You saved me

By sadanne101

25.5K 773 370

Meredith Grey, double board certified surgeon in both neuro and general. She is a child prodigy and has been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Part 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 13

713 24 17
By sadanne101

Meredith's POV:

My alarm woke me up it was 5:30 am, I shut it off quickly to make sure it didn't wake up Ellis. That was then when the thoughts of last night came flooding back to my mind. I had told Derek. I told him one of my darkest secrets something that not even Alex knows. I'm an awful person. On top of that the person I had been building myself up to be was instantly destroyed after I had broken down in front of Derek. I do my hair, I look professional, I stuff all my feelings down and don't let them try and escape out except last night they did. The feeling of vulnerability has returned after all these years.

I don't like feeling vulnerable, I won't feel vulnerable anymore. How do I approach Derek now, maybe I pretend like it never happened, no it's too late for that now. He knows something about me now, I don't normally share things about me especially something like that. What am I going to do?

I'm going to push through it today. I've got out of bed I need to start the day. First stop was coffee so I headed downstairs to grab some.

It was Alex's Day off so I didn't bother to wake him as I walked through the living room. My hand touched the archway as I made my way through to the kitchen only to be startled by the sight I saw in front of me.
' Derek? What an earth are you doing here? I would have thought you had run away by now.' I nervously giggled.

' I told you I wasn't going to leave' he awkwardly smiled.' So I'm here, not leaving in fact I was going to cook you some breakfast I'm sure Ellis would love some though it seems there is no food in the cupboards for her to eat.'

' Yeah, I need to go grocery shopping more often.'

' Grocery shopping and you need to unpack. How long have you been here?' Derek pointed at all the packed up brown cardboard boxes.

' As soon as I got the call from Richard which was a week before I started I moved here, well I moved back here'

' So a while then. I'm surprised you still haven't unpacked.'

' I need to do a lot but I haven't had the time and as you know being a surgeon doesn't give you lots of free time add on the fact that I am the new chief of surgery getting everything into place will take a little while. I mean I still haven't had chance to decorate Ellis' room I need to buy her paint, a bed even, she's sleeping with me I guess you saw that last night.' I looked down at my feet slightly ashamed that I haven't done this yet. But I enjoy having her in my bed I know she should have her own bed I will definitely sort it this weekend. I feel like a horrible mother.

' I tell you what I will help you out. We will unpack these boxes together and I will take you to get paint maybe if you're nice I'll even paint the room for you.' A large smile plastered his face.

' I'm starting to feel like a charity case.'

' Don't . In fact I'm looking forward to it. Now do you have any milk so I can make something edible.'

'No. Nothing I will have to grab something on the way out for Ellis.'

'And what about you?' He raised a brow.

'Coffee!' I pointed at the mug of coffee I was pouring.

He didn't say anything he just hummed in response. I spoke up again ' thank you. Thank you for staying you really didn't have to, now you have seen how much of a mess I am I don't have myself put together, I don't even have this house put together and Iv been here for a while now .' I started rambling on and then I felt a strong pair of arms wrap me into a hug.

'It will all be okay Mer, now let me help you out this morning.' He said into my ear as we hugged.
I let out a breath 'okay. Thankyou.'

'Let's move missy' I quietly said to Ellis who was now dressed and ready for the day. Normally I wouldn't be quiet but as Alex was asleep I chose to be nice. This morning we are also leaving a little earlier as I need to stop and grab breakfast for Ellis Alex will have to nibble on that stale bit of bread in the back of the bread bin.

Ellis was standing at the door with her backpack on which had her baby stuffed on the top. All you could see was this head poking out. She was all set to go, Derek came out the bathroom and turned his attention to Ellis.

'Well don't you look pretty. I love the hat. Have you got your baby?' He grinned.
Derek had learnt about Ellis' closeness with her baby such as the we never leave home without it.
With a toothy grin she nodded her head which caused her sun hat to fall off. Derek quickly came down to her level to pick it up and place it back on her head.
'Where did you get it from ?'

Ellis looked at him her eyes bright 'it used to be mommy's.'

'Suits you better probably.'

I watched the scene in front of me and felt a feeling I hadn't for a long time. Warmth. What's with me today and all the feelings.

'Right let's go' I smiled.
Derek pulled the door and let Ellis go first she turned around and held her hand out for him to take which he did. I followed on behind and locked the door up.

'Is it alright if we take my car, I'll drive you to and from the hospital today it's just otherwise mine will be here.' Derek paused looking round to me.

'Yeah I'll grab her car seat.'

Derek smiled picking up Ellis and opening his car up. I got her car seat and went to click it in.

We pulled into a mini mart and I went in to grab something for Ellis to munch.

'Hey Derek do you want anything whilst I go in?'

'Just a water.'

'You're not hungry?'

'I could say the same about you. But none of the things in this one are very ... healthy.' He laughed.

I pretended to be hurt 'Your a health but aren't you!'

'Not a health-'

'Yes you are! Oh god don't worry I will grab you a granola bar.' I winked and went towards the store.

I had payed for my few bits I ended up grabbing Ellis something from the bakery bit it's called a chocolate twist no clue what is in it other then the chocolate so figured she would like it. I did in fact grab Derek his healthy snack just a simple granola bar. I walked to Derek's Porsche waving the bag at him before getting in.
'Took you long enough.' Derek whined.

'Well I was being very friendly'

'How friendly'

'Well I had to flirt with the baker in order to get Ellis her chocolate twist' I giggled causing Ellis to join in. Derek didn't say anything other than jokingly act hurt. I turned around and gave Ellis her breakfast which I regret buying, why couldn't I have gotten something plain instead she's going to be covered in chocolate. Please say I packed wipes.

'So your going to need to remind me where her school is mer' Derek said turning the engine on.

'I'll put it on the map for you. Oh and also' I rummaged through my bag 'here you go, wouldn't want you feeling left out.' I handed him the granola bar.
He looked at me and grinned 'Funny, very funny' he took the bar and opened it up.

Once we pulled up to Ellis' school I took her in and she was no hassle getting in. It seems she actually quite liked school , give it a few years her mind will probably change.

I made my way back to Derek and we headed to the hospital.
'Thankyou for helping me out this morning.' I spoke.

'No problem at all. Now i need to ask you something I have wanted to ask you for a while now.' Derek turned to look at me.

I gulped oh god what could this be about?
'Go on' I spoke up.

' I want to take you out on a date. A real proper date I pick you up, you wear a nice dress, I take you out and we have dinner and hopefully if I'm lucky I get to kiss you at the end' he grinned.

A large radiating smile displayed across my face I couldn't try and hide it if I wanted. I'm not a fan of dating I don't date. This time will be different. It has to be. Screw it.
'You can take me out on a date if you want.'

'Good how about tomorrow night?'

'Over eager are we ?' I chuckled.


'Okay tomorrow night I will need to see if Alex can take El or maybe Teddy could.'

'Teddy. She's the new co cardio chief ?' Derek questioned.

'Yeah she was in the army before and I offered her a job.'

'Iv heard of her but only bad things through Burke being annoyed at her after your rehire change.'

'She's brilliant. She's a cardio god you just have to get to know her.'

'Okay so tomorrow night I'm taking you out.'

'Yeah . Yes.'

Thank you for reading!
I feel like I fast tracked Derek and Meredith's relationship so I'm going to slow it down haha
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