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By Little00Dove

1.7K 70 15

Being brought back. slowly though 14-year-old, Lilith Johnson arrived on Isla Nublar thinking she'd have a n... More

Act 1
Chapter 1:1
Chapter 1:2
Chapter 1:3
Chapter 1:4
Chapter 1:5 (part 2)

Chapter 1:5 (part 1)

176 9 3
By Little00Dove

Happy Birthday, Eddie!




As we were walking through the forest everyone was on high alert. The tiniest rustle, a bird chirping, or the wind blowing leaves, gave everyone a silent panic attack.

I was on edge at first then I started to calm down. Although I would tense up if something didn't sound right. And nothing sounded right. To make matters worse. It was like 1 million degrees outside. And I had a long sleeve shirt. With skinny jeans. JEANS. I was not thinking while I was packing. How could I come to an island that reaches 102 degrees in the summer, in jeans? That wasn't even one of my problems.

Brooklynn and her feud with Yasmina and Sammy were still going on. I was walking beside her and Yasmina would be nice to only me but not Brooklynn, it made me guilty. I didn't know what to do, it was too hot to argue. And the bugs. So many bugs.

Ben didn't like anything. He was the last person in line stopping occasionally to apply and then reapply hand sanitizer. He stepped on a branch and screamed. Causing all of us to scream.

Brooklynn immediately got down, and I followed the actions also covering my head. It wasn't my most bravest act but I was on edge and the edge was pretty sharp.

"Ben!" I screamed worried.

"Sorry I stepped on a twig."

"Dude not everything is out to get you."

"Ugh, come on, man."

"You done gave me a heart attack!"

"I should step on you."

I helped Brooklynn off the ground. "Jesus Christ he needs to get a grip," I whispered.

"I can't all these mini heart attacks," She whispered to me.

"It's okay, Ben. We're all on edge." Darius reassured.

"And lost." Yasmina sassed.

"Yeah, we've been out here for a while now. Darius, are we sure we're still headed towards the park?" Sammy asked.

"Yeah, dude. Are you sure we're going the right way?" I added on.

"Well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!" Brooklynn was back to accusing Sammy of theft.

"Brooke we don't have time for this," I said.

"Sammy didn't steal your phone!" Yasmina once again defended Sammy. She pushed Brooklynn back by her shoulder. Brooklyn didn't like it and shoved her hand away. "No one stole your phone! Can we please stop talking about this"

Poor Ben was in the back of it all, scared. He was always caught in the middle somehow. Whether being told to shut up or literally being in the middle. "You guys! You guys, you guys, you guys. Could you all yell at each other quieter, please?"

"Yeah, we don't need the big ole dino baby to come and gobble us up like those workers," I commented. They all looked at me with wide eyes. "what? Just being real."

"My fellow campers, chill! What we need here is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next. Since I'm obviously leadership material..." he shouted. Everyone rolled their eyes. I let out a scoff because he was far from leadership material. "I'll do this. And my first decree as a leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Darius." Kenji threw his arm around Darius.

"Huh?" Darius said. He whispered something to him. He then walked over to the rest of us.

"So, which way, Darius?" He asked. Crossing his arms he looked at me and nudged me. "Stop biting your lip," he whispered.

"Please, you're just trying to cover up the fact that you're lost, too, Mr. VIP. None of us know where we are." Brooklyn yelled at him.

"I know where we are!" Darius shouted.

"Like Ben said earlier let's not yell," I said putting my hand up.

"We're by the Carnotaurus paddock! I thought this place looked familiar." He said running.

"Or like, just ignore me," I said shrugging.

"Am I an excellent leader or what?" Kenji said with a smug smile. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him.

"I can walk just fine," I said shaking my arm out of his. "Jesus Christ it is hot!"

Everyone followed us. Leaving Brooklynn in the back looking defeated. She put her hands in her pocket and walked next to Ben.

Darius split open some tall grass and looked around. "I remember the fence." He paused. "The broken, ripped-down fence." His excited demeanor changed into one of concern. '

"Your telling me a dinosaur broke out. A really bad and big dinosaur?" I asked. "I hate this camp," i threw my arms up and leaned on Kenji.

Ben walked forward panting. He looked like he was about to pass out. "That means... That means Toro is out here... with us."

"Now we have to deal with the Indominus and Toro. Hold up. How do you know about Toro?" Darius asked. Kenji is not a keeper of secrets unless there mine. I made sure of that.

"We all know. Kenji told us, like, the day after it happened." Yasmina said walking thru Ben and Darius. Darius glared at Kenji, and Kenji gave a fake smile to it.

"In my defense, me saving you was super cool," he said.

"Kenji can't keep secrets," I shrugged walking backward to Brooklynn.

"Hey, you've been quiet. Which for the small time I've known you, isn't like you."

"Well given the circumstances i'm surprised i havent died of a heart attack yet." she laughed. I stared at her trying to see any signs of lying. I didnt see any so i just hummed and walked back by Kenjis side.

"We know this enclosure is due north of the main park. So, if we keep going that way, we'll hit the visitors' center. We're sure to find Dave and Roxie, or someone else there in charge," Darius said. I got to hand it to him, he was smart. Smart, rational, and calm in a situation like this. What does that make him? It makes him the rightful leader.

"Maybe you should be leader," i mumbled. Kenji gvae me a small shove. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Yes! Exactly what I was thinking, as leader, which I am. Follow me!" Kenji said. Glaring at me. I was an inch or two shorter so he didn't tower over me but tried to glare me down. It didn't work cause i just rolled my eyes and went to stand by Brooklynn.

"Hey brooke," i said linking our arms. I looked back at Kenji and glared at him. He glared right back.

Brooklynn must've been looking at me because she laughed. It was a good sign i didn't do anything, and she wasn't super mad.

Brooklynn was shorter than me so i leaned down a little to whisper, "Yeah i like him." i immediatly shoot back up when i felt something thrown at me. I looked back to Darius pointing at Kenji and Kenji pointing at Darius. I glared at Kenji and stuck my tounge.

Brooklynn laughed at the whole interaction.

"Yeah i could tell. You guys are so oblivious to each other." she turned my head towards her so i would stop glaring at Kenji.

"Actually i think he likes you." i said hip bumping her.

"Ew. no." she said fake gagging. "Don't ever say that again." we both laughed and looked back at Kenji and Darius. "He's cute but his personality is a big no. In capital letters."

"Yeah it gets annoying but ive known him for a few years. So ive been able to tolaerate him. Just me it was much worse when he was younger." i told her. We laughed again and went back to just walking in silence. Kenji and Dsrius passed us and i tripped Kenji. He playfully shoved me, and i hit his arm, then we started fighiting. Brooklynn pulled me away and Darius pulled Kenji away.

A little after that we fell back from the group. We started walking slower just talking, then she started sped walking and shoulder bumped Sammy. She angrily moved a leaf out of the way. She was so calm and happy earlier what happened. Her mood changes faster than Kenji switches up when we get in trouble. Usually we both take the fall but when his dad is around he throws me under the bus. Like a fake switch friend. I do the same though so i can't say anything. But still it hurts.

"Alright Brooke what is the matter with you?" i asked. It seemed rude but if i needed to be rude to get to her, then that's what i'll do.

"Mode switch much," she mumbled.

"You did the same," i defended myslef. "I just want you to tell me why your so angry with her. I don't really trust her much. But it doesn't seem like she had your phone."

"Yeah well you don't know do you." she said angrily before walking away. She started grumbling to her self. She didn't want help so i just let her do what ever shes doing.

We all stopped infront of an overturned gyrosphere. I gasped at the sight.

"Oh no. okay so does that mean the indo is close, and we need to leave, or are we just gonna like stay and wait to be eaten?" i said. I was panicking and i make uneeded jokes when i panic.

"Predators don't kill prey and then just leave without feeding. This... this isn't right." Darius said. We all walked to get a better look at the dinosaur. We then heard a low groaning from the bushes.

We scremed and ran to the nearest hiding place. I was next to Sammy hiding behind the gyrosphere. My eyes were wide darting around the clearing. I was breathing hard and going numb. Everything was so bright and i could hear everything.

Before it escalated i slid down to the ground silently with my hands over my ears and my eyes closed tight. A dinosaur snarled as it ran out the bushes. We all ducked farther into our hiding soaces and screamed.

But when we didn't hear screaming or roars, we all peeked at the dinosaur. Low and behold it was a small ankle dino thing.

"Bumpy!" Ben said excitedly. So that was his dino crush. He ran to her and scratched her head. He hugged her and her head snuggled into his arm. It was like a human and dog relationship. Except you didn't see this on a regular day. Then again it wasn't a regular day.

"And drooly, and smelly. How do you even know that's the same dinosaur?" Kenji asked. He helped me up looking me over to see if i was okay. I just leaned all my body weight onto him, i didn't feel like standing anymore.

"Her big head bump. Dr. Wu said she's asymmetrical, but he's wrong that it's bad. And so what if she is asymmetrical? There's nothing wrong with being different, or bumpy, or getting tired after reading an overly thrilling book! And maybe if her parents had listened to her, she wouldn't have come here and gotten attacked!" Ben ranted.

I looked at him with sympathy. "Ben it's fine to be scared but our biggest concern is the smelly dinosaur right beside you."

"As fun as this reunion is, shouldn't we keep moving south?" Kenji asked pointing southward. He put his arm around me and was now leaning on me.

"Hey. thats my job." I teased.

"I'm not spending another hour walking through the jungle, hoping that we don't run into that Indominus. We need a new plan." Brooklynn spoke up.

"Uh, yeah, obviously we need a new plan. So, I had Darius figure out a new one. Lay it on us, bro." Kenji answered. He put the attention on Darius again.

"Please say you have a plan," i begged him.

"So, uh... we need to find somewhere safe close by. If camp is that way, and the park is that way... sn't Dr. Wu's field genetics lab near here? You guys went on the tour. Does this area look familiar?" Darius gave us his master plan.

"You are a genius dino nerd," i praised him. I walked over to him and give him a hug. "Maybe i wont die." i said wondering about it. I let go give him a pat on the arm. "My life is literally and figuratively in your hands." i walked back to Kenji and put his arm around me again. "oh , i wasn't paying attention to the ride over there so."

"Um... Yeah, Y-Yeah I think it might be over that way." SAmmy stuttered. She obviously wasnt sure about it.

"That seens right," Yasmina agreed.

"Great! Thtas where we should go. Theres bound to be an adult there who can help or tell us what to do. Right?" Darius said.

"Adults aren't that helpful but if you think so, then i'm down," I shrugged.

There was faint roaring in the background. We all gasped and all subconsciously agreed.

"Fine, whatever! Let's just go to the lab. As long as we are moving away from that." Brooklynn's favorite thing must be yelling and announcing our location.

"What about Bumpy?" Ben asked.

"Aw that's adorable you care so much," I told him.

"She's a dinosaur, bro. She belongs out here in the wild." Kenji explained.

"And she'll just slow us down. We gotta go now." Yasmina added on.

Kenji pulls me along with him and we started walking again. I had completely forgotten about his arm and decided to push some lines. I held his hand and felt him tense up. I glanced at Brooklynn and kicked a rock at her. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Watch this," I mouthed. She just rolled her eyes and did a hand motion signaling me to go ahead.

I pulled his arm from my shoulder down to my waist and gave him a closed-eyed smile. I opened my eyes and he quickly diverted his eyes. I could see his cheeks being a bright red.

I looked back at Brooklynn, i wiggled my eyebrows. And she did a silent clapping motion. She turned around and started silently walking again. Sammy and Yasmina were walking side by side. Yasmina lifted the leaf for Sammy but let it fall in front of Brooklynn's face.

"We're doing the right thing, yeah? Going towards the genetics lab? Or should we have stayed at camp? Would that have been safer? How are you so calm about this?" He questioned Kenji.

"I told you, if someone gets eaten, I'm not to blame, you are. Lea-der-ship." He answered with a salute motion. I rolled my eyes, typical Kenji.

"But if I'm leading us the wrong way, the person getting eaten could be you or Lilith," he said. His eyes flicking fown to his hand placement and his cheeks grew bright red again.

"Are you sure we should be going to the lab?" he screamed. "Why are we moving so slowly?" he walked faster which meant i had to walk faster. With a groan i hurried my steps. "Lets pick it up people!"

"Kenj, you know relaxing, and walking slowly won't hurt you. And it definitely wont hurt me." I mumbled the last part under my breath.

"Wait. Guys wheres ben?" Darius questioned.

We heard wrestling and grunting. And out cme Ben, right out of the bushes dragging... Bumpy. Didn't we tell him to leave BUmpy?

"Ben what the heck." i said ith a blank stare.

He gasped and pushed Bumpy back into the bushes. "Hey! How's it hangin'... dudes?" He crossed his arms and tried to hid Bumpy.

"Ben, are you hiding Bumpy in that bush?" Darius asked. He knew the answer or at least i hoped he did.

"Nope. That could be anything. The jungle makes all sorts of weird noises." Ben siad. Bumpy ran out of the bushes knocking Ben down in the process. "Ho did she get her?" He said from the ground.

"We don't have time for this! There are dinosaurs eating people out here, and Bumpy can't keep up!" Yasmina argued.

"Yeah Ben, bringing Bumpy isn't a smart decision," i said shrugging my shoulders.

"She can move faster. Ankylosauruses run fast. Right, Darius?" Ben tried to reason.

"When they're fully grown, maybe, but she's just..." Bumpy sat down and started sleeping. It was so cute but we were wasting time. And wasting time meant wasting daylight. And i have a feeling it was 10x more scarier at night, especially with the camouflage dino loose.

"Wow! Yeah, total speed demon. Say goodbye, Ben." Kenji said. We all turned around and started walking again.

"No!" Ben yelled. "You say hello, because she is coming with us! So... there!"

"Ben, you're not thinking this through. Bumpy's too slow." Brooklynn tried to reason with him.

"Yeah, like Darius siad they're only fast when they're fully grown," I added on.

"Then... then we'll put her in the van!" He said.

"What van?" Sammy scoffed.

"That one!" Ben said pointing behind us. How did we miss that?

We all walked over to the van. "Oh it's the big guys van." I said.

"It's an ACU transport! Asset containment unit. Got the tour of their HQ. Super hardcore dino-trapping security dudes." Kenji said opening the doors. He jumped in and sat down.

"More like you snuck in there and got me in trouble," i nudged him.

"I said i was sorry!" he groaned. Helping me up. I sat infront of him with a sigh.

"Then where are they?" Darius asked.

"Is that a tablet?" Brooklynn ran through the rest of the group. She jumped up moving Kenji away and grabbing the tabelet.

"Woah, there Rambo!" i said when she almost backed up into me. I moved to sit next to Kenji. "Get your butt out my face!"

"Sorry." she said walking to the front.

"What did they tell us? Oh, right. Come on, channel six. Dave, Roxie! Can y'all hear us?" Sammy tried the walki talkie. All she got was static.

"And of course this doesn't have communication enabled. Because you know what? Why would it? If I had my phone--" Brooklynn was going on her rant again.

"Enough already! There are bigger things going on here than your phone!" Darius yelled at her. She looked down obviously ashamed.

"There's a map program with little moving dots on it." Brooklynn looked at the tablet. She placed the tablet downw and Darius got to work being dino nerd.

"They chip all the dinosaurs electronically to track them. See? There's us, and there's..." He said clicking a group of dots.

"Wait. Here's the Brachiosaurus Grove on the map, so why are the Brachiosauruses way over there?" Kenji asked.

"I think maybe the fences are down. At least some of them." Darius said.

Bumpy started growling and getting restless. She started squealing loudly. "Ben do something about that." i told him.

He jumped out of the van. Grabbing her trying not to get her to run away. "Easy, girl." he tried to calm her down. Then we heard rumbling coming from the trees.

"What was that," i said quickly. My eyes darted everywhere as Bumpy whined even more.

"Guys? Somethings coming this way." Ben said grabbing onto BUmpy even more.

"That's weird. Whatever that is, it isn't showing up on the tablet." Brooklynn whispered.

"What kind of dinosaur wouldn't have a transponder?" Darius added on.

"I am not in the mood to find out," Kenji said. He was leaning over me to look at the tablet. Usually, i would blush at the close proximity but instead, I was on high alert.

Bumpy was squealing even louder. Ben tried to quiet her but that wasn't enough.

Yasmina walked forward, "Ben, shut her up!." She whispered.

Then we heard roaring. Deep roaring that sounded close. Darius screamed.

"We gotta go now!" He yelled. We all sat down and buckled up. "Wait! Doesn't anyone know how to drive a van?"

"No, but we drove gyrospheres, right? It can't be that different." Sammy said.

"The gyrospheres had joysticks and a Jimmy Fallon tutorial. I don't even have my learners permit!" Ben said. He was scared, probably more than me. Actually, definitely more than me.

"I do!" Kenji siad humping over the seat to get in the drivers place.

"Kenji you know how to drive right?" I asked desperation evident in my voice. He was whispering to himself and taking too long.

"Kenji, go, quickly!" Yasmina yelled at him.

Instead of going forwards (away from the dinosaur) he went backwards (towards the dinosaur). We all screamed as the indo came into view.

"Wrong way! Wrong-way!" Ben yelled.

Kenji immediately switched gears and started driving away. Downside, the indo was fast and Kenji was going slow.

"Kenji, Faster!" i yelled at him.

"It's gaing! Go faster!" Sammy yelled.

"I can't!"

"Your'e in the wrong gear!" Yasmina yelled at him.

"Well how do i shift gears?"

"I thought you knew how to drive!" I yelled at him.

"How should i know!" Ben yelled. Bumpy started squealing again causing all of us to scream.

The indo was gaining. And it was about to snap its mouth onto the van. We made a sharp turn and the indo fell over, ot immediately recovered and kept running after us.

"It's coming!"

"Step on that thing!"


"Are you signaling?"

"Were gonna die!"

"Can everyone not yell at me while I'm saving our lives?" Kenji said.

The indo was now so close, saliva was sprayed onto the back windows. It was close to snapping at us omce again before Yasmina saved us. She got up and pulled the steering wheel. We took a sharp turn into the trees and then off a cliff, screaming the whole time. 

All I could do was close my eyes and scream. 


this episode is gonna come out in two parts. still getting the process of settling in. I haven't updated in a while, but I haven't completely forgotten about this book. it took a while to get the internet settled which is why I'm posting today. but for the most part, I'm shitting these out in small parts, reading and editing them, posting them, doing other things, and having fun. if there are a lot of typos I'm sorry in advance 



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