A Surprisingly Successful Stu...

By AlitheTyper

136 10 1

The exams are nearing close and Fulgur Ovid requested the help of his ador- I mean reliable senpai, Shu Yamin... More



86 5 0
By AlitheTyper

"Thanks you so much again Shu-senpai!" Fulgur said with a bow as he laid his notebooks on kotatsu in Shu's room.

"Ah it's no problem at all Fu-chan," Shu replied. "I needed to get some studying done anyway". He sat down next to Fulgur and began pulling out the textbooks.

As the exams were nearing more and more students spent their time studying. Fulgur Ovid, although an already smart student, still needed help with some of the math (that goddamn math), and so he requested the help of his kind, smart, (and adorable) senpai, Shu Yamino, for assistance, to which he obliged.

The two boys sat side by side as they studied, occasionally asking each other for help. A few hours went by, with the boys getting most of their studying done. Shu more so than Fulgur as Fulgur was getting distracted everytime time Shu made a little pout when he came across a problem he struggled with. So cute.. He couldn't help but stare a bit, only to realize a moment later how creepy that is and turning away, burying his face in the textbook.

As the evening went on, Fulgur opened his math textbook to the page which he struggled least to understand. Ah shit... He turned to his senpai, "Hey Shu?"

"What is it?" Shu replied without looking up from his notes.

"Can you explain this problem to me? I can't wrap my head around it." Shu looked over to Fulgur as he pointed to the problem in question.

Shu leaned over to look at the textbook, his shoulder lightly touching Fulgur's. "Oh yeah that's a hard one. It's a 3 step process for this one," Shu began as Fulgur's mind was on their shoulders, the closeness. He glanced over to Shu, his long dark purple lashes hovering over his bright amethyst eye. Fulgur always thought Shu's eye were pretty, beautiful even, captivating. "Fu-chan?" Those sharp violet eyes stared into his own and he felt like drowning. "Fuuu-chaaan?" The pink lips perked as they uttered his name. More...I want to hear more... Shu was mesmerizing-


Fulgur jumped from his seat, hitting his knees against the wooden top of the kotatsu. "Shi-" He winced and grabbed his knee in pain, the exact thing he needed to stop his mind from filling with Shu. What the fuck am I thinking!? Have I no self control!? We're supposed to be studying for fucks sake! Fulgur dared not to look Shu in the face as he continued to hold his knee. Not only did I not hear a word of his help and stared at him like a creep, I also went ahead and embarrassed myself! What is strong with meee!??

"Umm... Fulgur?" Fulgur looked up to Shu's beau- concerned face. "You alright?"

Fulgur let go of his knee and stood up. "Yep yep! Perfectly fine," he winced. "Just umm zoning out a bit cause uh..tired from.. exams and all. You know..." He brushed off the physical and emotional pain.

"I see. If you're tired, how about we stop here for today? I can get some biscuits and tea for us?" Shu offered kindly. It was almost like there was a halo above his head. That or Fulgur hit his head instead of his knee.

"Um yeah yeah that would be much appreciated," Fulgur sat down carefully. "Thank you, Shu."

Shu stood up, "No problem. Just sit tight and I'll get them." He left the room with a smile, closing the door slightly as he did.

Fulgur let out a huff of air. He placed his head on top of the table and screamed into the blanket of the kotatsu to drown out the noise. God that was embarrassing.. He took a breath in and out, composing himself for the time being. He lifted his head and began clearing the kotatsu for the snacks. No more of that Fulgur.. He's your senpai and friend, you have to learn to control yourself! He kept murmuring to himself as he cleaned.

"Fu-chan! I got the snack and tea," Shu exclaimed as he brought a tray of biscuits, cookies, various cut up fruits and, of course, tea. He placed the tray on the table of the kotatsu and sat down next to Fulgur who was as stiff as a board. "Ah! Thanks for cleaning that table Fu-chan, I just noticed."

"No problem Shu," Fulgur replied and attempted to relax, making sure not to think anything inappropriate of Shu.

Shu grabbed the remote that was sitting on the counter. "Anything you wanna watch, Fu-chan?"

You. "Anything is fine with me," Fulgur replied casually.

"Okey!" Shu turned to the TV and browsed through. "Hmm! Oh how about this one?"

Fulgur looked at the TV, "Oh I didn't see this one yet. Let's go with that." Fulgur reached for one of the cookies on the tray.

"Oki!" Shu pressed play and at the same time reached for a biscuit. Distracted by the TV, Shu's hand touched Fulgur's as they reached for their sweets.

Fulgur pulled his hand back immediately. Just as I was starting to get comfortable again! His mind raced. "S-sorry" he quietly apologized.

"No worries," Shu grabbed the biscuit and then Fulgur grabbed his cookie.

A few episodes passed and the two were very into the anime. It has a strong opening and very good art style, a rather captivating story as well. Fulgur reached for another cookie but couldn't feel anything on the tray. He looked down from the TV to notice that it was empty. I should go get more.

"Hey Shu?" Fulgur turned his head to look at him "I think I'll-" He stopped, mesmerized by Shu's angelic face. His eyes focused on the TV with the reflection of the screen glistening on his amethyst eyes. His mouth slightly agape as he watches, holding an apple slice to his mouth but never taking a bite for the anime was too distracting to him. He was leaning slightly towards the TV, his raven hair falling across his neck with his bangs clipped to the side with a cute banana clip. Occasionally, the corners of his mouth would twitch up and a snicker would escape his pink lips as a funny moment played on the TV.


A look of pure innocence and fascination, the face that Fulgur would die to keep sacred.


The eyes that he wishes would shine only for him.


A joke plays on the TV and a sweet sound escapes his lips. A voice which Fulgur wishes would greet him with "good morning".


A hand reaches for Shu, cupping his rosy cheeks in it. Shu's eyes turn from the TV to the taller man.

"Fu-chan?" He said as the reflection of the TV glowed in the corner of his eyes.

Fulgur lowered his head, his lips nearing the others.


"Is someth-" Their lips touched and the noises of the room faded into the background.

I love Shu.


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