Loving the RIGHT Brother

By SeekingAndromeda_

242K 14K 5.4K

It's been two years since Cole has left the Azure Dragons. Now as a his own person, Cole finds himself strugg... More

Thorough [M]
Back [M]
Trust [M]


5.3K 357 151
By SeekingAndromeda_

"Okay, uh, Cole! How about we get you out of these clothes so we can blow this popsicle stand?" Harvey intervened as he stepped into the battlefield.

Harvey left no room for argument as he grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away, Mikhail watching the whole thing in disbelief.

"He's taking the wrong one" Mikhail said, a groan leaving his lips after.

Well...he did tell Harvey to do something stupid.

"Guess I'll uh...wait in the car" Jamie said as he backed away and Mikhail snapped his head to him.

"Jamie!" He exclaimed but the man paid him no mind as he continued to walk away.

Just great.

Now the situation still isn't diffused, Myles and Eros continued to death glare at one another, and Jamie was as useless as a bag of rocks.

"Do I have to do everything around here?" Mikhail grumbled as he marched up to his boss and tugged at his arm.

"Excuse us" Mikhail said to Myles before dragging his boss away from the younger male.

Meanwhile, Cole and Harvey continued their trek to the dressing room so that Cole could change out of his stage outfit.

"I think we should stop taking Eros places that involves people" Harvey said suddenly and all Cole did was glance at him.

Seeing his best friend's look, Harvey threw up his hands in a shrugging gesture.

"I know, I know. It's just not good for his health, y'know? Might end up in the hospital from all that high BP" he said.

Deciding not to indulge in Harvey's words, Cole changed the topic as he finally noticed the strange clothing the man was wearing.

"What's with the getups? It's as if you guys are the ones in a play as well" Cole asked and Harvey just grimaced.

"Uh...no comment" he grumbled.

Once the two got to the dressing room, Cole looked around as the hall was void of any people that had participated in the play.

"Where is everyone else?" He asked himself but Harvey looked to him confused.

"Huh? This isn't your personal dressing room?" He asked and Cole gave a dry laugh.

"Far from it..." he said before opening the door and both male's eyes widened when seeing two people dressed in black waiting for them. A man and a woman, both standing next to one another, were their unexpected guests.

"Shit..." Cole muttered.

Pushing Harvey behind him, Cole backed away from the two as they stepped forward and out of the room.

He wondered what they had did to make this hall completely void of all cast members. Cole figured that there must be other people here working with them that constructed this ambush.

"We're only here for you Mr. Cole, but I definitely love the idea of killing two baby birds with one stone" the man said as he tilted his head, making eye contact with Harvey who just gave him a look of steel.

"Cole...we gotta get out of here" Harvey whispered and Cole nodded in agreement, he just needed a second to think about the 'how' part.

They had no idea what awaited them at the exit so Cole could only hope that it wasn't too much to deal with.

"If you come with us willingly, no harm will happen to you or your friend" the woman spoke, her voice void of any emotion, unlike her counterpart who held a jester-like tone to his.

"We should deal with this quickly" Cole muttered and suddenly, Harvey started spewing curses behind him.

"I knew it man, I knew some shit like this was gonna happen! No one ever listens to me! And these stupid ass getups were useless!" Harvey grumbled as he slipped his hand behind his belt to grab his gun but Cole stopped him with a hand to his arm.

"No. No guns, we're still on campus" he said and Harvey groaned.

"Bloody fucking hell" he muttered. He hated hand to hand combat, the bruising left behind was never pretty.

"No guns? Oh this is too easy, like taking candy from a baby" the man across from them said.

"You take candy from babies? You're sick and just plain weird" Harvey said as he gave the man a disgusted look.

"Huh?" The man retorted with a confused voice, not expecting Harvey to take his metaphor seriously and in the time of his stupor, Cole took the opportunity to rush up and aim a kick at the man.

'He's...fast!' The man thought as he just barely dodged Cole's attack.

His partner was about to step in but he held a hand out to her as his way of saying 'stop'.

"No. He's mine. You worry about the other one, he should be easy enough to handle" He said and the woman just nodded before setting her sights on Harvey.

The male in the horrible getup looked at her, lips frowned as he took a fighting stance.

"What? Gonna pepper spray me?" Harvey taunted and the woman gave no comment as she brought out a rectangular deivce, clicking the button and Harvey paled when seeing the electricity running between the metal prongs.

"No, she's gonna tase me. I deserve this I guess" he muttered.

Harvey wasn't always the smartest but maneuvering his way through a fight was one of his strong suits so when the woman came dashing at him, he moved his body just enough so that he was still within close enough distance to grab the hand that held the taser.

Pushing her against the wall, Harvey slammed her wrist on the wall a few times to make her drop it but just as she did she kicked Harvey back.

Noticing that she was going back for the taser, Harvey swept the woman's feet from under her and she went falling to the ground.

The two clambered for the taser, but Harvey's arms were longer and he managed to grab it but not before being kicked in the face.

"Fuck...watch the face lady!!" He yelled, taser still in hand.

"You're very annoying" the woman said as she glared at Harvey and he smiled.

"Oh my god, thank you" he said sarcastically.

"Harvey, duck!" Hearing Cole's voice, Harvey immediately bent down and Cole jumped over him, sending a cold kick to the woman's face and she went down for the count.

"Nice" Harvey muttered as he raised to his feet and looked at the woman who was laid out cold.

"Go to the others, there's a different exit you can take that they won't know about. It's a janitor's closet with a service exit separate from the main ones" Cole said and Harvey gave him a look.

"Why does it always end up like this? You know I don't want to leave you here. What the hell happened to that other guy you were—"

Harvey was lurched into Cole's arms as he was moved out of the way from the oncoming knife attack. Looking at the knife in the wall that just barely missed his head, Harvey cursed.

"Holy shit, why am I the one always getting knives thrown at me?!" He exclaimed and he glared at the man who was regaining his footing,

Cole had gave him a gut wrenching kick to slow him down but he was recovering pretty quickly.

"I only managed to stop him for a bit but I'm going to finish it. Just go" Cole urged and Harvey just nodded his head.

He hated that his friend always felt the need to be the one left with the dirty work. He knew he had to be fast about this so Harvey took off with his phone in hand.

"Seems I missed, haha! I think I'm just a bit flustered. That kick you gave there was very nice" the man said as he remembered the said assault on his body from a few moments ago.

The way Cole continued to come at him with quick movements made the man's heart beat irregularly. He liked a challenge and Cole was definitely giving him one.

Taking the knife in the wall, Cole flipped it over so that he was holding the blade.

"Yeah, that's nice. However, unlike you, I don't miss" Cole said as he threw the knife and it landed in the man's shoulder, the man groaning but smirking all the while.

He was sparing him. His own kidnapper! Either Cole is too kind that it'll cause his downfall, or he thinks that his perpetrator isn't anything to take serious.

"You didn't aim for the head? Are you really trying to spare me? That's so kind of you, I think my heart just skipped a beat" the man taunted.

Pulling the knife that was lodged in his shoulder out, the man cleaned it off on his pants before turning it in his hand to hold the handle.

"You know, I was instructed not to harm you but I think my boss can overlook a scratch or two" the man said and Cole's eyes narrowed.

The man moved forward to swipe at his target and Cole just as swiftly dodged it. Remembering the fake weapon attached to his hip, Cole unsheathed the sword and blocked the next oncoming attack with it.

Thankfully, the prop was strong enough to withstand the force and Cole pushed up, separating the two. Cole swirled the sword in his hand before adjusting it to hold it with both of his hands.

The man didn't seem to care about Cole's new weapon as he dashed forward once again, knife still in hand and Cole managed to once again block the attack but this time, he kicked the man's knee and the assassin let out a gasp as he fell to one knee.

With his grip loosened, the man failed to keep the knife in his hand as Cole swiped his sword and knocked it out of his hand, the weapon falling next to his foot.

Gritting his teeth, the man glared at the play sword in Cole's hand. He couldn't believe a child's toy is giving him a run for his money.

Thankfully, he always kept another knife in his boot.


"What's taking them so long?" Eros grumbled from inside the car.

He was in the back seat since he's on 'time-out' as Mikhail said. Needless to say he was pretty pissed and just wanted to go home. His thoughts were still occupied with the earlier events that included Cole's...friend.

"I'll try calling" Jamie said but before he could, his own phone began to go off, Harvey's name popping up on the screen.

"Hey, where are you guys?" Jamie asked and he was taken aback by Harvey's sudden screaming, which had everyone in the car immediately on alert.

"We are having technical difficulties back stage!! Some crazy bitches just came out trying to kill us!" Harvey yelled and Eros grabbed the phone from Jamie.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I don't know!! Cole told me to take this exit but then I got lost!" Harvey whined and Eros opened the car door, exiting the vehicle.

"Just look for some signs or something. We'll come to you" he said.

"No need, look!" Jamie called and Eros turned just in time to hear the screeching of car tires as it dashed off into the distance.

"Fuck" Mikhail cursed.

Harvey, who had finally managed to make his way to the rest of them, panted as he stopped.

"What happened?" He asked as he tried to catch his breath.

"I'm pretty sure they just drove off with Cole" Jamie said.

Eros, having had enough of the stand still conversation, tossed the phone in his hand to Jamie before heading to Harvey's motorcycle that was parked next to Mikhail's car.

"Give me the keys" Eros said and Harvey looked at him in confusion.

"Eros, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm not letting them get away. Give me the keys" he ordered and Harvey handed them over with a wary look on his face.

"You don't know how to drive a motorcycle" Harvey weakly protested, he really didn't want his baby to get scratched up but his best friend's life was also on the line right now so he kept that part to himself.

Eros ignored him as he stuck the keys in the ignition, revving the engine up before kicking off towards the street.

"Holy shit he knows how to drive a motorcycle" Jamie said as just watched Eros' figure get smaller and smaller into the distance.

"Well, let's go follow them" Mikhail said as he got in his car.

"He's crazy, he didn't even put on the helmet!" Harvey exclaimed as he followed Mikhail to the car.

"That's the least of our worries right now" Mikhail said before staring the car and also heading for the street.

Maneuvering in the middle of traffic was probably the hardest part but Eros kept himself grounded and focused as he tried to figure out which road would lead to home.

He managed to catch the license plate just as they turned so he knew what he was looking for, even with the high speed, he could make out every single plate he crossed with ease.

Eyes narrowing when he finally caught sight of the vehicle, Eros figured it'd be best to get the jump on them while he still had the element of surprise. It was unlikely that they knew what kind of vehicle he was coming after them on and thanks to the stupid disguise Harvey made him put on, they wouldn't be able to really recognize him.

So maybe Harvey actually has good ideas every once in a while.

Eros managed to tail them for a while, doing his best to keep hidden behind bigger cars or trucks, until he finally managed to catch them stopping at a red light.

Not caring that he was in broad daylight, Eros promptly got off of the bike and walked over to the car, pistol loaded and once he reached the window he let off a round into the driver's head.

"Hi there" Eros said, a sinister smile on his face as he peeked in through the broken window.


The woman from before stared in disbelief as her partner was murdered in less than a few seconds but it didn't last long as she too ended up the same way with another round from Eros' gun.

The screams of civilians from around the area didn't bother Eros one bit as he unlocked the door from the driver's side before heading to the back to check on his lover.

"Cole? Hey" Eros climbed in the back seat and carefully lifted Cole up a bit, noticing the patch of blood on his shoulder.

"Eros?" Cole groaned once he was shaken awake.

His sight was a bit blurry but it restored itself after a few blinks. The woman that he had knocked out had awoken at some point during his fight with the other man and knocked him out from behind.

"Hey, time to get out of here" Eros said.

"What happened...to them?" Cole asked as he noticed both of the lifeless bodies in the car with them.

"I dealt with them, don't worry about it" Eros said as he waved off their deaths.

Their lives meant nothing to him after all, especially after they had the audacity to place their hands on Cole.

"Come on now, let's—"

Eros was confused when he saw Cole's eyes widening in panic as he stared behind him and before he could question anything, he felt his body be forced down before everything went dark.

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