By hitbyasweetpotato

5.1K 323 29

After entering Wiz Academy for the gifted, Hyewon meets an oddly familiar girl whose heart is as cold as her... More

Author's note:
1: once upon a time
2: first day of school
3: roommates
5: exploring
6: House sorting
7: Magic Tag
8: defence lessons
9: conversations with dad
10: argument
11: eavesdropping
12: struggling in lessons
13: exam results
14: sneaking out
15: trouble
16: outburst
17: discovery
18: memories
19: heart to heart
20: twelve
21: deja vu
22: punishment
23: interhouse games
24: enchanted
25: D-day
26: ice skating
27: snowboarding
28: interhouse champions
29: dreams
30: Kwon Daehyung
31: Professor Kang

4: introductions

210 8 1
By hitbyasweetpotato

"Guys if I start screaming please come and save me."

"No way! We'll be making a run for it."

"Hey! So you're just going to sacrifice me like that?"

"I'm doing you a favour because you're going to die a hero! Not everyone gets that privilege, okay?" Yena protested.

"You know she can hear you from inside, right? She's not deaf." Wonyoung said, rolling her eyes.

Hyewon was about to enter her room for the first time to settle down and unpack. To say that she was afraid would be a serious understatement. Maybe she was overthinking. How bad can it be? She can't freeze her into a statue and leave her to die right? Her father would never let her share a room with a killer, right? Right?

"Just go for it. It'll be fine. We're rooting for you." Minju said encouragingly as she held her fist into the air.

Hyewon sighed. It was better to get it over and done with now, wasn't it? Her hand trembling, she grabbed the doorknob which was icy to the touch. She shivered, a combination of the nerves and the cold. She inhaled. Here goes nothing, she thought to herself as she walked in.

She was hit by a blast of cold air upon walking in. By the looks of it, Eunbi's sheer presence alone was enough to freeze the air around her. Despite the fact that it was summer outside, it felt like winter here. Hyewon shivered. It looked like she was going to need lots of warm clothing if she wanted to survive here without freezing to death. Eunbi seemed completely unaffected by the cold which made sense considering her powers.

"Hi there. I'm Hyewon, your roommate." she said softly, afraid to disrupt her from whatever she was doing on her phone.

She looked up, giving her an icy glare before returning to her phone. What was her problem? She was just trying to be nice, and this was the kind of response she got. Hyewon was thankful at least that they had two separate beds which were a decent distance apart. They each had their own wardrobes beside their beds on opposite ends of the room and a shared beside table between them. There was also a television mounted on the wall in front of the two beds. If there was something the school didn't lack, it was money due to funding from various wealthy alumni.

Hyewon sighed, deciding to unpack her things before joining the others again outside. As she packed, she eyed her new roommate from the corner of her eye. She had to admit that despite how cold she was, she was really pretty. Her skin was as pale as the snow she conjured, soft and delicate like a doll. Her eyes were appropriately and icy blue which reminded Hyewon of the snow-capped mountains near her home. Her long, dark hair rested on her shoulders, gleaming in the sunlight. It contrasted beautifully against her pale skin and made her look like someone out of a fairytale. It was a pity that she had such a mean personality. Hyewon would have liked to get to know her better.

Hyewon didn't pack much. She usually wore the same few clothes and liked to dress simply. If she needed more clothes, she figured that she could just drop by the city and go shopping. Trying to be as quick as possible, she stuffed her clothes into her wardrobe and shoved her luggage to the side. It was freezing cold and she wanted to get out before she turned into a popsicle.

After her haphazard unpacking, she dashed out of the room again, grateful for the warmth of the common room.

"Woah! You're freezing!" Yena exclaimed upon seeing her.

"I bet living with the ice queen is going to be miserable." Yuri grimaced. "I wouldn't want to be sleeping in a constant blizzard."

"Hey, maybe my powers can help." Chaewon suggested, stepping forward.

"Speaking of our powers, we have yet to find out what each other can do." Wonyoung said excitedly.

"My power source is light." Chaewon said, making an orb of light appear in her palm. It seemed to have a life of its own, twitching about like a firefly. "I mostly manipulate light but I can indirectly control heat since my light emits heat." she explained, sending the ball of light towards Hyewon. It felt like she was being hugged by the sun's rays on a warm summer morning. Her silhouette glowed and it was as if she was in a cocoon of light.

"Woah! I feel so much warmer now." Hyewon sighed.

"I can manipulate air!" Chaeyeon said, sending a gust of wind through the dorm, blowing gently at their hair. Smirking mischievously, she swirled her finger, sending a gust of wind towards Yena and lifting her into the air.

"This is so cool!" Yena shouted from the ceiling. With a snap of her fingers, the wind stopped and Yena crashed back onto the floor. "Hey! Couldn't you have given me a softer landing?" Yena exclaimed, much to the amusement of everyone else.

"I am one with nature." Sakura smiled, extending her hand towards Minju's plant which suddenly sprouted a few new leaves. "It's pretty useful when I'm hungry." she laughed as the small tree beside the door started sprouting oranges.

"I can charge all of your phones instantly." Yena said, pressing the palms of her hand together and pulling them apart to reveal a surging bolt of electricity between them.

"Charge my phone please!" Wonyoung requested cutely, waving it at Yena.

"At your service madame." Yena said with an accent, shooting a bolt of electricity to her phone.

"I'm a healer." Minju smiled softly. She walked over to Yena and pressed against the bruise on her leg from her fall earlier. Right before their eyes, the bruise began to fade away and Yena rubbed against the spot in awe. It was completely healed and she didn't feel the tiniest bit of pain.

"I can hypnotise people." Yuri said. Getting up from the couch, she walked towards Yena who backed away uneasily.

"Oh no. What are you going to do to me?"

"Don't worry. This isn't going to hurt." Yuri smirked, staring straight into her eyes. Within seconds, Yena's eyes turned purple and vacant.

"Yena, do a stupid dance."

She obeyed instantly, doing a dance that was so ridiculous that it had everyone on the floor laughing.

"WAIT SOMEONE GET THIS ON VIDEO!" Yujin exclaimed, waving her arms around.

"I GOT IT!" Wonyoung yelled.

"Okay I think we've had our fun." Yuri said, snapping her fingers to snap Yena out of her trance.

"Come on! Why am I everyone's guinea pig today? I charged your phone for you earlier and this is what I got in return?" Yena asked, pouting at Wonyoung who grinned cheekily.

"I can read minds." Hitomi said quietly. Everyone in the room paled instantly and Hitomi giggled at their reactions. "Don't worry. I won't dig out your deep dark secrets unless there's a good reason for me to do so. I can control when I want to use my ability so I'm not constantly listening to your thoughts." she laughed as everyone sighed in relief.

"But since I want to demonstrate my power too, I shall say that Yena thinks Yuri is cute." she smirked. Under her timid demeanour, there was a mischievous side to her too.

"HEY! NO I DON'T!" Yena protested. Yuri looked hurt at her outburst and she changed her comment quickly. "Not that I don't think Yuri is pretty but I DON'T THINK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!" Her cheeks were so red that she could easily compete with the colour of Yuri's hair.

"Sure you don't." Nako teased.

"Hmph." Yena grunted, crossing her arms across her chest indignantly.

"I can shapeshift into whoever I want." Wonyoung said, closing her eyes. Her body shimmered, seeming to become transparent for a moment and she morphed into Yujin. "Hi guys! Am I not amazing?" she smirked, striking a pose like a model.

"Ooh that's a fun one! Imagine the kind of mischief we could get up to." Yena grinned, rubbing her hands together like an evil maniac.

"I can't copy their abilities though. I can only take on their physical appearance." Wonyoung said, shifting back into herself.

"I can talk to animals." Nako said, walking over to the window and opening it. She let out a bird-like cry and within seconds, an eagle swooped in and landed on her shoulder. "Thank you for the demonstration my friend." she smiled, stroking its head. "Have a safe journey." With a mighty flap of its wings, the eagle took off again, soaring in the clear blue skies.

"That's so cool! Do you have any pets?" Hyewon asked.

"Yep. I have lots of pets at home, well they're technically not my pets since they all live in the wild but they're my friends and come to talk to me. The academy doesn't allow pets though so I couldn't bring any of them with me from home." Nako shrugged.

"I have super speed." Yujin said excitedly, shooting around the room at breakneck speed. She was going so fast that they could feel a gust of wind whenever she shot past them.

"Her ability is really good when you're late for class." Wonyoung laughed. "She has saved me countless times but I think she would have a bit of a problem trying to drag ten people after her."

Yujin skidded to a stop, jumping onto the couch beside Minju. "It would be rather comical though. We should try that one day."

"I can control the weather." Hyewon said, happy to finally be able to showcase her skills openly in front of others. She clapped her hands together, causing the skies to darken. Thunder boomed in the distance, sending shivers down their spine. "The problem is that my powers aren't much use indoors. I can bring a storm cloud in to make rain or snow but I can't bring the sun in. My powers work best outside." Waving her hands, she quickly dispersed the clouds before it started pouring on the unfortunate students outside.

"Hey guys do you wanna go exploring the school? We don't have anything on our schedule after this, it would be fun!" Chaewon suggested.


"Should we ask Eunbi if she wants to come?" Minju asked.

"I doubt she would want to come. She's probably too busy with whatever she's doing to hang out with peasants like us." Wonyoung said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm going to ask her anyway, just in case." Minju said, getting up from the couch.

If there was one thing Hyewon had noticed about Minju, it was that she was probably the nicest person alive. She wasn't just peace-loving like Hitomi, she actually went out of her way to be nice and Hyewon admired that about her. She felt bad for her however. Someone as nice and gentle as her would definitely get shot down by Eunbi.

To tell the truth, Minju was probably more terrified of Eunbi than anyone else in the dorm. Her powers were healing which were no match for Eunbi's ice powers as they couldn't be used in combat. Nervous, she knocked on the door gently but received no reply. Sighing, she twisted the door knob, entering the room.

"Eunbi? We are going to explore the school together. Do you wanna come with us? It would be nice if you could join us." she said timidly.

Eunbi looked up from her phone, her sharp gaze piercing through her soul.

"Does it look like I want to come with you?"

"Oh. Okay then. Have fun with... whatever you're doing." Minju said in a small voice. She quickly retreated back to the common room where everyone was getting ready to leave.

"She said no didn't she?" Chaeyeon asked.

Minju nodded.

"It's okay. We can have fun without her." Chaewon comforted, slinging her arm around Minju's shoulders.

Hyewon noticed the blush that tinted her cheeks and smiled to herself. She was willing to bet that Chaewon and Minju would get together after a few months. They looked cute together.

"Let's go guys! We're going to be the best dorm there ever was!" Yujin exclaimed, her spirits high. Linking arms with Wonyoung, she barely contained herself from speeding down the corridor towards the elevator.

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