Back in time

By Silver-butterfly21

3.9K 118 108

I've read alot of these and they we're mainly of wangxian I have nothing against them and they were always fu... More

The Contract
Back to the past, Old faces
The Plan
Changes done/plan in motion
Ages (not a chapter)
Flurries of snow?/ Arrived at Yunmeng, Finally!!
Meeting at lotus pier


302 12 11
By Silver-butterfly21

Huaisang POV

*Knock, knock*

"Come in" da-ge yelled to the door, he was sitting at his desk catching up on any missing work he missed when he was on bed rest

'Isn't he still on bed rest?' Yín said quietly stretching in her cat form by me

'Last time I checked yes, yes he was'

He didn't look up from the papers and most likely was tuning everything out

"Hello young masters" zhong ping bowed when she walked open the door

"Hi" zhong yueliang popped out from behind her mother and bowed to

"Shiejie!!" I ran to a-yue and gave her a big hug, I almost made both of us fall over

"Hello a-sang where's mingjue" she gave me a gentle smile

"Da-ges at his desk working" my eyes appeared innocent but I knew how much trouble da-ge is in now, shiejie started to sweat and this statement made lady zhong grow dark, a erk formed on her head

"Didn't I tell him to take it easy, I take a-yue for a few minutes and he's already, ohhh" she was angry

'Sorry da-ge, but I had to, for your health'

'Yeah his "health",' (yín)

'Oh, shut up'

'No can do honey, but I really want a tanghulu right now' she rolled on the chair she was laying on

'We might as well call you tanghulu at this point' I look up as we started walking towards da-ge, you could practically see and feel the dark energy coming off lady zhong

"Young master mingjue what are you doing I thought you would've been in bed or playing with young master huaisang" she had a tight smile on her face I hid behind shiejie, we both had scared faces

"Hmm?, oh, lady zhong I didn't hear you, uh I thought I would catch up on some of the work I missed" he was trying to keep a straight face but he was breaking in cold sweat

"Anyways I'm here to take the stitches out" lady zhong pulled out his chair and took out her medical instruments and motioned shiejie to come over to her side

"A-sang why don't you go to madam nie for a bit, she should be in the garden or sect leaders study room" shiejie said laying out the medical instruments they'll need

"Okay shiejie" I gave her and da-ge a quick hug and ran off

As I walked down the halls i looked around remembering how big they were, the ceiling was about, I'd say 20ft tall and the hallways were 15ft wide

I made it to the garden,"a-niang, a-niang" I jumped into her arms when she turned around

"Oof, a-sang what are you doing here?, and your getting big" A-niang she caught me stumbling a bit

"Shiejie and lady zhong are taking out da-ge's stitches so they asked me to go to you" I gave her a big smile as she held me

"Okay, can you help me water the garden while we wait?" She said handing me a bucket

"Mhm" I grabbed the bucket and helped her, she cherishes this garden me and da-ge were upset when it was ruined during the massacre

After awhile passed a servant came and got us for dinner

"Let's go wash up a-sang" me and a-niang got all washed up and headed down to the dining hall

"A-sang, madam nie!!"me and a-niang turn to see a-yue and da-ge walking towards us, he had fresh new bandages on

"Da-ge, how did it go?" I ran to them jumping into his arms, he lifted me up with ease and put me on his shoulder

"It didn't take long after we were done me and a-yue went for a walk into town" they looked at eachother and smiled

"So you guys went on a date?" I tilted my head to the side acting like I was confused but I wasn't

"W-what no we just went there to look arou...nd" shiejie went silent and looked down her face was bright red, so was da-ge's

"How about we go eat, hmmm?" Madam nie asked jestering to the door that lead to the dining room

"Yes a-niang, I'm starving" we started walking into the dining room

A little before we left after dinner fuqin stopped us

"Get a good night's rest, we'll be leaving at chen-(7-9am) tomorrow, so make sure that you have everything you need it'll take at least 3-4 days to get there, a week at most"

"Is there anything else that's we should know about a-Qīn-(dear)" a-niang asked titling her head

"Oh yes, I also told the disciples and servants that we'll be gone for about two weeks I have other matters to attend to in yiling then we'll head back" fuqin said putting a hand on her shoulder as a-niang face beamed,"That's all go to sleep now you two"

"Okay, goodnight fuqin, madam", da-ge said bowing to them

"Goodniiiiight!!" I waved my hand at them while grabbing da-ges hand dragging him they both laughed and waved at us to

When we were walking to  the room,"Da-ge?, why do you call a-niang "madam" you know she doesn't mind you calling her by her name or a-niang too" I asked tilting my head as he held me on his shoulder

"I respect her, and in my eyes she is like a second mother to me, but I'm use to honorific, maybe one day I'll be able to" he said still looking forward

"Okay" when we got to his room he put me down and we both went inside and found yín sleeping on the chair

"Go get ready I just need to finish this paper then I'll go to sleep" he went over to his desk and lit a few candles

"Okay don't stay up to long or you know what lady zhong will do" after I got ready, i laid down and fell asleep fairly quickly and drifted off to sleep



ello my xiao tīngzhòngs how's your guys day going?, I know it's been awhile and that this chapter is shorter than others and probably alot of spelling errors, I hit a writers block, I thought I had it all together but I didn't, so in the next chapter I'm gonna make it longer so plz be patient with me and thank you to all that are reading my shi-

"Language yín"

Yeah yeah, sorry huaisang, anyways thanks for reading my story even if it's not top notch thank you and goodbye my xiao tīngzhòngs

Published:7/19/2022, 14:00
Word count:1140

(Not my best chapter)

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