A Fateful Encounter: A Susie...

By TheSxMWriter

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With Haltmann Works Corporation in ruins, Susie realizes that she has no where to go. Asking Kirby for help... More

Chapter 1: A Place to Stay
Chapter 2: An Abrupt Discovery
Chapter 3: Issues and Bonding
Chapter 4: Past Decisions
Fan art! :)
Update 10/23/23

Chapter 5: Changes

618 10 5
By TheSxMWriter

A week had passed since Magolor confessed his former villainy to Susie. Contrary to what Magolor had believed would happen, the confession had actually strengthened Susie's bond with Magolor. For the entire week, Susie found herself doing almost everything with Magolor. They'd converse for hours on end, eat meals together, and even complete tedious chores together. Everything seemed to be going rather well for Susie, and yet something felt off.

Weirdly, Susie found herself constantly thinking about Magolor; these thoughts were somewhat odd to her, as she had never found her thoughts lingering on a specific individual, but decided to dismiss it. After all, they were just thoughts—unusual thoughts—that she believed would easily dissolve over the course of a week.

But to Susie's dismay, these thoughts failed to go away; instead, her thoughts seemed to thrive more than ever. She would imagine Magolor in her daydreams and dreams, always accompanied by no one except herself. In Susie's dreams, they would happily frolic in flower fields, go on small adventures, and continue their deep conversations. Soon, these thoughts became a hindrance to Susie, as she repeatedly found herself unable to do anything while these thoughts were present. She could barely even listen to Magolor speak due to the frequency of her daydreams!

It was the Monday of the next week in particular which made Susie realize why she had been thinking about Magolor so much. On this day in particular, Magolor and Susie were eating lunch together—she had cooked soup for both of them—while discussing repairs that needed to be done to the Lor. Just as Magolor finished swallowing the first mouthful of soup, he began to speak.

"The Lor is running quite low on energy, so we should start looking for the Lor's energy spheres to power it again."

"Yes, we should! It'd be nice to have the Lor working properly," enthusiastically said Susie, excited about Magolor's idea, mainly because it meant she'd get to spend more time with him. As soon as she spoke, an unusual thought slipped into her mind, a daydream stranger than normal. She tried to block out the daydream from her mind but failed to do so, so once again she found herself immersed in a fictitious scenario featuring both Magolor and herself.

In this daydream, Susie imagined herself searching for energy spheres with Magolor. It was extremely cold and snowy, so they were wearing typical cold weather clothes: puffy jackets, hats and mittens. However, as they walked, a gust of wind blew off one of Susie's mittens, exposing her right hand to the cold.

"No! My mitten! Now my right hand is going to be cold," she stated dejectedly, the once excited look on her face beginning to disappear. In an attempt to make her feel better, Magolor gently placed his left hand in her right hand, holding it firmly.

"Now your hand should be warm!" he stated contently, his face turning bright red, almost matching the color of a maxim tomato. Susie—whose face was also bright red—smiled at Magolor.

"Thanks, Magolor!" He was always so kind to her, and even the small gestures he made like this one made her so happy. With Magolor's current gesture of kindness, she decided that it was finally time that she told him something she had been meaning to tell him for a while now. Nervously turning to face Magolor, she began to speak.

"Magolor, I... I..." her voice faltered, seemingly nervous to say the words she desperately wanted to say.

"You know you can always tell me anything, right? If you don't feel comfortable telling me what you wanted to say right now, that's completely ok," said Magolor, reaching for Susie's other hand. Susie nodded in agreement, her cheeks blushing an even darker shade of red. With both of their hands interlocked, they were now facing each other. Susie used this as an opportunity to gaze at his bright yellow eyes. She knew she shouldn't stare at them, but they were so captivating that she just couldn't look away. Gathering herself, Susie began to speak.

"Magolor, I... I love you. I doubt you feel the same way about me, but I just can't deny how I feel anymore. You're so amiable, smart, and handsome and I just really like you." To Susie's surprise, he pulled her close to him and embraced her.

"Susie, I love you too! I always thought my love for you was unrequited so I never said anything, but I've always loved you, ever since I first met you." Then, after a brief moment of silence, he kissed her, which Susie happily reciprocated. As they kissed passionately, Susie's daydream was interrupted by Magolor, bringing her back to reality.

"Susie?? Are you ok? You've been staring off into the distance for eight minutes now," said Magolor, evidently concerned. Susie blushed, feeling quite embarrassed for ignoring Magolor for so long—especially for such an unusual daydream!

"Omg I'm so sorry Magolor! I've just recently been daydreaming a lot," she said, her face turning into an even deeper shade of red from embarrassment. She doubted that Magolor had ever experienced intrusive daydreams like hers, and felt a bit ashamed to be having them.

"It's alright, Susie. I'm just glad that you're ok, I was worried for a bit since you weren't responding," said Magolor, relieved that Susie was ok. "Just curious, what did you daydream about?" Susie's face immediately reddened; she couldn't tell Magolor what she daydreamed about! Her daydream was centered around Magolor! If she told him the truth he would probably just be confused as to why she would imagine something like that. Not even Susie understood why she had created such a romantic scenario between them in her head, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she felt. Ignoring her thoughts of confusion, she quickly came up with an answer for Magolor.

"I was just, um, daydreaming about us searching for the energy spheres! I'm just really excited to search for them, that's all," stated Susie with a nervous laugh. Magolor smiled at Susie's comment,

"I'm glad you're excited to search for them! I'm really excited too, I want to fix the Lor myself this time, without having Kirby and his friends do it for me." Susie strangely felt a bit sad after hearing his response, but hid it well from Magolor, forcing herself to smile. After thinking about why she felt this way, she realized that she had hoped that Magolor would say that he was excited to search for the energy spheres with her, but instead he was more excited about somewhat redeeming himself from the Master Crown incident by not forcing anyone to do the searching for him.

"For some reason, I just really want him to tell me that he wants to be around me. I'm not sure why but it'd probably make me really happy if he said that, along with that he cares about me and loves me—wait, loves me?!" Before Susie could analyze her own thoughts, Magolor began to speak.

"So when do you want to look for the energy spheres?" Magolor asked Susie, who was still quite shaken by her own thoughts.

"How about tomorrow?" she responded, repressing the thoughts which plagued her mind even more than usual.

"Sure!" happily responded Magolor, clearly excited about looking for the energy spheres. Before Magolor could have a chance to continue the conversation, Susie quickly finished eating her soup and stood up.

"I'm going to go for a walk, see you in a bit, Magolor!" she said, trying her best to seem cheerful.

"Bye! See you later!" As soon as Magolor finished speaking, she booked it out of the Lor. She desperately needed to get away from Magolor and think about her strange thoughts. As she walked, she began attempting to understand her strange thoughts.

"Why do I keep thinking about Maglor this way?! I'm not supposed to think about him romantically, I'm his friend! Unless..." And that's when it dawned on her. All of her romantic fantasies and thoughts... they could only be because of one thing: she loved Magolor. As much as she wanted to deny it, she couldn't anymore. He made her so happy and she honestly wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She wanted him to love her as much as she loved him, to tell her how beautiful she was, to hold her in his arms—she wanted to be with him. There was no going back now; these thoughts were very much real, and whether she liked it or not, she was going to have to contend with them. Sighing softly, she began walking back to the Lor, knowing very well that as soon as she got back, she would have to get used to suppressing her feelings, as she was almost certain that Magolor didn't see her the way that she saw him. And so they had to remain hidden, at least for now.

Meanwhile, a sleep deprived Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, Meta Knight and King Dedede walked over to Chilly's house, holding a bag full of their hard earned cash.

"I can't believe we finally raised the $200,000 we needed to purchase Chilly's house! That took soooo long," exclaimed Waddle Dee, letting out a soft, weary sigh. King Dedede nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, it did! That's seven days of my life I'm never getting back."

"Honestly if someone didn't leave Susie in the Lor with Magolor, I wouldn't have helped," stated Meta Knight, evidently looking drained.

"Hey, it's not my fault she entered the Lor!" exclaimed Kirby, looking slightly annoyed.

"Well did you try to stop her?" asked Meta Knight with a smirk on his face. Kirby, taken aback by the question, quickly altered the subject.

"W-well that doesn't matter, does it? What truly matters is that we're finally going to buy Chilly's house for Susie and get her out of there!"

"I guess you have a point," stated a very sleep deprived Waddle Dee.

After twenty more minutes of walking, they finally arrived at their destination: Chilly's house. Unfortunately for the four friends, it was quite cold, and they quickly found themselves wishing they had brought more layers.

"Quick, let's knock on the door! I don't want to be outside any longer!" whined King Dedede, shivering from the cold. Bandana Waddle Dee, hearing King Dedede's request, knocked as loudly as he could on the front door. After a couple of seconds, Chilly opened the door, smiling at his visitors.

"Kirby! Come on in!" he said, inviting Kirby and his friends inside. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm actually here to purchase your house! Here's the $200,000 you were asking for it," said Kirby, plopping the bag of money down on Chilly's table.

"Oh wow, that's even more than I was asking for! You're so generous— the asking price was only 20,000! I wouldn't expect any less from you, Kirby," Chilly said, smiling as he grabbed the bag of money. Kirby and his friends all gave each other angry glances. They had worked so hard for nothing! Their angry thoughts were interrupted by Chilly, who began walking over to the kitchen.

"Now that you're all here, would you guys like to stay for dinner? I'm making chili tonight!"

"Sure!" said Kirby, his anger quickly dissipating at the thought of eating Chilly's deliciously famous chili. Looking around at his friends, he could tell that they weren't upset anymore either—well except for Meta Knight, but he just wasn't as appreciative of good food as the rest of them were. Soon, the four friends found themselves eating tons of chili, consuming as much food as they could.

"Wow, you guys were really hungry!" stated Chilly, shocked at how much food they were eating.

"Yeah, I was starving!" said King Dedede, taking another bite of the chili on his plate. Bandana Waddle Dee nodded his head in agreement.

"Me too!" After an hour, Kirby and his friends were stuffed and ready to head back home. After filling out paperwork for the house, they said good bye to Chilly and began the long journey back home.

"We did it! We finally have a house for Susie!" exclaimed Waddle Dee, jumping up and down enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Now all we have to do is notify her about it and she'll be free from the Lor!" happily said King Dedede, smiling at his friends.

"Don't get too excited, we still don't know if Magolor has woken up yet and done something to her," said Meta Knight, figuring that realistically Magolor would have definitely woken up by now.

"I'm sure she's ok! Magolor is known for being unconscious, I doubt he'll have woken up by now," stated Kirby rather confidently.

"If you say so..." said Meta Knight, still not completely convinced by Kirby's rather ignorant statement.

"Meta Knight, stop bringing the mood down and let's party!! We got Susie a house! A HOUSE!! WOOOOO!!!!!" screamed King Dedede, now joining Waddle Dee in jumping up and down.

Deep down, they all had a feeling Meta Knight was right. Magolor couldn't stay unconscious for more than a couple days, and it had already been over a week. But ignorance was bliss, and so if they believed that Magolor was still unconscious, then he was. Unless there was undeniable evidence that he indeed was awake, then that was their truth, and no one—not even Meta Knight—could convince them otherwise. And so Kirby and his friends continued partying, celebrating that soon they would finally be able to give Susie a place to stay.

**Author's Note: Sorry for posting this chapter one day late, something came up and I wasn't able to finish it until today. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)

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