation

73 4 1
By fayally1998

Raya felt like hours had flown by, before someone came and took her to the interrogation room. But since she had no clock, she had no idea exactly how much time had passed.
As she entered the room, she sat down at a desk, opposite a man in a suit, whom she recognised as Barty Crouch.
"Good evening" he said.
Raya ignored him, and shifted her weight on the uncomfortable hard metal chair.
"Can you please state your name and blood status" continued Crouch, as he took out a piece of parchment from the file in front of him.
"Raya Sophia Lup- Black. Half-blood" answered Raya, correcting herself mid-sentence.
"And you're a Squib?" Questioned Crouch, as he dipped his quill into the ink.

"And you are married to Sirius Orion Black?" Quizzed Crouch.
"Yes. Now, are you going to tell me what I'm doing here?" Demanded Raya.
"All in good time. And I think you will find that we are the ones who will be asking the questions, not you" replied Crouch sternly.
"Look, I haven't done anything wrong! So, before I answer any of your questions, I want to know if my husband is alright"
"I have just finished interrogating Mr Black, and I can assure you that he is unharmed"
"Thank Merlin... What is it you want from me?"
"I have a series of questions that I need you to answer honestly"
"Then shoot, because I've got places to be".

"Is it true you are a member of the Order of the Phoenix?" Asked Crouch.
"No comment" mumbled Raya.
"That is not a very helpful start" frowned Crouch.
"Well, what do you want me to say? I cannot confirm or deny being a part of a secret organisation, which goes on behind the Ministry's back. Only those in it, know who the other members are"
"I have already spoken to Albus Dumbledore, who has admitted that you and your friends were all in the Order"
"You're lying. Dumbledore wouldn't out himself like that, or us"
"He-who-must-not-be-named, is dead, so there is no reason to keep the organisation running any longer. Which is why he did not feel guilty about telling us you were in the Order".

"Voldemort is dead?" Questioned Raya.
"Yes. Had you not heard the news?" Asked Crouch.
"No. Me and Sirius were too busy tracking down Peter" answered Raya.
"And this would be, Peter Pettigrew"
"And what exactly would you say was your relationship with him?"
"He was one of my best friends. We've been friends ever since school. But I am not his friend anymore, not after what he's done".

"Were you and him close?" Questioned Crouch.
"I wasn't as close to him as my other friends. And I didn't see much of him, this past year. I guess now I know why" sighed Raya.
"Care to explain" replied Crouch.
"Peter betrayed the Potters. But if you have already spoken to Sirius, then you know this"
"I have heard his version of the truth. However, it does not fit with Dumbledore's"
"So, it's Dumbledore's word against ours, is it?".

"Dumbledore explained the Fidelius Charm to me, so I know that Mr Black was the Potter's secret keeper" revealed Crouch.
"He was. But we decided to change it. Sirius was the secret keeper, but we switched it to Peter without telling anyone" informed Raya.
"How convenient for you" mocked Crouch.
"Look, Peter was the secret keeper. It was him who betrayed us all, and not Sirius. Sirius would never have betrayed James, they were like brothers. And Harry is our godson, which is why we would never put him in danger"
"So, you were there when they changed the secret keeper, were you?".
Raya bit down on her lip and looked away.
"Well, were you?" Crouch asked again.

"No, I was not actually there" revealed Raya.
"Then you can't know for certain that this change took place" replied Crouch.
"I can, because I spoke to Peter, Sirius, James and Lily after the event. And they all confirmed that Peter had been made the new secret keeper" insisted Raya.
"How convenient for you that they are all dead now, so cannot confirm or deny your story"
"Peter isn't dead"
"I have seen the crime scene, so you cannot lie to me"
"Peter was the one who destroyed the street, with his wand behind his back. He then cut off his own finger, and vanished"
"That seems like an awful lot of effort to escape from two innocent people, who were also his friends".

"Peter knows that we would never stop looking for him, that's why he faked his death. He betrayed our friends, so we would never let him live" announced Raya.
"So, you are going to keep this pretence up, are you?" Questioned Crouch.
"It is not a pretence! Peter really was the secret keeper. And he's out there somewhere, right now, laughing at us!" Insisted Raya, as she jumped to her feet.
"It is your word against Dumbledore's. So tell me, why should I believe you?"
"Because I'm telling the truth. Despite everything people believe, Dumbledore does not know everything. He is not omniscient!".

"He's not the only witness we have. Your brother has also been interviewed, and he informed us that Mr Black was the secret keeper. We also have a street full of Muggles who saw the whole thing take place this afternoon. Are you telling me that they are all wrong, and that you are right?" Questioned Crouch.
"We changed the secret keeper without telling Remus, because we didn't want anyone else knowing the truth. And those Muggles didn't see what they think they did. Peter manipulatated the situation to make himself look like the hero. But he is not!" Shouted Raya.

She cringed as screaming while standing up caused her baby to squirm.
The cramps that had started in her cell, were now beginning to bother her more.
Raya placed her hand on her belly, and carefully sat back down.
"Are you unwell? Do I need to fetch a Healer?" Asked Crouch.
"I'm fine" mumbled Raya.
"Are you sure?" Frowned Crouch.
"Look, carrying a baby inside you, is uncomfortable O.K. And I haven't slept in two days, or eaten anything in hours. Which is why I am feeling like crap"
"Your St Mungo's notes say you are due to give birth in two weeks time, is this right?"
"That's correct, yes".

"If you want to keep your child, and not give birth in an Azkaban cell, then you need to save yourself" informed Crouch.
"What do you mean?" Asked Raya.
"Although you don't have magic, so can't be blamed for the murder of the 12 Muggles earlier, you could still be charged with accessory to murder. Even if you weren't the secret keeper, you could still go to jail for passing information to the death eaters" revealed Crouch.
"I am not a death eater!" Insisted Raya.

"Then prove that to me. Stop lying to protect your good for nothing husband" said Crouch.
"You think you know him, but you don't. He may be a Black, but he is not like the rest of his family. He is good. He would never become a death eater" replied Raya.
"And you are sure of that? You are sure that he didn't turn into a death eater behind your back?" Quizzed Crouch.
"As sure as any wife can be"
"Would he ever leave the house without telling you where he was going?"
"Sometimes. But we were in a war. Secrecy is everything".

"I see... Well, it is clear to me that you believe the lies your husband has told you, which makes you useless and an unreliable witness. Tomorrow morning, a trial will be held for Mr Black, which you are allowed to attend. Once he has been sentenced, you will then be released, pending an investigation. Over the coming weeks your own wrongdoings will be looked at, and a verdict will be reached. But for now, I bid you goodnight. Please do try and get some sleep before tomorrow, once you are back in your cell, for you really look quite awful" informed Crouch, before exiting the room, leaving Raya alone.

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