The rookie (mha x avengers)

By That_one_kid_2002

2.2K 17 12

Izuku yagi the son of the number one hero All Might and the number seven hero green X all was well until the... More

Training begins & the serum

Izuku returns to Japan

817 7 2
By That_one_kid_2002

Narrator's POV

Today like any other day Izuku was awoken by F.R.I.D.A.Y and he just told her to stop the alarm like he did most mornings so he got up brushed his teeth, combed his hair (still never made a difference) and changed into work out gear when his phone told him he had a text

When he checked to see who it was he saw it was his dad saying his new arm was ready and in the lab waiting for him so without hesitation he set off running towards the lab

(Time skip)

Izuku arrived at the lab to see his father talking to a man wearing a silver necklace of what looked like teeth or claws while ge was staring he was noticed by his father

"Ahh Izuku meet king T'challa of Wakanda" Steve said politely & respectfully while gesturing to the man "it's an honour to meet you your highness" Izuku said as he bowed to Wakandan monarch "in my country we do not bow we do this" said the king while doing the traditional Wakandan greeting

"I would do that your highness but I only have one arm" Izuku said sheepishly as he nervously laughed

"Do not worry young man that is why I am here to give you this" T'challa said opening a box he brought with him and spinning it around to reveal Izuku's new arm

(This is what it looks like)

"Dad can you help me put it on" Izuku asked as Steve nodded picking the arm up and attaching it to Izuku's stump as Izuku felt the arm attach to his nerves making the arm perfectly in sync with his his brains neural commands

"It feels so strong and lightweight what's it made from?" Izuku asked the king curiously "it is made from vibranium just like yours and your fathers shields plus your arm has built in electro magnets to help you retrieve your shield" T'challa said as he packed up his stuff when suddenly Natasha came running in

"You three suit up we've been called out to japan to the USJ arena there's a group of villains attacking students there let's go

(Time skip)

"You ready son?" Steve asked as he strapped his shield to his back and put on his helmet "I'm ready dad let's go" Izuku said as he came out of a different room in his suit carrying his shield

(Izuku's suit)

(Izuku's shield)

"Ok you look great by the way let's go do this"Steve said as Izuku strapped his shield to his back and followed his dad to their awaiting quin jet

"You look great my sweet boy now all you need is a code name" Natasha said sounding proud of her son "I got one already call me......... PATRIOT" Izuku said proud of his choice as the jet took off

"Hmm patriot I like it Izuku it suits you" Said Natasha casually as Peter and Kate couldn't stop staring at his new arm "dude that arm looks so cool" Peter said excitedly as Kate held his new hand "I like it baby it suits you simple, practical and stylish just like my Ikki" Kate said lovingly as she kissed him on the cheek

(Time skip)

The avengers were on the roof of the USJ arena watching what was happening "ok son it's on your signal" Steve and Natasha said looking at Izuku as he turned on his voice modulator "I always wanted to say this......... AVENGERS ASSEMBLE" Izuku yelled as they busted through the roof

"It's ok everyone the avengers are here now" a voice Izuku recognised all too well 'Izumi' and for some reason this made his blood boil even though he hated her the thought of her being hurt in anyway shape or form enraged him and his parents knew this

"It's ok to still care about her after all she was your sister for 10 years so protect her but remember we don't kill" Natasha said on the comms as Izuku jumped in front of Izumi and threw his shield at a man with multiple hands all over his body then used the magnets in his arm to re call it to him and he put it back on his right arm

"Your ok now miss don't worry just stay behind me alright" Izuku said in a protective tone "ok Mr. I'm sorry what do I call you?" Izumi asked still pretty scared "you may call me patriot" Izuku said in a heavily modulated voice

(Time skip)

Izuku was facing a different villain when hos helmet got knocked off revealing his identity to everyone "HOLY SHIT Izumi your brother is an avenger" a random kid in her class yelled

"Izuku is that really you?" Izumi said with tears in her eyes as Izuku put his helmet back on "not now just let me focus on the fight" Izuku said as he ran to fight with his team and his parents

(Time skip)

The fight was over and the avengers stood victorious as all the villains were lead away Izuku put his shield away and went over to Izumi and took off his helmet "yes it's me but I want nothing to do with you now leave me to be with my team and my real family"

Izuku said as principal Nezu waljed up to speak with his dad "ahh Steve it's good to see you listen I have a request for you" Nezu said greeting Steve in a friendly way "good to see you too old friend now what's your request?" Steve asked curiously and politely

"I want Izuku and his two friends placed in UA to help keep an eye on things and to keep the students safe they all have the training and I think it would be good for the students to have bodyguards their own age so what do you think?" Nezu explained as Steve spoke

"Ask my son those two are his team so he's their leader so this is his decision to make I can't do this for him" Steve said calmly as Nezu approached the 3 young heroes and explained his proposal

"Fine we will but if I sense anything is wrong or any of your students do wrong to me and my team I'll be on the first quinjet back to the carrier am I understood here Nezu?" Izuku said firmly yet calmly at the same time

"Oh of course no problems at all we'll put you in the dorms with class 1-A so you can watch over them closely you start next week can't wait to see you all until then goodbye avengers" Nezu said as he left the avengers to themselves as he escorted everyone from UA back to the buses

"Ok son, Kate & Peter all your stuff will be dropped off later today at the dorms by S.H.I.E.L.D agents and remember no matter what happens with your past we're always gonna be your parents" Steve said to his son as he and Natasha hugged him and left with the others as Izuku, Kate & Peter got on the bus with the rest of 1-A

(Time skip)

The class plus the young Avengers arrived back at UA and started walking back to the dorms "nice place you got Nezu" Izuku said looking at the school "thankyou captain Rogers I must say that arm of yours is incredible where did you get it?" Nezu asked while curiously inspecting the arm

"It was a gift from the king of Wakanda" everyone seemed shocked at the fact that Wakanda who to the outside world seemed like one of the poorest countries in the world had given him a vibranium arm

"Shuri?" Nezu asked and Izuku just nodded "I expected as much given that she's one of the smartest people alive" Nezu said casually "yeah uncle Tony isn't pleased that a girl my age is smarter than him" Nezu chuckled at this before he spoke "yes he's always been rather full of himself when it comes to his intellect hasn't he" he said as they all walked towards the dorms

As the group entered the dorms Izuku , Kate & Peter looked around what looked to be a common room type place with a decently sized kitchen in one corner "nice place you got here" Peter said with his head on a swivel still looking around "thanks man" a guy with bright red spiky hair said "Eijiro Kirishima is the name and being super manly is my game" the guy now known as Kirishima said proudly

"Yo Izubro that arm looks bad ass so freaking manly" Kirishima said admirining Izuku's metal arm "umm thanks Kirishima" Izuku said casually "welcome to the class 1-A dorms your rooms are on the fourth floor it's just you three on that fllor so you have maximum privacy" Nezu said from behind the group of students

"Thankyou principal Nezu come on guys let's go check out our new rooms" Izuku said as himself, Kate & Peter waited for the elevator

(Time skip)

They entered their rooms and as expected they were pretty bare just
a bed, a desk, a closet, a mini fridge, a lamp on the desk, a bedside table & a bathroom

(This is the dorm room plus a mini fridge, bathroom and bedside table)

"It'll do I guess" Izuku said as he put his stuff down in his room and started to unpack by putting his clothes away and removing his arm

After he finished unpacking he put his suit under his bed and mounted his shield on the wall and changed into more comfortable clothes

(This is what Izuku is wearing)

As he was just chilling at my desk drawing like he did sometimes when he was bored there was a knock on his door so he put down his pencil and got up to see who it was and when he opened it he saw his EX sister

"What Izumi?" he asked frustrated that she was here "look Izuku I just wanna talk so I'll say what I have to say then if you still want me to leave you alone I will just please let me in to say this" she pleaded and 'I mean I had nothing better to do with my time fuck it may aswell hear her out' he thought to himself as he let her in and sat back on his desk chair as she sat on his bed

"Look Izuku after the diagnosis I get that my parents basically ignored and forgot about you and that was wrong of them to do I mean honestly it was wrong for my mom to take you from the hospital in the first place but I'm getting side tracked so the day the bullying started Katsuki overheard me talking to Shoka about me wanting you to give up on being a hero so he told us that if we used our quirks on you eventually you would get scared of quirks and give up on being a hero but we said we didn't wanna hurt you then he said if we didn't he was gonna kill you himself so we had no choice and every time you came home all banged up I waited for you to fall asleep and then I bandaged you up and washed your bloody clothes and stashed food somewhere I knew you would find it because I knew they weren't feeding you and that they were neglecting you and I'm so sorry I never said anything but I was just a little girl back then so no one would've believed me if I said anything but now if you give me a chance to be your sister again I promise you this I'll be the best sister you've ever had and I'll stand up to my parents with you or if it's too much for you to do yourself I'll do it for you please Izuku I just want my onii-chan back" Izumi said as she burst into tears

"Izumi look at me" he said as she slowly lifted her head to look at him with her eyes full of tears "yes Izuku" she said as she sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes "come here" he said as he held his arm open to hug her as she rushed into his arms he whispered in her ear "don't make me regret this" and she just nodded against his shoulder

(Time skip)

It was pretty late now and he was laid in his bed just staring at the ceiling "oh shit it's almost midnight I should probably get some sleep" he said to himself as he laid down trying to sleep and after a while he drifted off to sleep 'ok UA high let's see what you got in store for us' he thought to myself as he slept

So everyone that was chapter 3 of "the rookie" my first mha crossover what did you all think? If you have any ideas for future chapters please do let me know and don't forget to like comment and vote

Bye now

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