Choices To Be Made

By lightfury08

246 14 4

(The Hidden Heros Remake) After a battle Ingressus finds himself in another world or another dimension. Afte... More

Battle At The Peak
Time and Patience
Future Time Future Problems

The Trial

30 4 2
By lightfury08

Note this might be my longest chapter because of all the dialogue that will happen and note some Aphmau characters make their appearance in the story. Hope you Enjoy Bye Otter Clan 🦦🦦🦦🦦 

Ingressus felt dizzy as he could hear voices here and there, "is it him?" one voice asked, "yeah it's him. Found him in a nearby town. Should we tell her majesty?" another voice asked, "No I'll tell her, and we'll see what she decides. Thank you" the voice replies and Ingressus felt the ground move so he must be in some sort of wagon, but the question remains where is Ingressus being taken...

Aaron's P.O.V
I looked at the so-called Deathsinger as he is unblindfolded and he looks around frantic, "what's going on!?" He asked and I nod to the guards as they leave, "are you Ingressus Voltaris?" I ask and he nods, "what do you want with me?" he hissed, "you went missing ten years ago. Someone is pretty dependent on getting you back. Although I'm not convinced you have changed since The Great War" I hissed and he looks at me with a smirk, "I have that kind of reputation" Ingressus said with a sarcastic tone, "If I'd know I would have asked for an autograph" I snap back and he chuckled, "why am I here?" he asked again, "you're here to be put on trial to see if you have acutally change and my fiance will make her judgment" I says and he looks at me with shock, "wow I didn't expect this kind of welcome home party" Ingressus rolls his eyes at me and my eye narrow. As I walk away I nod to the guards and they let me through. I planed to see you how this trial gose smoothly or will it go south.

Third Person
As People gathered to see the trial Ingressus looked around at all those faces. Some with fear others with hate but most were shocked. Ingressus saw a group of people along side the one how talked with him take seats in front of him. Ingressus couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Thalleous Sendaris as on of the members and at long last Achillean.

Ingressus' POV
I can't believe my eyes Achillean after all this time he's alive. But somethings off very off. Why is he wearing that mask? Is he trying to hide something? I need to get to the bottom of it.

Third Person
As a female werewolf took her seat along with the others a Male human walks in fornt of her facing the crowd, "We are gathered here for the trial of one Ingressus Voltaris also know as The Deathsinger. Ingressus you must swear you will tell only the truth. And if you lie we will know" he spoke and Ingressus nods," I swear" Ingressus said and the he turns to the female," Lady Aphmau, Queen of the Serpents ruler of our fine kingdom you will make your judgemet after each question and then tell us your decision" he said and she nods," Now you may ask your first question" he said backing up as he looks Ingressus dead in the eye," is it true you slaughtered thousands of innocent lives just to reclaim The Prime Songs?" Aphmau asked and Ingressus nods," yes I did" Ingressus answers plain and simple then Aphmau nods to the Kaltaris next to her,"Is it ture you killed three of the four Masters before the Great War?" he asked," yes I did. Aegus Nestoris" Ingressus spoke and he and Aphmau nod then Aaron stod up," why should we even begin to trust you" Aaron hissed," because even though I made mistakes I still deserve a second chance" Ingressus response and Aaron looked both shocked and impressed after sitting down Thalleous was next," is it ture that you hid your colors at the tournament for the Prime Songs?" Thalleous asked, "yes I did. But I didn't exactly hide my colors Aegus Nestoris initiated me into the clan" Ingressus explains and everyone looked shocked. The crowd began to gasp in shock and even Thalleous and the other members looked shocked as well. After Thalleous nods he looked at Achillean how got up and walked towards Ingressus. Standing in front of him he looked at him, "Ingressus..." he began, "are you sorry for what you have done?" Achillean asked and Ingressus knew that this answer would determine it all. He thought back to everything he did. Starting the war, hunting the Prime Songs. Even killing innocent lives. He knew his answer, "Yes I am" Ingressus says and everyone looked even more shocked than before and Achillean nods and retook his seat. The man from before walked up, "The council will now decide your fate. Pray to Irene that you have been forgiven" he says and the council all look to one another and then Aphmau looked at Ingressus, "even though your actions have shown a war we now see that you are sorry for this which is why we of the council decided..." she paused for a moment then spoke, "you have been forgiven. You may remain here with us but you will ha w to earn our trust" Aphmau says and the man frees Ingressus and Achillean gets up," might I suggest he stay with me?" Achillean said and Aphmau nods,"this trial is over. Have a good day to all" Aphmau said and everyone began to leave and Ingressus immediately to Achillean," come on. We have much to discuss"...

This is the longest chapter I've done because I couldn't think about what they would say and then we'll this came out and I'm proud of myself. I would love to here ideas for you guys anything helps. Also feel free to read my other story Senn The Halfing. It's a really thriller see y'all later bye 🦦🦦🦦🦦🦦🦦🦦

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