Red Is For Love (Io Shirai X...

By Freedom_Fighter24

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Kai Hosako, the twin brother of Kaori Hosako, is Japan's first autistic pro wrestler who made waves in New Ja... More

In-Ring Debut
Training Together
Masami's Debut
Adam vs Ren
Six Man Tag
Head Over Heels?
Strong vs Hosako
Ready To Fight
Happy Birthday Minoru!
Moving In And Birthdays
On The Trail
One More Day
WarGames Pt. 1
WarGames Pt. 2
After WarGames
The Old Returns
Two Segments
Time Together
Phoenix Pt. 1
Phoenix Pt. 2
First Squash Match (As A Champion)
Johnny vs Ren II
Writing A Book
New York Pt. 1
New York Pt. 2
Attack of The Fan
New Look, New Attitude
Be Mine
Johnny vs Ren III
Masami's Birthday
New Entrance
No More BS
Mixed Tag Match
Ren vs Io
Something's Wrong
Back To Full Sail
Happy Day
Strong vs Hosako II
Fish vs Hosako II
8 Man Tag
A Big Mistake
Final Straw
Split Interview
War Pt 1
War Pt 2
Wrestlemania 36
Special Day
Epilogue Pt 1
Epilogue Pt 2
The Process of Creating Kai "Ren" Hosako

Making History

244 3 19
By Freedom_Fighter24

~With Kai~

Well, I found out that Adam's not suspended anymore, and I can't wait to beat his ass, but the War Raiders had already beaten me to it, which I didn't mind.

Masami, Kaori, and I got to Full Sail and they got dressed in their gear while I wasn't in mine. I'm basically wearing an all black and white tracksuit, where is a way to show people that if I ever have a match, I'd make sure to have my gear underneath.

And speaking of gear, I decided to change things up a bit: I'm still going to wear the trunks and my knee pads and track jacket, but I'm gonna be wearing these:

Yeah, kickpads and workout shoes. I thought it was time to give up the boots. They served me well, but I can't be wearing the same outfit every time.

After some time, the brawl between the War Raiders and the UE was kicking up a notch, but I was looking for the right moment to come up behind Adam and give him the beating he deserves because I think not only would it be the best idea possible, it will also improve our rivalry.

Bobby, Kyle, Roddy, and Adam were just beating them hell out of those guys with the trash cans and everything. Then, I saw one of my old friends from New Japan, Trevor Mann, also known as Ricochet.

He came out of nowhere and he was beating them down and bringing the brawl back into the Full Sail arena, where I was waiting to get my hands on Adam.

Sure enough, when Adam and his goons took control and he was going to stand on the ramp and admire his friends' handiwork, but I came in from behind with a steel chair and I know exactly what to do with it.

I shh'd the crowd as if they didn't know I'm here, and it worked as Adam was distracted by the beatdown in the ring, I came up from behind and yelled in perfect English...

Me: So, funny story...

He turned around to see me, but I threw the chair into his face!

The crowd cheered and laughed as I was just beating Adam into oblivion until I saw Bobby coming, and I hit his ribs with the chair and then his back, as hard as I can.

As soon as I got into the ring, Roddy came up and looked to give me a forearm, but I ducked, went behind him, and locked in the Sleeper Hold.

Before I could turn him around and lock in the Fujiwara, Kyle managed to grab his friend and pull him out of the ring, just before I ripped Roddy's arm off.

Regal: That is not how this is supposed to be!

The crowd cheered immediately as Regal was on the stage, looking down on the bodies of the UE, telling me that this is going to happen.

Regal: Since you eight are hell-bent on destroying one another, then you can do that!

I think I know what's coming, and it ain't good for Adam or his boys.

Regal: All of you... will be inside...

Here it comes...

Regal: ...of WARGAMES!

The crowd went nuts as I was ready to kick some asses!

The four of us inside the ring were excited as I was just laughing and smiling at what Regal just said. I couldn't wait to be locked inside that giant cage, mostly because I get to have Adam all by myself, and there's nowhere for him to go.

Once it was all done, I went to Kaori and Masami who were just excited about the fact that I'm competing in my first ever WarGames match.

Masami: あなたは深刻ですか? (Are you serious?)

Me: ええ、私は本気です! 私がウォーゴムの中にいたかったら私は先週尋ねられました、そしてそれは公式にされました。 (Yeah, I'm serious! I was asked last week if I wanted to be inside of WarGames, and it was made official.)

Kaori: すごい! それはとてもクールです! (Wow! That's so cool!)

Me: それはそうです。 今、あなたがバーズラーと彼女のグーの喧嘩をしても構わないのであれば、あなたもあなたのために何かがあるかもしれません。 (It is. Now, if you guys don't mind brawling with Baszler and her goons, there might be something for you guys too.)

Kaori: それでは大丈夫です。 そしてその間、私は一致のために私のギアに乗らなければなりません。 (Alright then. And in the meantime, I have to get in my gear for a match.)

Masami: よく聞こえます。 (Sounds good.)

Kaori: そしてお互いにふさふそがしないでください! (And don't get too frisky with each other!)

Masami/Me: 香織! (Kaori!)

Kaori: 私は冗談を言っています! (I'm just kidding!)

She went in the bathroom and was changing, but I had to ask Masami this.

Me: あなたは私たちの関係について彼女に言ったのですか? (Did you just tell her about our relationship?)

Masami: とても多くの言葉ではありません。 (Not in so many words.)

Me: それは8つの言葉です:「カオリ、カイそして私は恋をしている」 なぜあなたはしましたか? 私たちはそれを秘密に保つことになっていると思いましたか? (It's eight words: "Hey Kaori, Kai and I are in love." Why did you? I thought we were going to keep it a secret for the time being?)

Masami: ごめんなさい、カイ。 私はもうそれをすることができなかったように感じました。 (I'm sorry, Kai. I just felt like I couldn't do it anymore.)

Me: ちょっと、少なくとも誰も知らない、それが重要なものです。 誰かが見つかるなら、私たちはそれらと一緒に話をするつもりです。 それが計画です。 (Hey, at least no one else knows, that's what matters. If anyone finds out, we're going to talk to them together. That's the plan.)

Masami: 私はそれが好きです。 私はそれと一緒に行きます。 (I like that. I'll go along with it.)

~End of Show~

As Kaori was going for an InSane Elbow, Duke had to come from behind and push my sister off the top rope!

Shayna managed to lock in the Kirifuda Clutch and lock her ankles around Kaori!

Kaori was fading and she was looking like she was going to pass out, and she did. The ref didn't see Duke and called for the bell as Shayna now has another chance to take my sister's title.

Before Kaori could get up, those three decided to beat my sister up, just after the match.

The crowd was booing so loud, in fact, that before Shayna and her two henchmen could brutalize her with a chair, the lights went out!

Everyone was wondering what was going on, but when the lights came back on, it showed Masami in Kaori's place, in a spread eagle position, almost in the same position that Kaori was in, but the three jumped back as Masami got up, looking for a fight.

The three of them stepped back a bit, and Bianca BeLair had to come in from behind. She pulled Masami out of the ring and started to beat her, but Dakota Kai and Candice LeRae had came out to stop the onslaught!

There were brawls all over the place: Masami was fighting Bianca, Candice was fighting Marina, Kai was fighting Duke, and Kaori was fighting Shayna, all until the heels ran away and Kaori and company stood tall.

Masami, Kaori, Dakota Kai, and Candice LeRae were being separated by security from Shayna Baszler, Marina Shafir, Jessamyn Duke, and Bianca BeLair as I was hoping that the impossible was coming to a head.

I was hoping that this would happen because I saw Regal on the balcony, and it might happen after the men's WarGames match was made official.

Regal: I've got a very simple solution for this...

The crowd went quiet as Masami and Kaori were unaware about what was about to be yelled, same with Candice and Dakota Kai.


When "WarGames" was said, everyone lost it!

McGuiness: WHAT?!

Renallo: MAMA MIA! We just saw women's history here in NXT!

I saw Masami and Kaori were actually in shock and I thought I saw them crying. It told me that they're so happy that history was being made!

After that segment, I was still waiting for them in gorilla, with a smile on my face.

Kaori: あなたはしましたか? (Did you?)

Me: 確かにしました。 私は歴史が作られていたかったかった。 私は女性が除外したくなかった。 (Sure did. I wanted to see history being made. I didn't want the women to be left out.)

Masami: カイ、あなたはとても甘いです。 (Kai, you're so sweet.)

Me: こんにちは、私はしようとします。 (Hey, I try to be.)

Kaori: そしてあなたは間違いなくそれの報酬に値する。 (And you definitely deserve a reward for that.)

Me: さて、私はそれを待つことができません。 あなたが何かを思い付くとき、私に知らせてください。 (Well, I can't wait for it. When you come up with something, let me know.)

Kaori: 私はします。 (I will.)

Soon enough, after the show, we all went back to the hotel and, while Kaori slept, I started looking at some houses.

I thought about moving into a house for a while after I made my NXT debut and I've never owned a house before. I always did hotel rooms or sleeping in a car instead of going to a house where I can be comfortable because I didn't know how to finance a place that I can own for years to come, which is understandable.

After some time, I thought sleeping in a car or hotel rooms were just getting to me. So I'm looking at a house in the countryside of Orlando, so I don't have to worry about the paparazzi or anything because I'm basically someone who wants to keep his privacy.

After looking at some houses, I found one that looked perfect for me:

This house might not look inviting, but it's definitely worth checking out after saving up some money, that's for sure.

I even did some research about this house: it's from the 1920s, has the original flooring, which has been restored time and time again, and the price as a whole is, checks notes, $150,000 plus the mortgage and closing costs. The mortgage and closing costs are so cheap here in Florida, it's a miracle!

I'm definitely gonna have to look at it when I saved up all my money, which is over $205,000. The reason I'm saving up is because I want to make sure I can afford appliances, a couch, bed, TVs, a hot tub, even a grill so I can cook in the backyard in my first day of living there.

Of course, some of those things are expensive, and I have to still save up all that money and wait for the right moment to call the realtor.

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