The Squib and the Werewolf

By fayally1998

7K 392 21

Raya Lupin is desperate to go to Hogwarts, especially after her older brother Remus comes home with stories o... More

1. Second Family
2. Harsh Reality
3. Persuasion
4. The Start Of Something New
5. Houses
6. School Bullies
7. Midnight Wandering
8. Wandless Duel
9. Detention Buddies
10. The Secret Is Out
11. Sweet Tooth
12. Not Quite Grown Ups
13. Team Players
14. Spirit Animals
15. Nicknames
16. Love Birds
17. Presents And Cake
18. Chasers
19. Scars Run Deep
20. Winter Thrills
21. Friendly Advice
22. Slytherin Boys
23. Best Day Ever
24. Map Builders
25. Unhappy Workers
26. A Step Too Far
27. Wounds And Warfare
28. Truth And Lies
29. Apologies
30. Older Boy
31. Rebel
32. A Success Story
33. Rejection
34. Mature Situation
35. School Changes
36. Drinking Buddies
37. Biggest Mistake
38. Consequences
39. Aftermath
40. We Are One
41. Good And Bad
42. Not Quite Christmas Cheer
43. Fears And Explosions
44. Runes And Reassurance
45. Engine Crazy
46. When The World Comes Crashing Down
47. Placing Roots
48. Responsibility
49. What Does The Future Hold
50. Nothing Left To Hide
51. Love At Last
52. Animal Secrets
53. End Of Year Plans
54. Party Time
55. An Engagement
56. Dangerous Work
57. Moping Around
58. Potion Partners
59. Adulthood
60. Fighting Spirit
61. Othala
62. Not In The Mood
63. The Chosen One
64. End Of An Era
65. A Brothers Love
66. Bringer Of Joy
67. Happiest Day Ever
68. Debt To Be Paid
69. Positive
70. Anniversary
71. When It All Goes Wrong
72. Birthday Blues
73. Change Of Plan
75. Traitors Trap
76. Intense Interrogation
77. Unjust
78. Half An Orphan
79. My Son
80. Unhappy Ever After

74. All Hallows Eve

71 3 2
By fayally1998

Despite not being happy with the change in secret keeper, Raya had no choice but to go along with it, and keep it a secret from Remus.
Sirius decided to refuse all missions for Dumbledore, until his child was born. Something, Raya was very pleased about.
After becoming the new secret keeper, Peter recieved 2 visits a week from Sirius, to ensure the safety of the Potters.
But one night at the end of October , Sirius returned home to Raya with a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong?" Quizzed Raya.
"I couldn't find Peter" answered Sirius.
"What do you mean you couldn't find him? He's not exactly a small guy, unless he's transformed" replied Raya.
"He wasn't there. The house was empty. I even tried to sniff him out as Padfoot, but I still couldn't find him. I went to his safe house, and then his mums house, but he's still missing".

"Right. O.K, let's not panic or jump to any conclusions. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for his disappearance. Maybe he just forgot you were meeting today, and went out" suggested Raya.
"He has no other friends, so who exactly would he be meeting at this time of night, on All Hallows Eve?" Questioned Sirius.
"I don't know. Friends we don't know about? He has been rather distant lately afterall, so maybe he's got some new friends... Was there anything out of place at his house, or anything suggesting where he had gone?" Asked Raya.
"There were no signs of a struggle if that's what you mean. So, it doesn't look like anyone took him. He clearly left of his own accord. Which means we need to go and tell James that Peter has disappeared"
"Good idea. Let's go".

Raya followed Sirius outside and hopped into the sidecar of the motorbike.
They knew apparating was faster than flying, but there was magic around Godric's Hollow, preventing them from apparating straight there. Which is why they decided to use the motorbike instead.
It was an anxious flight there, and as they approached the cottage, they saw that part of the roof had collapsed, and there was a large man standing opposite the building.

Once the bike was stationary they leapt off it, and approached the figure outside the cottage, whom they realised was Rubeus Hagrid.
"Hagrid, what's happened?" Demanded Sirius.
Hagrid sniffed loudly, and Raya could see that he had been crying.
As she looked closer, she saw that he had Harry all bundled up in a blanket under his arm.
"Why do you have Harry?" Questioned Raya.
"It's- It's James and Lily. They- They're dead" stuttered Hagrid.

Sirius immediately charged into the house, with Raya beside him.
They found James's body first, lying still at the bottom of the stairs.
The pair broke down into tears when they saw him.
They spent several minutes crying at his body, before heading upstairs to the destroyed nursery, where Lily's body lay, beside Harry's empty crib.

Raya had no idea how long her and Sirius wept in the house, before exiting and finding Hagrid waiting for them.
They felt like changed people as they exited the house, and Raya wasn't sure if she would ever be happy again.
It was as if a Dementor was standing there, slowly sucking out her soul.
James had been their brother, and their friend. He had done everything in his power to protect them, and when it came down to it, they couldn't protect him.

"You shouldn't have gone in there, and seen them" said Hagrid quietly.
"We had to see it for ourselves" mumbled Raya.
"I struggled to see them like that, so I can't imagine how it was for you two. You was like a big family" replied Hagrid.
"Yes, we were... What are you doing here Hagrid?"
"Dumbledore sent me to check on things. He had heard from one of his contacts that there had been a disturbance here tonight"
"Dumbledore knew that something bad had happened, yet he didn't feel the need to come down here and check things out himself?".

"Dumbledore is a busy man" reminded Hagrid.
"Too busy to come and see if Voldemort had killed two more members of his Order? If he knew there was trouble, he should have come himself! And how does a man all the way in an enchanted castle in Scotland, hear about the news, before us anyway? It's almost as if he knew this was going to happen" Announced Raya.
"Stop shouting, Raya. There's no point making a fuss now, none at all" sighed Sirius sadly.
"I don't know anymore than you two. Dumbledore just told me to check on things, and if the worst had happened to send word to him. I did that, and then he told me to get Harry out safely" informed Hagrid.

"You did a great job Hagrid, protecting Harry. And it's not you I'm angry at. But we'll take it from here" said Raya, as she stretched out her arms to take Harry.
"I'm afraid I cannot give you Harry" revealed Hagrid.
"Why not?" Frowned Raya.
"Because Dumbledore instructed me to bring Harry to him"
"Well, Dumbledore didn't know that me and Sirius were going to turn up. He probably would have given Harry to us, once you handed him over"
"I don't think so. See, Dumbledore wants Harry to live with his aunt and uncle. Which is where I am going to take him".

"Wait! Dumbledore wants Harry to live with the Dursley's, like permanently?" Questioned Raya.
"Yes, they are his family, so he belongs with them" answered Hagrid.
"But they're awful" replied Raya.
"She's right. Lily hated Petunia, and all her sister's family. She wouldn't want Harry being raised by those awful Muggles" added Sirius.
"I'm sorry you two, but orders are orders" said Hagrid awkwardly.
"But we are his godparents. If anything were to happen to James and Lily, legally, me and Raya would take custody of Harry. That's what the law states. And I'm sure the Ministry of Magic don't want to ship Harry off to the Dursley's" admitted Sirius.

"Look, none of this is up to me. So, if you want to take this up with Dumbledore, then do that. But right now, I am taking Harry to Dumbledore, who is waiting for me at the Dursley's house" announced Hagrid.
Raya sighed, "Alright fine, take him".
"Raya, what are you saying? We have to look after Harry, he is our responsibility" reminded Sirius.
"I know. And we will. But right now, we have more important things that we need to do, because we are the only ones who can" replied Raya.
"Find the traitor" hissed Sirius.

Raya lowered her voice, so that Hagrid wouldn't hear, as he didn't know about secret keepers or the protective magic that had been around the Potters.
"Yes. We have to find Peter. If he gave up James, Lily, and Harry of his own free will, then we have to find him, and stop him before he gets anymore of our friends killed" whispered Raya.
"Yes, we have to find him, and make him pay for what he did" Sirius.
"Exactly. Once that is done, then we can get Harry"
"O.K, good idea".

Sirius turned to Hagrid and handed him his motorbike keys.
"Here, take them?" Announced Sirius.
"Why are you giving these to me?" Questioned Hagrid.
"Because my bike will get you and Harry out of here as quickly and safely as possible, since you can't apparate" answered Sirius.
"I promise I will return the bike to you in perfect condition"
"Don't bother. Just keep it. I'll have no use for it anymore".

"Sirius, are you sure?" Asked Raya.
"I am. Riding this bike without James, just doesn't feel right. And if I'm about to be a parent to both Harry and our future child, I can't drive around on flying motorbikes anymore. I need to be more cautious and not take so many risks" admitted Sirius.
"Alright then. Let's do what we have to do, and then get Harry from Dumbledore" replied Raya.
"Yes. No matter what Dumbledore says, I will not let my godson get taken away from me. I don't like arguing with Dumbledore, but Harry is the one thing I will fight him on"
"Let's get going then. Before the traitor has time to escape"
"Oh, I'll find him. Don't you worry. That rat will not get away from me".

If you are looking for a sad Marauders song, this one, which is actually written about James and Lily, will really break your heart. It's by Chloe Ament, and she has written a whole Marauders album.

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