❤︎ My Revenge ❤︎

By Eroticlove_5

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Leonie Waldorf and Ian James hate each other. Not dislike. not barley tolerate. Hate. When he's needs a tutor... More

𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒
Chapter 1: what the fuck am I going to do?
Chapter 2: Because he's my enemy!
Chapter 3: I'm starting to think you like me
Chapter 4: I can't believe I loved him
Chapter 5: I want revenge
chapter six: Everyones looking at us
Chapter 7: It's ours
Chapter 8: What the fuck did we just do? |part one|
Chapter 9: what tge fuck did we just do? |part two|
Chapter 10: I feel at peace
Chapter 11: prove it
Chapter 12: Mines
Chapter 13: I'm yours
Chapter 15: My girl
Chapter 16: Only yours
Chapter 17: Someone I Trust
Chapter 18: forced
Chapter 19: center of attention
Chapter 20: falling into place
Chapter 21: My dad
Chapter 22: Girls Night
Chapter 23: Girls night pt.2
Chapter 24: Together
Chapter 25: I'm not wearing any
Chapter 26: Oblivion
Chapter 27: My Revenge
Chapter 28: Sweet Revenge
Chapter 29: Twisted Prince
Chapter 30: Rowan James
Chapter 31: Christmas dinner
Chapter 32: The Big B
Chapter 33: You Called
Chapter 34: The Party

Chapter 14: Happy

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By Eroticlove_5

Chapter 14: Happy

There's no way I can rephrase this without sounding crazy, pathetic, and desperate. So I have to get it over with. I have to  ignore the embarrassment that is about to come. I just have to blurt it out.

"Ian, Will you have sex with me?"


The world must hate Ian and I's fake relationship. That's the only logical reason for this. I've been having bad luck ever since we started this whole thing. And no, I don't regret it. It has been successful with making Ethan jealous and Ian's grades getting better.

But Ethan showing up here? Now? This is the worst luck I've had. This is the most important event of my life. I can't afford this getting messed up.

He wants to get in my head.

And who's this bitch, sorry, I mean girl Sofia? Did he seriously have feelings for her? Was all she said true?

There's only one way to find out.

I stand from my seat to find Ian but he's already coming my way.


"Who's Sofia?" I asked cutting him off. "And please tell the truth. The whole truth"

"She's the girl I told you about at dinner. After we hooked up she started popping up everywhere, at my practice, my house, everywhere. We last talked at the pool party but I brushed her off trying to find you" Ian explains. "I wouldn't lie to you Waldorf"

"So you never had any feelings for her" why do you care? It's not like You're not his real girlfriend. This is all fake.

"Never" Ian Answers.

Rosaline Collins takes the stage to announce my fate in the fashion world. Rosalibs Collins is the godmother of fashion. I've dreamed of meeting her since I was a little girl. She's the reason why I got into fashion.

No one has seen her since her retirement. Many blogs declare she's secretly coming out of retirement soon and hiring new workers. But blogs say a lot of things, things that aren't true.

"You've all done great tonight. I truly am amazed at all of your designs but only some will make it to the second round" I take a deep breath easing my nerves. I glance at the other contestants around. Amber stands close to the stage seeming sure of herself. Elijah standing off to the side of the stage probably worried but not letting it show.

"When I call out your name you've made it" Rosaline is handed a small card that I hope has my name on it. "Amber Callaway" she first calls. Amber smiles and shrugs. She expected to pass to the second round.

"Elijah " I clap this time, actually happy for the person called.

"Leonie Waldorf"

She said my name.

I passed.

I fucking passed.

The other names announced don't reach my ear. This is my moment. This is the jump start of my career. All I have to do is win that competition and my dreams will come true.

I will win that competition.

I immediately run into the pair of arms I want to share my excitement with the most. I hold onto him as he lifts me from the ground, swinging me around.

"I'm so happy I could kiss you," I say as he puts me down.

"geez Waldorf At least take a guy out to dinner first" I swat him on the shoulder and he chuckles.

Did I force Ian to participate in this auction with me? Yes. But I wouldn't use the word forced more like persuade. And by persuasion I mean taking him by the hand and dragging him to a seat for the auction.

After the boy toy auction, I thought I would never participate in any type of auction today or ever. But they have something I want.

Will I win? Definitely, not these items are selling for more than my tuition. Which I can barely pay. I Wouldn't still be in college if it wasn't for my sister paying all of my fees.

Thank God for my sister.

I will repay her someday for everything.

"Aren't you excited?"

"No," Ian says.

"Co'om it'll be fun"

I've spent over a million dollars so far. I had no interest in partaking in this auction. But All it took was Leonie squealing at an old British painting for me to become an active bidder.

Leonie either wraps her arms around me or kisses my cheek whenever the announcer calls our paddle number. Each time her lips brush my skin I wish for it more and more.

Fuck it.

If I have to buy the whole damn place out just to see her happy, I will. Some others try to outbid me for what catches Leonie's eye. But I unmatch them everytime.

By the time the auction came to an end I'd spent twenty million dollars. Leonie dream car ended up being apart of the auction. I already planned to purchase it for her when she told me didn't have a car. The car begin apart of the auction was perfect timing.

I'm waiting outside of the bathroom ready for her to come out. Everyone's gone home by this time because the auction is over.

"Twenty million dollars Ian? What would your dad say about that" Sofia comes up to me.

"None of your business"

"No need to get angry Ian. I was just asking a simple question"

"Why are you here Sofia?" I don't have time for her annoyingness nor do I want Leonie to see her. Sofia must've said something earlier for Leonie to question me.

"Isn't it obvious? I want you Ian and I'm determined to get you" Sofia takes a step towards me.

"You'll never have me," I admit.

"See that's where you're wrong. Once I tell good ole daddy about her he'll send her away like she'd never existed"

"Don't underestimate me. Just because we fucked and had some type of friendship doesn't mean I won't end you" I say angrily. "I'm sure the press would love to hear about how your family business is tanking"

Sofia lips press into a thin line. "He'll never accept her. You and I both know that"

"And you think he'll accept a slut like you?" I say. "Do not contact or even come close to her or me again."

Sofia takes a step back leaving space between us before leaving. "Is she really worth it?"

I don't bother to answer.



I have an idea. It may not be perfect or logical. It's downright crazy but it's a plan.

I've been waiting to have sex. That wait did come in handy when dating Ethan. Just the thought of letting him see my body turns my face in disgust.

That doesn't matter now because I'm ready. And I have the perfect person to do it with.


He checks off all my boxes. Good friendship check. Perfect body. Check. No strings attached. Check.

He's the perfect person to do this with. I mean we have a great friendship and we're good at not catching feelings for each other.

Ian doesn't have feelings for me, right?

And I don't have feelings for him, right?

This is all too confusing. I need someone's input.

Me: Just a quick check. Ian doesn't have any feelings for me right?' I type quickly and press send.

Ivy: Are you serious? Have you seen the way he looks at you? He totally has feeling for you"

Me: I was hoping that wouldn't be your answer

Ivy: why? Are you finally done denying our feeling and using that sexual tension to use

Me: I'm going to ask Ian to have sex with me

Ivy: huh? I don't think I read that right because it looks like YOU SAID YOUR GOING TO ASK IAN FUCKING JAMES TO HAVE SEX

Me: no need to scream! Is it a bad idea

Ivy: Are you serious? This is the time to scream.

I shut off my phone receiving no help from Ivy. This plan is idiotic but I know what I want.

And I'm going to get it.

I just have to get out of this bathroom first.

As I lay next to a half-asleep Ian I complex if I should make a move.

Fuck it.

There's no way I can rephrase this without sounding crazy, pathetic, and desperate. So I have to get it over with. I have to ignore the embarrassment that is about to come. I just have to blurt it out.

"Ian, Will you have sex with me?"

After The longest pause in history Ian wrinkles his forehead. "Am I dreaming or did you just ask me to have sex with you"

"You're not dreaming"

Confusion fogs his brain. "Why?"

"Because I want to"


Embarrassment floods my body. No, Leonie don't back track. Stay on plan. "No not tonight, but maybe tomorrow"

Ian's expression goes from shocked to confused to Amused. "I think this might be the craziest joke you've told.

"This isn't a joke." I met his gaze. "I want to have sex with you. I mean I want us to have sex with each other"

"Are you fully awake because I can't say I'll never bring this up again"

"I'm fully awake and serious." I shrug. "Do you want to have sex with me or not?"

Ian stares at me wordless.

"It's a simple yes or no"

"Simple?" He explodes "nothing about this is simple. We're just friends remember"

"Which means there won't be any strings attached. I want my first time to be causal-"

"First time? You're a virgin" his hands rake over his scalp. "Okay look I strongly believe you're attracted to me. I mean look at me who isn't? And you moan whenever my tongue is in your mouth-"

"No, I don't"

"I don't think you just suddenly decided over the day to have sex with me so what is it? Is this to make Ethan jealous?"

"No, I just want to be comfortable for the first time. I know I can be comfortable with you okay? Plus you are very experienced so you could teach me a few things" I take a breath. "I'm an inexperienced prude."

"You're not a prude baby. I promise"

"Then help me prove it"

"Okay," he whispered. "Okay. I will. But on one condition."


"You have to go on a date with me"


Heyyy guys!!! So we're getting further into the story with Ian and Leonie relationship and drama.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter but I hope you guys like it.

Another thing is this story is supposed to have smut. I was thinking for the next chapter to have a smut scene but I can definitely take it out. It's up to you guys.

Thanks for all the love!!! I can't believe we reached 10k!!! You guys are amazing.

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