One Piece Reaction to memorie...

By Azill_Kun231

318K 4.1K 971

that man, he did this for his own good?! you've got to be kidding us! Monkey D. Luffy, that boy is somehow a... More

[Start] Where are we?!
[Reaction] Monster trio
[Reaction] Who is he? (My AU)
[Break] memes
[Reaction] Trio Worst Generation
[Side Story+Reaction] Brothers
[Reaction] the Father's sin
[Reaction] Family
⚠️[Reaction] Gear (s)⚠️
[-] Resting
[Memories] Anchor (1)
[Special] Luffy's birthday
[Bonus || Zoro] Eye
[Special 22k] 1015 Spoilers!⚠️
[Promotion] Story: Where not supposed to be are
[Bonus || Shanks] Red Hair's point of view
[Special 45k] Trailer(s) Film RED
[A/N] :'D
[Reaction] Dark!Luffy
[Reaction] Modern (Celeb) AU

[Break] Pics

16K 220 51
By Azill_Kun231

are you guys seriously insane? what the hell, really, I left for a while and come back to see 52k views.. and 190+ followers

anyway, sorry for the late update. got busy with school.



[contain uncanon scenes, swearing]

"Where's Luffy?" the Strawhat looking around to search their captain, even if he's from the future.

"I remember Luffy-san go to the door Azill-san said.. but he have been there since hour ago. Yohohoho." said Brook.

"don't worry about Strawhat Luffy." inform Azill. "as Brook said, he was eating in the room I prepare for him, and now he's asleep."

"what? haish.. I thought I can have a long talk with Lu.. Luffy've been avoiding me since he's here.." Ace stop his sentence when he remember what Sabo said about why Luffy avoid him.

"it's okay, Ace. Actually, Luffy will not come back here."

"EEH?!!" what Azill said clearly shock the entire peoples who was having a comfort while the strawhat here.

"let me finish! as I said, he will not come back here as when he woke up in the room, I will teleport him back to his timeline.. I've been holding him from his fight so long, and I just realize that will change something in the future if I held him much longer." explain Azill.

whimpers and whines heard through the theater. it comes from exactly pirates crews who adores Luffy, as much as his.

Azill sigh and sweatdrop at the sight of the faces whines. "how about I bring someone else?"

"someone else?" 

"yes yes.. thought I don't know who.. ah, as now you're having a break. cuz of course for you but actually it because I need to give some work to my assistant too." explain Azill.

"okay.. but who will you bring?"

"my friend and someone from the future." said him short, leaving a questions on who is it to the minds of peoples.

"as I will not be in here for a while, I give the authorities to my friend. so I hope you'll get along with her." said him ending the explanation.

he then summoned (lol) the two person he said as everyone wait for them while curiosity on who is it took them over.

a woman with long blonde hair and ocean-sky eyes stood there with a mask placed on her forehead.

"Azill-san?" the woman raised an eyebrow seeing the older man took her here.

"sorry, Alexa. but can you please help me with this? I got something to do for a while." Azill explained to the blonde as she nod in understanding.

"okay, it's no problem."


a two person replied to the doctor of Strawhat before they realize something..

"Wait- ZORO?!" 


there stood a man with green short hair while holding a bottle of sake. he wear a black blank kimono that show his chest and a green Haramaki. he have a three gold earrings on his left ear and also a scar that straight on his left eye that did not open.

"huh? What?" Zoro, one that was from future look around confusedly as his hand slowly reach the handle of enma.

"Roronoa Zoro? what the heck..? I swear I did not choose you.. the fuck- don't tell me he's lost to here..?" the man who have the authority of the room mumble confusedly while staring at the swordsman.

"Zoro?" the blonde woman, known as Alexa raise eyebrow while calling Zoro, making the latter turn around to her.

"Alex? what you doing here? didn't you said you have some business with Jaggy?" Zoro, who seem to know the woman lower his guard while asking her.

"well, I was. I got to help my friend though." Alexa pointed at Azill. "and.. just say it, you're lost again, right? Usopp call me via den-den mushi about if I see you because you actually lost for a while.."

"W-what?! I'm not lost you fire woman!" Zoro defend himself of not wanting to say the truth that he was lost on the

"he's not change so much.. especially in his direction." mumble Nami through a small giggles alongside the crew except Zoro. 

hearing that, the past Zoro turn to his crew and define himself that he's not bad at direction.

"ugh.. anyway- because you already here, Roronoa, and I can't bring anyone except two persons to here for now.. you will staying here for a while." explain Azill. "understood?"

"what? staying?... you got any sake?" ask the older Zoro.

".... yes." Azill sigh, somehow already predicted this. "okay y'all! for now this fella from the future will be with you guys. and maybe it will be confusing especially for strawhat crew on how to call them, right? so just call this man-" he tap the older Zoro's shoulder, "-Roronoa. while the current Zoro will be called Zoro."

everyone nod on that as Azill smile tiredly and mention Roronoa to at least talk to his past crew before he get a sake from him. grumbling, Roronoa do what the man said as he walk to the crew and talk to them as Azill turn back to Alexa.

"can you handle it? I will be going just for awhile, not so much time."

"don't worry, Azill-san. I've been through something like this before." the woman said as he nod and bit goodbye before leaving the room of theater.

"okay.. now, did he said what will you guys reacting into next?" Alexa turn to the closest group of peoples and that is marines.

"well.. no. he did not." answer the low ranked marines.


"wait, I'm sorry for my impolite question, but who are you if I may ask?" Marco ask from his seat in the group of Whitebeard pirates.

"ah, Marco? You really not change that much.. oh right, it's okay. and for your question, my name is Earl D. Alexa. Marines call me the 'Devil fire' Alexa. while Government prefer calling me Eda as in my initial." answer Alexa calmly towards the 1st division commander.

"Alexa? never heard any pirate with that name.." mumble marines and pirates. everyone seem confused on who she is, but not for the revolutionary army who look calm in her presence.

"uhh.. right, I forgot about it. I'm a underworld dealer. All of you may know me as the light in the dark. I am a pirate, but I just make appearance around 1 year from your timeline." explain Alexa.

"Wait- you're Eda? Never I thought you're just a mere looking woman.. and a pirate at that." said one of the Gorosei.

"well nice to meet you again, the five elders of the World Government." greet Alexa with a small smirk towards the elders.

"huh? didn't you said you were once a pirate before becoming dealer?" spoke Zoro beside her- since when did he get there-

"it's a small promise towards a person I owe." said Alexa in whisper so that just Zoro that can hear it.

Zoro hummed in reply that he hear it and know she did not want to talk about it.

"u-uhh.. Miss Alexa? I'm sorry but if I may ask, what will our reacting be? I-I mean! Azill-san used to show use some pictures or videos in our break." said the Marine soldier Coby who almost go unrecognizable by the woman.

"what the heck-! You're Coby aren't you.. Whaaat..." facing the fact that the boy who asking her is the young man she met once is truly shocked for Alexa herself.

"uhh.. He used to do that? uhh well then I guess maybe there's some prepared things he prepare for you guys." Alexa, ignoring the sweat from shocked state decide to looking on the phone Azill left for her.

"Oh look he do prepare it."

"Ok then. While you guys having a break, the meals is right over there, I will be showing you some pictures known as fanarts. Zo- Roronoa, might as well tag along."

Roronoa just hummed while taking one bottle of sake and sit with his past crew.

"Okay then we'll start now." Alexa said before the screen lit up with everyone already relaxing with their own meals.

(if there's some already I show pictures to y'all, sorry.)

The strawhat somehow coughs seeing the picture that show up on the screen.

"Uhuk- umm, is that Luffy?"

"Yeah, and is that blood coming out of his eye- >:0" Chopper got into his doctor mode when seeing the pic.

"Luffy look kinda scary.." Usopp feel shiver running down his spine. Look at that gaze!

"Luffy really have grown up." Mutter two brothers, a grandpa, and two fathers (with one being just a father figure).

"Somehow Strawhat become scarier in the future.." mumble marines with cold sweat on his face.

'Is someone making him mad..?' the future first-mate of strawhat thought, with complicated look on his face seeing the pic of his captain glaring straight with a scary look.

"lmao." mutter Alexa seeing this. She know Yamato a bit so she find this funny.

"who's she- I mean him?" ask Roronoa with raised eyebrows towards the scene. (I don't know if Zoro has meet Yamato yet)

"you didn't know him?" ask Usopp looking at Roronoa. As it show from a few chapters ago, Yamato have been revealed to be Kaido's child.

"nope.. and wait- he's kaido's son?" surprise took over Roronoa's face for a second before going back to the normal one.

"Is that really the scenario?" ask Whitebeard looking at Kaido who huffed hearing the question.

"How can I even remember? It's a long time ago since the first time I call him "him" as my "Son"." answer Kaido carelessly.

"I don't even know how your family connection work, Kaido." said Big Mom making a comment.

"Shut Up, Linlin." grumbled Kaido.

'is that..?'

".. the sun god.." mumble Alexa.

"Luffy with swirly eyebrows???" Roronoa got into struck seeing Luffy with the same kind of eyebrows as the cook. He didn't even processing why his captain look like that.

"a two swirly eyebrows, perfect." grumbled Zoro.

"that's the form from last reactions, right?" ask Robin to her crew.

"yes. according to what I remember, it's Luffy's gear 5th and.. the sun god form.." Nami lowering her voice even more with every words.

"that form.." Akainu clicked his tongue seeing that majestic form again.

"... Sun God..." mutter Sengoku.

"Luffy.." the family of the latter mumble, seeing him in that form.

"What?" a two mossheads, and the cook mumbles in confusion.

"Oh this, haahaha." Alexa laugh seeing the pictures.

"I don't know but it feels suits on you guys." the strawhat crew chuckle seeing the duo looking cute with the ears and tails.

"mind explaining, Alex?" Roronoa ask her with a stare after.

"Haha.. well it just how sometimes people see you two like. Roronoa used to be seen as Tiger while Cook as fox, if I remember. But in the pic.. I don't know, dog and cat maybe?" explain the woman with a few giggles between it.

"a tiger..?" Mihawk mutter. he kind of feel people will see him as a.. hawk, a bird.

not just the warlord swordsman, but the other warlords feel it too. such as Crocodile and Doflamingo.

not just a second after, everyone (who find it funny) laughing hard seeing this, especially the strawhat.



"Fufufu, Chopper looks cute in that clothes."






"My son looks good in suit...- HAAHAHAHA THE OTHERS"

"What a crew they are, GURARARARA"


"Luffy looks good.. pfft- I'm sorry, but the others- I can't HAahaHAaha"

- After a minutes of calming down from laughing -

"Hah.. okay, next." said Alexa while still calming her breath.



"WHAT THE HECK! WHY ARE ALL OF THEM HAVING A YONKO'S BOUNTY?!" yell one of the five elders.

"not to mention the poster of Strawhat..."

"Waw.. so they did won the war." mumble Alexa.

"heeh.. so we won" state Roronoa to himself.

"Wait what?!"



"ah there's some note here. Azill-san said that the three of them got the same bounty, 3B belli, because they have defeated two emperors of the sea that have a total of 8,9B/9B? if together, so the government gave them each 3B for defeating the emperors." explain Alexa, who actually know who's the emperors is.

"THAT'S ABSURD! How can a mere rookies like them suddenly got that much bounty?!" yell Kaido.

"MAMAMAMA. Looks like the sea will be more interesting in the future." said Big Mom.

"Gurarararara! they reach something high." Whitebeard laugh while his children still processing everything.

"Yo- what?" Ace looks confused and shocked, did his little brother just got a 3B belli for his head

"Ace, I think.. Luffy really outstanding us." said Sabo with a bittersweet smile facing the truth.

"Ace's brother and his friend really is something-yoi." said Marco.

"agree," said Thatch, Haruta, Vista, Jozu, and Izou.

"anyway, looks like this will be the last pic."

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" The five elders stood and yell in rage seeing that 'person' with Strawhat.

"Who?" literally is everyone beside the one who know thought.

"the two of them are smiling to each other.. Luffy don't usually giving a wide smile to stranger-.." said Nami.

"so, they know each other?" ask Chopper.

"But there's something strange, why Luffy is in his gear form? and the place look rather unfamiliar." said Robin.

"is Luffy know her?" (It's 'her' because he see it as a woman) ask Ace looking at Sabo who shrugged as an answer.

"how do I know?"

"that place.. and the reaction of the elders.. don't tell me-!" Shanks' eyes widened when he got some theory on where is that. 'but no way, how is Luffy getting there?'

"Roronoa.. you seriously sleeping now?" ask Alexa who deadpanned seeing the man closing eye.

"hmp, without reacting I will know it later on." said Roronoa who didn't give any to reacting.

"you damn moss.." grumbled Alexa.

"Eda! Where the heck did this come out?!" the elders turn to Alexa and ask her the question she literally don't know the answer.

"I don't know, there's no note. and Azill-san will probably not gonna answer your question.. and if I remember.. this was just a theory, that's all." shrugged Alexa.

"You can't just say that likes it's nothing!" Yelled on of the elders.

"Eda. We know you know that person, and you know too how much that person authority have.." said on of the elders, slightly glare at the underground dealer.

"So what if I knew? That's not going to change anything." Reply Alexa giving a side glare to the five of them.

"Anyway, that's all! Take your break now. The next 'reaction' or whatever you guys call it will be when Azill-san arrived here." Inform Alexa, ending the ruckus of whisper from everyone.






Wow, kind of a lot words after I came back. Sorry for the late update, really, I was too busy with my school that I kind of forget to continue this.

For those who having a school or work, good luck.

And thanks for all the views and new followers. For those who's waiting the other books to be updated, please wait.

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