Draco's Hufflepuff | Unfolding

By honeysucklebuttercup

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"You know this is just whilst they're all away, don't you?" ** What happens when a Half-blood Hufflepuff swee... More

One: Alone
Two: Ginny Weasley
Three: Hogsmeade
Four: Dreams
Five: Intoxicating
Six: Owl Mail
Seven: The Bridge
Eight: Repugnant
Nine: Wizard's Chess
Ten: Muggle Studies
Eleven: Fake Persona
Twelve: The Library
Thirteen: Astronomy Tower
Fourteen: Confrontation
Fifteen: Paying Back
Sixteen: Hufflepuff Table
Seventeen: Trust
Eighteen: Overwhelming
Nineteen: Whiplash
Twenty: Accountability
Twenty-One: Quidditch Friendlies
Twenty-Two: O.W.L Mock Exams
Twenty-Three: Pity
Twenty-Four: Panic Attack
Twenty-Five: Secrets
Twenty-Six: Desire
Twenty-Seven: Blaise Zabini
Twenty-Eight: Slytherin Dormitories
Twenty-Nine: Longing
Thirty-One: Admiration
Thirty-Two: Goodbye
Thirty-Three: Withdrawal
Thirty-Four: Sour
Thirty-Five: Burning
Thirty-Six: Birthday Cake
Thirty-Seven: Addicted
Thirty-Eight: Firewhiskey Kisses
Thirty-Nine: Promises
Forty: Entangled
Forty-One: Study Session
Forty-Two: O.W.L Exams
Forty-Three: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
Forty-Four: Remembrance
Forty-Five: Endings
Forty-Six: Savoured
Thank You & Book Two

Thirty: Unfolding

326 4 0
By honeysucklebuttercup


Friday, 24th May, 1996

Sitting opposite Draco, drinking a cup of tea and finishing eating a slice of strawberry jam on toast, my stomach was swimming full of butterflies. I had to hide how pathetically large the grin on my face was.

The first thing Draco said to me when I met him was that I looked beautiful. I was wearing a ditsy floral blouse with a teal A-line mid-length skirt, with a rust-coloured cardigan that matched my blouse. I thought I looked rather conservative, but the fact it was the very first thing he said to me, it made my heart swell.

Of course, it wasn't the first time Draco had called me beautiful, but something about today just seemed different. Or perhaps I was just reading into things more because it was almost the weekend, and that meant everyone was coming home.

"You have any idea what you want to do today, Parsons? It's quite nice out there today," Draco asked, sipping on his black coffee,

"No, I have no idea whatsoever. I suppose we could always walk into Hogsmeade or something? If only we could Apparate, it would be so much easier to get around and so things," I said, shrugging slightly,

"Hogsmeade could be a good shout, yeah. It was surprisingly nice sitting in the Three Broomsticks with you for that Monday," Draco said, "Are you going to take your Apparition test next year?"

"I'm all open to ideas, though. If there's something you'd prefer to do, then I'm all ears. I will be, for sure! Do you think you will? My father doesn't like Apparition and will only use it as a last resort, but I think it looks so convenient," I said, with mouthful of strawberry jam on toast,

"I think so, yeah. I can understand why your father doesn't like it. My mother got Splinched once and it was awful, she was laid up in St. Mungo's for around a week," Draco said, shrugging his shoulders,

"Oh, Draco, I am so sorry to hear that. Was she badly hurt?" I asked sympathetically,

"Yeah, but thankfully she recovered quite quickly," Draco said nonchalantly.


Draco and I were just about to go out of the Great Hall now breakfast had finished, we decided to go for a slow walk into Hogsmeade and determine from there what to do with our day.

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy! Miss. Parsons! Could you hold up a moment, please?" Professor McGonagall called out from behind us.

We both turned around and looked at the Transfiguration Professor, and it was as though we were both thinking the same thing – what were we in trouble for. Because it could be a number of things... drinking alcohol, going into Draco's dorm, having sex...

"Is everything okay, Professor?" I asked her on behalf of the both of us,

"Oh, yes. How are you enjoying your week off?" McGonagall asked, sorting out the position of her glasses on the bridge of her nose,

"It's been nice, thank you, Professor," I said to her. I cringed, hoping Draco wasn't too embarrassed by my admission,

"Brilliant! And you, Mr. Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall looked to Draco,

"Yeah, it's been alright actually," Draco said with a small curve on the corner of his mouth.

For most, this was nothing, but I know for Draco, it was a really big thing and it meant so much to me.

"That's good to hear. You both thoroughly deserve the break, I do have a small wee favour to ask of you, though..." McGonagall asked, her Scottish accent seeming a little stronger today,

"Of course, Professor, what is it?" I said, standing up a little straighter, trying to conceal my nerves,

"Could you be so kind, to go down to Hagrid's Hut and just tend to Fang for a few hours? He doesn't need much, just company more than anything, and letting in and out of the door. The volunteer who has been coming to care for Fang has been taken ill unfortunately, and rushed to St. Mungo's," Professor McGonagall looked between the two of us,

"Oh, Merlin! Are they okay? I hope they're not too poorly," I said to the Professor, genuinely concerned,

"Oh, yes, they'll be okay. We have someone coming in over the weekend, it's just for today. If you can't, then I'm sure we'll manage to find someone to see to Fang," the Professor pulled her lips into a tight line,

"I'd love to sit with Fang for a little while, I'm happy to help," I said to Professor McGonagall honestly,

"Excellent, and what say you, Malfoy? Will you help Miss. Parsons with Fang?" Professor McGonagall looked to Draco,

"I suppose so, okay," Draco said in a clipped tone,

"Thank you both so much. You're being a massive help. Ten points to Slytherin and ten points to Hufflepuff! You'll just have to cast Alohomora on the front door, and everything you'll want is there. See you both later, should you need anything, come to my classroom!" McGonagall called out as she walked off in the direction of her workroom,

"I'm sorry, Draco, you're not upset with me, are you? I know we made plans, but I hate to think of poor Fang sat there all on his own," I said to him once we were out of earshot,

"Of course, not, Parsons. I guess that settles our plans, maybe we can walk into Hogsmeade tomorrow instead," Draco shrugged slightly.


Draco took hold of my hand once we were halfway between the castle and Hagrid's Hut. Slowly making our way to where Hagrid lived, we were talking about all sorts, and it felt really nice.

Outside of Hagrid's Hut were so many kinds of magical plants and flowers. Rocks of all shapes and sizes, and a large pumpkin patch. Along with the pumpkins, there were cabbages, carrots, potatoes... so many vegetables, which I assumed went to the kitchens for the elves and fed his creatures. I smiled to myself, now knowing why Harry, Ron, and Hermione liked it here so much.

Arriving at the wooden front door, Draco retrieved his wand from his coat pocket and cast the Alohomora charm, unlocking the rusted and creaky door handle.

As we walked into Hagrid's Hut, there was a certain smell to the air. I couldn't quite work out what it was, but it was almost like a mixture of soil, wood, and fresh meat. It wasn't the most pleasant of scents, but definitely not the worst either. The atmosphere was inviting and comforting, however, with warm tones of red, gold, and amber.

There was a big cauldron sat on top of the fire, an armchair twice the size of an ordinary one, a wooden dining table with four mismatched chairs, a basket of blankets, a bookcase with around ten books on the shelves, all about magical creatures, all sporadically spread out, and plants everywhere. There was two wooden doors, which I could only assume were to the bathroom and his bedroom.

Down on the floor, on a pile of blankets and pillows, was a sleepy Fang. He looked up in curiosity as I shut the door behind myself, and he whined as we stepped inside.

I walked over to him straight away and petted his head, to let him know we weren't there for any trouble, that he didn't need to be afraid of us.

"There's a good boy," I said to him.

Draco swiped off the dust and slumped down into the big burgundy armchair immediately, not even giving the boarhound a second glance. I could have sworn I even seen a grimace on his face too. I definitely heard a groan of distaste.

"Do you think he's been fed, Draco?" I asked, searching for a food or water bowl,

"I don't give a shit," Draco huffed, shrugging,

"You are pissed off with me, aren't you?" I said through shaky breath, feeling my throat hitch,

"No," Draco playfully rolled his eyes, tutting slightly, "Come here," he patted on his lap.

I looked at Draco cautiously, as I couldn't help but wonder whether I should really sit on him. As much as I wanted to, I've seen that look in his eyes before...

"Come sit, Parsons. Unless you'd rather sit on that dusty, uncomfortable looking dining chair, of course," Draco smirked.

I looked back down at Fang, who had his head rested back on his paws, sleeping soundly once again. I sat down carefully on Draco's lap, being careful not to excite him too much. Draco positioned my legs, so I was closer to him, however.

"I've only ever come into contact with that mutt once before, and that was when I had detention in our first year. Useless fucking thing it is," Draco said, clearing his throat as he glanced around the room,

"Well, I think he's very cute. I see a teapot over there, would you like me to make you a cup of tea?" I asked, trying to appease him as much as I could,

"As much as I would like to see you fuss over me, I'm not touching a single thing in this disgusting place unless necessary," Draco said with a sarcastic cruelty to his tone, "And I'm definitely not drinking anything from that disease ridden crockery,"

"Don't be so horrible, Draco," I said, craning my neck to look at him properly,

"Well, look at it. It's where the common muck resides. It's grotesque in here, it's foul, it's beneath me... that brainless oaf is the fucking riff raff of this place after all," Draco sneered, his hands stroking my thigh slowly.

I couldn't help but notice the stark juxtaposition between the cruelty to his words and how affectionate and gentle his touches were.

"I'm not even going to dignify that with a response," I rolled my eyes at him, "I think once you adapt to the earthy scent, it's rather charming,"

I forgot for just a moment. I almost tricked myself that Draco was this kind, empathetic, compassionate person. He was still the same volatile, cruel, arrogant, snobbish, judgmental bully he always was. My heart dropped into my stomach slightly. How could he be so absurdly different?

With me, he now seemed like quite a caring and attentive person, but with everyone and everything else, he was still the old Draco.

"I saw that eye roll, Parsons," Draco said, laughing, holding tightly onto me,

"Yeah," I said quietly, forcing out a small exhale of breath out of my nose,

"What's wrong, darling?" Draco asked, his voice laced with concern, dropping all humour,

"Nothing," I mumbled, only half-lying,

"No, something is. I can always tell with you. You go quiet and withdrawn. Tell me, Madeline," Draco said, hooking a finger and holding my chin, making me look at him,

"I just hate it when you're so nasty sometimes," I chewed on my bottom lip, my eyes boring into his,

"I'm sorry, I forgot who I was with for a second," Draco pulled his lips into a small line,

"That's not the point, Draco. Sometimes you can be so nice and thoughtful, but other times... you're just so- I don't know," I said, shrugging my shoulders slightly,

"It's different when I'm with you. I know I'm not a good person, but it's just- when I'm with you, I feel like I could potentially be someone else. I am trying to be better, I really am. Being a cunt is all I've ever known," Draco said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, stroking my cheek with his thumb,

"Don't call yourself that, Draco. I know you're trying, and that's all you can ever do," I said, smiling softly.

I placed my hand on the base of his jawline for a change and brought his face towards mine. I just needed to feel his lips pressed against mine, I needed to close that gap. Shuffling more closely on his lap, Draco inhaled sharply, adjusting his hips so we could be connected more.

As his tongue slipped in between my lips, grazing against mine, I felt my skin form into goosebumps. Draco kissed me slowly, tenderly. I think he was trying to apologise. At least, that's what I liked to believe.

The air had shifted between us. There was an unspoken understanding that we wanted to bring out the best in each other – I wanted to be braver and more assertive, whereas Draco wanted to be more accepting and kinder.

Draco ran his hand all over my exposed chest, my skin prickled even more underneath his cold fingertips. He gently cupped my breast, my body jerking. Slowly making his way down my body, I gasped as he ran his hand under my skirt. Draco smirked at my response, gently stroking my clit.

"Draco, we can't! Not here," I whimpered, our foreheads touching,

"Don't fight it, darling. I want to make you feel good," Draco said, pecking kisses along my jawline,

"But what if we get caught?" I muttered, pinching my eyebrows together,

"We won't. Everyone is in class, we're all alone here," Draco said, inserting a finger into my entrance, "Besides... when are we going to get another opportunity like this? Wouldn't it be something to remember?" he smirked, rolling his tongue over his bottom lip.

I nodded and lifted myself, letting Draco take my knickers off, giving him better access to me. Once they'd been dropped beside us on the armchair, Draco positioned my legs, so they were straddled over his thighs, just like in the Slytherin common room yesterday.

He spread my lips open, running his finger up and down my folds, then started gently stroking circles over my clit. I rested my head on his shoulder and was moaning into the nook of his neck.

Draco plunged his middle and ring finger inside me, curling them slightly. I was already soaking. My hips were bucking and the muscles in the pit of my stomach were tight. My hands were either side of Draco, and my fingers were digging into the burgundy fabric of Hagrid's armchair.

"C-can you touch my um- my clit, please, Draco? Please?" I whimpered into his ear,

"Of course, I can, baby," Draco arched an eyebrow at me, "I could listen to you beg for me all day. You like that, huh?"

I nodded, moaning into Draco's mouth, our lips just barely touching. My back had arched, and I couldn't control the movement of my hips.

"Fuck, you are so pretty, you know that?" Draco whispered, pressing his lips on mine.

I let my tongue slip into his mouth, feeling an intense wave of climax begin to wash over me. It started off slow but began steadily getting harder to control as Draco quickened the way his fingers were exploring all over my secret little button. My arms found themselves wrapped around the nape of his neck, deepening our kisses. Something seemed to stop me, however.

"That's it, I know you're close. I know you can do it for me," Draco said into my ear, his voice deep and low,

"Draco, I-I can't-"

"Yes, you can, I know you can. You're my good girl, aren't you?" Draco said in a stern, yet reassuring tone.

He was circling my clit expertly, with just the right amount of pressure and at a good pace that every single fibre inside me seemed to relish in. I couldn't keep my body still, and I was getting more agitated.

"I can't-"

"Stop it, Madeline. I know you can, I don't want to hear can't. I want you to cum, now. I don't want to have to ask you again," Draco demanded in a much more domineering and serious voice.

He rested his forehead on mine, his hot breath hitting my cheek. The sheer determination in his deliberate and heavy breaths.

"That's it, give yourself to me, Madeline," Draco whispered.

It was at that moment, I came crashing down, almost screaming in pure, unadulterated pleasure. Such relief and euphoria. A feeling so intense it made my head want to explode. My entire body was shaking, every muscle inside me was contracted, and I collapsed onto Draco.

After just a moments rest, giving me enough time to catch my breath, Draco leant down and unbuttoned his slacks. I could feel how large he'd grew, and his hand was shaking and unsteady as he grasped his zip.

I shot Draco a look as if to say, "I've never done that before, I wouldn't know what to do."

"I'm nervous, I've never-"

"It's okay, darling, don't worry. I'll guide you," Draco said, staring at me intently, nodding slightly for reassurance.

He lifted my leg up a little bit, reached down and held his cock in place. My throbbing clit brushed over his tip, and I shivered at the sensitivity.

"Slowly slide down," Draco said, holding onto my hips, "Oh, fuck- just like that," he moaned,

I sat there for a moment, adjusting to the feeling of him being inside me again. With each time, it was feeling better and better. I opened my mouth and moaned quietly. My throat was a little hoarse from loud I'd gotten.

"Now, what you want to do is move your hips like so-" Draco nodded, still holding firmly onto them, "Just like you were with my fingers,"

I started off slowly to gain my confidence and that seemed to drive Draco wild. Once I had gotten used to the sensation, and feeling a little more courageous, I picked up the pace, riding him faster.

"Am I- am I doing it right?" I whimpered between heavy, laboured breath,

"Fuck, yes, you feel good. You're doing so well. Just like that, darling," Draco said, praising me.

His hands had moved from my hips and were now resting more on the small of my back, his fingertips digging into me more and more with every jerking movement.

I felt my walls tightening around him and I noticed the subtle twitch of his eyebrows. His head flung back against the back of the armchair, and Draco's jaw was clenching.

Suddenly, my blood froze still in my veins as there was a loud knock at Hagrid's front door. I hopped off Draco as quickly as I could and shoved my knickers down beside the chair cushion. My heart was hammering in my chest for a completely different reason.

"For fuck sake! Are you joking?!" Draco huffed in frustration.

Smoothing my hair down and trying to catch my breath, racing over to the dining table, I sat on one of the dining chairs and I opened a random textbook and put an old mug in front of me. I looked over at Draco who nodded sharply at me.

"Come in!" I beckoned.

The door creaked open slowly and in walked Professor McGonagall. She had a kind, small smile on her face as she looked between Draco and me. I swallowed deeply, hoping it didn't look too obvious as to what we were doing.

"Hello there you two! It's nice to see you've made yourself at home," Professor McGonagall chuckled, "How has Fang been?"

I glanced down at the snoring boarhound, a pang of guilt hitting me, as I'd forgotten for a moment that's why we were there in the first place.

"Oh yeah, he's been great! Poor thing, he must have been tired because he's been asleep nearly the whole time," I said, tucking my hair behind my ear, trying to sound as unassuming as I could,

"Bless him. He's probably enjoyed the company anyway," the Professor smiled at me, "Are you feeling alright, Miss. Parsons? Your cheeks are a little flushed," she added,

"Oh, yes, I am thank you, Professor. The fire over there is just a little warm, that's all. It's a little stuffy in here," I laughed, lying to her face, patting my cheeks with the back of my hand. I looked over at Draco and saw the subtle curve on the corner of his lips,

"Well, I must be quick, as I've left my second years alone, but we've managed to sort out someone to sit with Fang after all, so you're not needed here. You are free to go and sit out in the fresh air, Parsons," Professor McGonagall nodded to us both, "But thank you for using up some of your free time, it's very much appreciated,"

"Of course, Professor, you're more than welcome. Any time," I said to her honestly,

"I think another ten points should be awarded to each of you. Go on, off on your way, enjoy the sunshine," Professor McGonagall pointed her head to Hagrid's front door, "Oh, and Miss. Parsons, might I suggest you grab a glass of water,"

"Thank you, Professor. Take care," I smiled at her.

Draco tipped his head slightly at the Transfiguration Professor, letting me walk out of the front door first. Before I made my way out of the wooden front door, I glanced over at my knickers that were stuffed down beside the cushion and armrest. Anxiety rushing through me as to how I was going to get them back.


Draco and I decided to make our way over to the elm tree, as we realised it would soon be lunch time. Plus, the sun really was quite lovely today. Off out in the background, you could hear a chorus if giggling and indescribable chatter. There must be a Flying class taking place.

"Are you alright, Parsons? You keep looking back at that hut," Draco asked, knitting his eyebrows slightly,

"I left my knickers there! I'm mortified," I said through hushed tones.

Draco snickered and reached into his trouser pocket, taking out my white and pink floral underwear, rolled up in a ball in his fist.

"As much as I'd prefer to see you with these off, I made sure to take them whilst McGonagall wasn't looking," Draco chuckled, passing me the pair of knickers discreetly,

"Oh, Merlin! Thank you, Draco," I said to him, holding them tightly against my body.

As soon as we reached the trunk of the massive elm tree, I looked around to double check the coast was clear, and put my underwear back on, taking a big breath of relief. I noticed Draco watching me with a small smirk on his lips.

He then pushed me up against the bark and kissed my lips gently, pinning me into his arms and staring me down.

"I hate that old bint for interrupting us. I was so close to exploding inside you, fuck. As tempting as it is to fuck you right here, right now, because I am just desperate to finish," Draco sucked in air through his teeth, "I think you've had enough excitement for one day, for a while at least," Draco rolled his tongue over his bottom lip.

We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before taking a seat down on the grass. I crossed my legs and looked over at Draco, he was looking at my bare legs, and I could almost hear his thoughts.

"Are you okay anyway, Parsons? From McGonagall knocking on the door like that," Draco asked with a genuinely concerned tone, "I don't think I've ever seen you look so scared, let alone move so fast," he snickered,

"Almost getting caught was terrifying, I can't lie. But I'm okay now, thank you, Draco," I said to him honestly,

"Don't you think getting caught is half the fun? Don't you find that exciting?" Draco asked in a dangerous, drawn-out way,

"No, absolutely not. You really are such a bad influence on me, Draco," I said to him, shaking my head, smiling to myself,

"I call it pulling you out of that little comfort zone. As long as you're okay, and you're not mad at me, that's all that matters to me," Draco shrugged his shoulders slightly.

Not knowing what to say, I leant forward and kissed his cheek softly, and I could have sworn I even saw the faintest blush of pink sweep across his face.

"Draco, can I ask you something?" I said to him after a moment's silence,

"Of course, Parsons," Draco nodded,

"You have sort of answered it before, but how did you know to show me to move my hips like that... when I was-" I pointed my down to his crotch,

"How did I know to position you correctly to fuck me? Is that what you're asking?" Draco said, arching an eyebrow at me,

"Well... yeah. I mean, you've never done this before either, so I guess I'm just curious," I said, feeling really nervous all of a sudden,

"I suppose I just pick up things when I've listened to Zabini and Nott talk. I'm a good listener when I need to be. I'm also good at pretending and Parkinson lets me pretend like I fuck her," Draco said, shrugging slightly,

"Why does Pansy let you make out you've slept with her?" I asked, looking at the bemused look on Draco's face, "I'm not judging you or her, I promise,"

"It's a win-win for the both of us. It makes her more desirable, and it makes me look like a better man," Draco said nonchalantly,

"You've said before that you've done things with her... why didn't you-"

"Why didn't I fuck her then?" Draco interjected.

I nodded my head, chewing on the inside of my cheek, picking at the skin of my finger, forcing myself to appear okay. I wanted to show Draco that I was cool and collected, but on the inside, I was filled with jealousy.

"She wanted to wait for the right person, I did too. We both got cum... seemed like a good compromise," Draco said with an indifferent tone,

"So, did you? Lose it with the right person, I mean," I said, feeling my heart pounding in my chest,

"I think you know the answer to that, Parsons. Or do you want me to say it?" Draco smirked,

"I would quite like to hear you say it out loud, yes," I said to him simply,

"Yes, I did in fact lose my virginity to the right person. She's this dumb, cute little Hufflepuff who has completely enamoured me," Draco said, leaning forward and planting a peck on my lips.

As Draco sat back down, I couldn't help but grin to myself. My heart was bursting, and I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

"Draco... has Blaise slept with any one of my friends, do you know?" I asked him, out of morbid curiosity more than anything,

"Just one," Draco said, looking at me, trying to gage my response,

"Who?!" I gasped, trying to hide my surprise, as I was really expecting him to say no,

"Lavender Brown," Draco said, raising his eyebrows at me slightly,

"Lavender?! You're kidding?" I said with widened eyes and an open mouth,

"Yes, but you can't say anything, Parsons. They wanted to keep it quiet, but Zabini has the biggest mouth. We said we'd just keep it amongst each other," Draco said, with a seriousness to his tone,

"Of course, Draco. I just never would have put Blaise and Lavender together. Are you sure Blaise had a thing for me last year?" I said with a low chuckle, knitting my eyebrows together,

"It was to try and forget about you, Parsons. I didn't lie about that," Draco looked me up and down,

"I never meant to call you a liar, Draco, honestly!" I said immediately, "I've just always thought when you like someone, having sex with other people wouldn't be on your mind,"

"I guess boys are different in that way. Zabini has mainly fucked Slytherins, a few home educated girls we've met through events, and a Beauxbaton," Draco shrugged,

"I assume Theodore has slept with Daphne Greengrass? They were together for a little while, weren't they?" I asked, picking at the grass,

"Yeah, they were always at it. I don't talk to Nott too often, however, so I just listen in when he and Zabini speak. I don't even know why they split up, and I don't particularly care," Draco remarked, "Around a year I think they were together. This is just between us, but Greengrass even had a pregnancy scare a few months back,"

"It's sad they broke up, they always looked really happy. A pregnancy scare? That's mad. They were such a good-looking couple, too-" I clamped my mouth shut, feeling like an idiot, hoping Draco wouldn't be upset with me for calling another boy good looking,

"Not that I care, but I suppose it was nice to see them both happy," Draco said with a small shrug, "And I have to agree, Parsons, they were aesthetically quite a nice pair," he added with a chuckle.

I looked over at him, squinting in the sunlight, and enjoying one of our last proper conversations. I was just glad he didn't seem upset at me calling Theodore Nott good looking. The more I spoke to Draco, the more interesting I found him. Giving him up was going to be hard.


A couple of hours had passed, and we found ourselves back in the Slytherin common room. We debated walking into Hogsmeade after all, but neither of us could be bothered. I also needed the cold air, and slight breeze, because I couldn't cool myself down. My cheeks were still red, and my body temperature was still raised.

Draco was holding my hand, our fingers interlaced as we sat on the sofa, looking out into the Black Lake, like I'd requested. A mother and baby Grindylow swam past the floor-to-ceiling window, and I marvelled at the sight. I'd never seen a baby Grindylow before.

I felt his eyes burning into my skin, so I tore myself away from the creatures in the Black Lake and looked at the Slytherin boy. He had a genuine, big smile on his face. His teeth was showing, and all his facial features softened. Merlin, he looked so beautiful.

I was suddenly hit with an overwhelming urge to make him feel good. I hadn't had the courage yet to pleasure him, and I wanted to make him feel spoilt with pleasure for once. I wanted him to be the entire focus of my attention. Mainly, I wanted to keep that smile on his face.

"Draco, can I try something?" I asked, my heart hammering, and a rare burst of bravery taking over me,

"Sure..." Draco said, his tone laced with confusion, and his eyebrows pinched.

Taking a deep breath, I hoisted myself off the sofa and knelt down in between his legs, my chest rising and falling rapidly, and the pit of my stomach in a tight knot. My hand was shaking as I started to unzip his trousers.

Draco took hold of my hand and stopped me from unzipping his slacks any further. Cupping my face, looking at me directly in the eyes, his breath was just as heavy as mine.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Parsons?" Draco asked,

"Don't you want me to?" I chewed on the inside of my cheek, feeling more nervous than ever,

"I've wanted those pretty lips wrapped around my cock ever since that day I kissed you in the library, I just don't want you to do it if you're uncomfortable," Draco grazed his thumb over my bottom lip,

"I want to, Draco. I want to make you feel good," I said to him quietly,

"Hang on, before you continue-" Draco leant behind his back and grabbed a cushion from off the sofa, "Kneel on that, darling, it'll be more comfortable,"

Putting the cushion underneath my knees, I continued unzipping Draco's trousers, he sprung out of his boxers, already hard.

"If you want to stop, don't hesitate. I don't want you doing anything you don't want, okay?" Draco said, nodding at me reassuringly.

I tried to remember all of what Hannah had told me about pleasuring a boy with your mouth. I took another deep breath and began sucking gently on his tip, adjusting to his size.

I twirled my tongue all across his red and swollen tip and placed my hand on the base of his already throbbing cock. I started to rub my hand up his shaft in a twisting motion, using my spit to help my hand glide better.

"Oh, fuck," Draco moaned,

"Was that not good?" I whimpered, slowly stroking his shaft, looking up at him,

"Don't stop, darling, you're fucking incredible," Draco nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I took that as my cue to continue on and my bravery now far overtaking my nerves. I licked long, slow, deliberate strips along his cock and swirling my tongue across his tip as I reached the top.

I remembered Hannah saying no matter what – be careful of your teeth. So, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and used as much saliva as I could produce.

I sucked a little harder at his tip, as that's where he seemed to like it more. My grip was getting tighter as I rubbed all along his shaft.

Draco had flung his head back against the back of the sofa and his eyes were shut tightly. I looked up at him through my eyelashes and saw his Adam's apple bobbing.

My mouth made a gentle pop against his tip and Draco inhaled sharply. Thinking back to my conversations with Hannah, she also said not to neglect his balls, so I took them in my hand and rolled them around gently, using my tongue all against the veins on his cock.

"I'm not going to last much longer, fuck, Madeline," Draco moaned, opening his eyes, and looking straight down at me, his eyebrows knitted.

Hearing that spurred me on and I was determined to make him cum. I picked up my pace and sucked a little harder, using a wad of spit on my hand, I found a speed and grip that Draco seemed to like.

Draco's breathing was becoming louder and more erratic and I could tell he was really close to orgasm. I found my own legs were spreading wider as seeming him so enthralled by my mouth was turning me on.

"Yes- just like that, baby-"

Using every ounce of determination I had, I brought Draco to climax, and he groaned as hot white liquid shot into my mouth. I didn't know what to do now, so I just looked up into his eyes with a mouthful of his cum. Trying to communicate with Draco nonverbally, asking him what to do.

"That's it, swallow it like the good girl I know you are," Draco nodded, his breathing heavier and deeper than ever.

I tried to hide my grimace as I swallowed his cum, but Hannah couldn't have been completely honest about how disgusting it was, because she always said it wasn't too bad. The corners of my lips turned down and my eyebrows were pinched.

"That's something you'll get used to," Draco chuckled, holding his hand out to help me back onto the sofa.

I smoothed my skirt down and threw my hair behind my shoulders. Draco put his arm around me and sighed, puffing his cheeks out.

"Are you sure you've never done that before? Fuck you were good," Draco asked, leaning forward, and kissing me gently,

"I'm sure," I blushed, feeling a small smile creep on my lips. I felt strangely proud of myself, "You kissed me after-" I pointed my head to his crotch, "In my mouth,"

"Yeah..." Draco cocked his head slightly,

"Oh, it's just I know Seamus wouldn't kiss Hannah until she'd swilled her mouth out with something, I thought that was normal," I said with a small shrug,

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me, fucking Gryffindors," Draco scoffed,

"Hannah says that Seamus reckons it's gross," I said,

"Well, it's my cum? It's not weird. It's no different to me having my mouth on that perfect pussy of yours then kissing those pretty lips," Draco said, kissing my neck, "That reminds me... did you do what I asked you to last night?"

Shit. He remembered. I was hoping I had gotten away with it, hoping Draco had forgotten after all.

"No, I got too embarrassed," I looked away, hiding my crimson cheeks. I could have lied and told him that I touched myself, but I didn't see the point,

"You could have always imagined it was me," Draco grabbed my face and our eyes lock, but I covered my face with my hands and giggled.

Draco tore my hands away and kissed my cheek, his eyes still boring into mine.

"Do it now, on the sofa, I'll watch. Maybe you'll feel a little more comfortable about it then," Draco said quietly, his eyebrow arched,

"What?! You can't watch me do that... that is so embarrassing," I gasped, trying to conceal how pathetic I must have sounded,

"Why is it embarrassing, Madeline? I've touched you, I've eaten your pussy, I've fucked you," Draco said, his hand travelling up my skirt. He swiped his finger across my folds and up along my entrance, "You're already so wet,"

"T-that's different," I whimpered, biting down on my bottom lip,

"No, it isn't, it's just you and me here, you don't need to feel embarrassed when you're with me," Draco said to me in a reassuring yet firm way.

Draco was now knelt in between my legs, and he grabbed hold onto the edges of my knickers and took them off, throwing them down onto the floor, his eyes not leaving me the entire time. He leant forward and kissed me gently, before positioning my legs into a 'V.'

"I want to watch you," Draco said softly.

He grabbed my middle and forefinger and helped guide me where to touch myself. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. Having Draco's fingers over mine initially helped me greatly.

I decided to let my body take control and try to push away all my thoughts of insecurity. My middle finger gently stroked over my clit and my body jolted harshly. Draco was right, I was really wet.

I circled my fingers over my secret little button and started to moan in unison with my heavy breaths. I popped my forefinger into my entrance and Draco grabbed hold of my thighs, stroking them gently with his cold hands, making my spine shiver.

"You are so fucking hot, you are, Madeline. I think you deserve a little something for being such a good girl for me, don't you?" Draco whispered.

He leant forward and started to lick strips all along my lips, sucking on them softly, before landing on my clit. He spread my legs even wider and began swirling his tongue all over my pussy.

Taking hold of my hand, he was using my own finger to plunge deeply inside me, as well as sucking, kissing, and licking my clit. My back arched with the sensation.

"That's it, I want to feel you drip down my throat," Draco said, his tone had a certain drawl to it.

Using his own finger as well as mine still, he was sucking gently on my clit and my body was writhing, contouring, unable to control my movements. Draco prized my legs open as far as they would go and he was thrusting his middle and ring finger into me with more pressure, my own hands were rested on his head of white-blonde hair, my hips bucking against his face.

I could feel the wave of climax begin to creep over me and my moans were getting louder and harder to keep under control. Draco looked up at me and I looked down at him at the same time.

He dug his face deeper into my entrance and began strumming at my clit with his fore and middle finger, his tongue exploring every single fold.

"Oh, Draco! I'm going to- I'm going to-"

And with that, he held onto my thighs tightly again and began licking and sucking at my clit with more pressure and more intensity than before. The pit of my stomach felt like it was going to explode, and my eyes rolled back into my head.

My thighs squeezed against his temples as my entire body started to spasm and shake. My fists were white balls, my elbows were pressed against my body, and my back was arching more. I had to bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself screaming, as I was more conscious of the fact we were in the castle, not alone in Hagrid's Hut.

Draco joined me back on the sofa, as we were both out of breath, warm, and elated, from both making each other cum. We were leant against the back of the sofa, Draco's arm back around me, and we were sat in silence.

"You know, if you hadn't of made me cum, I would have fucked you," Draco said eventually, his other hand rested across his torso,

"That was- that was good," I said to him simply.

I looked up at the enchanted clock and noticed that classes will be finishing in just half an hour's time. I was still reminded of the time I was first in here and Riley and her friends were being cruel about me.

The only good thing about that experience was that later on that evening, Draco called me 'Madeline' for the first time. I still got butterflies soar through me whenever he called me by my first name.

"Do you want to know something?" Draco said out of the blue,

"Sure," I responded, craning my neck to look at him more clearly,

"I've always been attracted to girls that make me feel powerful. But you, Madeline... fuck-"

"I know, I'm nothing like them," I forced out a laugh as I interrupted Draco,

"No, you're the only girl who's made me feel fucking weak. I don't know what you've done to me, Parsons," Draco remarked almost instantly, stroking my arm gently.


Draco and I were back up in the Astronomy Tower after eating dinner. We were standing up against the railings, looking out into the starry night's sky, and I felt a pang of sadness hit me for some reason.

"Why can't we be together, Draco?" I asked, looking out into the night's sky,

"Madeline," Draco said with a frustrated, knowing tone, staring down at me with a stoic expression, "Don't do that. You know why,"

"I know, I know. But it's just- we both want to be together, or at least, I know I want to be with you. We're clearly drawn to each other," I said with a small shrug,

"Oh, come on, you know if things could be different I'd want to be with you too, that's not fair," Draco said, shaking his head,

"But you called me your girl earlier, that has to mean something, doesn't it?" I said, trying as hard as I could to hide how sad I was,

"And you will be, a small part of you will always be mine. I fucking gave myself you, all of myself. Don't you understand how big that is for me, Madeline?" Draco said with a stern tone,

"These past few days together, unless I've just imagined it, have been more than just mindless fun to pass the time. It's been more," I mumbled, feeling my chest tighten,

"You know I feel the same way. Madeline, we've spoken about this before-"

"Yeah, well I'm sorry I'm not a rich Pureblood," I muttered biting down on my bottom lip, a small crack in my voice,

"Don't say that-"

"We both know it's true though, don't we? It's my fault we can't be together, all because my mother is a Muggle," I said, pushing down the humiliation and pain,

"It's more complicated than that, sweetheart," Draco said, resting his hand over mine, our fingers interlacing slightly, "You were right, you know," he added,

"Right about what, Draco?" I asked him, knitting my eyebrows slightly,

"When you said I was desperate for love. Well, desperate isn't quite the word I'd use, but when I was with Yates, I did only get with her because she made me feel wanted. I've always wanted love and everything that comes with it, I've just never felt deserving of it. I've always thought it was just something other people had," Draco shrugged his shoulders,

"That feels like a lifetime ago, doesn't it? Well, as spiteful as your assessment of me was – yours was pretty much spot on. I have always been jealous of Hannah and Seamus, then I was jealous of you and Riley... and now I'm with you, it feels wrong that we can't be together," I said to him truthfully,

"Yes, I know what you mean. It's like a cruel twist of fate. 'Hey, here's the person that might actually be perfect for you, too bad you can't have her.' It's just fucked," Draco said with a slight exhale of breath.

Draco was right, it was cruel that I was having to give him up so soon. It was unfair, things between us were only just unfolding. Every inch of my being was afraid. I was so frightened that I'll never feel the way I do when I'm with Draco ever again. He made me feel more alive than I ever thought possible.

"You know I wish more than anything things could be different, Madeline. But my parents and my friends, they'd never accept you. And I'm sure your parents and friends would feel the same about me. I can't say I haven't noticed the way Weasley looks at me when we're together. I hate it, I really do," Draco said,

"It's just- it's not fair," I said, swallowing the lump that was sat in my throat,

"I know it's not fair, my darling. Who knows, maybe one day when we've left Hogwarts, we can run away somewhere together. Just you and me – somewhere no one knows us. That's if you haven't forgotten about me by then," Draco said with a forced chuckle,

"I could never forget about you, Draco. I would wait a lifetime to be with you," I told him honestly,

"That means the world to me, love," Draco said, interlocking his fingers with me, "And I believe you mean it, but I think you and I both know that you deserve someone a million times better than me,"

"That's not true, Draco. You're the only person who makes me feel this way, like I can do anything," I said, trying to hide my shaky breath,

"It is, darling, I am no good for you. You're probably going to end up with someone like Baldwin or Potter, as much as I hate to think about it, and I'll probably end up with someone like Yates or Parkinson. You'll be Aurors and we'll be the fucking Death Eaters you lock up," Draco said with a small shrug.

I looked up at Draco and felt my lip start to quiver. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me close. I rested my head on his chest and stood there, listening to his heartbeat. I shut my eyes tightly, wanting to stay here forever.

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