"it's three in the morning."...

By YellowLemonii

286 9 5

!! oneshot !! where in kim minju wakes up her sleeping girlfriend to ask her on a midnight date. - tw ⚠ // al... More

quackie's note

"it's three in the morning, minju."

193 7 5
By YellowLemonii

tw ⚠ // lowercase intended

[beep beep beep]


"yujin, hey. wake up."


"yudings, yudings~"

the mentioned woman let out a small groan, "nggg.. what is it?.." yujin found herself fluttering her eyes open, revealing another individual who's looking at her endearingly.

she rubbed her eyes a bit too see this person better in the dark.

"c'mon, fix up. let's go somewhere."

yujin frowned, "go where?.. what time is it?" she blindly looked for her phone on the bedside table. as soon as she found it, the screen turned on automatically, making the latter squint her eyes because of the sudden lighting.


"it's three in the morning, minju."

minju scrunched her nose as she slumped her shoulders, "well?? yeahh?? and so?" she asked, deeply staring at her girlfriend who was facing her now.

"it's 3am- on a tuesday midnight, joo. our school starts at 9 in the morning." the taller woman muttered, trying to get back to sleep again by pulling the covers over them,

but was stopped by minju.


"come with me please? i want to spend time with you.. we barely have time for each other because of school and other stuff... i just miss hanging out with you." minju looked down, puckering her lips.

the words made the taller woman's heart beat erratically. she also missed the older woman too, so hearing those words and knowing that the other girl felt the same, it made her feel something.

yujin's eyes widened as her mouth was gaping slightly, still flustered with what her girlfriend had said.

minju was also panicking. she didn't expect those words to come out of her mouth so blatantly.

"what i meant was-"

minju felt herself getting pulled and lifted up from the bed, having her legs wrapping around yujin's waist as the taller woman buried her face on her neck, leaving minju in a tingly mess.

"i missed hanging out with you too. i'm sorry that i ignore you sometimes, school's been pretty hectic recently." yujin said, caging minju in her arms.

the older woman pulled out her hands then gave yujin soft head rubs.

"i'm sorry too, but it's okay.. you just have to make it up to me tonight."

yujin hummed, slightly pulling away so she can look at the other girl.

"okay.. i'll make it up to you this time." the younger woman breathed, earning a grin from minju.

yujin then pulled away from the hug, minju's smile dropping because of the loss of warmth.

"i'll just change into my shorts, it's kind of hot to drive in pajamas. then i can drive you wherever you want to go." she said, flashing a dimpled smile before gently lifting minju up and placing her on the bed so she can stand properly.

the action made minju giggle because of how adorable the latter was.


"so, where to?" yujin asked she hopped into the driver's seat, bringing only her phone, her wallet, and her cap.

minju turned away from her phone then looked at the taller woman. "ministop. let's get ice cream." she replied, earning a chuckle from yujin.

minju rose her left brow, "why are you laughing?" she asked. yujin then shook her head while still grinning. "never knew you would wake me up at three in the morning just for ice cream. oh what a baby."

minju rolled her eyes. "psh, i'm not a baby."

"well i still see you as a baby and you can't do anything about it." yujin replied, starting the engine as she fixed the bluetooth. minju then crossed her arms adorably.

yujin turned her head to minju then laughed softly. "wear your seatbelt."


"wear it, joo."

"i don't want to, it's suffocating."

yujin pursed her lips as she looked at the backseat, revealing this pillow that looks like a puppy. "well, you can use this then." she said, handing the pillow to her girlfriend.

her face then perked up as soon as she heard minju giggling on her seat. "it looks like you." minju said, having to put the pillow beside yujin's face to see what's the difference between the two puppies.

"well.. does it?" yujin asked, adjusting the gear stick as the car started to move.

"yes." minju replied shortly.

yujin hummed.

"i'll take that as a compliment then."


"which ice cream would you like?" yujin asked, efforlessly opening the freezer as the both of them scanned at the variety of desserts.

the taller woman leaned on the freezer, facing the very focused minju who was pouting while choosing what flavor to pick.

before making a selection, she turned her head to yujin who was just staring at her with an amused expression, making her a bit tensed.

"how 'bout you?" minju asked, eyeing the strawberry ice cream that was not too far away from her reach.

"i'll get pistachio," yujin replied, dusting off her shirt as soon as she stood up straight. minju then gave her both of their ice cream which she placed inside the basket.

they'll eat it later after paying of course.


"so.. what are your plans for next week?" yujin asked, taking a spoonful of her ice cream before taking a bite.

the young couple stayed in the store for a while, taking their time to eat some snacks that can energize them through the night.

"next week?" minju asked, chewing on her gummy bears as she turned her head at the taller woman.

"you know.. semester break." minju widened her eyes as she gave a small nod, signalling that she got the younger's point.

the older girl hummed, "i don't really have any plans, my parents are busy, as well as my siblings. i don't really find a reason going back home the whole break."

the older one noticed that yujin wasn't replying.

"how 'bout you? any plans?" minju asked, making yujin finally go back to her senses.

"well, i don't either. my parents are also busy and my older sister has been working on her new job. then my lil' sister, she's probably at home with our maid." yujin answered, sitting properly to grab some sweets that she can eat.

"maybe—i'll just stay in my dorm room, so don't be surprised if you see me the whole semester break in my room."

minju shook her head while trying to hide her smile.

yujin noticed. "why are you smiling?" she asked, uncounciously smiling as well.

"i literally forgot we have the same dorm room." this made yujin let out a chuckle, ruffling minju's hair as she drank some of their cherry slushie.

"don't act like you don't climb up to my bed every time i try to sleep first just so you can cuddle with me while i sleep, also sleeping on my bed if i'm the one who comes back home late."


both of them shared a giggle as they glanced at each other.

"we can spend our semester break together if you'd like t-" yujin was cut off


"ohmygod! minju, what happened???"

yujin caressed minju's back as the other girl was coughing violently. cleaning staff quickly hurried to the scene, earning an apologetic look from yujin who was still patting the older girl's back.

minju just choked on her strawberry milk, quite astonished with what yujin had said.

wait, what did she say again?

"we can spend our semester break together if you'd like to"

'oh yes pleas-'

"joo! is everything okay??"

minju snapped out from her daze, immediately seeing a cleaning staff mopping the floor.

"oh dear lord, i'm very sorry- i-"

"it's okay miss, just a little minor cleaning that's all!" the staff said, finishing up the job very quickly as he went back to return the mop in the storage room.

"that was.. very stupid of me.."

yujin chuckled, wiping off some excess milk on minju's forehead as she sipped on her drink, sending a very cute wink, resulting minju into another session of malfunctioning.

'this woman will be the death of me i swear to god.'

the taller woman let out a low chuckle. "as i was saying, do you want to spend time with m-"



the couple went out, holding three plastic bags which contain some chips and snacks on the way.

yujin quickly opened the door for minju, and for the nth time, the older girl was flustered again.

she just missed this so much.

as soon as minju sat inside the car, she couldn't hide her smile, adoringly staring at yujin who was wadlling to the driver's seat.

not long after, the door opened, revealing yujin who threw the platic bags at the back, earning a whine from her girlfriend.

"yah! handle them properly, those poor chips, ahn.."

"chips are food, food is food, food are still food even when crushed." minju gave her girlfriend an eye-roll, hearing her start the engine as she sat down properly.

"anyway, are we going back now?"

minju chuckled, making yujin furrow her brows.

"of course not."

the taller girl hummed. "mhm, where to next?"

silence engulfed the both of them as minju was doing her signature thinking pose, her face then brightened up after she thought of an idea.

minju grinned mischevously, sitting properly as she hugged the dog pillow, earning an amused look from yujin.

"let's have a roadtrip."


the car ride turned out to be very peaceful, with yujin focusing on the road, while minju was admiring the empty streets.

"so out of all days-or nights, why did you specifically woke me up on an early tuesday?" yujin asked, quickly glancing at minju who was also staring at her.

she gulped then looked away, deciding that she should just focus on the road instead.

minju sighed, "well first of all, i couldn't sleep. second, i miss hanging out with you. third, i want to spend time with you. fourth, i miss bonding with you. and fifth, repeat second, third, and fouth." she blabbered, making yujin's heart flutter.

the car went quiet, with minju pursing her lips because of embarrassment, while yujin was driving with her head slightly down.

"jeez—uhm.. we really got busy hm?" yujin broke the silence, earning an awkward nod from minju.

yujin wasn't really the type that shows her affection through her actions, she finds it hard expressing her feelings.

and minju understood that so well.

this explains whenever yujin does or says the bare minimum, it never fails to make minju all shy and giddy.

"don't worry," minju glanced at the other girl.

"i missed hanging out with you too."

minju fought back a smile, nodding, to signal the other girl that she heard her as she looked away.

the tension inside the car eased up as soon as yujin said those words.


"hey, uhm, joo," yujin called, earning a hum from the other girl.

"do you want to take a walk in the park? i know that there's a spacious park nearby, and fresh air sounds good."

yujin gritted her teeth as she waited for minju's reply.

"of course! fresh air does sound good. i love how there's not much people driving around, it makes me cozy in my seat." minju pointed out, earning a grin from yujin.

the road was dark, but thankfully the street lights are giving enough brightness where yujin can see where they are going.

however, it's getting a bit cold outside. minju felt it earlier when she accidentally pressed the button of the window, and it was very cold.

they didn't have any extra clothes nor thick jackets or coats that can help them from the cold, but they can manage for sure.

minutes later, they arrived to the said park. it was 4:23 in the morning and the sky was still dark. yujin parked the car in the correct parking space as they fixed themselves up.

"oh, and, don't worry about having to walk around in the cold, i have extra coats in the glovebox. there's also two pairs of gloves in there just incase." yujin said.

minju hurriedly opened the glovebox and legit saw extra neat and folded coats inside.

god, minju was so inlove

well—ignore the 'they didn't have extra coats to protect themselves from the cold' part.

they do have coats now.

minju gently gave yujin one of the coats that were sitting on her lap, as yujin grabbed it with a dimpled smile.

both of them stared at each other, no one dared to look away. they were too distracted in staring at each other's orbs until-

knock knock

"jesus!-" both of them flinched as they broke off their eye contact. yujin held her chest as her heart was beating crazily because of the sudden knock coming from the car door, and to make things more scary, the outside was dark, very dark.

minju was in no good shape either, the knock scared the hell out of her.

yujin looked at her left and saw this young woman in a security outfit.

well, she looked harmless.

yujin put up an awkward smile as she lowered down the window.

"good evening, maam, what makes the two of you come here at this time of the night?" the security woman asked, shining a flashlight on the two of them.

don't worry, her tone was polite! she was just simply curious. well—seeing a car parked alone at four in the morning may do seem a little odd.

yujin laughed awkwardly.

"heh.. officer-nim, we just wanted to have a short walk in the park. is that okay?"

minju squinted her eyes, trying to read out the person's name tag.

'kim chaew-'

"oh! i'm sorry! yes, you can. the park's owner is not so very strict to welcome a charmer like you." yujin widened her eyes at the sudden flattering remark.

minju furrowed her brows, 'who does this girl think she is!'

"i-i appreciate the compliment, miss, but me and my girlfriend will have to prepare now. our asses are numb from sitting too long and i'm afraid that we can't feel them much longer. thank you for allowing us to explore this park. be safe and have a good day!" yujin rambled, closing the window slowly.

at least they have permission now.

minju was trying to hold her victorious chuckle as soon as she saw the look on the security woman's face, who walked away with an embarrassed mood.

yujin huffed out a breath, visibly stressed with what just happened, and this resulted for minju to laugh at her girlfriend.

"that was cute,"

yujin looked at the older woman, "what was cute?"

"you getting panicky after someone complimented you, well i don't blame her, why do you have to be such a charmer?"

yujin face palmed, "oh please, stop it."

minju then broke into pits of laughter, opening the car door then stepping outside as she hurriedly put on her coat.

yujin chuckled, also doing the same.


"so i was thinking, let's watch the sunrise together later?"

minju's face brightened up, her heart warming at the heartwarming suggestion.

watching sunrise? with yujin? oh she couldn't say no to that.

"i would love to, yujin."

the couple was found at the park, sitting on a bench while having a lighthearted conversation. yujin was lying her head on minju's lap, while minju was gently massaging the girl's head.

they have been stressed with their studies, and they are glad to have a bit of time off with education and focus on themselves more.

minju grinned, seeing that yujin was getting a bit sleepy so she patted her head gently.

"sleepy?" she asked.

yujin hummed, closing her eyes to rest them for a bit, not realizing that she already fell asleep.

minju whipped out her phone to take a picture of her lover then started browsing on her apps.

a couple of minutes later, yujin opened her eyes, seeing minju using her phone with one hand, while the other was caressing her head. she purred softly then sat up, slightly surprising minju because of the sudden movement.

yujin's hair got messy as her face got puffy. minju found it adorable as she giggled, sliding her phone in her pockets then stood up from the bench.

the older woman stretched her limbs as she took a deep breath. "the last one to get on the swing will treat lunch for the whole week." she claimed before running away.

yujin didn't comprehend what minju had said and as soon as she did, she stood up abruptly, chasing for the other girl. "heyy! not fair!"


now you can find a pouty minju sitting on the swing, while yujin was grinning and swaying her girlfriend gently.

"so.. am i going to have free lunch this week?" yujin clasp her hands together, clearly teasing the latter.

yujin surprisingly won the race, she quickly caught up with minju and instantly sprinted towards the playground.

instead of minju being annoyed, she found the younger appealing.

yujin wasn't looking away and just stared at the other girl, grinning to make her somewhat annoyed, but minju was staring back at her, with a hint of enchantment in her gaze.

minju huffed then eventually looked away, "fine, free lunch for a week it is."

yujin rejoiced by clapping, earning a judging look from minju.

"don't worry, joo, of course i'll pay half of it. don't let a bet drain your wallet." yujin smiled at the other girl.

the taller woman interrupted minju's thoughts by aggressively pushing the swing

"yah! slow down!-"

yujin giggled, "remember when you pushed me back in elementary, the swing flipped and i was sitting on it, and YOU DID NOTHING BUT LAUGH AT ME-"



12 year old yujin was hanging out with yena at the school playground. It was their recess time so the two bestfriends decided to spend their time in the playground rather than staying inside their classroom.

yujin was calmly eating her sandwich, using her feet to make the swing move while she was eating.

"do you have any plans tomorrow? hyewon wants to meet us in the arcade."

yujin tilted her head as she hummed, "i guess no..? it depends if ms. park gives us homework tomorrow." she replied, earning a huff from yena.

"i really hope that she doesn't give us homework tomorrow-"


both of them turned to the voice, with yujin having a stunned look on her face, while yena was clueless on what was happening.

"is that the kim minju-" yena was cut off.

"hiii!" minju came up to them cheerfully, greeting the both of them. (she was greeting yujin only, but yena doesn't need to know that.)

yena decided that she was going to leave, quietly walking away,

but yujin whined.

"yena unnieeeee, don't leave me here, i can't move the swing properly by myself."

yena sighed and was about to go back, but minju stopped her. "you can go, yena-ssi, i can handle her." she said as she smiled at the girl.

yena just nodded as she walked away, leaving minju with yujin.

"how did you know her- woah, woah, woah!" yujin gripped on the rope as minju aggressively started to swing her in a very fast and hard pace.

"wait, wait, wait! minju, slow down!"

minju ignored the pleas as she was finding yujin's reactions very entertaining.

"wait—i'm going to fall!"

minju blinked and she swore the last time she looked on the swing, yujin was still there, but now–

minju panicked then looked down, immediately seeing yujin dangling off the swing, trying to get out.

the older girl pursed her lips, trying to hold her laugh.

yujin saw this and sighed, her legs were still on the swing, but her torse was hanging, one wrong move and the swing would flip, this will make her lose control of her legs and fall on her back.

"you can laugh but—goddammit, just help me!"

minju snorted as she helped the younger girl.

and on that day forwards, yujin swore to never use the swing again with minju on sight.
end of flashback

"yeahhh.. it was a funny memory."


both of them giggled as they both stared at the skies.

"still pretty dark, huh.. there's still 3 more hours before sunrise.. do you wanna go elsewhere?" yujin asked, gradually slowing down the swing so minju wouldn't get too dizzy.

"how about," the older woman then placed her hand on top of yujin's as she faced the latter. yujin looked at their hands then looked back at minju again.

minju's aura darkened as she smirked, "how about.. we do something interesting."

yujin gulped, her heart beating twice more faster than before. "what is that 'interesting' thing you wanted to do?" she managed to utter, somewhat afraid that minju will plan again something horrendous.

"oh you'll see.."


"okay, so—where the hell are we going?"

they were back inside the car, cautiously driving around since it was so dark and they can hardly see.

"back," minju turned her head to yujin, "to school."

"back to what?—" yujin halted the car, making them both surge forward slightly, earning a glare from minju.

yujin flashed an awkward smile as she scratched her cheek. "let's sneak in. i want to experience walking around the campus at night." said minju.

yujin was bewildered, "but what if we get caught? surely there are guards patroling the school." she said, quite hesitating.

but anything for minju of course.

minju chuckled softly. "i assure you, we won't get caught."

yujin rose her brows, confused, but she shrugged it off, adjusting the gear again, making the car move. "have you done this before?"

minju let out a forced awkward chuckle, looking away as she turned her head to the window. "..no?"

yujin hummed, a very skeptical one, "did you just lie?"

"i did not!"


the couple found themselves parked a bit far away from school's main building. yujin was kind of worried while minju was excited.

very excited.

"do you have like something to make us camoflauge in the dark more? or are we going to stick with these house clothes." yujin asked, letting her arm rest on the center console.

"we don't need any of those, security are blind. we just need the teacher's faculty keys so we can open each classroom we want."

"where and how will you get those faculty keys—"


yujin stopped herself from speaking as soon as she saw what minju was dangling on her hand.

"no way, holy shit?"

"yes way holy shit."

yujin sighed.

"how did you even get those?"

minju let out a laugh, "yuri gave me a duplicate where she got from the guidance office because she got in trouble."

minju turned her head to yujin who was having this amused look on her face after knowing that yuri got in trouble.

minju flashed an awkward smile "don't ask why."

"well—knowing yuri, i'd rather not know." yujin said

"fair point."

minju shook her head.

"anyway, ms. ahn are you ready?"


"we are going to find our way through the garden as we climb on the mini gate that we go through. don't worry about the gate, the school doesn't secure it."

"you really done this before huh.."

"well not exactly, yuri and yena snuck in last time and they just made me their third wheel and the person who watches out for them to tell if there are guards or not—which really SUCKED."


yujin blinked and then suddenly, minju was gone.

she started looking everywhere, feeling herself getting nervous since her lover suddenly disappeared.

"climb over, yuj!"

yujin felt relieved after hearing the older woman's voice. oh for god's sake she was close to passing out because of fear and anxiousness.

the taller woman glared at the wall as she did a stance before jumping over, closing her eyes.



yujin gasped quietly as she opened her eyes. "oh my god, i think i just broke my knees."

the older woman chuckled then dusted off yujin's shoulder as they looked at each other.

"why not go to the gym with me?" minju asked, staring at yujin lovingly.

minju then slipped her hand into yujins before intertwining them. "that would be lovely." yujin replied.

this made minju smile. she nodded then turned around. "come on then, we wouldn't want ourselves be caught outside the school. that would hurt my pride."


the two were found rummaging inside the faculty room. the school was pretty dark and quite scary, but that didn't stop the two of them from trespassing.

"what was your classroom number again?" minju whispered to yujin who was quietly shining her phone's flashlight so that minju can see much more clearly in the dark.

yujin scratched her nape, looking around before glancing at the keys on minju's hand. "AB 304. why?" she asked.

"AB 304.."

minju suddenly stopped.

"got'cha." minju expressed, grabbing the keys before slipping it inside yujin's pockets

"why don't we go to your room? i haven't been there." yujin asked, quickly turning off the flashlight of her phone.

"my classroom's too far away. it's too risky to stay there." yujin shrugged and decided to not reply.

minju then fixed all of the mess before standing up properly. "let's go."

"mhm. lead the way, ms. kim."


"is there any reason why you dragged me to sneak in with you?"

yujin asked, sitting on one of the front row chairs while minju was on the teacher's desk.

they didn't tun on the lights and the ac of course, it might cause suspicions from the admins and facilitators, so they just opened the window. it was freezing outside anyway, they can just close it if it gets too cold.

yujin was actually surprised that they snuck in without any trouble. well—the security was pretty shitty after all. they wouldn't be too shocked if they come across another set of students sneaking in.

nevermind, that would be creepy.

they just hope that the cctv's were off.

anyway, back to the two of them, they didn't really know what to do which made the atmosphere awkward.

no, no, minju wouldn't let this slide. she just dragged her lover into this and it's her job to make it more memorable.

"you told me last week that you are having a bulletin competition with the other batch."

yujin rose her left brow, quickly reminiscing before nodding. "yeah, oh god—i do!.. i forgot, shit."

minju smiled, finding the latter cute. "how 'bout design it with me? for sure ms.choi and your classmates will be surprised later as soon as they enter the room."

"but isn't that cheating? you're from the other class and i wouldn't want you to get in trouble if they found out."

"does it count as cheating as soon as they know that i'm your girlfriend—"

"oh trust me, everyone in this classroom knows." yujin said with a grin.

minju mirrored her grin, shaking her head as she looked away. "good to know."

"gotta let them know that ahn yujin is off limits."


it took them 20 minutes in gathering the materials they need. it's not that they lack necessities, it's the fact that they have to be quiet for them not to be caught.

they have been working for a while that they didn't notice that it's already close to sunrise.

"put that there, then this goes here."

they both backed away as they saw the improvements of the board

minju grinned, "it looks pretty."

"that's cool."

they both looked at each other.

yujin instantly looked away, feeling a bit shy. "thanks for the help. it's the least i can do for this class."

minju arched her brow, feeling something was off. "what do you mean 'least'? aren't you the public information officer?"

"well about that, not really, they replaced me."


"i didn't do my responsibilities as an officer, i was too busy in doing my tasks which were too many because i participate in a lot of small extracurricular activities in the school."

yujin looked down as she felt minju didn't reply. she was probably disappointed.

"i think i focus too much on my academics. i'm sorry i—i should focus on my character more. you're probably disappointed that i got replaced but.."

minju wasn't disappointed. of course not. instead, she was kind of bitter that they didn't give yujin the chance to do better next semester.

the older woman's eyes softened, oh why was this girl even saying sorry.

minju bit her lip as she moved closer to the other girl, wrapping her hands around yujin's waist as she rested her head on her shoulder.

"who told you that i'm disappointed? i will never be disappointed in you.." she muttered, caressing the taller woman's back.

"but still-"

"just do whatever makes you feel like yourself, okay? don't get too pressured, ease up, have some rest, you have been doing a lot the past few weeks."

yujin didn't reply, only pursing her lips before turning her head to minju who was resting her head on her shoulder.

she looked down again, lifting up the phone in her hand, showing the time.


both of them unintentionally glanced at the window, seeing that the skies are slightly more lighter than before.

minju gasped in a quiet manner, "less than an hour left before sunrise. we should go somewhere where we can see it clearly." she invited, pulling away from the hug.

"but where should we go?" yujin asked.

minju throught for a while, wordlessly glancing at her set of keys.

she looked up at yujin again. "i know where. come, follow me." she said, holding yujin's hand as she dragged her out of the classroom quietly.


the two were staying on the rooftop, sitting on the very edge of this small area after they climbed the ladder which leads to the water tank.

they planned on sitting at the very edge of the rooftop, but minju was afraid of heights so they decided to sit beside the water tank instead.

swaying their feet, they huddled closer to each other.

"so, what do you want to do for our semester break?" yujin asked, draping her arm around minju to hold her closer.

minju turned her head to yujin, wearing a small smile."i really, really—REALLY want to visit your little sister again." she gleamed.

yujin chuckled, ah leeseo, her sweet little sister. she hopes that she's doing okay.

"sure, let's visit her next week." yujin said with a smile, her dimples poking out.

"you're really the best."

yujin let out a snort. "of course, it's me, THE ahn yujin—"

"oh stop it." minju slapped her cap, letting it fall on her face. yujin pouted as she fixed her cap again.

silence engulfed them, but it wasn't too awkward, they enjoyed sightseeing from the rooftop, admiring the lights of the city here and there.

but the feeling of guilt came over yujin again.

the taller woman looked down on their feet, heaving a deep sigh before looking at minju.

"hey, i'm sorry.."

minju furrowed her brows.

"sorry for what?" she asked. the apology was too sudden so she was kind of taken aback.

"that i basically ignored you the past few weeks i.. i was too focused with my tasks that i forgot to—"

"i told you it's okay.. no need to apologize. at least you're here with me."

yujin didn't need to apologize, she didn't do anything wrong. she's prioritizing her studies and minju was more than proud to have a girlfriend who's very productive with their studies.

minju was no different, she was smart too—but much more laid back, she does her assignments fast, always earning comments from yujin saying; 'how did you even finish that fast?!'

even minju doesn't know how she does her works very quick. but hey, both of them are known to be always the top students from their batch.

yujin didn't speak, both of them silently watching the sun rising up every minute.

it was already 7 in the morning, which means sunrise will happen soon.

they heaved a sigh, huddling closer to each other as they silently admired the view.

2 hours later..

"come on come on come on come on pick up, ugh!"

growls and curses were heard inside of the school's comfort room. in the last stall, a blonde girl with a high ponytail was seen contacting someone, possibly her friend.

the girl annoyingly opened the stall door as she marched towards her girlfriend who's doing her make up by the mirror.

"did she pick up?"

the girl shook her head aggressively "no, she didn't pick up even ONE of my calls, yuri. even ONE."

the girl named yuri shrugged as she faced the other girl. "maybe she's still asleep or..?"

"where could she be asleep then? we just visited her room like 20 minutes ago and she wasn't there???"

"gosh—calm down, yena"

yena closed her eyes, calming herself down.

yena and yujin were assigned to present one of their projects today. but the problem is, yujin is nowhere to be seen.

"maybe she's with minju, minju's not in our class either." said yuri, grabbing yena's hand as she dragged the girl out of the comfort room.

"where are we going??"

yuri snorted. "to the rooftop, idiot. you can't contact yujin because there's no signal inside the comfort rooms."


"oh don't 'oh' me. come on."


"maybe they're also here. i don't know—grabbing some fresh air i guess?" yuri stated after closing the rooftop door, following yena who looked around everywhere.

yena turned around, facing yuri. "well, they're no— oh geez!"

the both of them flinched as soon as yena screamed so suddenly.

"what the hell??—"



"up there! beside the water tank!"

yena widened her eyes as soon as she saw two pairs of feet resting on top of the border. her eyes followed the feet so she can know whose feet is it.

but when she looked up, she saw the person that she was looking for.

"i don't see anything-"

"i found her, yuri, jesus christ. they are sleeping. how the hell did they even get in here?" yena said, waddling to the ladder so she can wake those two idiots up.

"yah!" yuri shouted.


"let them sleep in peace, just tell professor kwon to postpone your report for today. questions are for later, just let them sleep."

yena scratched her head, looking at the ladder before looking back at yuri.

she sighed, "fine." she climbed down the ladder carefully, dusting off her collar as soon as she went down.

"let's go back, we're going to be late."

yena crossed her arms. "seems like they had a date." she muttered bitterly, opening the door for yuri.

"ugh, just let them be." yuri hissed, pulling yena inside.


as soon as yena and yuri left the rooftop, yujin was found silently snickering as her eyes were still closed. minju then scrunched her nose then elbowed the latter


yujin rubbed the spot where she got hit. "what was that for??"

"you didn't tell me that your report was scheduled today." minju pouted, earning a head pat from the other girl before shaking her head. "so what? as yuri said—"


"but still! you should've told me. now it got postponed because of me.."

yujin pursed her lips. she didn't want for minju to be guilty, and she thought of an idea to cheer her up.

minju wasn't directly looking at yujin because guilt was busy eating her up.

not until she felt this soft peck on her cheek.

minju widened her eyes as she froze.

"don't be guilty.. i assure you, everything's gonna be just fine." yujin whispered into her ear, resting her head on her shoulder as she side hugged the latter after she was done.

oh minju was melting, she was very rattled with what just occured.

the older girl growled, throwing another elbow onto yujin's shoulder, making the latter instantly back away.

"ow! okay–i'm finna have a bruise because of yo-"

yujin suddenly felt the collar of her shirt being pulled, followed by a very soft sensation on her lips. the young woman widened her eyes as she stared at her lover in shock.

she was still processing what was happening, stiffly staring at minju who had her eyes closed. their hearts beating rapidly.

but here's one thing—they have never kissed before.

and this was very new for the both of them.

they haven't got to 'that' stuff yet.

yujin was still in daze, slightly feeling minju's grip on her collar loosen, as they move around to loop around her neck.

it took yujin quite a few time to snap out from her shocked state and decided to make a move.

she slightly shifted on her seat to make herself more comfortable then closed her eyes, lifting her hands to cup minju's cheek as she melted into their heartfelt kiss.

minju's heart swelled, smiling as she pulled yujin closer, not bothering to withstand the intense flushing of her cheeks.


[beep beep beep]


minju got woken up by the alarm, quickly turning it off with a tired look on her face.


she turned off the phone then placed it back on her bedside table, glancing at yujin who was sleeping very soundly.

she smiled, pressing a quick kiss on the latter's forehead before snuggling closer.

"i hope you didn't wake up from that, i should probably turn it off for the week." she murmured, making herself comfortable inside the sheets.

minju closed her eyes as she let herself go back to sleep.

and that is where we find the both of them sleeping peacefully, cherishing the time with one another as they take the time to rest for their semester break.


well maybe—just not tonight.


a/n: heyyyyy~

congrats! you have reached the end:]

and yes, no more part2.

this oneshot is very random—but hey, it's fluff so..

this is supposed to be my payment after finishing my previous book (which is the zombie one) because i know that we are all tired of angst am i right?🤗

this oneshot also has no plots whatsoever, just pure fluff, and i hope that it didn't get too boring to read. also my first entry for jinjoo day. (i know i'm a bit late but😭)

btw, very sorry for that poorly written kissing scene.

but anyway—i guess this is it for this VERY short oneshot BUT- it's not the very end of me yet.

(expect for more oneshots from me [if you'd like to])

that's all for me byeeeeee~

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