Choices To Be Made

By lightfury08

246 14 4

(The Hidden Heros Remake) After a battle Ingressus finds himself in another world or another dimension. Afte... More

Time and Patience
Future Time Future Problems
The Trial

Battle At The Peak

58 1 0
By lightfury08

Also in this AU Achillean and Ingressus are married and you wil see some other ships. If you want to see a ship let me know and I'll add it! Happy Reading 📖

As a Ingressus finsied reading the wall he looks at it with pride. The he felt something was off. Not a single Deamos in sight even though their leader was gone that doesn't mean they aren't. Ingressus had been hunting them down for years but something was wrong. Very wrong. He was with his good friend and his beloved husband Achillean how was lookin at the part about Shadowalker. He looked at it with sorrow, "I know it must be hard to believe he did all this" Ingressus broke the silence, "It is. I never imagined Thalleous would do this. I'm not sure why. I've spoken with Galleous about the matter and he can't believe it either" Achillean says with a sigh," do you think that the Deamos are at Mt. Velgrin?" Ingressus asked changing the subject," possibility I'm sure we can look" Achillean said as they leave the Walls of Time unaware of what they might uncover..


They traveled all the way from upper Northwind, pass the Heart of Ardonia, and finally get off their horses an looked around.

They walk around a clearing at the top of the mountain. Other than a mysterious obsidian arch in the center, there was only snow.

"I don see much" Achillean claims.

Ingressus looks around. He notices an entrance in the mountain. He walks inside and sees signs of people being there recently. He picks up a shield, hurries towards Achillean and drops the shield down near him.

"Someone has been here, recently," Ingressus tells him.

"How peculiar," Achillean puts his hand to his chin, making a thinking pose, "Why would people leave their belongings where others might find them?"

Ingressus is quiet for a moment. Then he speaks up, "Because they are still here..."

Ingressus slowly turns around, and  there are both wolves and strange people around the edge of the clearing. Achillean draws out his diamond staff, and Ingressus draws out her enchanted broadsword.

A man steps forward. "You must be Ingressus Voltaris and Achillean . I've heard many things about the both of you."

(Not the battle will be short and something crazy happens after)

"And I have heard nothing about you." Ingressus glares at the Strange man.

"Oh, I know. I've made quite sure about that," the man says as he strokes his sword, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is General Raphael."

Ingressus and Achillean look at Raphael, ready to fight.

"As for you, Ingressus, I know who you are, Deathsinger! ' Raphael continues, "And I know what you have done to my kin. Your sword has slain many of my brothers and sisters. Once I kill you, I will take it and slay twice as many of yours!"

Raphael twirls around and points his sword at Ingressus. He fires a fireball, a large fireball that travels slowly at Ingressus, who rolls out of the way. Ingressus activates her sword.

Raphael leaps at Ingressus, swinging his sword. Ingressus backs up as her sword swings pass him.

Raphael attacks again, and Raphael blocks it with his sword. Raphael suddenly lifts his leg and kicks Ingressus on the face, causing Ingressus to stumble back.

Raphael swings his sword again, but Ingressus recovers just in time to block it.

Their swords continue to clash, and Ingressus finally kicks Raphael back before whirling around with his sword.

Raphael stumbles forward, injured. Ingressus raises his sword as Raphael looks back at him.
Ingressus raises his sword.

Despite being injured, Raphael regains himself and stands his ground.

Ingressus leps forward and swings his sword. Raphael ducks and Raphael attacks again. Ingressus rolls out of the way.

Raphael regains his feet, and Ingressus charges at him. Ingressus' clashes his sword with Raphel's and pushes him backwards. Raphel tries to push him back, but Ingressus kicks his feet and Raphael staggers as Ingressus kicks him a second time, throwing him onto the ground.

Ingressus pounces on him, but Raphael quickly gets up as Ingressus' sword plants into the ground where he was.

Ingressus pulls his sword back out from the ground with both hands and swings it at Raphael, who blocks it with his sword.

Ingressus continues to attack multiple times and Raphael struggles to block them all. Then, Ingressus manages to kick Raphael back.

Raphael is pushed back and almost falls over. He still doesn't admit defeat, and looks back up at Ingressus as he twirls his sword in his hand, waiting for Ingressus to attack again.

Ingressus does so, and swings his sword at Raphael. Raphael seizes the opportunity, and as Ingressus swings his sword, Raphael leaps over Ingressus, cutting him in the chest mid-air.

Ingressus places his hand on his wound as he looks back at Raphael, who smiles triumphly.

Achillean rushes forward to help, but Ingressus pushes him away, not wanting him to get hurt.

Raphael charges at him, and Ingressus slips out of the way. Raphael then kicks Ing and throws his sword in his direction. Ingressus barely dodges the sword and it hits the ground.

The battle is getting fierce as Raphael fires a fireball at Ingressus and Achillean blocks it with his staff and held it ready to fight.

As Raphael walks towards them Ingressus scrambles to getting his sword before Raphael gets to Achillean. As he got closer Achillean felt his nerves kick in as he held his ground. Ingressus keep trying to get to his sword that as soon as he got it...
It was to late. Raphael had his sword in Achillean's stomach as Achillean gasped for air as Raphael pushed him in the ground he looked at Ingressus one last time before black in out.

Ingressus flet his blood boil as Raphael smiled and when he charged at Raphael he swang his sword and Ingressus clasped in the snow, "so many Years have we prepared for this. And you. Are not about to interfere" Raphael growled as he was about to attack a bright blinding light came and Ingressus found himself being taken away into the light and he flet light headed and soon closed his eyes....

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