
By rallyesther

779 27 7

Edric get bullied and the golden guard who was passing by who saw it stopped the bullies and saved edric and... More

1. Savior
2. Angst
3. New mission

4. Hexside

129 7 2
By rallyesther

Hunters POV
When hunter woke up he had already got the clhotes ready for hexside on his table. Hunter first took a shower then brushed his theets then ofc putting on the hexside uniform. Hunter got up aerly so he had 20mins over to play with rascal.
It was time for school now and hunter forgot to put on makeup to cover upp his scar on his face he didnt want pepole to see it he was scared what they Will say. When hunter fastly got on the makeup to cover up the scar.
Hunter: im going to be late!
Hunter ran to hexside it didnt take long hunter was the golden guard after all.
Hunter got to school just on time.

Hunter went to his class.
Hey kid whatever your name is please introdoce yourself to the class Said the teacher. Im hunter and i dont have a last name. Okay okay got sit beside edric, edric please raise your hand Said the teacher. Edric raised his hand and hunter went to sit beside him.
Why of all pepole do i need to sit beside the troubelmaker-mind

Heyyyy hunter Said edric in a sarcastic tone. Hi.
Alright class where going to make a poition with the persone sitting next to you this is a good thing for hunter to get used to his partner.
After the teacher showed us how to make a mind poison edric and i started to work on it.
Edric was holding a cup of water to put in the poiston but as soon he got to desk where hunter was sitting mixing stuff for the poiton and edric tripped over his shoelashes spilling the water on his face Taking of the makeup.

I'am so sorry dude Said edric

Hunter realized the makeup went away he took his hand and coverd the scar.

Oh its okay..um i really need to go the bathroom! Said edric running away.

Wierd.. eh Said edric very sussly💀

When hunter was in the bathroom he looked on his scar and u coud see it very clearly. Hunter paniced but he coudent do anything all he coud do was have his headown hoppingivande No one Wood see.

Hunter got to classrome walking his head down he got to his desk.
Hello dude sorry again Said edric
Its okay lets just get thai over with.
Hmm okay ive done a bit we only need to mix the ingredints and i forgot Said edric noticing hunter having his head down.
Okay ill just put them in Said hunter liftning his face to put the stuff in hoping No one Wood notice but ofc someone Wood see it.
Hunter? Said edric.
Yes? Said hunter in a panicked voice.What is that scar on your face how did u get it l- edric stopped when he noticed how oncomfy he made hunter.
Sorry Said edric. its okay ig Said hunter
When they finished the poiton hunter burried his face in his desk letting edric give the poiton to the teacher.

Edric went to hunter. Hey my sister got plenty of makeup she always has it with her so i can ask her to put some on your scar so wont let me borrow her makeup without a reason so follow me after class dude Said edric proudly.
Thanks Said hunter smiling a bit but ofc edric cudent see it he was he buried his face in the desk.

After class took edric hunters hand and Held it running to Emira who was beside her locker.
Hey sis we some makeup!! Said edric
Why huh and who is that with you Said Emira. So basiclllly he has a scar that went away becouse i acidentilly tripped and water went on his face blah blah so we need makeup to cover his scar blah blah. Okay i get it lets go bathroom and ill put it on. Whats your name? Said Emira.
Hunter. Thats a pretty name hehe.

When they got to the bathroom they got the makeup.
Wow thats a big scar! Said emira. Sis! Said edric loudly. Oh sorry hunter! Said emira.
Hunter didnt fell comfy att all he wanted run away but the same wanted to get it Over it.
Its okay Said hunter stuttering he fellt scared when she mensionend his scar.
Oh really still im very sorry!
Edric put his hand on Hunters shoulders hunter jumped a littel getting flusterd. Edric who was drifted in his mind thinking of how to goldon guard looks hmm mabye he has gold eyes like me and golden Brown hair No.... Ooo he Wood look good on blond and purple well i think she has gold and golden Brown hair!

And done u cant see it now! Hehe ask me for help again anytime said emira proudly. Looks great sis! Said edric. Thanks you guys (hunter smiled slightly) haha no need to thank m- wait u guys need to get to lunch now before u miss it!

Edric took hunters hand saying thanks to emira running away in the hall to get some food(food🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤)

Edrics POV
When they got to the lunch hall it was fariy soup its a very delicous meal in the boiling iles. Edric ate very fast but when he looked att hunter who was just staring att the food.
Eyy why aint u not aeting this stuff is so good aet some cutie said edric looking over att hunter smiling. First of all u cant call random pepole cute and second im not hungry! Said hunter covering his face getting flusterd. Your not hungry hehe but honestly u remied me of someone very cute haha ill call u blondie becouse i call them goldie said edric putting a spoon of fairy shoup in hunters mouth.MMM i- i      Hunter was so flusterd he coudent speak he just sat there.
Bye bye~ said edric walking away to class.

Hunters POV

What in the actual fuck happend said hunter in a blushing mess running to class.after a long boring class hunter ran to where the lockers where to put a spy spell it was a success no one saw becouse evreyone is littarly outside of the school leaving now belos won't yell att or hurt me in any harms way.
As hunter walked out of the school he saw some tuff Guy there outside its the Guy who bullied edric.

Hey loser i saw ur ugly ass scar in class Said Ella giggling. Oh yeah i even got a photo and im going to post it! Said sam
Hunter coudent hold it he snapped.
SHUT UP DONT POST THAT SHIT IM GOING TO BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU BULLIES. Hunter started to cry yes he was kinda cringe but his scar was his weak spot.
Sorry dude we wont... said the bullies running away in fear.
Hunter was walking home crying a bit but when walking he pumped into edric.
Hey watch where your goin- Wait blondi- i mean hunter are u okay Said edric noticsing his tears.
                       |                  |🪶
                < ( [•    ..    •]<    )
                     (        .               )
             🌱       )_|——)_|
Words: 1185

Idk eh

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