Sex buddies

By Alison_Taylor

256K 3.6K 124

Mature Finchel! Sadly you have to follow me to read the 18 chapter. Rachel and Finn are totally strangers. O... More

Finding a new member |1
Sex in the choir room |2
Going down on her |3
"OMG!" |4
Made his mind |5
He still have that effect on her |6
Sex on the couch (Finchel) |7
Wet dream |8
Sex in the auditorium |9
Date? |10
First time when they are having sex as a couple |11
"Love you!" |12
Talking about future |13
"Fifty shades of grey" |14
Finn is dominator |15
Meeting his parents |16
'I think I got Rachel pregnant' |17
' I'm going to win her not him!' |18
Talking |19
Wet dream |20
Defending Rachel |21
Sex on the football field |22
"Naughty girl." |23
Future |24
"Will you marry me?"|25
"I'm choosing Finn!" |26
"I miss fucking you." |28
Revenge |29
Punishment |30
Perfect wedding |31
Sex in the new house |32
Baby boy |33

Moving in Hudson's house |27

3.6K 78 0
By Alison_Taylor

Rachel's POV

My dads left,slamming the door.

"It's okay sweetie, you can live here." Christopher said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you but that's too much to ask for." He shook his head.

"Don't even say that, you choose my son and not your own dads this is what we can do for you." I smiled and looked at Finn.

"I can't believe you choose me,they are your dads." I took his hand and kiss his cheek.

"Yes but you are the love of my life." He smiled.

"I love you." He kissed my hand.

"I love you too."

"I think we should go and take some of your stuff." He said and I nodded. Finn took his keys and walk toward the door,I followed him close behind. The car ride was silent,we didn't talk maybe because it could make it awkward. We arrived at my 'old' house in 10 minutes,we get out of the car and walk to the front door.

"Are you ready?" Finn looked at me.

"Of course."I kiss his cheek then knock. Hiram opened the door.

"What do you want?" He asked almost annoyed.

"I'm here to take my things." I said calmly and get into the house. "Finn go into my room, I'm going to be there in a minute." He looked at me,nods and kiss my cheek before he left. I turn around to face both of my dads.

"I can't believe you throw me out."

"You're the one who is making the biggest mistake of her life."

"Biggest mistake? I love Finn more then anything on the planet!"

"Then have a nice life with him." Leroy said.

"Thank you,now excuse me but I have to pack my bags." I turn around and walk upstairs. I entered my room and I saw that Finn already start packing my clothes.

"Thank you for starting packing." I kissed him.

"No problem,what did you talk to your dads?"

"Nothing.." I said and look at the wall. Finn only nods and keep packing. After a while we finally finished and leave the house. When we arrived at Hudsons house Finn carried most of my bags in the house. After I changed my clothes I lay next to Finn who was softly snoring that mean he's asleep. I can't sleep and I don't know why,maybe because a lot of things happens today..I get up and walk downstairs sitting at the table and just think.

After a couple of minutes I heard some footsteps so I turn around and I saw Christopher.

"Hi sweetie,why aren't you sleeping?"

"I just couldn't..why are you awake."

"Just need a glass of water." He take his glass and sit next to me." Are you okay?"

"No.. I'm scared." He looked at me confused.


"What if Finn will meet a girl and realized that I'm not the one for him?" He chuckle.

"I don't think that could happen,he's in love with you and he proposed."

"Yes but just because he proposed that doesn't mean he can't fall in love with someone else." I looked at my hands.

"You need to trust him."

"I am but I don't know what I'll do if that would happen."

"Carole and I will help you."

"Finn said he want kids." I smiled and look at Christopher,he was smiling too.

"He did? Well if you're going to be pregnant we are going to help both of you." I smiled and hug him.

"Thank you." I whisper and he hug me tight.

"Go back to your future husband now." I nod and walk back to Finns room.

"Where did you go?" He asked when I lay next to him.

"I just need a glass of water." I put my head on his chest and he put his hand over my waist.

"I love you so much and I can't wait us to get married." I smiled and kiss his collarbone.

"I love you too." I closed my eyes and doze off.


Hellooooo! A new update!! I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and feedback! And you can ask  questions about myself and my life by sending a message here on Wattpad or on my Twitter (@AllysTweeting) . Love you ❤

Alison ⭐

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