Innocent Until Stolen

By FanalisQueen

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"She was once Innocent until she was thrown into a pit. Stolen from her homeland" - Ugo Guardian Of Th... More

1. Kou Empire
2. Kui Ren
3. Mudads
4. The Meeting
5. Young Days
6. Prince Hakuren
7. Seishuu
8. The Enemies Camp
9. Attack
11. Unrecognised
12. A Royal Death
Death Count of the war
13. Royals
14. Future Family
15. How Time Fly's By
16. River Day
17. Teapot
18. The Witch Of Kou
19. Golden Lady
20. A Warriors Death
21. Princess's and Prince's Are The Same When Dead
22. A General With A Name
23. I Saved You
24. Maybe One Day
Book 2

10. Djinn Equip

35 2 0
By FanalisQueen

The fog thickens riding through it. Hakutoku wasn't the happiest learning that his people had been slaughtered in their sleep. Endangering one of the princes. 

Koumei, Aki, and had all been scent to Kou. The Right General and The Left General, Seiryuu Ri and Kokuhyou Shuu had ready up a plan with the Emperor. Nova rode behind Mudads's feated with new armour

''Something smell's strange'' ''Agreed'' Mudads slipped off the horse, Nova following. Using his body she slipped down him like he was a ladder. Mudads has always had children climbing over him. In the village, he used to look after the younglings, when he was young. They used him as a scratching pole and climbing post

''Mudad's what is it?'' Royo asked unhooking herself to follow the two Fanalis ''No. Stay up there, it might be safer'' Hakuyuu and Hakuren stared at the two ''Nova, what is this?'' Nova hushed Hakuren, leaning down to touch the ground. Digging her fingers in she closed her eyes ''Since anything?'' the Emperor stopped the march when Mudad's grabbed his reins

Nova dove herself into the dirt, listening to the heavy hovels. Mudads got down also, hearing the solid hood pints ''Something not right'' Mudads muttered. There was a little rumble just under the surface, moving faster than the horse

''You shouldn't do that'' Ray giggled up in the clouds. Nova jumped off the floor, running towards her. Bows were pulled back, the command given to shoot her down. Mudads stayed down on the floor, hearing it get closer and closer until it stopped. He pushed his ear more into the grounder seeing if that would help. 

It didn't help to try to hear the thing. But did help the thing to shot up from the ground, into his ear ''Arh!'' Mudads yelled in fright yanking the thing out of his ear. The worm was a dragger length long, with sharp circle teeth. It chopped and chopped trying to reach his skin

''What is that?'' Royo asked looking down at the ground ''I don't know, but theirs bond to be more'' just as the words slipped from Mudad's mouth a man screamed in pain, holding his leg. Where one of the worms eats into his skin, into his muscles. Mudads watched the tail flip around before dispairing

''Go ride!'' Mudads snapped at the royals ''It must be a feasting ground!'' Mudads had seen creatures like this in the dark continent. He and other villages boys would fence off grounds like this, where much bigger worms would surface to eat anything that passed

The men left the soldier with a worm in his leg, for the others, while they grabbed the horse riding away. Nova was fair in front of them, tailing after Ray ''Come down here now!!'' Ray giggled standing on a stick up in the sky

''I hope you do survive Nova'' ''Survive? Survive what!?'' Ray pointed behind her ''My pets'' Behind Nova was, small baby worms and bigger ones, chancing after the Kou army. They spun out of the ground with little wings at their sides, like little flying fish shooting up from the water. Nova gasped turning background to run when this white barrier blocked her way

Ray stood on the ground covering her mouth with a purple fan, lined with golden flowers ''Ray what is this!?'' ''I really do hope you survive Nova, you're a good friend'' The horse came to a stop, the men growing scared. Some slammed their hands down on the barrier

''If you were a good friend, you would let me out of this!'' Ray shook her head ''I have my orders'' Nova stepped back diving her foot into the barrier, it had a small creak before dispairing quickly ''Ray let me out! We grew up together! Please!'' ''I grew up with a mutt. Not you'' Ray turned her back from the people of Kou. Not wanting to watch them suffer any longer

''What do we do?'' Royo asked steering her horse to face the worms that sucked up some of the losse men. They got the fat men first, sucky them up. Spitting out the armoury after they'll done. To eat the next man

''Let's see if Djinn's do really work like that magi said'' Hakuren held out his sword ''Spirit of Wrath and Wisdom, in the name of my Magoi, and my will to grant me, a great power. I order you, come forth Inu'' Nova was blown away when Hakuren's hair turned a sea blue, and his brown eyes shined a bright gold. Sitting on top of his sea blue hair was a crown with a third eye sitting in the middle of his head

His armour dispaired. Replacing it, a Byzantium rubber like sleeve, covered his arms. Wrist to shoulder blades. His chest was open with a thick golden necklace hanging down to his stream. The same blue as his hair, shaped like the gagged glass came off his hips, acting as a belt. 

On his legs, was the same rubber, with golden sharply shape shoes that only covered his feet and shins.  White fabric, hung over the blue armour on his waist flicking out in the wind. Around his head, a large circle of fabric sat over his head. 

The magic glow on his moved over his arms one more time, to leave the same armour on his forearms. His sword handle turned a deeper blue. At the tip of the sword, an eight pointed star shinned like the sun

''Oww'' Nova muttered, too stunned to look away from him. He was beautiful at that single moment. He sat upon his sword, holding his sword out like a real king would if he wasn't the second born. Hakuyuu pulled his own sword out, angry to hear the painful cries of his own men ''Spirit of Prosperity and Hope, in the name of my Magoi, and my will to grant me, a great power. I order you, come forth Zishi''

Hakuyuu djinn equip, was very similar to Hakuren's, but rather than his chest being open it was covered. The white top he wore, came down from his shoulders to his stomach, tucked under his golden belt, and grey armour, to pop out like a shirt. Covering his upper thief, that the armoured boots couldn't reach. The eight pointed stars shined up after the third eyed crown sat on his head

The next flew things Nova couldn't catch when the giant dome broke down. Hakuyuu let out a heavy sigh, Hakuren chuckled pointing his sword towards the worms. Nova was pulled back into her own head when Mudads grabbed the back of her new armour. Spinning through the air around in three circles, she was flung up into the air near Ray

Reaching out her small hand, Nova with the tips of her fingers caught the stick Ray stood on ''Ahh!?'' Ray stomped on Nova's fingers. ''Arh!' Nova hissed, flicking her legs up. Spinning around the pole. Slipping through Ray's legs ''No'' Ray gasped in fright

Nova laughed, wrapping her legs around Ray. Flicking them both off the stick, they landed on the hard floor. Coaching up the air stuck in her chest, Nova rolled over. Ray grabbed her arm hissing in pain ''Bitch''

Horse surrounded the two girls ''Tell us where your army is'' Hakuren hissed. The djinn equip, starting to fade a little ''Tell us girl'' Mudads grabbed Ray's dress, holding her off the floor, above his head. Ray kicked around a bit before smirking

''Behind you foul'' Royo pulled Nova off the ground. Nova held her chest so tight, that her nails drew blood. Turning heads large mounts of horses and spears pocked up over the small hill. Half or maybe more of the army was hidden behind the hill. The sun behind them turned their bodies black. The organ sky sitting a beautiful silhouette

Nova leant off Royo ''Here comes the fight'' Hakuyuu pulled his spear out. Hakuren doing the same ''I'm not ready...'' Nova muttered ''It's just a fight in the colosseum, Nova'' Mudads put down Ray ''It isn't Nova... Fear what you're about to see'' Ray snapped. Mudads growled heaving her up in the air and slamming her down

''Arh!'' Ray splat blood over Mudads face. Nova looked away from her friend, facing the Gou Army

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