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By AnemicAnemia

46.4K 1.2K 5.5K

"๐–๐ก๐ฒ!? ๐–๐ก๐ฒ ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฌ๐ž!?" "๐๐ž๐œ๐š๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ˆ ๐ฅ๐จ... More

Major A/N
Early!Y/N x Reader


3.5K 82 333
By AnemicAnemia

You pushed open the gym doors, causing them to slam on the walls. You ran through the doorway, a tired Kokichi behind them. "Ha! I win!" You yelled. "That's no fair! You got a head start!" Kokichi exclaimed. There were a few glares on You two before they went back to what they were talking about.

"All 17 of us have gathered." Kirumi said. "It's pretty spectacular seeing all 17 of us Ultimates gathered together." Kaito said. "Hey Kokichi." You whispered. "Yeah?" He whispered back. "Is it just me or does Kaito look annoying as fuck?" You whisper asked. "Does he!?" Kokichi whisper yelled. We both started walking to an empty spot in the gym for us to stand.

"Kehehe... you may not as easygoing for much longer." Kiyo said. I hate your creepy aura, never come near me. "In this situation, it's no use thinking about things. So eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking." Tsumugi said. Why in the actual fuck are you talking in third person? "Nyeeeh... What's gonna happen to us? I bet it'll be a big pain..." Himiko said. "You're already a big pain!" You yelled. Tenko just shot you a glare and went back to talking to Himiko. "What? What are you looking at?" Himiko asked.

You decided to tune out of the conversation because it was getting boring. You came back to the world when Kiibo started talking. "Pardon me, but we need to be on our guard. We do not know if and when danger will strike." He said. You looked at Kokichi who was.. worried? You knew it was an act but you wentnalong with it. "D-Don't say that... I'm so scared... I don't know what to do.." Kokichi said. I want to join this act, but I won't. "There is no need to worry. Atua will protect us." Angie said. Will you shut up about Atua for at least one goddamn second? "Phew! That's a relief!" Kokichi exclaimed.

"Is your brain full of weeds or somethin'? I'll whack 'em outta that skull of yours!" Miu yelled. "I bet your brain is rotting due to the Scarlet Rot, so shut up will you?" You snapped. "Heeeeee! Wh-What the hell was that for!?" She asked. You just ignored her and payed attention to everyone else.

(A/N : If you've read I'm the Grim Reaper, you'll know what the Scarlet Rot is. But for those who don't know, it's a disease that rots your organs and you'll die from it.)

"Don't worry about it! Just leave it to me! If those teddy bears show themselves again, I'll kick all their asses!" Kaito exclaimed. "Kick their balls while you're at it!" You yelled. Kokichi was holding back a laugh. "Huh? What that?" Gonta asked. "What's wrong?" Ryoma asked. "Listen... Hear that?" Everyone shut up what they were talking about and listened. You grinned a little bit at what you heard. "Ah, I think I hear it. It sounds like an engine from a robot anime-" Before Tsumugi could continue, tank machine looking things appeared.

"Yoo-hoo! Rise and shine, ursine!"

Everyone was surrounded, including you, but you weren't as afraid as the others you actually had stars in your eyes. Tsumugi let out a blood curdling scream which could break anyone's eardrums. "Everyone, behind Gonta!" Gonta yelled. You did the opposite and stood a little bit in front of him to the side. "Wh-What the heck are these... monsters!?" Tenko asked. She was in a defensive stance if they were about to strike.

"Whoooooaaaa!!! So coooool!!!"

"Can I try?!!!!"

You and Kokichi said your statements at the same time. Everyone gave you both disgusted and confused looks.

"They're Exisals--highly mobile, bipedal weapon platforms! They got lotsa hometown pride too!" Monokid explained. Exisals? I wish I had one. "I can't keep track of these backstories.." Monosuke said. He looked at you, who was still waiting for an answer. "And no! You cannot try these!" You hung your head down. "Awww... You're no fun..." You looked as if you were about to cry, but you weren't.

"Wh-Whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos and save me for last! Starting with those two!" Miu yelled. She pointed at you and Kokichi. "Well fuck you too I guess." You said. "Run, Himiko!" Kokichi yelled. "Why are you concerned about me all of a sudden?" She asked. You snickered a little bit. "Hm, didn't someone saw they would 'kick all their asses'?" Maki asked. She shot a glare at Kaito. "Wh-What the hell!? Nobody told me about these!" Kaito yelled. "That's because nobody knew dumbass!" You yelled. Maki gave you a glare then looked back at the situation.

"Alright, chill out, we're probably not in any danger." Rantaro said. "If they wanted to kill us, they would've done it by now." Rantaro started walking towards the Exisals. "So... what do you want from us?" Rantaro asked. "You clearly want something, that's what the guns are for, right? Let me guess. You're gonna force us to do something, and if we don't, we get hurt. Well, you have our attention. So what do you want?"

"Huh. Well aren't you a wiseguy?" Monosuke said. "I'll start us off! Listen up! Here's what we want you punkasses to do." We all put our attention at Monokid. "My heart's goin' at 100 miles per hour! I'm gonna say it! You ready!?" Say it already.. I'm gonna fall asleep while standing up.. "Hell yeah! It's a-"


Heh. Cool voice. "What?" Kaede asked. "M-M-Mondam! How DARE you upstage me!" Monokid exclaimed. He seemed offended. "W-Wait a second. What did you say?" Tenko asked. Kiibo started talking, "I-If I heard him correctly-"


"Oh! He said it again!" Monotaro exclaimed. "Grrrrr! God damn it, Monodam! I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Monokid said. "C'mon, we don't have time to fight amongst ourselves." Monophanie said, trying to calm them down. "Yeah! If you don't stop fighting, I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Monotaro said. "You too, Monotaro?" Monophanie asked. "If this is what it's come to, then I will crush the four of you with this here Exisal!" Damn, even you Monophanie? Whatever. This is entertaining. "Hey! Why are you including me?" Monosuke asked. You let out a quiet snicker. "Oh well! It's more appropriate to be hostile to each other!" DAMN SHIT BOUT TO GO DOWN-

The Exisals started to walk towards each other, getting into fighting stances. "You wanna go, jabroni!?" Monotaro asked. Jabroni? "Who you callin' jabroni, jabroni!?" Monokid asked. "What'd you say, jabroni!?" Monosuke asked. What the fuck does jabroni even mean- "I'll throw down anytime, jabroni! Check yourself before you wreck yourself!" Monophanie exclaimed. DAMN EVEN MONOPHANIE NEVER MESS WITH GIRLS BRO THEY'LL MESS YOU UP- You were trying to hold back a laugh. All that was happening in front of you was hilarious to you.

"S-Seriously!? Are they gonna get it down right in front of us!?" Miu asked. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" You yelled. "Don't worry. Atua is watching over us." Angie said. "In a situation like this, is he just going to watch!?" Tsumugi asked. Who the fuck is he- "Either way, it's too dangerous! We need to get out of here or else-"

"Now, now, now..."

A different voice rang across the room. Hm?

"My cute little cubs... you gotta knock off this awful fighting..."

"Oh! That voice!" Monophanie exclaimed.

The Monokubs hopped out of the Exisals and landed on the stage. "Father!? Father is that you!?" Montaro asked. How the hell do you have a dad why didn't he stay at the grocery store looking for milk? "Papa Kuma! Papa Kumaaaaa!" Monokid yelled. Papa Kuma? "Daddy!? Where are you, Daddy!?" Monophanie asked. You groaned out of annoyance. Why couldn't they shut up? "D-Daddy?" Kaede asked. NOT YOU TOO, KAEDE-

The lights went out. It was pitch black. You got bored so you immediately went towards the Exisals in the back of the room. Luckily, they were still open. You got in the red on and shut the opening as quietly as you could. There was a windshield in order to see out of, but the other couldn't see through it. You saw a half black half white bear with wings before the wings fell off. He introduced himself as Monokuma, then you didn't listen to the conversation.

You began looking around the Exisal. You turned off the speaker so you could speak to yourself a bit. Just a bad habit you have. "What can I do in here?" An idea suddenly popped into your head. You grabbed some glitter bombs and set them around in the corners of the Exisal. You had the detonator on you, so you could set it off at anytime. You decided to relax in the Exisal for a while.

"Wait a minute, why is there only sixteen of you!? I thought I brought seventeen!" Monokuma said. Everyone just realized you were gone and started looking. You couldn't help but smile about the worried faces on some of the students. The Monokubs went to go check the Exisals, and you started to panic. You looked around quickly, and to your luck, there was a backdoor of the Exisal. You went towards the door, opened it, and shut as quietly as you could. You went to the gym doors, which was behind the Exisal you were in, and did the same thing. Luckily nobody saw you except Kokichi, but you didn't mind.

You stood outside of the gym when you heard Kokichi say something about you still being there, just probably not visible. "Thanks, Kokichi." You whispered, and went on to explore.


You walked in the halls, searching every room you came across. You ended up being in front of the girls bathroom door. "There's probably not anything in here, but whatever." You went inside and checked around. You put your hand on the wall, then you ended up in a completely different room. "What the hell?" You started looking around. There was a machine with a Monokuma on it. "The fuck is this?" You looked at the instruction manual on the side. "Say 'birth?' The fuck?" You set up an actual bomb next to it with the same detonator as the glitter bomb on you. You saw a programming computer, and you read through it.

1st Class Trial : Kaede Akamatsu --> Rantaro Amami

2nd Class Trial : Kirumi Tojo --> Ryoma Hoshi

3rd Class Trial : Korekiyo Shinguji --> Angie Yonaga , Tenko Chabashira

4th Class Trial : Gonta Gokuhara --> Miu Iruma

5th Class Trial : Kaito Momota --> Kokichi Ouma

6th Class Trail : Tsumugi Shirogane (me♡)

Your eyes widened at what you just saw. "These must be the victims and culprits.." You noticed there was an editing system to edit the program. "Let's spice things up a bit shall we?" You had a grin on your face while you're doing the changes. "So it seems Tsumugi's the mastermind of shindig, yeah? Well, I'm the mastermind now." You finished your changes and you were proud of what you've done.

1st Class Trial : Tsumugi Shirogane --> Rantaro Amami

2nd Class Trial : Kirumi Tojo --> Ryoma Hoshi

3rd Class Trial --> Korekiyo Shinguji --> Angie Yonaga , Tenko Chabashira

4th Class Trial --> Gonta Gokuhara --> Miu Iruma

5th Class Trial --> Maki Harukawa --> Kaito Momota

6th Class Trial --> Y/N L/N (me♧)

"There we go! I'm the mastermind now so it's logical that I die right? I'll wait for the mastermind here then!" You decided to set up the room how you would want it and left it be.


About 30 minutes later, you heard a door open. You looked up and saw who it was that came in.

"Hello, Little Miss Mastermind."

Tsumugi was standing there, wondering how you were there. "H-How did-" "I'll shut you up right there." You said, putting your index finger to her lips. "Do as I say, and you'll live." She nodded slowly. "Okay! Here's what I want you to do." You started. You got closer to her, and everytime she stepped back, you stepped forward. Her feet hit the wall, and you were in front of her. You held your hand in front of you.

"The keycard, Tsumugi."

She gave you the keycard, and you backed away, putting it in your pocket. "Okay! Next thing I want you to do." You said. You pointed towards the program you just changed. "I added some changes to it, and I want you to oblige by those changes." Tsumugi walked towards the program, and her eyes widened from shock. "What did you do!?" She asked. "Like I said, I changed it. Now," you walked up to her, "Go along with the program, and you won't get hurt." She nodded again. "And one more thing," you had a devilish look in your eyes, crazy screaming all over your face.

"I'm the mastermind now."


Words : 2155



I have no reason to put this . . . but by the time this is posted





I made art for our favorite little liar and trust me I'm glad I'm making this book too, so here's the fanart I made!

Thank you for reading and let us all celebrate this little liars birthday

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