The Twins

By Kate_Is_A_Writer

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sisters set against the world to survive, where as their family rather them merge and kill one or the other... More

Chapter One: The Twins
Chapter Two: Our Past Brings A Killer To Town
Chapter Three: Kate's Break Down
Chapter Four: Aftermath
Chapter Five: Euphoria
Chapter Six: The Journal
Chapter Seven: We are Heretics
Chapter Eight: The Parents
Chapter Nine: My Sister
Chapter Ten: Kenneth James
Chapter Eleven: Shylo
Chapter Twelve: The First Heretic And His Daughter
Chapter Thirteen: No Humanity
Chapter Fourteen: The Ripper Inside
Chapter Fifteen: The Makeup
Chapter Sixteen: The Pack
Chapter 17: Aiden And Shylo
Chapter Eighteen: What Am I Feeling?
Chapter Nineteen: Am I Falling?
Chapter Twenty: The Alpha Is A Complicated Subject
Chapter Twenty One: Natalie's Little Problem
Chapter Twenty Two: The Baby
Chapter Twenty Three: The Trip
Chapter Twenty Four: Finding Lewis
Chapter Twenty Five: Sophie's Heartbreak
Chapter Twenty Six: Choosing
Chapter Twenty Seven: If I Fall
Chapter Twenty Eight: I can't Breathe
Chapter Twenty Nine: Falling For Someone I Shouldn't
Chapter Thirty One: Who The Hell Are You?
Chapter Thirty Two: Learn To Live
Chapter Thirty Three: Everything Ends Sooner Or Later

Chapter Thirty: Kol And Rebekah

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By Kate_Is_A_Writer

We walked together back to the camp settlement hoping the moods of others would cheer us up. We couldn't have been more wrong. When we got back there's two unknown people walking up to us. "Aiden, this doesn't look good." I warn. "She's right, my sweets. This isn't good. Hand over Lewis Appenzeller and we won't have any problems." The female speaks up in a British accent. "What do you want with him? As it turns out he happens to be a rather valuable asset to us." Aiden responds stepping in front of me. "What my dear sister meant to say is, I am Kol and this is my sister Rebekah Mikaelson. We are two of the original vampires. If you wish to live, Hand over Lewis Appenzeller." The boy says, also with a British accent. Hushed voices whisper around the fire, it appears I'm not the only one who has heard of the original family. "Take him, Just leave the people gathered here alone. They've done nothing wrong." I respond to them glancing at Shylo hoping this won't hurt her. The blonde girl known as Rebekah walks towards Lewis and snaps his neck, tossing him over her shoulder, she begins walking away when Shylo pipes in "I'm afraid I can't let you take him." she says flinging the much older and much stronger vampire with magic. Grabbing her father she begins to retreat back to a tent when the one known as Kol hits her harder than I ever thought possible. "YOU BITCH." Rebekah screams, running back over and shoving her hand deep into Shylo's chest. "For that I think I'll take your heart." she says as Shylo's face contorts in agony. She looks Shylo in the eyes. And begins talking except, it looks like she is trying to compel Shylo. But Shylo is a witch, she can't be compelled. "In exactly one minute, you're going to feel the overpowering desire to run from me. Then in a minute and a half, you're going to answer your desire." She says. "Why are You wasting your time compelling a witch? they can't be compelled, not even by you." At this the old one smiles devilishly. "She's part Vampire. And that, that honey I can compel." I gasp knowing this is true, but she's right. That means Shylo's going to..... "NO!! You can't do this to her! Please, I'm begging you to stop." She smiles again. "Too late." she says right as Shylo tries running away at full vampire speed. She falls to the ground lifeless, her heart being held but the bloodthirsty manic in front of me. I scream, dropping to my knees. The second my knees hit the ground I feel my magic become momentarily uncontrolled. Red and Purple fumes of what I'm assuming are corporeal magic going flying everywhere, making my scream echo and bounce. One minute its quiet the next, the scream has bounced off a tree and is right in your ear. "JUST TAKE HIM AND LEAVE." I scream at her. "So you're a heretic too Hmm? Well I'll leave you be since You Haven't done anything to Bloody Piss me off like this one here."She motions to Lewis, who is slumped over her shoulder now. "But I suppose since you are a heretic, I'll leave you with a gift. Another of Your Kind!" She Looks at Kol, who throws a rather large bag at me with a thud it hits the ground in front of me, by the time I look up they are gone. I open the bag, hoping this isn't some body as a sick joke. When I see a living breathing girl. She looks to be about Sixteen, Black curly hair, medium height, skinny, as if she hasn't eaten in days. And most importantly she's Not a Vampire. They lied. "You deal with this. I..... I just I Just can't." I say nodding at Natalie and running to the tent. I curl up in a ball and begin crying when someone comes into the tent. "Hey." Duchess announces herself. "Go away, I don't Need Your Pity." I tell her, just wanting to be alone right now. "I'm not here to pity you Kate. I'm here to take your mind off of it. You still want to know how I controlled my mind and shift last night?" I sigh, she's not going to leave me alone until she thinks I'm doing better, especially not after last night. "Yeah. I do." I told her. And so she begins. "I was in Washington, And I met this Alpha. Henry Burbutch, a really nice guy. His family passed down traditions. He and his wife, well, Fiancé at the time, Were going to perform a tradition at their wedding. And he claimed that anyone who stuck around for the ceremony, wouldn't be bound to the moon anymore. We would have heightened strength, speed, smell, and full control over our shifts. I didn't believe him at first, but then I figured 'why not stick around. If he is telling the truth, I'll get control finally. If not, I'll have gotten to attend a wedding for the first time.' So I stuck around." she tells me. "And he was telling the truth?" I ask somewhat interested in all this. "He was. The second they kissed, his eyes and hers glowed yellow as if it were a full moon and the shift was beginning. Then it slowly but surely happened to everyone in the crowd one by one. Then it happened to me. I felt this pressure lift off of my shoulders. It was like I was being freed. My eyes gleamed and were warm. That afternoon, I ran deep into the woods and Imagined every bone in my body breaking and rebreaking. And I started turning, at will." I gasp taking this all in. "all that really happened to you, and you didn't tell me?" She sighs. "Well we weren't really in the best of places at the time." I sigh also. "Yea I suppose we weren't." She chuckles and goes to leave, stopping when I call out her name. "Duchess" She turns back around and looks at me smiling. "Yea?" she asks. "I'm Still In Love With You." I blurted before I could Think about what I was going to say. "I know. I've always known Kate. You never did stop Loving me, You were just hurt. And for that I'll never forgive myself." "I'm sorry." I don't know why I'm apologizing to her but I don't care either. "It's my choice. Later Kate." she said as she stepped out of the tent. Now that I'm alone, I let myself think about Shylo. She was going to be someone, in the end she just wanted her dad. And I just offered him up on a silver platter. She looked so broken before she ran. I can't imagine what it was like for her. Knowing she was going to die. Knowing how it was going to happen, and not being able to do anything about it at all. I lay down on the mat Set up for me to sleep on, And the tears start falling, faster than before. My eyes began to get sore before I noticed it. She's dead. And It's my fault. She was my best friend, and I just offered her dad up like that. What kind of person does that? What kind of person am I? I wonder if she'll find peace? Or what it's like when we die. Do we just become nothing? Is it like a plane of dead people just hanging out? Is it heaven and hell like the Christian Bible says. Or is it Olympus, Asphodel, and the Underworld as I have grown to believe in over the years. I don't know. I just hope it's better than here. "I'm So Sorry Shylo. This is all my fault. I should have been the one to protect him and die in your place. Not you." I whisper hoping wherever, or whatever she's in or at, She can hear me. "I promise you Shylo Gean Appenzeller, No Matter what, I won't let myself heal from this until I see her dead. Goodbye friend." I cry out. 

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