Mad Com Oc Smut roleplay thin...

By ErrorL0vesToWrite

21 0 0

don't read this please More

Just one bottle

21 0 0
By ErrorL0vesToWrite

Oh my god I will regret this


Is was sunrise in Nevada, no violence has been heard yet. 2 grunts seemed to be walking to an abandoned club that actually wasn't far away from where their camp was. They seemed tried, exhausted. Like they haven't slept at all yet. The taller grunt finally spoke up to clear the silence, "Why would a club be placed here out of everywhere else." He looked up at the building, then down to the entrance. 'How would I know? But it sure is weird.' The other grunt spoke up, leading the two into the club. The smaller one almost trips over the steps a few times.  "Don't fall Mal, I don't think we can handle another injury." The grunt chuckled. Mal caught her balance on the steps that were practically just the ground molded into what appeared to be stairs. 'I'll be fine Carter.' As the 2 grunts got closer to the bottom of the stairs you could see flashing lights and loud music coming from the club. They reach the bottom of the 'stairs' immediately getting blinded by the colorful lights everywhere.

Carter rubbed his eyes, rapidly blinking afterwards. "God these lights are going to practically make me blind." Mal turned to him, chuckling. 'and that would change anything how, love?' Carter let out a soft laugh in response, glancing around. Mal soon joined him, quickly noticing the bar. She started walking over to it, Carter joined her from behind. The two sat down right next to each other, each on different stools. Mal glared behind her, soon swirling her stool to face the dance floor. She looked visibly disturbed by the lights. Carter took his attention to the shelves that still had alcohol on them, examining from afar. "Do you think the alcohol here is still ok?" Mal swirled her chair back to the shelf, looking at the bottles. 'I don't think so but if you like I'll check for you, love.' Mal leaned over the counter, grabbing a bottle from it. "Try not to drink so much, ok?" Carter turned his vision to Mal and the bottle. 'I never said I was drinking from it, but you on the other hand might.' She checks the whole bottle, it seemed fine to her standards. She slides the bottle to Carter. 'Taste test.' He picks it up, moving it around in his hand while he judges it. "It still looks drinkable, but I'm not in the mood to be drinking first." She blows him a raspberry. 'Then why did you even ask the question anyway?' Carter sets the bottle down on the counter. "It was just a question I had on my mind, who knows how long the alcohol could of been here for." She shrugs, grabbing the bottle. "Suit yourself." She slides the bottle back over to herself. Carter looks back over at the shelf, contemplating about his discussion. Just one bottle. He reaches over the shelf, grabbing a bottle from it. "Do you think it will be ok?", 'Hm? What would be ok?'. Carter glared down at the bottle, "If we both had some alcohol?" She shrugs. 'I don't see why we couldn't.' Carter had a little struggle getting the cap off after she said that, but he managed to. He took a quick whiff of the alcohol, shrugging. "It smells fine, surprisingly.", 'Hm,' She opens the one she had, getting a good smell of it too. 'How in the world is this shit not old yet?' Carter shrugs, "No idea, but it could relate to the same reason this place has power."

She shrugs, taking a sip of her drink. 'It taste fine, or at least mine does.' Carter let out a sigh. "I hope they all taste fine." He took a sip himself, glaring at the bottle afterwards. It did taste fine, but how? Who cares, that's not their problem anyway. She took a normal drink, turning her stool a little to at least get a glimpse of the dance floor. 'Whatever the fuck is powering this place must have hella power, and a giant bill for it too.' Carter glared at the drink for a few more seconds. "I wonder how much they are in dept because of this place." He let out a sigh, chugging the drink after he said that. She glares at him when he did, 'Jesus christ,' He stops chugging the bottle while there was still a bit of alcohol left in the bottle. He whipped his mouth. "God it's been so long since I have actually drank alcohol." She glares at the bottle with a slightly concerned look, 'I..I can tell you haven't..' He moves his hand in a circle motion with the bottle still in his grasp, looking at the liquid in it and then finishing it after a few spins.

Mal takes a bigger drink from the bottle, absolutely concerned why he chugged it in the matter of seconds. He sets down the bottle, staring at it. He wasn't sure if he should drink more of the alcohol on the shelf. Screw it, it's been awhile. I deserve it, don't I? He reaches for another bottle and grabbing it, taking off the cap. She finishes the bottle, glaring at Carter 'Jesus christ you arent planning on taking your time are you,' Carter glared at the one he is holding, "Nope, and I usually don't plan to. I try to get it all in my system at once so I don't feel like shit trying to drink more." She lets out a small chuckle as she reaches for another bottle, 'Alright,' He lets out a heavy sigh, chugging the new bottle as fast as he could. Or he at least tried to. Mal was only halfway finished with the bottle when he finished it. She was slightly concerned how he was able to chug it. He sets the 2nd one right next to the 1st one in the counter, almost regretting his choices.

Mal finished her 2nd one a few after him. She glares at him, 'I feel like chugging it wasnt the best idea youve had today.' "No, it wasn't. But oh well, what can you do about it now?" 'Not much,' A small chuckle came from her, 'Christ these lights are obnoxious,' Carter looked up from the bottles on the counter, "Tell me about it." He rubs his face, setting his hands on the counter. Should he go for another one? Was it wise? Maybe later he will. She climbs over the counter easily, grabbing the empty bottles that once had alcohol in them and throwing them into the bin under the counter. She glares at him, rubbing her face before bending down onto the counter, her arms folded onto the counter with her legs stretched behind her. He lifts his head to look at her, his own arms crossed on the counter. "Well, what now?" She shrugs, 'Not sure love,' She moves only one of her arms, setting her hand on his chin and gently lifting his head, Carter felt sudden butterflies in his stomach, glaring at Mal. "Oh- Uhm, w-what a shame." Mal glared back at him, 'What a shame?' Her voice was a bit flirty, her face got a bit closer to his. "Well- Uhm." He stuttered a little, becoming slightly flustered by how close she got. His emotions were getting the better of him now. She lets out a small giggle, giving him a kiss. He expected the kiss but still wasn't ready for it, becoming even more flustered. He didn't mind it though; he enjoyed the affection. When the kiss was over she didnt break eye contact with him. He admired her from where he was, soon sliding his hand up to her cheek and went in for a kiss himself. She leaned into the kiss, but didnt let this one go, pulling his head closer to hers.

He was only focusing on the affection he was getting from her, ignoring all the other stuff that's in the club. He only needs to focus on him and Mal now. She pulls him forward, almost onto the counter, He gladly let's her do so, helping her by pushing himself basically onto the counter. She stopped the kiss, pulling him over the counter in a bit of annoyance. He gets on the other side of the counter, glaring at her now. God he feels a little stupid for what he just kind of did, knowing that he should of been in the other side to began with. She pushes him against the counter, he was now leaning on it as she went for an aggressive kiss. He was surprised by her actions, but he didn't complain. He let her do what she wanted to him. She held his hips, pulling his lower body closer to hers. He moves his other hand up to her other cheek, holding her face now. He brings her head slightly closer to him. She moves her right hand up his back, pushing his upper body closer to hers.

Suddenly, a person came walking down the steps. They seem to be talking to someone? 'I just want to get a good view of what's in here!' She saw them, grabbing Carter's shoulders and pushing him down, falling to the ground with him. He falls with her. He couldn't get a good view of them from under the counter, but he lifted his head up anyway. The grunt reached the bottom of the stairs, glaring around. 'Oh my god- it hurts my eyes!' The grunt covered their eyes, walking back up the stairs. 'No way I can stay down there, we're going back up.' You could hear another grunt say something, but you couldn't figure out what as it got quieter. When they left she let out a small chuckle, pushing him against the base of the counter, making Carter quickly turn to her, even more flustered. God this man's feelings for this girl is through the roof right now. She frog sits on his lap, seeing how flustered he was she goes in for another kiss. He gladly lets her do so, pulling her in as she goes for the kiss. She moves her hands to his shoulders, moving down to his neck. She kisses his neck aggressively, but not enough to give him hickeys, she pushes him against the base of the counter as she did so. His face got even more red. He covered his mouth when she did so, just glaring down at her attacking his neck. Mal moved her hands down to his hips, grabbing them tightly as she did so. He wraps his other arm around her, pulling her closer to him. She was enjoying this to much, the aggressive kisses turned into hickies being planted onto his neck. He tried to lift his head fully up, letting her have as much space as she could. He loved the attention he was getting from her. She pushes her lower body closer to his, almost their entire bodies touching now. He didn't mind her being so close to him, infact he wanted her to be. The arm that was wrapped around her soon lowered to it just being loosely around her. She went a bit lower, close to his collar bone. She was all pushed up against him, tight against the wall, bodies tight together. He let out a sigh, but it was very muffled sounding from his hand. He was looking at the shelf now, not wanting to lower his head. She moves to the other side of his neck, sliding him down only a tad bit. He could feel every mark she made on his body, loving the attention.

Mal made a small noise as she glares at Carter's neck, then glaring up to admire him. A small chuckle to his face. He was slightly embarrassed to talk, sliding his hand off of his smile that turned into a small one. He finally looked down at her, staring right into her eyes. You saw her flirty messy smile, not breaking eye contact. He only admire her from his close she was. You could definitely see how flustered he was. She lets out a giggle, it was a bit messy and slurred, quiet aswell. He took off his hat with the hand that was over his mouth, fixing his hair and setting it back on his head. She flips his hat into his face, then just takes it, hanging it above him. He chuckles, reaching his arm up to grab it back from her. She didnt let him, putting it on her head. He just glared at her as he sets his arm down. He didn't care that she had his hat. She lets out a small giggle before taking off the hat and glasses, setting them down next to her.

She then goes in for another kiss, more aggressive. He moves his hand back to her cheek, pulling her head in also. God his neck is going to hurt in the morning but he couldn't care. Her right hand that was originally on his hip slid up his shirt, resting on his back. He fixed his arm that was around her, making it tighter and then setting his hand on her waist. She craves more of him, pushing up against him, keeping herself close to him. She moves her hand around his back, only slightly. She basically stayed in the same spot with settle movements. He pulls her close to him, making sure barely any space was left between them. He moved his hand that was on her cheek to the back of her head, pushing it more forward. She pulls him down a bit, sitting on his hip area, continuing to kiss him. Despite the love going on, the color in his cheeks died down a little. But you could still see the bright reddish pink color in them. She pushes him down more, a bit lower to the ground both of them where. She got more selfish with the attention she was able to give, their chests basically touching now. He pulled down her head, making sure they were as close as they could be. He wasn't strong with it though, making sure if she wanted to back away anytime she could. She was hypnotized by the amount of affection they where giving, she had craved this for so long she didnt even know. She grips his back tighter.

The arm that was around her waist soon slid to the opposite side, slowly going up and down her waist only by a few inches each time. She slid him down just a bit more, he was now slouching on the wall, basically she was ontop of him now. He didn't mind,of course he didn't mind. He loved the attention and affection, alright with anything if he gets both. He just settles his hand on her waist after a few seconds. She was slouched ontop of him, they obviously both wherent sober. She lets go of the kiss for a second, a soft giggle. He only admired her from the view bellow. How did drinking turn into this? He wasn't complaining, of course he wouldn't be complaining. He loved this moment they were having together. Her flirty soft grin grew a bit, admiring him from above. She moves her hand from his back, back to his side. Carter's hand that was on the back of her head slid back down to her cheek, holding her face. He was still a little flustered, but it wasn't as bad as before. She suddenly went for another aggressive kiss, pressing her body against his, a bit violently. He couldn't tell if she was mad about something or if it was just the way she was showing her affection, but he couldn't care right now. If she was going to give him a kiss, he will take it.

It was her way of showing affection :) An aggressive person she is I have to admit. She was enjoying every second of this, and he sure was too. He would savor this moment forever, especially since this might be the only time he will get to be in this position. She slid him down a bit more, basically on the ground at this point. She basically had him pinned, right where she wanted him, letting go of the kiss and going for his neck again. The aggressive kisses. He stayed quiet surprisingly, glaring up at the ceiling. His breath was heavy, the kisses feeling actually wonderful against his skin. Or that's at least what he thinks. Her breath became heavy aswell, the kisses became a bit softer, the alcohol didnt feel well in her body but she didnt care, not at all. No way was that stopping her now. He didn't mind the kisses getting softer, still loving it nonetheless. A familiar reddish tint came back to his cheeks from earlier though, but it still wasn't as bad. She moved her hands to the ground next to him, moving one to his hip and only using one to support herself. He covered his mouth again, you could faintly hear his breath because of it. He was enjoying this, very much. She moves lower, almost to his chest, right above his shirt. He didn't care that she continued down his body. He put his other hand between her neck and head, lightly pushing her head down onto him. She gave him a few hickys on his collar bone, then back to aggressive kisses. He started muttering slow words you couldn't even tell what he was saying. He pushed her more a little bit more harder, but there wasn't that big of a difference. She noticed the mumbling, trying to listen but giving up soon. She moves up a bit, inbetween his collar bone and neck. The muttering stopped, his breath just heavy again. He started to push his hand over his mouth harder.

She stopped, lifting herself she glares down at him, her breath was heavy. He glared up at her, admiring her again. The area around his neck and bellow felt numb from the affection, but he couldn't care one bit. She looked mesmerized by him, admiring him. He slid his hand down below his mouth and off of his face, resting it on his stomach. She took her hair down before going in for another kiss, she was not letting him leave her grasp until she was satisfied. He pulled her head down for the kiss, wanting to be close to his lover. She only leans into it, placing her hands on his hips under his shirt and using her knees to hold herself up, her lower body hovering over him now. He moved his hand that was on her head to the back of her neck. He surely didn't expect drinking to turn into this that's for sure.  She loved the way this night turned out, she definitely didnt plan it but sure as hell enjoyed it. He pushed her head down more, wanting to be as close as possible. She only leans in when he did, dropping her lower body, leaning her entire body (basically kinda) on him now. He was in a bliss, a wonderful one at the most. He enjoyed this very much. He placed his free hand onto her waist to hold her. She lets go of the kiss, glaring down at him as her hair falls off her shoulders.

'Did i tell you how adorable you are love?' Her voice was flirty and slurs, but soft and sweet. He chuckled. "Now you did sweetheart, but I can surely say the same thing for you." 'Oh my,' She lets out a chuckle, going for his lower neck. She had suddenly moved down drastically, moving up his shirt she starts to aggressively kiss his hips, giving him a hicky every few kisses. He sure wasn't expecting that. He bite his bottom lip as he flung his head back, staring up at the ceiling. She moves her hands up his shirt to his upper waist, working on his upper as she goes lower slowly. He quickly puts his hand over his mouth and starts making quiet and faint noises from Mals work. He became more flustered from doing so. She became flustered from the noises, trying to ignore them but it onlt made it worse, the kisses became more aggressive. He bit his bottom lip to try to stop the noises, barely working for him. He felt really warm from the emotions he was feeling. She randomly bit him, holding it for a second before going back to the aggressive kisses and often hickies. He winced a little from the sudden bite, not even expecting it. He let out a sharp noise, quickly feeling embarrassed from doing so. She lets out a impulsive chuckle, moving to his other hip. She did the same, but was more aggressive with it. Planting a few hickies. His breathing became heavy again as he felt her move down. God he loved the attention and the feeling, maybe a little to much. The noises came out more, some where quiet and some weren't as quiet as he wished for. She moved down, hitting the rim of his pants she pulls them down slightly. He became extremely warm from the flustering, especially now. He tried to calm himself down but it most almost impossible to do so. The hand around her neck got slightly tighter.

She didnt mind at all when his grip got tighter, only making the kisses more aggressive. She kisses along the middle, back to the other side. "A-Ah~...F-God...Mal~.." The words slowly poured out of his mouth while also being muffled. No way he can control these noises of pleasure anymore. He winced a little, adjusting to the bitting feeling. He didn't know he would get this much fun out of tonight. He was a mess underneath her, practically falling apart at the scenes. Once she was done with that side she pulls his pants down slightly again, working around. He practically tried to grip his mouth shut, not wanting to spill those slutty words he has. But he was enjoying this, very much. She bit him again, it became a small habit. He bit down on his lip, letting out a noise again. This time it sure wasn't quiet. God he was a sucker for Mals attention wasn't he? She lets out a small giggle, enjoying this, enjoying this alot. She continues to run hickies across his waist to his sides. His face was extremely red, his hand forcefully trying to hold back the noises he once made. He didn't look away from where he was staring up at. She lets out a soft, messy, flirty chuckle, continuing to plant kisses, moving down more as she slightly pulls down his pants again. The more closer she got, the more the noises came out. He gripped harder onto her, not wanting to hurt her though. She got way more aggressive with the kisses, loving everything that was happening. She inched closer, pulling his pants down only slightly again. A shutter went down his spine. He felt like he was going to break under her at any minute now. She knew exactly what she was doing, biting him again. She pulls down his pants slightly again, pretty close now. She works again, leaving occasional hickies that wherent as common now. "Ah~, F-fuck sweetheart!~..." He was able to say through his fingers, the feeling of her finally hitting him hard. He now has a descent grip onto her. She got extremely flustered to that, gripping his sides as she bites him. He winced a little, getting used to the pain but it still felt noticable. Despite how much this would leave marks he couldn't give 2 fucks about that. He wanted to enjoy the moment while he has it, make it last for as long as he can.

She pulls his pants down slightly again, teasing him extremely. She continues to kiss him. He slightly hated that she was teasing him, but he just let her do her thing. Beside, stalling a little longer won't do any trouble. She pulls them down more, litterally edging the area. He finally removed his hands from his mouth, letting out heavy breathes. He places his hand on his forehead. She grabs his pants, quite literally edging it right now. He drags his hand down his face until it reaches his mouth. He was waiting almost any second now for something. She finally pulls his pants down, making him feel only a little bit more flustered. His face practically melting from all the affection, embarrassment, and now this.


Now sex scene that I don't feel like writing since I'm at like 4000 words.

Hoyl shat it's a roingus

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