
By CrazyStraz13

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"People think I'm crazy to dream of a world any different to our own, but I can't help it. Without dreams, wh... More

A Notice to All Citizens of Andéa
The Procedure for Harmonious Living
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Nine

130 21 19
By CrazyStraz13

I stood completely still, rooted to the spot in what I could only describe as awe, though the feelings and thoughts coursing through me seemed like a far more complicated sensation. A breath, held deep within my chest, escaped my lips in a shallow gasp as I stared at the figure before me. Forcing his way between the jagged remains of the window was a Brunette boy, a mop of dark, matted hair sat in a dishevelled mess on his head.

He moved quickly yet carefully, avoiding each sharp edge as he brought his entire tall frame through, landing on his feet next to the book I had thrown down earlier. The tiny pieces of glass on the floor crunched under his heavy boots as he took a few steps forward, head turned to the floor. I couldn't make out all of his features in the fading light but he looked to be about my age, give or take a few years. He wore loose, dark pants and a t shirt of a similar description, revealing his toned arms, smeared with a combination of dirt and sweat.

He continued walking toward me over the shattered glass, slowly lifting his eyes to meet mine. Another wave of shock crashed over me as I gazed into eyes unlike any I had ever seen before. A ring of grey circled his large pupils, feathering out into a faded shade of violet. The world seemed to melt away as I stared in curious wonder at these beautiful creations, but the mesmerising spell broke the second I glanced away, noticing his lips forming words I could not hear over the deafening sirens. It was only after a few long moments that I could even remotely make out what he was saying.

"Are you okay?" He shouted, moving even closer so I could hear.

"Who are you?" I yelled back, not entirely knowing how to respond to his question.

"No time for introductions. Follow me!"

"Are you kidding me?" I shot back, suddenly outraged by his ridiculous command. "I don't even know who you are!"

He looked taken aback for a moment but he set is face in a steely resolve and shouted to me again.

"We don't have time for this! Come on, I'll help you out the window."

I snorted at this.

"I am not jumping from a third story window with a stranger who, for all I know, is trying to kill me."

The sirens has stopped by this point, replaced by indiscernible shouts from beyond the room.

"Fine." he said, sounding exasperated, yet desperate. "Hi, my name is Alex. My favourite colour is blue and I promise I am not trying to kill you. Now you know me, let's get the hell out of here!"

He snatched up my wrist in one swift movement and held it tight with a firm grip, dragging me behind him toward the window. I cried out in agony as I stumbled through the sea of broken glass, thick shards piercing my bare feet. Alex turned around, eyes growing wide as he realised what he had done. In a single motion he swept me into his arms, swearing and apologising profusely. He carefully kicked out most of the remaining glass from the window, expanding the gap he had previously pushed himself through.

"How are you going to climb down while carrying me?" I asked through gritted teeth, fighting hard against the pain in my feet.

"I'm not," he said simply and with that he flung me through the window, allowing me to tumble from his arms. A scream ripped itself from my throat as I hurtled toward the rapidly approaching ground. My eyes squeezed shut and I threw my hands in front of my face, waiting for the blinding pain before my inevitable death.

I waited for what seemed like and eternity, but I felt nothing. Wondering if my life had already reached its end, I slowly opened one eye, then the other, moving my hands away as I did so. I looked around myself in astonishment. I was no longer falling and was, instead, suspended in the air, mere centimetres from the lush green grass of the garden. Before I even had a chance to comprehend what had just transpired, Alex appeared beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist and hoisting me over his shoulder. I tried to protest but all that left my mouth was garbled nonsense, all of my words running together in one big unintelligible mess.

I watched a crimson fluid wash down Alex's back in a thick stream and began to panic. I cried out, attempting to warn him of his injury, but the slur in my voice made it impossible for anyone to understand me. I gave up and allowed Alex to race through the garden, me slung over his shoulder in a limp bundle of skin and bone. The beautiful flowers I had seen from my window flashed by in a blur of colour and sadness overwhelmed me. I wished Alex would just stop and let me smell them.

"Open the door, they're behind us!" I heard someone yell, followed by more shouting and several loud bangs.

Alex stoped running and I felt myself being thrown backward, falling across a row of seats in what looked like a van. Blackness crept into the edges of my vision and my head felt lighter than air. Alex appeared in front of me and I heard the urgent shout of a girl, hidden from my line of sight.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Tires screeched and my body slammed into the back of the seats, sending searing pain through my right arm. I held back the tears threatening to spring from my eyes and focussed all of my attention on Alex.

"Sara, I need bandages now," he said urgently, reaching for my sore arm. Every noise was combining into a single, dull roar but I fought it off, needing to make myself heard above it all.

"Alex," I croaked in a weak voice, "you're bleeding."

He forced a gentle smile on his face, his violet eyes filled with pain and, before either of us could utter another word on the matter, darkness consumed my world once again.



Hey, how are you?

I'm so glad that I am finally getting a chapter up on time. :D I really enjoyed writing this one because it was just intense from start to finish and something a little different from all the others.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and if you did please don't forget to vote and/or comment to let me know what you thought. It will only take a moment and it will make me smile. :)

Have a great day :D

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