The Ghost Titan (Aot x Ghost...

By Weeks85

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(Ghost rider x Aot) I do not own Attack on Titans I do not own Ghost rider Season 1 done 9-10-22 Season 2 do... More

The Battle of Trost part 1
The Battle of Trost part 2
A Deal with the Devil
The Response
The retaking of Trost Part 1
Can't Look Into his Eyes Yet
Special Operations Squad
The Night of Vengeance
The aftermath
The 57th expedition
The 57th expedition pt 2
The 57th expedition pt 3
Attack titan vs the Female titan
The Way Back
The Plan
The New Deal
Ghost Rider vs the Female Titan
Getting Out
Close Combat
Before you read Season 3

The retaking of Trost Part 2

296 1 0
By Weeks85

Pixis walks with several soldiers along the wall.

Gustav: We somehow managed to lure the majority of the Titans to the corner of the town, but even after avoiding combat to the best of our ability, we ended up losing about a fifth of our troops.

Pixis: We didn't lose them. Soldiers don't go off and die on their own. I let them die on my command. Mankind's fate rests on this critical moment. I'm not opposed to being called a murderer... if that's what it takes.

Scene change in the city, near the large boulder. Mikasa dodges Eren's Attack Titan's punch. She crashes into a chimney.

Mikasa: Ugh...

Ian: Ah...!

Ian, Mitabi, and Rico rush toward Mikasa as Eren's Attack Titan readies another punch.

Ian: Ackerman!

Attack.Titan: Urahhh!

Mikasa dodges the punch again. She shoots her 3DMG hooks and gets close to Eren's Attack Titan's face.

Ian: Hey! Stop, Ackermann! Get away from him!

Mikasa; Eren, don't you recognize me?! It's Mikasa! Your family! You have to seal the hole with that boulder!

Rico prepares to fire a red signal flare.

Rico: (Thoughts) The plan has failed. I knew that we never had a secret weapon to begin with.

Rico fires the red flare.

Mikasa: Eren, you're human! You're...

Eren's Attack Titan's fist shakes in preparation for another punch.

Ian: Ah! Dodge, Ackermann!

Mikasa moves from Eren's Attack Titan's face as it punches itself in the face.

Attack.Titan: Urahh!

Eren's Attack Titan falls to the ground against the boulder.

Mitabi: What's with him?! He's just another stupid Titan, huh?

Mikasa: Eren!

Leader: Squad Leader Ian! Two approaching from the front! A 10-meter-class and a 6-meter-class!

Ian: Ah...!

Leader: Another at the rear! A 12-meter-class is heading this way!

Mitabi: Ian, we're retreating! Sealing the gate is the least of his worries.

Rico: Yeah. We have no choice but to abandon him.

Mikasa turns to the other soldiers and glares.

Mikasa: Kuh...!

Ian: Guh...

Scene change On the wall, where Pixis and other soldiers are watching.

Soldier 1: The elite squad's red signal confirmed. A serious problem seems to be obstructing the plan.

Soldier 2: They died in vain... What did my comrades even die for?

Soldiers: Hey, look at that! What? What's wrong?

Armin: Ah...!

Marco: Did they... fail?

Armin: How? Kuh...!

Armin runs off.

Marco: Ah! Hey! Armin, where are you going?!

Soldier 1: Commander Pixis, reassessing the gate's defense is top priority now. May we proceed?

Pixis: We can't.

Anka: Have the elite squad retreat.

Pixis: No need. Continue to lure the Titans to the corner of the town. As for the elite squad, I've granted full authority to its leader. They're not just skilled. They're elites amongst elites that bear the fate of mankind. Conceding defeat so easily is out of the question. To prevent lives from having been lost in vain, they must struggle through this until their last breath.

Scene change Back in the city, where the elite squad and Eren's Attack Titan are.

Mitabi: Hey, what are you waiting for? Give us the order! Ian, it's not your fault. It was a faulty plan to begin with. We all know that! It was certainly worth a shot, and we've given it that already! Listen, we're going to climb back up the wall!

Mitabi begins to leave. Mikasa prepares to attack Mitabi.

Mikasa: Ugh...!

Ian: Wait!

Mikasa: Ah...

Ian: Wait. Calm down, Ackermann.
Rico's squad has the 12-meter-class at the rear.
Mitabi's squad and mine will take the two at the front.

Rico: What?!

Ian: I'm the one who was appointed leader!

Rico: Kuh...!

Ian: Shut up and obey. We can't leave Yeager unprotected like that.

Rico: Ah...!

Ian: We'll modify the plan. Until we can recover Yeager, we'll protect him from the Titans. He holds valuable potential for mankind. We can't give up on him that easily.
Unlike us, there's no replacement for him, after all.

Rico: So you're telling me you want to carry on like this, despite losing hundreds of soldiers, all for that failure of a human weapon?!

Ian: That's right. No matter the cost, we must continue!

Scene change Back on the wall with the soldiers acting as decoys. Jean ascends from the wall to join Connie and Marco.

Jean: What's up with Eren?

Marco: Armin headed over alone. It'll probably work out.

Jean: Probably?

Marco: It will. I'm sure. Eren can do it.

Jean: Ahh...

Connie: I don't see the point of luring the Titans to the corner of the town.

Jean: Fighting them will only result in a battle of attrition. They're probably trying to keep deaths to a minimum right now.

Connie: So you're saying all the deaths up until now are meaningless?

Jean: An all-out war is inevitable. But until then, it's obvious we should minimize our losses to preserve our forces. The higher-ups are right.

Connie: Is that how it is?

Jean: Of course!

Connie: Well, let's try not to become losses then. All of us.

Scene change Back with the elite squad and Eren's Attack Titan.

Rico: Ian, are you serious?!

Ian: How else can mankind defeat the Titans?
Rico, tell me, what other options do we have to break this deadlock?! A way to maintain our humanity and prevent losses, all while conquering the Titans' overwhelming power -- how can we do that?!

Rico: There's no way I'd know how to defeat the Titans.

Ian: Exactly. That's why we have no choice but to do this. We can only lay down our lives as brave sacrifices for that questionable human weapon. Tragic, isn't it? But it's the only thing left for us humans to do. Well, what'll it be?
This is the best we've got. The only struggle we're capable of.

Rico: I can't accept that.

Ian: Rico!

Rico: But I'll obey your order.

Ian: Ah...

Rico: I agree with what you said. I'll desperately struggle and show them how fearsome we humans can be. Dying in vain is the last thing I'd accept. Leave the 12-meter-class at the rear to my squad.

Rico leaves to guide her squad. Mitabi walks in the opposite direction.

Mitabi: Let's go. We're taking the two at the front.

Ian: Right.

Mitabi leaves first to lead his squad.

Mikasa: Thank you very much, Squad Leader Ian.

Ian: Ackermann, no need for thanks.
I admit I was terrified though, not knowing what you'd do. Act freely as we planned to begin with. I'm sure you'll be able to perform better that way.

Mikasa: Yes, sir.

Ian: It's to protect your lover, after all.

Mikasa: He's family.

Ian leaves to lead his squad. Mikasa watches Eren's Attack Titan.

Mikasa: (Thoughts) Huh? His damaged parts aren't regenerating. Is it because of before?
How will this affect Eren? There isn't even any guarantee that he'll revert to normal. No, forget that. I won't be able to figure it out anyway.
Right now, I'll just do what I can.

Scene change Along the walls. Armin runs toward the boulder where the elite squad and Eren's Attack Titan are supposed to be.

Armin: (Thoughts) Eren, Mikasa... what's going on?

Scene change In the city. Eren's Attack Titan sits unable to move. Eren lies inside the Titan, still connected but unmoving.

Eren: (Thoughts) Huh? What... am I... doing? Sitting? I can't see anything. What day is it?

Eren sees a vision of his father, mother, and Mikasa in their home before the Titan invasion.

Eren: (Thoughts) Where am I? What? I'm at home? Guess I'll sleep.

Armin arrives to find Eren's Attack Titan leaning against the boulder.

Armin: Eren... What are you doing, Eren?

Scene change Within the city. Jean, Annie, Connie, and a few other soldiers are planning to make their way through.

Soldier: Listen up. We just need to keep the Titans in the corner. Keep that in mind, and lure them accordingly. Understand? There's no need for you to fight. Recruits will travel on foot in groups of three. Once you reach the wall, climb up. Try not to die. We'll eliminate any Titans that somehow get away.

Jean: Somehow? Isn't that a pretty likely scenario?

Annie: Permission to act independently in a life-threatening situation?

Soldier: If that'll save you, sure.

The soldiers hear the crashing of buildings nearby.

Soldier: Kirstein's squad, go!

Jean: Yes, sir!

Scene change Near Eren's Attack Titan and the elite soldiers. The elite soldiers are attacking the Titans approaching Eren's Attack Titan. One of the Titan's reaches for Mitabi.

Mitabi: Ah... Ahh!

Mikasa: Ugh!

Mikasa attacks the Titan reaching for Mitabi and kills it. The Titan falls forward onto the building. Mitabi sits nearby, rubbing his head. Mikasa lands on the roof.

Mitabi: Ugh...

Ian: This is bad. Behind us!

Elite 1: One 13-meter-class! It's approaching Yeager!

Elite 2: There are more Titans entering through the gate! Looks like four 10-meter-class Titans!

Ian: Ackermann, take the rear.

Mikasa: Roger!

Mikasa leaves to guard Eren's Attack Titan.

Ian: Don't let it get to Yeager! We'll stop them here!

Mitabi: Got it!

Mikasa: (Thoughts) Even two elite squads can't take on four Titans at once. Ngh!

Mikasa jumps and kills the Titan approaching Eren's Attack Titan in one move.

Mikasa: (Thoughts) No way... Why are there so many? There aren't many people here though.
Don't tell me... They're attracted to Eren?

Armin: Mikasa!

Mikasa turns to see Armin standing on the neck of Eren's Attack Titan.

Armin: What's going on with the plan?

Mikasa: Armin!

Armin: What happened to Eren?

Mikasa: It's dangerous here, so get away!
Eren isn't in control of that Titan! He wouldn't respond even when I spoke to him! It's pointless for anyone else to try!

Armin: And the plan?

Mikasa: It failed. We can't just leave Eren, so everyone's fighting. But at this rate... the Titans will overwhelm us with numbers!

Armin: Kuh...!

Armin remembers back to Eren's emergence from the Attack Titan's neck. He turns back toward the Attack Titan's neck.

Armin: From the back of the head to the nape... one-meter long and ten-centimeters wide.

Armin draws one of his blades.

Mikasa: Armin!

Armin: I'll get Eren out of here! Mikasa, keep the Titans away from here!

Mikasa: Huh? What are you...

Armin: Eren came out of the Titan's weak point last time.

Armin shoots his 3DMG hooks into the Attack Titan's back.

Armin: That's likely to be related to the mystery involving the true nature of the Titans.
It's okay. As long as I avoid the center... he won't die. It'll just be a little... painful!

Mikasa: Armin!

Armin takes his blade and plunges it into the back of the Attack Titan. It hits Eren's human body inside the Titan through the shoulder, causing Eren to awaken.

Attack.Titan: Urahhh!

Mikasa: Ah!

Eren's Attack Titan begins thrashing about.

Attack.Titan: Urahh!!

Armin: Urgh!

Mikasa: Armin, quit being reckless!

Armin: Mikasa, do what you can now! If you go, there are lives that could be saved, right?!
Leave Eren to me and just go!

Mikasa: Kuh... Urgh!

Mikasa leaves the area.

Armin: Eren, can you hear me? Get a hold of yourself! If you don't get out of there, we'll all die! Don't give in to a Titan's body. Hurry up and get out of this meat sack!

Eren: (Thoughts) Get out? Why? I'm sleepy right now.

Armin: Eren, get out! Hurry! Eren... Eren!

Armin begins pounding on the Attack Titan's back.

Armin: What happened to avenging your mom?! You're going to exterminate the Titans, right?! You despise them for killing your mom, right?!

Eren sees Armin in his mind pounding on the window of his childhood home.

Eren: What are you talking about, Armin?
Mom's right here.

He then sees his mom, dad and mikasa start to fade way into darkness.

Eren: What!? Mom, Dad, Mikasa where are you.

Zarathos: Eren, you need to get control of yourself. Your friend are trying to help you so get up and plug the dam WALL!

Fire would start to go around Eren as everything round him start to change.

Scene change Within the streets of the city. Jean, Connie, and Annie run toward Eren and the elite squad. One of the soldiers gets picked up by a Titan.

Soldier: Ahh!!

Jean: Urgh...!

Annie: Looks like we have no choice but to think on our feet.

Scene change Near Eren's Attack Titan with the elite squad. Mikasa runs along a rooftop as a soldier is about to be eaten.

Mikasa: Ahh!

Soldier: Ahh!!

Ian: You're mine!

Ian kills the Titan before it eats the soldier.

Mitabi: Finally dead, you bastard?!

Another Titan approaches from the side and aims to smash Ian and Mitabi. They both dodge the attack.

Ian: Withdraw for a bit!

Mikasa: Ackermann, reporting back. Joining Mitabi's squad!

Scene change Back with Jean, Annie, and Connie. A Titan reaches out to grab Connie.

Connie: Wah!

Connie dodges the Titan's hand and tries to hook his 3DMG into the wall of a building, but the hook bounces off.

Connie: Ahh! What? Woah!

As the Titan is about to attack Connie again, Jean shoots one of his 3DMG hooks from behind into the Titan's hand. It turns to look back at Jean.

Connie: Jean!

Jean: Hurry and run!

Jean turns and runs with the Titan chasing after him.

Jean: (Thoughts) No one's dying on my watch anymore!

Jean leads the Titan to a street. He tries to shoot his 3DMG hooks into a building, but the hooks don't shoot out.

Jean: What? Damn, it's failing on me now?

Another Titan approaches from behind Jean.

Jean: Ah... Ah... Urgh!

The other Titan attacks Jean, but he's able to dodge. Annie and Connie make their way up the wall. They look down at the streets below.

Connie: Jean!

Below, Jean is running through the streets, away from a Titan.

Connie: What's he doing? Why isn't he using his 3-D Maneuver Gear? Ah... Don't tell me... Is his equipment acting up?!

Jean: Argh! I'll figure something out!

Jean makes his way inside a house and rests.

Jean: Damn it. How can I afford to be dead weight?

The Titan approaches the building that Jean is hiding in. As he looks outside, he notices a dead soldier with their 3DMG still attached.

Jean: Will this work out somehow?

Scene change Near Eren's Attack Titan. Armin continues trying to wake Eren.

Armin: Eren. Eren. Eren... Eren...! We're going to explore the outside world someday, right?

When Armin was trying to wake up Eren he did not see that is skin was starting to turn white. While Armin was standing on Eren trying get him up his feet would start to get hot. That is when he would see that Eren is turn white, Armin would then go to a nearby building and which as Eren titan change. Armin would see Eren titan face start to melt way and blue flame start to take over.

Scene change In a building. Jean rests against a wall.

Jean: Damn... How can I afford to be dead weight?

A Titan approaches the building. As Jean looks out the window, he notices a soldier who has been crushed by a boulder.

Jean: Will this work out somehow?

Scene change Elsewhere in the city. Rico and a single soldier in her group retreat to a rooftop.

Soldier 1: Squad Leader, this is it! There's no one left but us!

Rico: Withdraw to the boulder for now!

Ian and his group of soldiers move to a rooftop and watch the gate.

Ian: Status?

Soldier 2: Five Titans approaching from the gate!

Scene change In Jean's part of the city. Jean gets up and runs to the crushed soldier. Connie, Annie, and Marco continue watching from the wall.

Jean: As if I'm gonna wait until the Titans are gone!

Connie: Jean! So it was his gear.

Marco: What's wrong?

Jean has trouble removing the dead soldier's 3DMG as a Titan approaches from behind.

Jean: Dammit. What the hell? You're kidding me! Why now?! Urgh! Ugh... urgh!

Marco: Jean! Calm down!

Jean: Huh?

Marco approaches Jean and the Titan with his 3DMG.

Jean: Marco! What are you doing?!

As Marco flies around, the Titan focuses on him and follows him away from Jean. Jean can finally take the dead soldier's 3DMG.

Jean: Ugh... Urgh!

Connie flies onto a rooftop and runs along it. Annie joins him.

Connie: Sheesh, quit pulling our legs!

Jean tries to use the new 3DMG but falls to the ground after trying to dodge a Titan.

Jean: Ah... Urgh! Damn, why is the trigger so stiff?

As the Titan approaches Jean, Connie and Annie arrive.

Connie: Jean!

Jean: Ah!

Connie jumps off the roof with his 3DMG and flies into the Titan's head.

Connie: Ah! Ouch!

Jean: What the hell was that?!

Connie: Right back at you! Hurry and go!

Jean gets up to regroup with the others. He dodges a Titan in the nick of time, only to be flying right toward the mouth of another. Annie comes in from above to knock the second Titan down. Jean, Connie, Annie, and Marco regroup on the wall.

Jean: You're all insane!

Connie: You're one to talk! Can't believe we made it!

Annie: Ah...! Look over there.

Jean: Ah!
All the soldiers around the town turn toward the wall and the hole.

Mikasa: Ah...!

Eren ghost titan form is seen carrying the boulder towards the hole in the wall.

Mikasa: Eren...

Armin: Mikasa!

Mikasa: Armin!

Armin: Eren's in control! He's trying to fulfill his duty. Now, if we can just escort him to the gate, victory will be ours!

Ian: Defend him! Even if we have to die in the process, protect Eren until he reaches the gate!
Keep the Titans away at all costs!

Jean: Don't let them stop him! We'll back Eren up!

Ian: You two, head over to Eren. That's an order! Understand?

Mikasa, Armin: Yes, sir!

Ian prepares to jump off the roof, but he stops after noticing Mitabi's squad approaching from the opposite direction.

Ian: Ah...! Mitabi's squad? What're they...

Mitabi: The Titans aren't paying attention to us! We'll have to get closer until they do!

Soldier 3: Turn this way, damn it!

Soldier 4: If you don't, we'll kill you by sticking blades up your asses!

Two Titans turn toward Mitabi's group.

Soldier 4: Ah...

Soldier 3: Here they come!

Soldier 5: We got two!

Mitabi: Hurry! Run to a building!

Armin: No way... It's suicidal to stay on the ground. They can't fight without horses or buildings.

Ian: No, we have... no other choice. Grr!

Ian and his group jump off the roof and head toward Mitabi and his squad.

Ian: Follow Mitabi's squad!

Mikasa: Armin, us too.

Mikasa and Armin follow after them. On the ground, Ian avoids a Titan's grasp.

Ian: Ugh! This way! Follow me!

The Titan follows Ian out of the way of Eren's Ghost Titan

Eren: (Thoughts) My body... feels like it's gonna be crushed. Ah... Mikasa? Armin? What are you doing? If you're down there, the Titans will...

Soldier 5: Come on! Hurry up, you blockhead!
This way!

While leading a Titan away, the soldier is picked up by another Titan.

Soldier 5: Ahhh!

Mitabi: H-Hey!

While calling out to the other soldier, Mitabi is crushed by another Titan.

Soldier 3: No, Mitabi!

Armin: (Flashback) Why do you want to see the outside world so badly?

Eren: (Thoughts) We're all free from the moment we're born. It doesn't matter how strong the opposition is. There doesn't need to be flaming water or land made of ice. Those who witness the outside are free like no other.
Fight. My life is second to that desire. It doesn't matter how fearsome the world is. It doesn't matter how cruel the world is. Fight. Fight! Fight! Fight!

Mikasa and Armin continue to lead Eren's Attack Titan.

Mikasa, Armin: Ah!

Armin: There's one more left!

Mikasa: Leave it to me! Ah...!

Rico: Out of the way!

Titan: Uraah!

Rico flies in from the side and slices the Titan's eye. It falls to the ground, and Mikasa slices its nape.

Mikasa: Yahhh!

Armin: Go for it, Eren!

Ghost Titan: Uraaah!!

Eren: (thoughts) Fight!

Eren ghost titan smashes the boulder into the hole in the wall, sealing it. Rico falls to her knees.

Rico: Everyone... your deaths... weren't in vain.

Action: Rico fires a green flare.

Rico: Today, for the first time, mankind has... defeated the Titans!

Anka: Yellow signal confirmed. It appears the plan was a success!

Pixis: Send in reinforcements! Rescue the elite squad!

Scene change in town, near the sealed gate. Eren titan started to turn back to the attack titan sits facing the boulder.

Rico: The remaining Titans are coming!
Let's climb the wall!

Mikasa: I will once we recover Eren.
Armin, how's Eren doing?

Armin begins pulling out Eren's real body from the Attack Titan.

Armin: He's practically burning up! We have to hurry over the wall.

Mikasa and Rico make their way to Armin.

Armin: A part of his body won't separate. It won't come off!

Rico: We'll have to cut it.

Mikasa: P-Please wait!

Rico cuts Eren away from the Attack Titan, causing Armin and Eren to fall to the ground below, where Titans await them.

Armin: Urgh! Ah!

Mikasa: Eren! Armin!

Mikasa moves to rescue Eren and Armin, but before she can, a soldier with a green cape cuts the napes of both Titans and lands on one's back.

Armin: Mikasa?

Mikasa lands to Armin's side.

Armin: Huh?

Mikasa: That's...

Eren: (Thoughts) The Wings of Freedom...

Levi: Hey, you brats. What's going on here?

Armin: (Narration) Afterwards, thanks to the Survey Corps and the Garrison engineers' quick response, Wall Rose had once again repelled the Titan's advance. An entire day was required to eradicate the Titans from the Trost District, with the wall's fixed cannons firing around the clock. High-explosive shells annihilated the majority of the Titans swarming the wall, and the Survey Corps eliminated the few that remained. Furthermore, a 4-meter-class and 7-meter-class Titan were captured alive. On the other hand, 207 soldiers were killed or missing in action, and another 897 were injured. Repelling the Titans for the first time in history was a noteworthy feat, but simply far too many lives had been lost to allow for celebration.

Scene change In the city. Soldiers are cleaning up and recovering dead bodies from the streets. As Jean wanders around, he finds a familiar body.

Jean: Ah... Hey... Is that you... Marco?

Soldier 1: Recruit, do you know his name?

Jean: I haven't seen him around... But... not him... I don't believe it... Marco... What happened? S-Someone... Did someone see his last moments?

Soldier 1: What's his name? If you know, answer already. Don't you understand, Recruit? It's already been two days since the gate was sealed, but we're still not done collecting the corpses yet. If we delay any longer, an epidemic could break out.
We must prevent a second disaster. There's no time to mourn just yet. Understand?

Jean: Belonging to the 104th Training Corps, Leader of the 19th Squad, Marco Bodt.

Soldier 1: Marco, huh? I'm glad you knew.
Let's move on.

Elsewhere in the city. Sasha works with another group of soldiers. They find a ball of red substance with a white web-like structure.

Sasha: What... is this?

Soldier 2: A Titan threw it up. They don't have a digestive system, so after eating their fill of humans, they throw them back up.

Sasha: That's...

Soldier 2: Damn, we won't be able to identify anyone like this.

Scene change In another part of the city, Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt work together to recover bodies.

Annie: I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

Reiner: Apologizing won't help. We need to put them to rest.

Scene change Underground, in a building. Eren wakes up, startled by his surroundings. On the other side of the cell he sits in are two men, Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman.

Eren: Ah!

Erwin: Do you have any questions?

Eren: (Thoughts) The head of the Survey Corps, Commander Erwin, and Lance Corporal Levi...

U-Um... Where... am I?

Erwin: As you can see, it's a dungeon.
You're currently in the Military Police Brigade's custody. We've only just received permission to see you.

Eren: Ah...

As Eren looks around for something, Erwin holds up the key that usually hangs around his neck.

Eren: Ah! That key is...

Erwin: Yes, it's yours. I'll return it later. Your home -- Dr. Yeager's basement in Shiganshina is where the secret of the Titans lies. Correct?

Eren: Yes, probably. That's what my father said.

Levi: You have amnesia, and your father is missing, huh? Sounds awfully convenient.

Erwin: Levi, I believe we've already concluded that he has no reason to lie. We're still very much in the dark, but I think what's best for us now is to question your intentions.

Eren: My... intentions?

Erwin: In order to investigate your home, we must recapture Shiganshina District and Wall Maria. Drastic measures are necessary to quickly seal the gate. Your Titan power will be crucial. It seems our fate is controlled by the Titans, after all. Whether it's the Colossus Titan or the Armored Titan, they're likely to be the same as you. Your intentions are the key here. The key to freeing mankind from this despair.

Eren: Ah... I... (Flashback) I'll exterminate them... from this world... I won't spare a single one!

Levi: Hey, answer already, scum. What is it you want to do?

Eren: I want to join the Survey Corps... and slaughter some Titans!

Levi: Oh? Not bad. Erwin, I'll take responsibility for him. Tell that to the top brass. It's not that I trust him. If he betrays us or goes berserk, I'll kill him immediately.

Eren: Ah...!

Levi: I doubt anyone will object. There's no one better suited for this, after all.
I'll accept your enlistment into the Survey Corps.

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