Overlord: Wrath of The Scarle...

By GamingLichdom

12.4K 241 130

Within the world of YGGDRASIL exists a LV100 Overlord called Momonga, who is also the Guild Master of Ainz Oo... More

Rewrite :)
Character Bio: The Scarlet King!

Chapter 1 - An Unfortunate End

3.7K 109 31
By GamingLichdom

Today was grim for the residence of Nazarick, each member gathered within the Throne Room to pay their respects to a special player who currently sat upon the [Throne of Kings]. He was a tall, intimidating creature with pure red skin that clutched desperately to his bones, a pair of white horns protruding from his head in the shape of a jagged crown.

Beside this beast was the Guild Master himself -an Undead [Overlord] named Momonga- who watched the older man with great sadness in his heart; those who knew the skeletal player understood this man to be his father, who was currently undergoing a losing battle against a terrible virus that'd spread through his now-meagre form. Rendering it useless.

Luckily, the man had earned just enough money to retire and live comfortably for the last days of his life, some peace and quiet he'd undoubtedly earned after spending 70+ years in the factories of modern Japan, slaving away for the higher ups who paid little mind to his own personal struggles. It had always been this way, even before the emerging of his illness.

One example that came to the old man's mind was the image of his beloved wife of 30 years, collapsed upon the kitchen floor whilst cooking a lovely meal for their son -the same [Overlord] that currently resided to his left. The man did everything he could, but in the end his wife suffered an untimely death at the hands of modern society and their restless greed. 

Who was this mysterious individual, you ask? A nameless working-class man by the name of Akito Satoru, a single father who dedicated his life to supporting his child and preparing them for the harsh reality that was the real world. He knew how unforgiving and torturous it could be out there, and so he took it upon himself to provide a more dependable form of education.

Now, however, everything he'd worked so hard to protect would be taken away. Just like his beautiful wife. The thought was enough to make Akito cry, his eyes gleaming with distraught and aguish, but he refused to let the rears fall down his cheeks; these were his final moments, and he'd be damned if they weren't the best they could possibly be!

He'd earned that much, hadn't he, after all the shit he'd been forced to endure? The countless hours he spent alone in his bedroom, praying that he'd make enough money to pay rent, all came down to these last few moments of life. It all seemed to bitter-sweet.

Momonga: "Dad? Are you okay?"

Akito: ". . . .Yea, I think I'm alright."

And for the first time in his life, the man was truly being honest with himself; to see his son grow up into a proper member of society, able to pay his way with little financial trouble, whilst slowly climbing the tanks of the upper classes truly brought a smile to Akito's wrinkled face. The constant pain he'd suffered through without complaint were truly made worth it, at least in the end.

Akito: "*Weak Chuckle*. You know, I don't think I've ever told you how proud I am of you, Suzuki. To see the productive young man you've become, it reassures me that after I'm gone you'll have a good life ahead of you."

Momonga: "Dad. . . ."

Akito: "And I don't care what anyone else thinks, to me your everything a father could ask for in a son; we've helped each other grow, you've taught me so many things about life that even I didn't know the meaning of. I guess what I'm trying to say is-"

Feeling his muscles growing weak, the virus slowly burning away his inner workings, Akito forcefully lifted his gaze towards the Undead avatar of his son -Suzuki- who was undoubtedly tearing up on his side of the VR Dive Gear. A myriad of beautiful memories flashed through the older man's eyes, bringing a genuine smile of contempt to his paling face.

He lifted his grotesque hand towards his son's avatar and placed it firmly against his robed shoulder, offering a small pat of reassurance. Momonga, in a moment of desperation, reached his own hand up in return and placed it upon his fathers, as if begging him to hold on. Akito looked into the [Overlord's] eyes and let out a faint whisper, his voice growing weak.

Akito: "Thank you, Suzuki, for bringing meaning to my life. For helping me through the days of regret and heartache."

Momonga: "Dad. . . .p-please. . ."

Akito: "I love you Suzuki. . . .I'm proud to be your father."

Suddenly, a powerful shock rushed through Akito's muscles as his whole body fell limp. Through the mic of his Dive Gear, his croaking breaths indicated the lack of oxygen being pushed into his lungs, leaving his blood without the necessary components to maintain his body's functionality. With one last, hoarse breath, the monstrous avatar of Akito Satoru fell against the throne.

Momonga: "Dad!?"

Akito: "I-I'm so. . . .proud. . ."

Momonga: "Nonononono! Dad please, just hang on!"

The Undead reached a hand towards his father, desperate to hold onto him, only for the man's avatar to vanish in a elegant spectacle of light that shown upon the entire Throne Room of Nazarick. Every member of Ainz Ooal Gown lowered their heads in respect to Akito, remembering all the incredible times they'd spent with the man in their favourite DMMO-RPG, just having fun.

And now he was gone, a mere distant memory of someone they once called a dear friend. However, amongst all of the forty one members, it was the Guild Master who had it worst of all. Unable to handle the sudden flare of emotions, Momonga fell upon the marble floor and screamed in pain, all of his inner turmoil raising to the surface before his comrades.

Touch-Me and Ulbert were the first to act, approaching the slumped [Overlord] and wrapping him in a tight hug. Even if he couldn't feel the contact, they'd hoped it could provide some illusion of warmth to the aching man; he needed something to hold onto, a distraction from the horrific truth that was his father's passing even if it couldn't suave him for long.

It was this social cue that prompted the other member of Ainz Ooal Gown to approach their tear-ridden Guild Master. One by one, they huddled amongst his form and blanketed him with a wave of comfort and support, praying it could ease the raw, emotional storm that emanated from his heart. Hours seemed to pass before Momonga's breathing finally steadied, reduced to mere whimpers of sorrow.

Touch-Me: "Shh, Momonga. It's gonna be alright."

Momonga: "He's gone, he's gone, he's gone. . . "

Peroroncino: "Don't worry, man, we're right here. We're gonna help you get through this, okay?"

The Avian's words had little effect on Momonga, who continue shivering in his friends' huddled embrace; all these years he'd spent with his father, all the memories they crafted, and it was all taken from him in a matter of weeks. All because of a stupid virus that cost too much to cure, because his father would rather provide for his son's future than waste time visiting a hospital.

Momonga: "Why him? What did he do to deserve this!?"

Ulbert: "That's just how life is, Momonga.But we're here for you, and we're not going anywhere."

Bellriver: "You're goddamn right. You'll have to kill me before I leave you in this state, I'm not going anywhere either!"

Momonga seemed to react positively to the reassurance of his comrades, his grip loosening ever-so slightly whilst shifting his gaze upwards to face the brilliant chandeliers that decorated the ceilings. Another desperate whimper echoed from his lips, the feeling of hot tears trickling down each of his cheeks and dropping onto his thin, cheap shirt. But he didn't care anymore.

Everything he'd ever cared about -his high paying job, the Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown, his comrades- it all seemed so empty without his father's loving presence; nothing offered the same warmth as he did. Not even his closest friends, who grasped onto his fleshless avatar as a show of support for his recent loss, could fill the hole forming in his dying heart.

'It all feels so. . . .empty.'


From that day onwards, the name 'Akito Satoru' became a true staple within the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown. On the same day every year, without fault, every member would come together and reminisce about their experiences with the late Akito, a day that always felt bitter-sweat to Momonga; his friends always joined him on this day, but was it really worth the death of his father?

No, it certainly was NOT.

Nevertheless, the Guild Master always felt some form of relief whenever his comrades joined him on that specific date, a selfless act that was not lost on the man. And though he would never truly feel happy again, at least he could feel. . . . .better with his friends standing beside him. A beautiful reminder that he wasn't alone, and there was still people that cared about him.

The NPCs of Nazarick were also changed, presenting fealty to the Great Scarlet King -Akito's avatar name- above all others within the guild. Momonga's friend Tabula even went as far as to alter the character data of his favourite creation, the Floor Guardian Albedo, by making her devoted and desperately in love with Akito's character.

By the time YGGDRASYL reached the end of its life, Momonga's friends had moved on to other important projects within their personal lives. Some even managed to achieve their wildest dreams, something his father would undoubtedly be proud of. Perhaps that's why Momonga didn't feel so heartbroken when they left; he knew it's what his father would have wanted.

However, what the young Japanese officer worker DIDN'T know was that his father -Akito- was far from dead. In fact, many could say he was thriving in another world where magic and fantasy were the norm. A place where he could be the indomitable entity he always dreamed to be, mighty and proud in the face of the real world.

A place where the Scarlet King became an eternal legend, feared throughout the world for hundreds of generations.


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