The Story of Bilal Bin Rabah

By NorlianaPHI

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The first person to call the call to prayer in the world. More

The Story of Bilal bin Rabah

5 1 0
By NorlianaPHI

Hello... n Assalamualaikum to all lovely readers !!

Short stories about Prophet Muhammad's friend....

Ok here we go~
بِسْمِ ٱللَّـهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Who is Bilal bin Rabah?

He is a man whose full name is Bilal bin Rabah Al Habasyi. The book The Great Figures of Islam Throughout History by Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id Morsi also mentions that he was called Abu Abdillah several times.

He was tall, thin, and belonged to the black slave class. His mother was a slave group belonging to a Quraysh leader, Umayyah bin Khalaf.

After becoming their slave, Bilal then heard about Islam and met the Prophet Muhammad SAW to pledge himself to convert to Islam.

Although there are various versions of the story of Bilal converting to Islam, the meeting between Rasulullah SAW and Bilal bin Rabah has brought fresh air to Islam. Bilal is also the only Assabiqunal Awwalun who comes from the black slave class.

Because when Bilal converted to Islam his status was not yet independent. He is still the slave of his master. His attempts to secretly convert to Islam failed because his employer and Meccan infidels began torturing him upon learning of the news.

Among the Assabiqunal Awwalun , even Bilal bin Rabah was the only person who received the heaviest torture from the Quraysh infidels. One of the things that Umayyah bin Khalaf, his employer did, was to dry Bilal in the arid desert without any clothes.

Not to mention that a very large rock fell on his chest. They tortured Bilal with the aim of shaking his faith and turning away from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

However, no matter how hard and cruel their torture was, they were not able to shake Bilal bin Rabah 's belief . He continued to hold fast to the religion of Allah SWT. Until finally, Bilal was freed by Abu Bakr As Siddiq after he bought Bilal from the Umayyads.

Bilal bin Rabah's last call to prayer that shook Medina

After the Prophet Muhammad died, Bilal then left the city of Medina and asked Abu Bakr for permission to stop being a muezzin of the Apostle. The residents of Medina who missed the Prophet Muhammad then asked Bilal to return to call the call to prayer.

However, Bilal refused with teary eyes that he was unable to repeat the call to prayer. After Umar bin Khatab visited his residence in Sham (now Syria) to persuade him.

"But, the Muslims in Medina are in need of you, Bilal. They want to hear you call to prayer. They miss your voice. They miss your call to prayer, O muezzin of the Messenger of Allah!" Umar said ....

For Bilal, to return to Medina and call the call to prayer was a difficult thing for him. It was hard because he felt unable to bear the longing for the Prophet after his departure.

But apparently, it is said, Bilal met the Messenger of Allah in his dream one night. This also made Bilal convince himself to be ready to leave for Medina, to be precise the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad.

There, Bilal met the Prophet's favorite grandchildren, Hasan and Husein. Until then, Husein said to him, "Uncle, will you just once say the call to prayer for us? We want to remember grandfather."

Umar who was in the same place also persuaded Bilal and said that the other companions also felt the same way. Bilal woke up and felt that it was time to pour out his longing for the Prophet.

Bilal's melodious voice was heard again throughout Medina. When the word, "Allahu Akbar," was uttered by Bilal, the entire Medina suddenly became silent, indicating that all activities had stopped.

All the residents of Medina were shocked and missed the voice that had been missing for years. This voice also reminds them of the figure of the Prophet Muhammad and repeats their moments of togetherness with him.

After Bilal uttered the lafaz, "Asyhadu anlaa ilaha illallah," all the citizens of Medina ran towards the source of the sound and screamed hysterically. Until, Bilal arrived at the pronunciation, "Asyhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah," his voice began to sound hoarse.

Bilal bin Rabah sobbed the name of the person he missed the most. He was unable to continue the call to prayer in the chanting of the lafaz. This atmosphere then succeeded in making the entire Medina burst with longing cries for the Messenger of Allah.

The end ❣...

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