Once In A Lifetime

By glittershims

824 122 2

How do you put yourself back together after everything you've ever known is gone? Hannah finds herself lost... More

Authors note


15 2 0
By glittershims

Hannah walks out of the terminal and is almost too scared to raise her head to look for him. She knows she has to though, so she slowly lifts her head and scans the crowd. It takes her all of two seconds to connect eyes with him, even though he's wearing a mask. She'd recognize those eyes anywhere. Her heart is pounding and racing and she feels butterflies in her stomach and heat washing through her body. She feels like she could puke! She's frozen in her spot as they stare at each other from across the waiting area. He looks the same, hair a tad longer which she knew from FaceTime, but seeing him in person after almost a year was way different than through a screen. He is so handsome. The most handsome man she's ever seen in her life to be exact. He then starts to walk toward her. She stays glued to the floor, eyes locked with his, body shaking so bad she swears everyone can see it. It feels like slow motion as he's walking toward her, when in reality it's a handful of seconds. Once he's in front of her, she can see him up close and she stops breathing. He pulls down his mask, smiles and warmly says, "hi Hannah." She gulps but doesn't speak. She can't find words and only stares at his beautiful face. He chuckles and tilts his head a little . He reaches his hand out to touch her arm and she feels electricity run through her body at his touch, making her jump and snap out of her daze. "You ok Hannah?" He asks as he quickly pulls his hand back, thinking him touching her was too much by her reaction. She releases the breath she's been holding and nods. She looks down to gather her composure and with another deep breath she looks up again. "Hey...." That's all she can manage to spit out.

Jungkooks heart is beating a million miles a minute and he knows she can probably see the sweat on his forehead because he's so nervous. But he can clearly see she is too. She looks incredible. She's changed but he knew this already. She still had her blonde hair but instead of the platinum highlights she used to have, she now has Carmel highlights as well. It makes her look very sophisticated and professional. She is just so beautiful to him. She is wearing her glasses since wearing contacts for eleven hours and sleeping in them isn't a good idea. He loves her in her glasses, she looks so sweet and innocent. Adorable. He didn't know how long they stood there looking at each other but he knows they need to go so they can get her bag from baggage claim, and he's sure she's exhausted. "You ready to go?" He asks. Hannah slowly nods and he chuckles and nods. "Alright. Come on." He pulls his mask back up and leads her through the airport to baggage claim and they stand in front of the belt to watch for her bag. "What does your bag look like?" Jungkook asks as they both watch the belt. "U-Um....it's...blue.....there!" She yells and points to an aqua blue case that just popped out. He quickly goes to grab it before she can and sits it down. He looks at her reaching out for it and smiles, she can tell by his eyes. "I've got it. Come on." He nods his head toward the exit and she follows silently. Both of them don't speak as they walk through the airport and out to the garage to his personal car. They're both so nervous. "Here I am" Jungkook states and pushes the unlock button on his key vob that flashes his lights, showing Hannah which one is his. "This is a nice car" she says softly as he loads her bag in his trunk. He jogs around to her side and stands close beside her. "Thanks, it's new. I don't drive it much because I usually have a driver, but it's night and....I didn't want anyone else to be here, so I drove it. I got it a couple of months ago." His scent invades her and she's lost in the smell of musk and vanilla that she had come to love. He quickly opens her door for her before she can, and steps back to let her get in. Once in, he shuts the door and runs to his side and gets in. He pushes a button and the car came to life. After taking his mask off and them both buckling their seats belts he looks at her and asks, "ready?" She nods and very softly replies, "yes." He nods and smiles wider than before and puts the car in drive and takes off.

The ride was awkward for them at first. It was so quiet. Jungkook decides to break the ice when he glances over and notices her digging her fingernails into her bag. He knows this was a habit she has when she is really nervous. "Do you want to listen to some music or anything?" She glances at him, catching his eye, then quickly looks back down at her bag. "It's up to you. I don't mind either way." He nods but doesn't turn it on. He takes another breath. "We can talk on the way if you'd like? Try to break the nervous atmosphere that's kind of heavy in the car right now." Hannah laughs a little at Jungkooks blunt, but humorous way he was trying to defuse the awkwardness. "Sure. We can talk." They causally talk about nothing really for the twenty five minute drive to the hotel. He pulls up and puts the car in park and turns it off. They sit for a moment in silence again and Hannah then grabs the handle to get out. "T-thank you for picking me up so late. I'm sorry if you don't get enough sleep now because of me." He nods and before he can say anything she's climbing out of the car. He quickly jumps out and gets her bag from his trunk and pulls the handle up for her. She grabs it and tries to pull it to her when Jungkook pulls it to him. Hannah looks at him puzzled as he's staring at the ground. "Can I....can I have my bag Jungkook?" He looks up at her and she can see the pain in his eyes. Without warning he crashes his body into hers and envelopes her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry if I'm overstepping, but I had to hug you" he whispers against her hair. Hannah melts in his arms. She slowly reaches up and wraps her arms around his back. When she did this he squeezes her tighter. She feels him bury his face in her neck and then he says, "I've missed you so much Hannah. You have no idea." She tries to push back tears that are threatening to fall from her eyes. She doesn't want to cry in front of him. "I missed you too" she answers back honestly. She wasn't going to lie, she couldn't. He can see right through her anyway. She missed his touch so much. How safe she felt in his embrace.

After a couple of minutes he pulls away from her and locks his dark eyes with her beautiful bright blue ones he loves so much. He could see them glassy and knew she was holding back tears. He smiles and then reaches up and tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear. Hannah closes her eyes at his touch, she can't help it. "It's so good to lay eyes on you again" he whispers as his eyes stay locked with hers but has a soft smile on his face. Her stomach is flip flopping again and she feels her cheeks heat up. "It's good to see you too. It's been a long time" she looks up and smiles at him. "Can you get in ok or....do you need any help?" Jungkook didn't want to leave yet. He has waited for so long for this moment. "I can get in fine myself. You should go, it's really late." Jungkook tries his best to hide the disappointment and nods. "Ok. I'll text you tomorrow then? Is that ok?" Hannah is surprised with how careful he is being. She smiles at him and nods. "Yes, that's ok. Good night Jungkook. Drive safe and thank you for picking me up." He nods. "Sure. Good night Hannah." She pulls away from him and grabs her bag. She walks toward the entrance, but before she walks in, looks back. Jungkook is still standing there watching her, a big smile on his face. She blushes and looks down. She looks at him again and waves, then walks inside to check in.

Jungkook gets in his car after she disappears in the hotel and leans his head back taking a deep breath. "I love you Hannah" he whispers as he looks at the entrance. He then starts his car and drives off. Once Hannah got checked in and to her room, she pushes her bag by a table and sits on the bed to take her shoes off. She lays back on the bed and stares at the ceiling. Their reunion went better than she expected. Yes it was awkward at first, but Jungkook was very careful at how he approached her. She appreciated that. She can still smell his scent on her from the hug. And god did it feel good to be in his arms! It felt like home for her. She smiles and sits back up. Knowing she needs to shower after being on a plane all damn day, she walks over to her bag. She opens her bag and pulls out a comfy pajama pants outfit and pads to the bathroom to shower. She reaches in and turns the shower on to let the water heat up. She then looks at herself in the mirror and notices her flushed cheeks. She smiles and puts her hands up to cover them. He had her flustered for sure. She giggles and then strips and climbs in for a quick shower. The water felt great but she was too tired to enjoy it, wanting to just wash and get out so she could climb into the big king sized bed and sleep. Once she walks out she pulls her charger from her small bag and plugs it in next to her bed and grabs her phone to charge it. She sees a missed text and smiles seeing it was from Jungkook.

J: made it home safe. Thank you for letting me pick you up tonight and for letting me hug you.

H: I'm glad you got home safely. thank you again for picking me up. I just got out of the shower. It felt so good too!

Hannah didn't realize how that text could be interpreted until she reread it after she sent it. She blushes and hopes he wouldn't take it the wrong way. But she knows this man very well and knows she's probably opened pandoras flirty box.

J: did it now? How good did it feel?

Hannah threw herself on the bed and squealed. She knew he'd take it that way. Her heart started racing again. What should she say? She bit her lip and typed.

H: best feeling I've had in a long time

J: how long?

Hannah felt her legs clench together a bit, feeling slightly aroused by the simple texts. She hadn't been with anyone since him so it didn't take much to work her up. Especially coming from him.

H: hmmm....almost a year I'd say.

J: that's quite a long time to not feel good.

H: what can I say...nothing ever came up to help me

Hannah is clenching her legs together hard and rubbing. She's close to putting her hand down there, if she wasn't texting.

J: I would have helped you.

Her heart is pounding and racing at how blunt he is being. It was familiar but new all over again. They've flirted in texts but never sexually since they broke up. But she found this exciting.

H: would you have?

J: yes

H: and how would you have helped me?

J: I'd rather show you than text it to you

H: how can that happen?

J: I can come back
J: if you're serious
J: I would gladly make you feel good all night

Hannah's breathing is increasing and she can feel herself getting wet. What was she even doing?

H: but it's so late

J: I don't care
J: if you want me to come there and make you feel good, I'll be there

She bites her lip. She doesn't know what to do. She hasn't had sex in almost a year. She didn't deny still loving Jungkook and he is amazing in bed. But was this a good decision? She literally just got to Seoul. She still doesn't know if she'll even be able to be with him again because of the trust. And sleeping together could seriously complicate things.

H: room 416

J: on my way

Hannah starts to freak out a little. He's coming! He's coming with the intention to fuck her! She starts pacing and questioning if this is good idea. "Fuck no it's not a good idea Hannah!" She whispers yells at herself. Then she decides she just won't answer the door. She'll tell him tomorrow she had fallen asleep. He knew she was tired and how long her flight was. The adrenaline is pumping through her too hard for her to go to sleep any time soon now though. She keeps pacing the length of the room, freaking the fuck out, until, after who knows how long, she hears a light knock at the door. "Shit" she whispers, bringing her hand to her mouth. "Oh my god" she says again when there's a second knock. She can't just leave him out in the hallway though, especially after he drove all the way back there at 12:40am! She slowly walks to the door and grabs the handle. She takes a deep breath and opens the door as she lets the breath out. Jungkook half pushes his way in, quickly pushing the door closed behind him. Hannah's heart is about to beat out of her chest as she's eyeing the man in front of her whose eyes are dark and he's breathing rapidly. "Are you sure?" Is what comes out of his mouth. Is she??? Fuck! She has no clue! So that means no then, right? Being unsure means it's probably not a good idea. She gives him a tiny nod and he attacks her.

Jungkook grabs her face with his hands and smashes his lips onto hers, immediately moaning at the taste of her lips. He's missed her lips for so long. Hannah melts right away, lost to everything but him. She wraps her arms around his back and grips at his shirt, forgetting all about the internal war she was just having with herself as to if this was a good idea. The kiss is deep and lustful, but passionate. He walks her backwards until her legs hit the bed. He gently lays her down, never breaking the kiss. As his mouth covers hers and his tongue explores hers, he runs his hand up her side and under her shirt. He breaks the kiss to get some air. "I missed you beautiful. Your mouth, your kisses, your body.....just, you. I missed you baby" he pants as his eyes roam her face. Hannah says nothing but pulls him down and kisses him again. She bucks her hips up when she feels Jungkook pinch one of her nipples. Jungkook groans when he feels Hannah pushing up into this bulge, desperate for friction. He breaks the kiss and leans up. He hastily pulls her shirt over her head and tosses it. "You too" Hannah pants and grabs at the hem of his shirt. He quickly yanks it off and tosses it as well. He then climbs off the bed and stands between her legs. He keeps his eyes locked with hers as he pulls her pants and panties down and off. He eyes her entire naked form before saying, "you're so fucking beautiful Hannah. So beautiful." He runs his fingers lightly up her chest until he reaches her neck. She feels goosebumps rise on her body and she squirms at the feeling. She smiles and sits up, pulling his sweats down as she keeps her eyes on his. She says nothing as she watches him take them down the rest of the way and kicks them away. He stares at her as she eyes his body; a body she's missed and dreamt about so many times over the past year. His muscles have gotten bigger and more defined since seeing them last. "This is still all yours beautiful. It's always been yours" he softly says and she looks up at him to see both love and pain on his face.

She leans forward and gently kisses his stomach. Jungkook tightens his muscles and breathes heavily at the feeling of her lips on his body again. He closes his eyes and enjoys the moment as Hannah peppers kisses across his chest until he can't wait a moment longer. He groans and pushes her back to lay on the bed and crawls on top of her. He kisses her deep as he rests his hands on the sides of her face. Hannah can feel his erection against her core and her stomach does a flip when she feels him start to push his way into her. She feels panic wash over her instantly. "Wait!!" She cries out, causing Jungkook to pull back immediately. "What? Do you not want to do this?" Hannah is breathing hard and is fighting back the panic she feels suddenly as her mind races. She shakes her head. "No, I mean yes...I mean, I do...but do you have.....a condom? I want to be protected from the possibility of any....y-you know...." She trails off, not able to finish the sentence. He looks at her, confused, until reality hits him in the face. She doesn't want to get a disease. It hurts him that she thinks he's been sleeping around since they split up, but he also understands because of why they split in the first place. He shakes his head. "I don't. I'm sorry. But I promise you Hannah....I haven't been with anyone since you. So I'm clean, if that's what you're scared of. But....but we can stop." Hannah's heart flutters at his confession and she feels more at ease. She leans up and grabs him by his neck and pulls him down to her into a kiss. He doesn't know what to do but just goes with what she's doing. She runs her hands down to his ass and pushes his cheeks into her, indicating she wants him to continue. He takes a deep breath and releases it, then deepens their kiss. He reaches down to line himself up with her and pushes in slowly so he can feel every bit of the woman he's missed for so long, wanting this moment to last.

She gasps as he pushes deeper, inch by inch, until he bottoms out. She grips at his back as he uses his legs to push hers apart more to push in just a little deeper. "Fuck" he says breathlessly at the glorious feeling. He sits there a moment, not moving, as he rests his forehead on hers and then looks into her eyes. Without a word he begins thrusting slowly, watching her face and feeling her walls around him, loving every second. Hannah is fighting rolling her eyes back at the sensation of him inside her and keeps her eyes locked with his. He caresses her cheeks with his thumbs as he pushes in her and both their breaths quicken. He wasn't going to rush though. He was going to make love to her, let her know how much he still loves her. Hannah though wants more since it's been so long since she's had sex. "Faster" she moans as she runs her hands down to his ass and pushes to get him moving more. She wants him to take her hard, she needs it. "I won't last long if I go too fast right now" he pants but starts to thrust a little faster. Hannah wraps her legs around his waist to push him deeper, and starts thrusting up to meet his and urge him to go faster. "Please! I....need it" she cries and he can't deny her so he kisses her and leans up to change his position some. He grips her hips and starts thrusting into her harder and faster. Her moans grow louder and he watches as she pushes her head back into the pillow and her eyes roll back. "Ahh! Right there! Don't..don't stop..." she cries out and he does as she says. He thrusts hard and fast, trying to hold back the urge to cum since it's been so long for him too, because he wants to please her. He can feel her walls tighten around him signaling that she's getting close. "Jungkook....I'm gonna....don't stop..." she cries out then moans and it's killing him to not cum. He's sweating so bad at both, fucking her hard like she wants and trying to not cum, but seeing her writhe under him is like a dream. "I won't stop baby. I feel you...squeezing me.....fuck! You feel so good!" He pushes on and Hannah feels herself about to release, the sounds of him grunting and moaning over her is almost as good as how he feels inside of her. She grabs his forearms and digs her nails into them as she cums, screaming his name. He groans in pain from her nails but can't hold it anymore from feeling her clench hard and cum on him and he explodes inside of her. "FUUUUCK!" He groans as he shoots his seed deep inside her. He grabs her legs and pulls them up so he can get even deeper, wanting to continue fucking her. "Fuck Hannah, you're so good!" He cries out as he moans through his orgasm. He thrusts a few more deep slow thrusts and once she's coming down he slows and falls over her, spent at his intense orgasm.

They lay for several minutes, trying to catch their breaths, him on top of her. Once their breathing begins to regulate he pushes himself up and looks at her face. Hannah's cheeks are flushed pink and her skin glistens with both of their sweat. She looks stunning. He feels so many emotions right now but doesn't know what to say. Hannah locks eyes with him and they just look at each other for a few moments. She then smiles and leans her head up to kiss him lightly. He slowly pulls out of her and lays beside her. "Can I, hold you?" He carefully asks. "Yeah" she responds softly. He smiles and wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her to him. She rests her head against his chest as he draws circles lightly on her back, until she gives in to the exhaustion from the long flight and what they just did. Jungkook knows she's asleep in minutes by how her breaths became longer and slower. He looks at her face and smiles. He never thought he'd have this moment ever again and honestly didn't know if he would again after this. He didn't know what Hannah was feeling or thinking. Maybe this was a one time deal. He tried to ignore the sting in his heart at the negative thoughts invading his mind and just enjoys this moment. He wraps himself in her and falls asleep, thinking tomorrow they can talk about what tonight meant.

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