N̶o̶t̶ Yours Sincerely: A Sug...

By LowkeyPrettyHigh

232 7 11

"I think I broke a rib or two of mine when you 'bumped' into me." "It was an accident!" She exclaimed, though... More

The Shane's what now?
Smartass with Dumbass tendencies

How convenient, not!

98 2 3
By LowkeyPrettyHigh




A delighted grin danced on her face with every coin falling and toppling over the pile on her palm.

I got myself a nice steal. It was rather too easy. The woman didn't even dare to question her before handing over her beloved gold.
It also could be because of the blaster aiming right at her face, but details, details.

Her hands still twitched to get a hold of the, too-shiny, necklace that rested on the woman's neck. Long gone, although it was.

Damn the marshlands, rich people really like to prove to the world they're rich. Who would carry such an expensive looking accessory and stroll around the streets like that!
Okay, she would, if she had it. Flexing is something she'd totally do herself if she had the chance. Jewellery is for display after all.

Nevertheless it was just begging her to be stolen.

Alas, nothing could be done now, all her thoughts were again directed to the beautiful small heap of gold coins her hand poured back into a fancy themed purse. A purse that obviously wasn't hers.

The sweet clinking of that metal played music to her ears. Oh could life be more perfect for her? Just her and her totally legally earned money.

"Ya know what this means," She glanced at her slugs that had made themselves at home on the large oak she sat on.
It seemed like a tree, apart from the fact it had more branches than leaves. Scratch that, no leaves at all. Did she mention the bark was of a dull-burgundy? Maybe it wasn't a tree after all.
It didn't matter anyway, as long as she was comfortable and hidden.

"We're having a feast tonight." She didn't know if her slugs even understood her, but their wagging heads did indicate they were listening.

A light but constant vibration surged through the entire structure of vegetation she sat on. Catching it quickly, she hummed to herself, finding it curious for a pack of vehicles passing by.

The place she chose wasn't all perfect but definitely isolated. A grin was slowly beginning to form on her face as her eyes thoroughly scanned the group of riders that were closing in.

Guess I'm getting lucky today. Her grin widened even more, more-so amused this time, when the Shane's symbol was completely struck out on their mecas for her to notice.

No way

Amusement flickered all over her face, finding herself the first time witnessing the infamous Shane gang. And quite possibly the first one to rob them too. If the lucky guardian slug was on her side.

What are they even doing on this pathway? gah, who cares. Let's see who's the apple of my eye this time

And rather pretty quickly, due to her fun experiences, her hawk-eyes quickly locked their target. A small sack, most probably filled with the jingles she oh-so loved.

Not only the pouch was sticking off from the strap belt on a meca, it just so conveniently belonged to the Shane.

She already had much to last her three or more days but the more the merrier, right? Afterall, money was no object.

Now although, she wasn't the one to feel puffed-up about her achievements but she had to admit, she did have a hand when it came to being slick.

With much anticipation, her body posed itself in a position for her to pounce on the spot with little effort. The small fear of falling off her death was curtained by her excitement.

She readied all her slugs, which weren't too many, in her bandoleer. Loading one in her blaster to save time. Although she hoped she wouldn't be needing it.

The group was closing in, the thrums of their mecas grew a wide range of strumming throughout the bark she sat on, or crouched, she didn't really know.

The Shane was in the lead, rather a peculiar worriness was washed over his face.
Perfect. She grinned. She wanted him as distracted as possible.

On the sight of them closing in, she jumped.

Her fall was very soon collided with a body. She angled herself in a way for him to be thrown off his meca from the force. Whereas she landed right beside him quite gracefully.

His fall was rougher than she anticipated. His body rolled once- no twice on the soil before halting.

"Floppers- I'm so sorry!" Her arms were quick in their work. Scanning his attire while helping him up. Huh, nothing at all. And why does this look like a school uniform?

All of his other companions had stopped their mecas. Now urgently marching towards them.

"What-" The Shane broke into a fits of cough and before he stopped he was out of breath. She almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"What just happened?" He was finally able to speak, his body still in shock and staggered by the way he held his ribs.

"That's what I wanna know too." The pigtailed girl was hot on her tail.

"Dude she literally fell from..from- '' The giant troll was now trying to find any piece of evidence he could from perusing up and around the entire cavern. It almost looked too funny.

"How dare you hurdle the path of my magnificent beast?" She took one glance at the molonoid to consider he wasn't important for her to mind.

"I'm so terribly sorry," Her hands made a quick few attempts to pat his back to ward off the dust. "My slug was stuck on that.. err, tree, I was trying to retrieve it before I lost my balance and fell."

"Tha- That's okay, no bones broken-" He winced when the placing of his hand on his ribs moved slightly. "-I hope."

Oh right. She was supposed to be hurt too. Her hand placed itself on her bicep before making a few expressions of grimace for the added effect. Well she was no actress, it looked more like she was about to throw up.

"Is your slug okay?" The redhead, whatever her name was, questioned.

"Totally." She shot a quick look down before bending and snatching a Hoprock that was hopping its way by them.
"A little rattled but in fine shape." The poor thing shuddered by the action of suddenly being lifted and held in a huge palm out of nowhere. It was a lot more than just a little rattled.

The redhead gave a nod and a light smile. Before going to her friend's aid.

Internally smiling, she took this as her cue to leave. She put the slug in a spare canister, throwing in the thought to later use it in a trade or some other accommodation.

"Well I'll be off then, don't wanna stall you any longer from whatever business you're associated in." A few baby steps back and she rotated herself to sprint off. But her view got blocked by the cavetroll that now looked more of a giant with mere inches apart.

This time having a more suspicious gaze than a curious one.

"Sorry but you were saying you were stuck on that tree? How?" It sounded more of a demand than a request.

What do you mean how, should I get stuck in there again to demonstrate?

They were being too nosy now. She contorted her annoyance into something more casual. Although her hands wanted nothing more than to pull out her blaster and deteriorate everyone of them. It was always deemed a more easy solution to her.

But thinking rationally, there was no way she could take them all by herself, not to mention they were probably super skilled as well.

"And excuse me, I think that belongs to us?"

This time the Shane's voice made her face the two again. He was, unfortunately for her, having his eyes directly set upon the pouch sticking out of her satchel.

She may or may not have swindled him of that sack of pretty fortune when she landed on him. She did him good though, it must've been weighing him down.

"Oh this?" Her hand pushed the pouch deeper in her satchel. "This has been with me the entire encounter." She wasn't entirely wrong.

"Ofcourse it's been with you." This time the Shane's voice was more confident. He strode over to his resting mechabeast before lifting his eyes at her. An undeniable surety shone in them.

"You had a perfect opportunity to take it, afterall."

Alright, he caught on pretty fast. The unusually blue-haired nimrod was smarter than she thought. Time for plan B.

Who was she kidding there was no plan B. She's gonna make a run for it.

"You seem pretty well-off without it, I doubt you'll be missing it." She was backing away now, to where she wasn't sure yet.

"It doesn't mean you can take it for yourself!" The redhead was now advancing towards her too. How silken of her to pick up the agenda so fast.

Her hand lifted the pouch from her satchel and dangled it from her fingers. "Oh?" She tilted her face to her side, giving her a more innocent look. "But I just did, didn't I?"

Her hand pulled out her blaster and pulled the trigger before anyone could catch on.

The Negashade did its job by projecting an illusion of shadows around the whole group. They seemed to move about wherever the slingers went. Giving her enough time to escape.

Ofcourse she wasn't going to hurt them, just yet. The procrastination was interrupted when a slug, misfired from the clot of shadows, directly hit her.

"Son of a slug!" Her body was doused in slime, more-so she couldn't move. Significantly she burned most of the slime with her Flaringo and escaped soon enough to catch onto the cavetroll lurching at her.

She hadn't directly encountered a cavetroll before, so it was a fun exercise for her when she took a leap right before his hand reached out to grab her. Her feet were fast in their work, and she rock-climbed the mountain of a troll with only a few placings of her feet.

The blue buffoon, now panicking, tried to sway her off his shoulders. It was like swatting away a fly. Although this fly was quite good at sticking.

She kicked off his back, the force making him stagger forward before he fell to his face.

The redhead was already aiming her blaster at her but in one quick movement, the girl was right before her. Grabbing her wrist and marking it away in an abroad direction right before the blaster was shot.

"You little- Hey!!"

Her wrist was twisted, not as forcefully, but just enough for her to drop her weapon. The girl swayed her leg right over her struck out arm, that made her drop to her knees by the instant restriction of her movements.

"Ya know, the pigtails aren't really a good look on you." She smirked before letting her go.

"Halt!" What was that, oh, right, the molenoid. She forgot he was there for a second.

"Aren't you holding a blaster much larger than your body?" She called out. The molonoid only gasped as if he'd never heard such an absurd thing. Well, she was right.

The redhead urged herself up, holding the strained wrist and glancing at her poor troll friend who still tried to recover from the fall. His face seemed paranoid from the way she climbed him like a hill earlier.

The molonoid was of no help as he seemed more interested in yelling at her than taking action. And the pickpocket was full on taking this opportunity in slowly slipping away from them.

The Shane on the other hand, when the redhead glanced at him, seemed not worried at all. No, he wasn't angry either. There was something else, something she found ridiculous when she stared at him.

Amusement shone over his face. His eyes studied the girl's every move, even flickering in excitement at some points.

Oh no, she knew that look too well. The way he was now smiling, this was definitely one of those of his smiles in which a crazy idea pops into his head.

Oh the serenity of Lightwell, what is he thinking??

She was almost afraid to find out.

When the girl dealt with the major source of noise-pollution in her opinion, who rested on the ground face-planted, she faced the three of others now surrounding her.

Ugh and this was supposed to be a simple swindle. They're stuck to me like brain leeches

Now her face showed no signs in hiding the scowl taken up on her lips.
She knew she would be fishing in deep waters when she decided to target the Shane gang. But this much trouble wasn't worth wasting her energy. She had better things to do, like continuing counting her coin collection.

"So here's the deal." For the first time she actually took notice of the leader. He seemed light-hearted, almost too light-hearted for a situation such as this.

"There's a deal?" She asked. As if almost sure she would be able to escape with their fortune.

"You do understand we gotta have to deliver you to the authorities to have you under custody for stealing?" His baster was still in aim but she figured he was in no intentions of using it.

"Only if I get caught."

"Which you are." Pigtails intrusively debated.

"You have a loose definition of catching someone." She brandished her hands in air which were indeed not tied up, yet.

"What's your name?" The Shane asked instead, his voice didn't consist of an unconditional order. It was pure intrigue to her surprise.

She raised a brow. What's he got with her name? Even more-so, why would she tell him?

"And why would ya want the pleasure of knowing my name?"

"Don't you think the people you stole from and conveniently got caught deserve to know your name at least?"

They're the least deserving people you'd tell your name to. She couldn't figure if he was onto something or just seriously dumb.

And the Shadow Clan could come get her if she told them her name. Real names are like private identities of people. One just doesn't simply reveal it. Especially in her case.


The only name her mind could fish at the time. And the only name she hates the most in the entire world. What a nice combo.

The Shane seemed satisfied with the answer. Which irked her more.
"Are you going to get to the point?"

"How good are you in slinging?"

At this point she didn't know why she was being interviewed. Don't the protectors usually capture the culprits and throw them in cells? Why was that emo-haired guy doing the opposite?

"If you're demanding a duel, I assure you I can and will easily kick your ass. And then I'll kick your ass again just for the fun of it."

Although she wasn't aiming to be funny, somehow this made the Shane chuckle.
She wasn't the only one finding his actions questioning, all his friends were as confused as her. Even whispering their bewildered enquiries to him as if he's riddling them aswell.

"You're gonna tell me what this is all about? I don't have all day, y'know." Her voice now rose a clipped edged tone.
She morphed her face into indicating she was utterly done with his slug-crap.

"I've got places to go, things to steal." She reminded them, mainly with a second-reason to ward off the aimless interview, even if it meant them taking action against her crime.

If she wasn't utterly befuddled before she definitely was now. Because the rediculously large grin forming on his face was anything but the reaction she expected.

"How about we let you off of this mishap and probably many others that happened before?"


She wasn't born yesterday not to know this was a trick. That 'unless' or 'but' was definitely predictable in his future speech. But even so, what she couldn't understand was why..

"That is if you agree to perform a gig for us."

Ah yes, a bargain. Typical.

What use could they even get from a thief?

It seemed to her his companions caught on to what he was talking about. Cause the moment his offer left his lips, he was pulled down by the collar by the tomatohead, the blue-baffoon didn't look pleased either.

"You're serious!? She's literally a thief! Who knows how many other people she's robbed!" She whispered, or at least it looked like an attempt.

"Many, actually, I've lost count." Jenna replied from afar.
"And a piece of advice, pigtails, whispering doesn't work when you're still sort of yelling the words."

"Your ears must be overworking themselves, you're hearing things." She rolled her eyes and drew her attention back to the Shane. "Kord! Put some sense into him! Did you hit your head when she jumped you?"

"Guy, chill out! I've thought this through. She's the perfect person-"

"-To fail the job and betray us the moment she has the chance!"

This time he frowned at her. "Trixie, you can't just completely conclude your judgement on her just because of a first bad impression."

This Kord and Trixie both stared at him ludicrously. She'd admit, she would too. The boy, nevertheless the leader, was too trusting and dense.

She would totally take advantage of it.. if the odds weren't against her already.

"I'm really not enjoying you punks talking about me as if I'm not even here." Actually she was. This is the most she's been entertained this entire week. But she also wanted the charades to end. Just what had the Shane stored in for her?

It wouldn't be plain-sailing. She knew that for sure. Associating oneself with them screamed risky all over.
And she wasn't the one to take risks.. on behalf of others of course. Risk was fun otherwise.

"Oh right, sorry." He slipped out of the redhead's collar-grip to straighten up. "You'll be working as our secret agent in foiling one of Dr Blakk's schemes."

Ah so she will be doing the hard part.

"Hm yeah I don't know, it doesn't sound so safe."

"I assure you, nothing will happen to you.. as long as you keep your cover."

It would be the most idiotic thing to consider his offer. And Dr Blakk? She did not want herself involved in anything relating to him.

"Yeah now that I think of it, I've got a tight schedule, better find some other thief, sorry not sorry." Her body sprung around to meet her back towards them.
Oh she was out. There was no way she'd involve herself into something so dangerous and risky.. no matter how fun it sounded.

"Fine then, we'll have no option but to take you in custody."


An indignant glare burned into the eyes of those three that Jenna beamed at them. To her horror she had to admit the odds definitely weren't in her favour.

"Oh piss off! I know I did wrong but you can't drag me into your problem."


She couldn't believe it, they literally dragged her into their problem!

She sat on the couch of this living-expanse that had plentiful precious goods that caught her eye-- though now was not the time.

"How many times you boneheads have to listen? I am not agreeing to this."

Her arms were crossed over her chest, leg placed over it's other and an erect posture adapted by her body.

Infront of her stood the members of the Shane gang, including the molonoid who had woken up sometime during that interlude.

Somehow they all looked much worse now since she was observing them without having a hundreds of escape plans circling her head.
Their clothes were ragged, dusted and worn out bodies were standing infront of her.
By the looks of it they were coming back from a fight before bumping into her.

And apart from thier leader, none seemed inviting enough to be blessed by her presence. Well blast it all! Neither was she!

And funny she doesn't remember being invited to their house, they kidnapped her.

"And you're keeping a person hostage here against their will! Where did the law fly off to now huh, you blue spiky-haired fraud?" With every sentence the intensity in her voice grew, she pounced towards him, stabbing her finger in his frigid chest.

"Ouch! Hey- relax!!" He stumbled back before hitting Trixie's figure. Who's fume deteriorated by the action.
Despite the unfortunate events of carrying that infuriating girl on her meca, her ears were still numb by the vile whining all along the ride of her 'jumping off' the vehicle if they didn't stop.

"Bro, we really need to talk about thi-"

"You come here," Trixie's hand snatched him by the back of his collar before directing her commanding gaze towards Kord.
The troll froze under her glare but understood as he followed her, dragging the Shane's figure, into a restricted room.

"Pronto keep an eye on her!"

The door shut and absolute silence followed. Only of a modicum that is.

"You.. you knocked me unconscious!"


"Just what in the ninety-nine caverns possessed you to take her with us!" Indeed, Trixie's whispers were yet again pitched.

The boy opened his mouth to speak before he was cut off.

"And from all the people we could've picked, you chose a thief? Real smart, bro." Kord reasoned.


"Shut up, listen to me. We don't even know if she's cut out for the job! Apart from the fact that she's a good slinger and just might not be a familiar face to Blakk, what do we have on her?"

"We've agreed with alot of crazy stuff with you but I'm sorry dude, I'm not standing up to this."

"Alright alright, but just-"

"Blakk could bribe her! She wouldn't turn a hair before turning against us if it benefits her. Even now she wants to be anywhere but here."

The boy, amid the dispute, reluctantly raised his hand to speak and to silence them both.
"You're right, you're right. We don't know her... but from what I've analyzed she does seem compatible for the job. Ofcourse we're not gonna comfirm anything without proper questioning."

Both of the members looked at eachother. Gears turning to and fro before their eyes met their leader again.

"And what if she denies it all over again?"

This time a raffish smile etched on his lips.

"We'll bribe her with something she can't refuse."


Incoherent shouts assailed them when they walked out of the room, leading them down to the living expanse with curious paces.

The scene was equally perplexing when the Shane watched his friend, Pronto, aiming his blaster at Jenna while her foot on the top on his head restricted him to lurch at her. Pronto kept furiously yelling and pointing at a blaster dangling from her hand and oh, it was his.

"She's trying to take Eli's blaster!"

Jenna rolled her eyes, standing on the couch, shoes on. "I told you I was just looking!"

"That eerie smile on your face told otherwise! People only smile like that when something precious catches their eyes!" Judging by his words he seemed experienced.

"Well, it is a good blaster," Her hand lifted the gun towards her eyes to examine more closely. "It can even conjure a double-barrel shot! How cool is that?"

"Get down from the couch and- remove your foot from Pronto's head!"

Trixie intruded their formal conversation and pulled Pronto to her side.

Jenna shrugged before pouncing back down and comfortably seating herself again.

"And put his blaster down."

The girl scowled but complied. This slender-twig triangle-faced virago was really not putting a good impression on her.

"Ehem," Kord cleared his throat to margin the rising chaos.
"We've decided on something."

This perked up Jenna as she bounced from her place to stand infront of him and the Shane.

"That you're finally letting me go with a durable compensation to apologise for kidnapping me?"

"Er... no."

Her glowing face faltered, she glanced at the boy but he just gave her a hopeful smile that made her sigh in exasperation.

these clay-brained vultures are gonna be the death of me

Her body staggered back and collapsed on the couch. She lifted her feet to rest against the top of the nice coffee table whose colour made her shoes stand out.
She was done being genteel. It was too hard work.

"Since you dense-witted logs ain't planning my freedom anytime soon.. let's just get this over with."

Pronto opened his mouth again at the girl's unladylike words but Kord's hand slamming on his mouth imposed on him.

The leader ordered everyone to take a seat while he leaned over the table with his arms supporting his weight.

"We're gonna go through some questioning, and only if you're not qualified for the job, we'll let you leave."

"Free of charge?"

"...Free of charge."

She grinned. So all she had to do was answer all the questions in a way that would make her seem unqualified. Piece of a funnel cake.

"So, are you any good at acting? It's an undercover mission afterall. Can you make it look convincing for whatever role you'll be put in?"

"Oh I'm a professional in pretending! Watch me pretend to walk out of this conversation."

She stood up and began shoving past them towards the door. Trixie's hand took a hold of her shoulder pulling her back.

"Sit your butt down and take this seriously."

Jenna's eyes stared into Trixie's, making her raise her brow.

"Now watch me pretend to ignore her existence."

"You little-"

"We get it! You seem convincing enough. Now onto the next question!"

Jenna groaned and seated herself down and the redhead scooted away from her.

"Alright, how good are you at lying?"

"Oh she must be an adept in lying! Considering that's what she's been doing ever since we met her." Trixie spat out the words from the other side of the couch Jenna sat on.

"I'm glad people acknowledge my efforts." Jenna's wry smile was anything but sincere. "I'm not that good at lying, you're just gullible."

The storm on Trixie's face was just skyrocketing before Kord swiftly tried changing the subject.

"Well- erm.. right, Jenna, have you ever been associated with Blakk or regarding any of his men?"

She gave it a minute of thinking. How was she supposed to answer that? Do they want her to be associated or not? This was trickier than when she first made up her mind to.

"Not.. directly. I did steal his men's blasters once or twice. They didn't carry around much with them so I just had to do by selling their blasters."

"Wait," The Shane interceded. "Don't you like, wanna keep those weapons for yourself? And the ghouls? They benefit you more than average blasters and slugs."

Jenna's face contorted spitefully as her eyes narrowed at him. "You really think I'm power-hungry like those rancorous, vile worms?" although money-hungry is a better way to put it, and they don't match with my style anyways

Relief relished him at her words. And so it couldn't help but a smile dancing its way on his lips. "So you're against Blakk and everything he stands for?"

She shrugged, her face turning away from him. "I couldn't care less about the ghouling-business or whatever Blakk has up his sleeves. As long as I'm obscure and can sleep on a full stomach, I don't care what goes on in Slugterra."

A flicker of forlorn castes a shadow over her eyes for a second, or maybe just in his view. And was it him or did he sense the distant tone invading her voice? Maybe he was reading into it too much.

And if he wasn't.. it just made him wonder how did she end up like this? He knew nothing, he was sure she's not all open to changing that either.

Indeed, she was a peculiar girl. Even at the uneven plains when she tried swindling them, everything from her manoeuvre to the way her composure remained composed, even after she was caught, intrigued him.

Pros and cons. He really needed to make a list. Hopefully there were more pros than cons. He really didn't want a diamond in the rough to slip past his fingers.

The others now had her attention, most of their questions were answered dished with snapping-remarks. They were definitely not enjoying their time with her.

Alright, The Shane considered. She's good at acrobatics, from the way I've seen her flipping in air multiple times.

What else?

Slowly he listed out everything he first noticed in her that caught his attention.

She was supposedly good at lying and pretending.. as long as she takes more safe measures next time, she won't get caught.

She wasn't known to Blakk or his prominent goons.

She has a small frame and could easily slink and sidle.

She could even fool anyone if she composes more of an innocent face, rather than the grimly-mocking expressions that seem to have plastered on her face all the time.

He crossed his arms over his chest, gazing at his only option left who seemed to be yelling at everyone at the moment. There are definitely more pros

"Can't ya bunch of mud-bathed floppers take a shower? You guys stink!"

Ah yes, apart from her colourful vocabulary.

"Us?! Look at yourself! You're.. you're..."
Pronto tried his best to point out any flaw in her appearance but failed to do so.

Jenna smirked, oh she knew she was spotless. Apart from her slightly tousled hair, her attire was good as new.

Black stirrup pants that draw down and vanish behind the heeled knee-high boots, and a dark crop top hidden beneath her zipped open asymmetric mid-waist jacket. Also black. It's a girl's favourite colour.

She might be impoverished but that didn't excuse her from being immaculate. People didn't need to know she's destitute just by her appearance. And she could just steal to wear anything anyways.

Besides that, she had class.

And she looked better than this well-off family. The irony.

"What's the quest about anyways?"

The group grew reticent for a while. Glances were exchanged, definitely reluctant. They were all looking at their leader while he seemed to be in a conflict with himself as well.

"Let's just say... you'll be collecting an important document from Blakk.. secretly."

She raised a brow at him.

"For a person you're forcing a job on, don't you think they'll be needing more context?"

"We're not forcing on you anything."

"Right, you're blackmailing me. A bunch of hooligans, that's what you are." The words slipped out in a provoked tone. She wanted them to know exactly how she found them.

"You're in no position to talk, you jumped him, threw him to the ground and then attempted stealing from us!" Trixie reprimanded.

"That happened like- two hours ago! No more history lessons please. And I merely bumped into him. It's not like he's fractured or anything, I could've made sure of that, stop exaggerating."

The Shane however tried his best to cut out the ascending tension by a strained chuckle.

He closed a bit of distance between them and placed a hand right below his chest, smiling friskily.

"Y'know, I think I broke a rib or two of mine when you bumped into me."

"It was an accident!" She exclaimed, though no signs of remorse were showing off her face.

"And how our money stumbled into your hands was an accident too?"

"Now that," A brazen grin morphed her face. "Was on purpose. But I was only borrowing."

He crossed his arms over his chest, amused. "And perhaps that borrowing of yours comes with a no-return policy?"

She seemed almost proud, while gleaming at him.
"Look at you, there really is some brains behind that large forehead of yours."

Kord tried to contain his snort but the big guy failed helplessly.

The Shane blinked a couple of times, mouth opened agape before stuttering, "I-I really have a large forehead?"

"Oh, you never noticed?" She ducked her head and crackled a snicker. "And here I thought you were the kind to admire yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning."

"So," He quickly cleared his throat. "Back to the topic-"

"Look, like I told you, I'm not overt to Blakk nor do I want to. Yeah I'll carry the mission and we'll say our goodbyes and then what? What if he comes after me? Can't take the risk of being hunted by someone powerful."

Trixie heaved a sigh and scudded closer to Jenna.

"Chill it, thief. You'll be going undercover. No one will suspect a thing about you unless you fail to keep your appearance."

"What if something happens? There's no guarantee of my safety."

Trixie's nails subconsciously dug into the soft material of the cough as she indignantly seethed, "Why don't I put you into the safest place there is, there are many prisons aroun-"

"Ahahaha-em-- Trix! Why don't you let me do the talking." The Shane's gentle hands slowly ushered Trixie away who was only a few inches away from biting Jenna's head off. Somehow Jenna found it entertaining nonetheless.

"Alright, how about we pay you?"

This heeded Jenna's ears. He didn't fail to notice the sparkle in her eyes by his words. He silently heaved a sigh. This girl and her money

"How much are we talking about here?"

"A hundred."

"And here I thought I'm poor. You should consider joining me on my money heists, you obviously need it."

Pronto's silent gasp made Kord immediately grab onto his shoulders and push his rising steps towards Jenna down.

The Shane, tuckered of the situation, replied, "Two hundred, take it or leave it."

She grew reticent for a minute. "Hmm.. you still haven't told me the exact plan. What if it's not worth it and I'll be risking my life over a few hundred coins."

"It's-- it's not that we can't tell you, it's just..-"

"You don't trust me? Good. Neither do I. But I still need to have a vague idea."

"Alright alright," He took a seat on the beanbag next to her. "All you need to know is, there's an archive of a paperback that's unfortunately gotten in the hands of Dr Blakk. That archive contains valuable information, information that could threaten the entire existence of Slugterra."

"Sounds like a you-problem." She leaned back into the couch. Now resting her arms in a crossed stance.

"It's really important to get it away from Blakk's clutches."

"How do we even know where is it? That mole has, like, tons of holes plotted all round Slugterra."

"It's in his main citadel, in Slagrock cavern."

Jenna eyed the redhead sitting beside her.

"And you're sure how?"

"You're not the only thief who's working as an undercover agent for us."

Her eyebrows raised a tittle. "You got more outlaws doing your dirty work? I'm impressed."

"Trix, you know Danna doesn't like being entitled a thief anymore." The dissent on the Shane's face laid perceptible.
"Other than that," He glanced back at Jenna. "Yeah, she's on our side. Hey, you guys might even click if you meet-"

"No thanks, anyone who's associated with you does not need to be associated with me. I'm fine living a peaceful life."

"Don't you rob people for a living?" Kord intercepted.

"I rob them peacefully."

"Sure... alright so, what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

Her face turned stoic in an instant.

A feature he hadn't witnessed until now. Her eyes, though they went blank, illuminated the silent calculation going on in her mind.

Just how fast she changes, he couldn't get the grip of it. Even after all the time he'd experienced her spry and irreverent state, yet it only needed a few seconds for her to filter out from it and radiate this unwavering seriousness, when she needed to.
Indeed, he chose the perfect person.

"It's a deal.." She stood up and he followed her movements. "But only if you agree to raise the commission for every complication that happens in this mission."

His grin glowed so radiant, her eyes were stuck in a trance. Was he really that relieved to have her by his side?

How pathetically desperate

She restrained her sardonic expressions and raised her hand for him to take.

He glanced at the rest of the gang. Trixie just rolled her eyes but a subtle nod followed later, Kord still seemed reluctant, opening his mouth once or twice before sighing. He gave a small nod as well. Pronto on the other hand just huffed and looked away.

"It's just because she's our only option left.. dreadfully." He dragged his words out.

The Shane smiled and glanced at Jenna.

"Just one thing."

She raised a brow.

"What's your real name?"

Her eyes astoundingly widened.

This... this wretched leech!

How did he even figure out something like that?

"You don't think I notice your body getting tense and a bitter expression taking up on your face everytime we call your name? Even if it's only for a second everytime. You need to work on your thespianism skills."

This.. this guy really was something. Even she never realised those small variations. But him.. he was damn good at analysing.

Well he isn't the Shane for no reason, her mind addressed.

"So?" His voice landed her back to his words. Everyone was equally curious now. "May we know the name of the person who courageously tried robbing the Shane gang?"

She stared at him. His bright blue eyes were never something she took mind to. But at that time, those eyes told her exactly who was standing in front of her. For the first time since she encountered them, she felt uneasy.


Somehow now the idea of being imprisoned sounded more flattering than this.

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