Another Cinderella Story • Ha...

Por chrissybaeevans

19.1K 670 351

✨ MINI SERIES ✨ After your father's passing, you're forced to stay with your stepmother and three step siste... Más

Casting ✨
Part l • Introduction
Part ll • Summer Has Begun
Part lll • If This Were A Fairytale
Part IV • Prince Charming Wears Dolce
Part V • King of Her Heart
bonus • little barber bakers 🎂
moodboards + playlist
bonus • the bake sale 🧁

Part VI • Happily Ever After

1.8K 75 80
Por chrissybaeevans

Part 6: Happily Ever After

Warnings: SMUT, angst, lots of fluff!

Buckle your seatbelts kids, you're in for one. last. ride.


Andy waited behind you as the police officer unlocked the cell Hayden was in, as he walked out he grabbed you and held you tightly.

His father George, was still here too.

"I'm calling my lawyer," George tells Andy.

"And tell him what? That I took your son out of jail because he was wrongfully arrested? Because of you? I may add. Good luck with that." Andy tells him sternly, "let's go guys."

He looks at you and Hayden.

"You guys go ahead, I will catch up." Hayden nods at you, after kissing your hand.

You walk side by side with Andy, looking back once at Hayden to make sure he was okay and he was, only he stopped to speak with his father.

"I don't know what I did to you, to make you hate me, but I just want you to know that at one point, I really did love you like a father, and I looked up to you...." Hayden confesses.

"..that was until you beat the crap out of my mom, and me. I hope it won't surprise you when Andy sends you and mom emancipation papers. Yeah, you would buy me the best clothes, I went to the best school, but I didn't want that. I wanted a family. And you obviously couldn't even man up and do that. And you wanna know what really sucks? That my mom Annie doesn't even love you either. She's been seeing another man on the low for a while now, of course she's kept it pretty well hidden from you..."

George's hands are balled up in fists by his sides, this angry look on his face but he can't do anything since he is still in a police station.

"....and don't even think of hitting her when you get home because George, you're the one getting arrested today."

A detective stands behind George, pulling his handcuffs out and arresting George. By the time George arrived and was allowed to be inside the station, Hayden confessed to a detective everything his adoptive father did to him, the mental abuse, the physical abuse...everything.

"George Smith, you're under arrest for domestic violence towards a minor and towards your partner."

Hayden looked into his adoptive father's eyes one last time.

"I'm gonna find you one day, you little shit." George threatens.

"Just keep talking sir," the detective says, "you're just doing yourself harm."

"You'll never find me, because as soon as Y/n gets her life back, we're gone."

"You really think that little girl is staying with you because she loves you? Wake up Hayden, she loves the money I gave you! The wealth I gave you!"

"Bye, George." Hayden says, hands in his pockets as his walks out to where you and Andy were waiting.

A few hours later, after Andy invited both you and Hayden to some lunch after that traumatic experience, Andy had to arrange everything to present his case.

He stayed in the conference room of the hotel he was staying in while you and Hayden were at the pier, just cherishing each other's company.

It was night time now, and the summer breeze was flowing through your hair while you had your wrap/scarf around your body. Hayden was behind you, his arms around your body, holding you close and he laid his head in the crook of your neck, kissing the area every now and then.

"I got so scared when they took you away," you let a tear fall down.

You don't understand why you have to go through this, why can't you just be happy?

"Baby, I'm here now," he whispers reassuringly in your ear, "it's okay."

You turn to face him, your neck at an awkward position. He smiles gently at you, before you both leaned in for a gentle kiss.

"You won't leave, right?" You whisper, as one of your hands comes up to cradle his face.

"Never. You won't be getting rid of me anytime soon." He says, kissing you twice before you giggle and pull away.

You think you love him, you want to say it, it's the perfect time to say it but yet again is it too early?

"Are you okay?" He asks after watching you zone out for a few seconds, pushing you so that the front of your body was completely turned around. 

"Yeah...just nervous about all this..." You partially lie, "Andy says my dad left me everything, but...but what I am supposed to do, Hayden? I don't know how to run a restaurant, or what the hell to do with that huge ass penthouse where all my trauma occured? Or..."

"Shhh, angel," He whispers, cradling your face to focus your attention on him, "it's gonna be fine, I swear, look you could sell the penthouse and as for the restaurant, you could use Nate to your advantage, he knows how to negotiate and already runs the restaurant but instead he could run it on your terms."

He really has a solution for everything.

But what about the fate between you both? You've only known him for a short amount of time, but you're in love with him, his father has just gotten arrested, you don't have a home to go to, it's like you both are on your own.

The thing that scares you the most is what if one day Hayden decides he doesn't love you anymore, that everything happened so fast, and he was really just with you because he felt bad.

You tried to quiet this negative voice in your head down but it was no luck.

Hayden chuckles as he sees you zone out again, "babe, tell me what's really bothering you," he takes your hand and leads you to a nearby bench, sitting you down.

"I guess, I-I wanna know what we are....or what you want to be...or rather," you shake your head as you let all your thoughts fall out of your mouth, "what I'm trying to say is, what do you want with me?"

"Y/n," He looks deep into your eyes, sighing when he sees you break the gaze "I want it all, with you," he picks your head up from looking down at your thighs.

You met his blue prince charming eyes and have no choice but to believe everything he says.

"I know we haven't known each other for long, but look how much we've been through already, and I have this feeling I get when I'm with you that I've never felt with anyone else before."

You bashfully smile up at him, god it felt like you were in a movie, a fairytale.

" wanna be my boyfriend?" You ask quietly.

"I wanna be your boyfriend and so much more, angel," his voice is so husky, but so smooth.


"You can't do this, do you know who I am?!"

Currently Lily was throwing a fit, watching as the movers began removing all her things and Blake, Jenny, and Serena's things.

They were going to live with Derek's mom for a while until they got situated.

You talked with Andy and Hayden about leaving the penthouse to them, deep down inside you felt bad.

But they immediately told you no, it was better to let karma bite them in the ass completely.

"Y/n, y/n," Lily comes at you and both Andy and Hayden step in front, protecting you.

"I-uh," Lily scoffs at still being treated like the criminal she is, "I just wanted to speak with her."

Andy turns to face you, "if you have something to say to my client, you'll have to say it in court."


"C'mere," Hayden pulls you onto the couch of (now) your penthouse.

You giggle, and fall ontop of him, brushing away a few strands of his gold locks that fell across his forehead.

You both have been staying here for the past few days while attending the trial. Andy says things are looking good and the judge should make a decision as to whether Lily should go to jail or not.

Hayden looks up at you, so handsomely, and prince like.

"How do you feel about finally meeting Mom?" He asks so softly, sweetly with a big smile at his face.

"I'd love to," your heart beats a bit faster.

You've met Hayden's adoptive mom when they all came over for dinner and you had to serve them.

But this time, you'd meet her as her son's girlfriend.

Your smile big too, matching his, but then your smile turns upside down, your eyes drooping at the thought of your confidant and best friend, Gila.

Where could she be? And how can you find her?

"What's wrong, angel?" Hayden asks you, cradling your face.

"Gila, she worries me, I want her to know that I'm okay now." Your eyes move away from his, and droop down.

Hayden picks your head up with a firm grip of his index finger, "hey," he nods gently, "we'll find her."

You nod, trusting his words.

Later that day, you entered Hayden's house in Manhattan.

Annie opened the door and gave Hayden a big hug, she was very emotional.

That day Hayden was pulled out of jail by Andy, you wondered why George didn't leave. When Hayden told you that he'd never leave, because he had him arrested.

She gives you a big warm hug, one you haven't had from someone in a long time.

"Oh, come in, come in!" She smiles through her tears, "don't mind me, Hayden knows I'm a big baby."

"Those better be happy tears, Ma." Hayden places a hand on her shoulder.

She stays quiet, and lets a few seconds go by when she finally answers him, "They are, honey."

Annie moves away from Hayden and helps you take your coat and purse off, "please sweetheart, take a seat, food is ready and I wanna know absolutely all about you!"

"Mom please don't—" Hayden begins before she shuts him down.

"—oh Denny, relax, I'm not gonna embarrass you," She waves her hand at him, "although I may mention he had a real SpongeBob phase when he was a boy."

You giggle and Hayden's cheeks go red.

Annie disappears into the kitchen, after forcing you to seat at the dining table alongside Hayden.

"Promise me you'll still like me after my mom has said everything I've done embarrassingly as a child?" Hayden teaches to squeeze your thigh.

You look over at him, and you've never felt at peace like this before.

"I promise, Denny." You smirk at him, your eyes twinkling.

Annie returns with potfuls of food, and luckily for you, you were starving.

You wanted to thank her for taking the time and making so much food. But you didn't know how to address her.

Mrs.Smith? No, her abusive husband is behind bars right now and she probably doesn't want to hear about him or his last name.

Annie? C'mon that's just improper, unless the person you're addressing says it's okay.

You gulp down, and settle with no addressing.

"This looks amazing, thank you so much." You give her a sweet smile and she clutched her hands to her chest.

"Oh angel, thank you! For my Denny boy the happiest boy on the planet. I see the way he looks at you—"

"—mom." Hayden interrupts, or tries to.

"—his cheeks get so red when he looks at you, and his eyes sparkle, like a man's do when he's in love."

You blush at her words, because they're true and she must speak from experience.

"Okay, okay, let's eat!" Annie announces and cuts Hayden a break for now.

Not even 10 minutes into dinner, Annie is bombarding you with questions.

What's your favorite color?

Movies or TV Shows?

What's your dream job? 

"A baker," You respond, poking the pasta into your fork and guiding it to your mouth, "my mom when I was a child would bake these delicious dishes and," the dry lump forms in your throat but you've practiced how not to fry in front of others, others being Lily because she'd mock you for being so fragile.

"And after she passed i kept wanting to be close to her, and I found if I baked what she would make me, I'd feel better. And my dad certainly wasn't complaining either." You try to lighten the mood.

But Annie is emotional, you saw that when you first walked in here.

She stands and hugs you tight.

Tight, tight, tight.

"I'm so sorry, angel," Annie whispers and you've gotten so good at keeping your emotions in a little box away from Lily, no tears formed in your eyes.

"Mom." Hayden says in yet another warning tone for the millionth time tonight.

And now you know why Hayden likes to call you angel.

"It's okay." You announce, and you hug Annie back, she sits down again.

"Okay, let me turn this sad train around," Annie wipes underneath her eyes with the corner of a napkin, "what would you name your dream bakery?"

You think about it, and honestly you don't know because you've never had the chance to think about it.

"I don't really know," you chuckle nervously.

"You know, Denny here has a good tick for naming things. He named his first stuffed bear, Mr.Brown, I mean not to brag but I knew I had a special kid. Oh! And he also named his first ever castle he ever built out of popsicle sticks, HaydenLandia."

You look over at Hayden who's hiding behind his palm, can't even look at you, looking back at Annie she has the sweetest smile on her face.

When dinner was over, and Annie had told you almost everything that occurred in Hayden's childhood, and you had told her about yours.

Hayden was putting the dirty plates into the kitchen from the dining room, as Annie wrapped up a story about when Hayden would use the girls room at school for a year straight because he couldn't read until he was in the 3rd grade since he was pulled out of school for sometime.

A reason Annie didn't reveal, but you knew it was because Hayden's stepfather had beat up Hayden so handily he was hospitalized for months.

"Oh, you still have some time before you guys head out right?" She squeezes your forearm.

Hayden was in the kitchen, saving himself from anymore embarrassing stories and your reaction by washing the dishes.

"Yeah, I think we're gonna stick around for—" you didn't even finish before Annie launched herself from the couch and went to grab something.

She came back just a few short minutes later with the biggest photo album books you'd ever seen.

She opens one, and puts half of it on your lap and half of it on her lap.

"This is when we first got him." She signals to a photo of a younger Annie and a baby Hayden.

Assuming George took the photo.

"You look the same," sure she had a few wrinkles around her eyes when she smiles and light ones on her forehead and a few gray hairs coming in on her scalp, but she still looked the same.

The same happy smile and happy eyes. Despite it all.

"Oh angel, you're too sweet," she chuckles, turning the page, "this is when we first took him home. I was so scared I'd mess up, or drop him. He was just so tiny and fragile."

"You did a great job, Annie," you put a hand on her back, because you could hear the remorse in her voice, "Hayden is the most sincere, sweet, caring guy I've ever met. Despite what...he's gone through."

Annie gulps, and brings her heavy eyes to look at you, "he..he told you about...?"

"Yeah." You confess.

Annie doesn't say anything to that, she just looks down at the photo again, running the tip of her finger against Hayden's little baby face.

"There was a high school couple," she whispers, but makes sure you're listening, "George and I had struggled so much with fertility issues that we finally decided to adopt. The girl was only 18 years old, and her boyfriend as well, it was hard for them. They got only a few minutes after Hayden was born until he was prepped and brought to me. Last I heard of them, the girl moved to California and the boyfriend was going to college in Boston. I'm sure it was hard for the family. But, yet, this is going to sound so bad, but I'm glad things happened the way they did because if they didn't, I wouldn't have my Denny."

You stay quiet, Annie is so open, you don't have to ask much. But still things were getting awkward with the heavy silence in the air so you spoke.

"Did you give him the name Hayden?" You wonder.

She smiles at you, "I did. His birth mom was going to name him Alexander, after someone's grandfather, but she ultimately decided not to. That it was up to me. And I liked the name Kayden, Hayden, Jayden. Not sure why, but as soon as I held him in my arms, I knew which one I'd pick."

You hope if you ever have kids with him that they get his looks because god was he an adorable little baby.

You got up to the 1st grade, when Hayden came out of the kitchen drying his hands off on a rag.

"I see you brought the photo books out, Ma." Hayden shakes his head, standing there a few feet away from you guys.

"Oh, angel, Y/n wanted to see!" Annie defends herself.

"Really? Did she ask, or did you do her the favor and saved her the trouble?" Hayden raises a questioning brow.

It's amazing how well he knows her. Despite it all, you're lucky Hayden had Annie growing up. And still has her to this day.

"This is when Denny built that castle I was talking to you about," Annie ignores Hayden and points to a photo of 8-year-old Hayden holding up a castle, indeed made of popsicle sticks.

"And this is when he took it to show and tell." She points to a photo of him presenting to his class.

About half an hour later, Hayden pried you away from his mother when she started talking about grandchildren.

"We're gonna get going Ma, Y/n has a big day tomorrow with the trial." Hayden explains and Annie reluctantly nods.

"It was so good meeting you, Annie, I-I can call you Annie, that's okay?" You feel a twang of anxiety in the pit of your stomach even though Annie is the sweetest and super easy going.

"Oh angel, call me Mom! If that's okay with you?" Her voice started off strong and ended hesitantly.

You smile, she calls everyone angel, when in reality she's the angel.

"I'd love that." You smile big as she gives you another hug.

"You need anything, angel, you call me! And just because my Denny boy here is in college doesn't mean he stops listening to me. Any problem you have with him, you come straight to me, you understand?" She squeezes my shoulders.

You nod and chuckle.

"Bye Ma," Hayden kisses her cheek and hugs her as well.

"Bye, Denny," she says, and by that time you had turned to grab your things, being a few feet away from them you still heard Annie say, "she's the one for you, angel."

Hayden pulls back, smiling at his Mom. When he answers, "I know."

Annie invited you guys over again for dinner next week, and you could feel it's going to turn into a tradition.


You, Andy, and Hayden were out for drinks in celebration of winning the trial.

Lily was arrested for literally everything she did to you, and as for Blair, Serena and Jenny they were sent away to a boarding school overseas and sent to live with Lily's father.

The penthouse was yours, the restaurant was yours and your life, was yours.

You were going back to school, and you registered for culinary courses for the fall in Boston, where you and Hayden were headed to soon.

You'd leave the restaurant in hands of Nate, but you'd be back to the city frequently to visit and help out.

You just couldn't stay here, and neither could Hayden. He doesn't like the city, never has, he's always loved Boston though, he's told you multiple times that he feels like a home away from home.

Andy is just over the moon with you guys moving to Boston, he said he's going to give you guys a tour on everything, well mostly you since Hayden is already familiar with the area.

Hayden has also tried convinced Annie to head to Boston with you guys. He told her there's nothing keeping her her.

Until she told him about the guy she's been seeing, and for a spilt second Hayden forgot all about him.

So, she's going to stay, but, she promised she will visit and stay a long weekend with you and Hayden at least once or twice a month.

She's really grown on you, you forgot what it felt like to have someone always so caring and helpful.

Annie texts you every morning to make sure you had a good nights sleep, that you're drinking water and eating enough. She also reminds you to take your vitamins and veggies.

Hayden feels jealous because Annie doesn't do that with him, not through text anyway.

"Baby, I'm so hungry, does this place have food?" You wiggle in Hayden's lap as you both sat across from Andy.

"Mmm," Hayden hums looking around the bar, "I'm not sure, angel."

"I'll go ask for ya, honey." Andy is already standing before you could tell him it was no big deal.

A few minutes later he returns, "no food here, but the bartender did say there's a phenomenal Chinese place downtown."

"Say no more, Mr.Prosecutor!" You must say you are a bit tipsy, but the boys appeared to be fine.

After the trial you've learned some new lawyer terminology, and the judge would always refer to Andy as Prosecutor and you were, calling him that after four shots of tequila.

You just wanted to celebrate not being Lily's slave and getting the world's best boyfriend in return.

"Let's go!" You loop your arm through Andy's arm and lead him to the exit, Hayden leaving money on the table and following on your tail.

"Oh, I don't know, are you guys sure you want to keep celebrating with an old man?" Andy shrugs as you guys make it outside.

You out your hands on your hips, "Mr.Prosecutor, you are no oldie! You're giving major DILF vibes, man." You point at him, "no more old talk!"

"Dilf?" Andy questions to Hayden, in which he shrugs.

"Don't even ask."

"You are going to keep celebrating with us because if it weren't for you, I'd still be in that hell hole Andy."

"What about me, angel?" Hayden fake pouts, just joking but you took it to heart.

Gasping, how could you forget about him? You rush to hug him, burying your face in his chest, "you are my hero, Denny, you know that." You plant a kiss right on his firm chest.

Ever since meeting his mom a month ago, and hearing her call him by his childhood nickname, you can't stop calling him that.


You groan, eating a saucy piece of chicken and broccoli, "this is so good."

Andy and Hayden just chuckle at you, as they eat their own food.

"Baby, can we come here all the time?" You ask him, with those innocent eyes of yours, picking up the fortune cookie that owners gave you, "they have little cookies!"

"Anything for you, babe." Hayden smiles at you.

Andy could see how in love you guys were, hell, anyone in this restaurant could see it.

Your father was a very important person in Andy's life, so he knew he was going to move heaven and earth to get you away from Lily and her manipulative daughters.

He's glad you found love, and that you found it in a nice boy. Hayden is educated, smart, funny, and he's not bad to look at either.

Andy's high school girlfriend flashes into his mind for a quick second. She used to look at him the same way you were ogling Hayden right now.

Scarlett was beautiful, talented and so caring. But their love died out along the painful way of the relationship.

Andy moved on to go to college and Scarlett went to start fresh in California. Andy offered to go with her but Scarlett quickly shut him down and said the fresh start was because of him.

Andy was heartbroken, until along came Laurie and helped him pick up the pieces and glue his heart back together.

"Mr.P," you've shortened his nickname now, "Hayden wants to know how you met my dad."

You tap the top of Andy's hand to pull him out of his deep thoughts.

Andy clears his throat and sits up straight, looking over at Hayden.

"Well, uh," Andy forms the right words, "Y/d/n was my roommate in college, and he's the one who introduced me to my wife. We were best friends even after college."

"That sounds really nice," Hayden kindly says, "what was he like?"

Hayden desperately wanted to meet your father, and your mom. But right now, Andy is the closest thing he has to them.

"Real jokester," Andy chuckles lightly, "loved to just laugh, and have a good time. He was two years older than me, but he quickly took me under his wing like a little brother."

"Yeah," you smile big, dorkishly big, "he was the biggest goof, and he always treated Andy like his little child," you look at Hayden just to look back at Andy, "my dad would tell me he'd always look out for you, make sure you weren't drinking since you were underage at the time, saving you from all those horrible hazings, hooking you up with the best girls..." you smirk.

Andy laughs and looks at Hayden, "this is true, he was the best. My father from my home away from home, if that makes sense," he perks a brow.

"And my mom would tame him," you recall, "because sometimes my dad would just go too far and my mom would be there to say, "let's call it a night, big man."" You remember your parents and sorrowfully smile.

"I'll never forget the way she screamed at him when he offered to have her stay at the dorms while she was pregnant with you."

"Your mom had you in college?" Hayden says, surprised.

"Yeahhh," you sigh happily, "those two were so in love, my mom convinced my dad to have me. That it didn't matter if they were in college, they could do it all. And they did."

You guess you were quiet for too long that Hayden popped a seat next to you, and put his arm around you, he doesn't push or ask if you're okay. He just holds you.

Until his phone started ringing, "oh it's Flip," he reads the caller ID.

Your eyes lighten up, and your smile turns to a happy one, "go answer it!" You clap your hands in excitement.

Flip has been sorting things out for Hayden to start a program in Boston, and Hayden is just so excited. He has to work on a portfolio to impress the professors and architects there, but you're positive he's gonna do just fine.

Hayden excuses himself and steps outside of the restaurant.

"Your father would've loved him." Andy exclaims, and that's really all the blessing you need.

Of course your father would've loved Hayden, would've taken him in as one of his own.

"I'm really proud of you, kid." Andy continues, "I know they aren't here, but your folks are proud of you too."

There was some silence that followed, mostly because you were trying to swallow the dry lump in your throat.

"So, how did my dad introduce you to Laurie?" You whisper, because your voice still isn't strong enough.

"After um, a pretty harsh breakup my senior year of high-school, he was determined to make me forget and find someone to uh, love again? I don't really know how to explain but he wanted me to quit moping." Andy explains, "and well, Laurie was at a party the hockey team was hosting and we got to talking and yeah, now we have Jake and I couldn't be happier."

"That sounds so lovely," your hand reaches out to touch his, "I'm sorry about the rough breakup."

"Ah, don't worry 'bout it," Andy sighs, "last I heard she was in California and married a chef. Sometimes I try not to think about her, but I just do, I mean we went through so much together, and she got pregnant young, we gave the baby up for adoption and I know it was hard for her, it was killing me too, but I really thought I'd end up with her, despite everything."

You blink, and then blink again, your throat goes dry again.

Your mind is going a mile per minute, like a hamster running on its wheel, then your mind goes back to when Annie explained briefly about Hayden's birth parents.

This can't be a coincidence can it?

But then again if you look at Hayden and you look at Andy. They almost look the same. It's all rushing onto you, this is too much, it's overwhelming.

So overwhelming you're starting to feel sick.

"You, you had a baby?" Was the first thing that flew from your mouth.

Andy nods, "yeah, a boy," Andy's eyes drift off as if he's recalling, "he was super small, and we only got to hold him for a few minutes before they took him away."

You try to swallow and you can't, you grab your beverage and sip and sip and sip. Now you were completely sober, stone cold sober with what you just found out.

Andy sighs and takes a long sip of his beer.

"W-where do you think he is now?" You try to keep the convo going. Moving your eyes past Andy and towards Hayden who was pacing back and forth outside the glass windows of the restaurant.

"Uh," Andy thinks hard, "well I hope he's in college, and pursuing something he truly wants to do, actually he should be right around your age."

Your hand goes up to your forehead and suddenly you weren't starving anymore.

"You okay, Y/n?"

"Fine," you smile through the sickness that was waving on you, "just fine."

"Excuse me?" Andy stops a waitress, "could you get her some water please?" She nods and quickly goes to fetch a cup of water.

"Y/n, you look really pale, honey, you sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay." You say yet again, "um," you gulp, "would, would you ever want to meet him?"

Andy blinks at you, confused, so you remind him what you were talking about, "Your son."

"Oh," Andy remembers rather quickly, "I'd love to meet him. But I know his adoptive father was this big hot shot lawyer and locked everything regarding the adoption, up. I know cause I've tried to find him in the past." Andy says with a sadness.

"And?" You tap your fingers against the napkin on the table.

"Well, I tried about a few years ago, when I first got the attorney job in Boston, and I had a few connections, I just wanted to know what he looked like. A photo, a video, something. All I found was that he wasn't in Boston anymore, and that's when I found out that the father was a lawyer because all the files were locked under strict orders of him."

You cover your eyes with your hand, "George," you say under a breath.

"How did you know that?" For the first time tonight Andy's eyes flicker with an intense curiosity.

Hayden comes back, and sits beside you, "what I miss?"

"Just reminiscing." Andy smiles sadly.

"Denny, I need to go home." You reach for Hayden's wrist.

"What happened?" He asks, worriedly.

"Just tired, want to go to sleep, please?" You rush the words out.

Hayden, you and Andy stand, you grab your things and head towards the door, Andy and Hayden fight over who's going to pay when you rush back and plant a $50 including tip on the table.

Your dad left you his properties, and he also left you his bank accounts and access to your college fund account. Which meant you could finally buy things for yourself.

The three of you guys head outside and Andy says goodbye to both of you.

"Are you headed back to the hotel?" Hayden asks, his fingers rubbing against yours as he held your hand.

You look at your boyfriend, and then at Andy, fuck there's such an obvious resemblance, why didn't you tell before?

"No, I'm just gonna crash at a motel, I technically overdid my stay and there's only one hotel I like to stay at when I'm in New York and they're completely booked up."

"Oh," Hayden frowns.

You were going to burst with the information you found out. You just wanted to scream and shout that Hayden's birth father was Andy.

What a small fucking world.

But you needed to tell Annie, she'd advise you on what to do, plus she'd tell you if she was okay with Hayden even knowing.

But your sweet mother in law was probably in bed at this hour, so it'd have to wait until tomorrow.

"You could crash at the penthouse, Andy." You offer, looping your arm through his again.

Poor Andy, he's been through so much.

"Are you guys sure? I wouldn't want to impose—"

"—nonsense," Hayden pats Andy's shoulder, appearing on the other side of him as you pulled him to the corner of the street where Hayden parked, "we'd love to have you."


You knock twice on the guest room door before Andy gives the okay to come in, you do and he was hanging up a phone call and tossing his phone on the night stand.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were on the phone." You say, placing an extra pillow and a blanket at the corner of the bed.

"No worries, it was just Laurie and Jake saying good night."

You smile and leave the room, saying good night to him yourself.

Closing the door you can't help but think of everything Hayden and Andy have in similarity. The news has opened your eyes and now you notice every little thing.

The taste they both have in music.

The way they both don't like pineapple on their pizza.

Like holy hell, the way they walk and stride is the same too.

You go back to the room you and Hayden share. He was lying face down shirtless on the bed. He was tired you could tell.

After brushing your teeth you crawl in beside him, hearing him hum contently as he feels your hands roam his back.

"Baby?" You let your fingertips roam the valleys of muscles on his back.

"Yeah, angel?" Hayden turns around to face you.

You move closer to put your head on his chest.

"Do you ever think about your birth parents?"

Hayden looks up at the ceiling, the room was dark but you could still feel that his eyes weren't on you anymore.

"Sometimes, I don't really like to, because all I do is blame them for giving me up. And I know I don't know the reason as to why. But still, I feel like they could've made it work, somehow. And maybe it could've saved me from getting my ass kicked by my father for the majority of my life."

You stayed silent, god this secret was going to eat you alive if you didn't find Annie first thing tomorrow and tell her.

"Maybe they were too young..." you propose.

Hayden puts an arm behind his head, his other hand rubbing your back soothingly, "well, maybe, but still, they could've made it work. But then, maybe things were supposed to occur this way. If I was never adopted I would've have been raised by the world's best mom, and I wouldn't have met the most hottest, annoying girl on the planet that I have the luxury of calling my girlfriend."

You sit up, looking over at him, "you were doing wonderful until you said I was annoying." You huff and move to lie on your side, closer to the edge of the bed and away from Hayden.

He chuckles, and immediately throws himself behind you, "c'mon, I was joking."

"Night." You say and pretend to sleep.

"Good night, angel." He whispers in his hot, sexy voice, kissing your cheek.

You feel him move away, taking the warmth that radiates off of him with him.

He can't be serious.

You turn quickly to find him literally trying to sleep.

"Hayden!" You say irritated.

"What's wrong?" He pinched his brows.

"Ugh!" You groan and cuddle against him. You can't sleep if you aren't. He's just so warm and so soft.

Hayden smirks, but you can't see it since it's pitch black in this room.

"For the record," he picks your head up so you'd look at him, "I was seriously just kidding." He bends down to kiss you, "you are the most amazing, beautiful, kindest human being I've ever met. And I'm so glad to get to call you my girl."

He kisses you again, and you deepen the kiss by opening your mouth and letting his tongue dance with yours.

You were physically hot that's for sure, but now you were hot and bothered.

You swing your leg around his crotch, and straddle him. The kiss is turning intense and needy with each second that passes.

Hayden's hands reach up your legs to squeeze your ass.

You moan into his mouth, and he groans when you do. Taking your top off, he pulls away so your shirt could be discarded, and he could get an eyeful of your breasts.

His hands have a mind of their own as they reach up and brush against the soft swells of them. You tilt your head back and let out a content sigh.

"You're so soft," he husks, leaning close to place kisses everywhere but your nipple.

You hand runs through his golden locks, and when your hand reaches his face, your fingers take the time to skim over his soft facial features, and you then you squeeze his chin, tilting his head back as you connect your lips with his once more.

Hayden's hand move under your pajama pants, and under your panties to be able to squeeze your bare flesh, grinding you over his hard length.

His breathing is becoming more labored, "I love you," he manages to say.

"I love you," you whisper back.

Moving your thin pajama shorts and your panties to the side, Hayden takes his glorious dick out. And grinds you over it, you gasp, your cheeks and chest flushing with sweet heat as you rub against him, bare.

"You're so wet, angel," he kisses your neck, sucking, biting and licking over your sensitive skin as you keep grinding.

You lift your hips, and let his tip catch into your entrance, he placed his hand on your hip to help you sit on him, nice and slow, savoring each inch.

Your mouth drops, he's so big and it feels too good.

"So tight," he mumbles, his head going back to press against the pillows.

He sits you down all the way, so there wasn't an inch of space between your thighs and his hips.

"Oh!" You cry out, in pleasure, you feel so full.

"Shh..." Hayden takes a deep breath, "be quiet for me, angel, okay?"

You're suddenly aware that Andy is in the room next door.

"Fuck," he grunts when you start moving your hips back and forth.

"Hayden!" You were so embarrassed by this but, you guys just started and you were close, so close. Hayden just gets you all worked up.

"I know it feels good, baby, I know." He rises his hips to meet your movements, your body is on fire, as your clit rubs against his pubic bone, creating the most delicious friction.

He quickly turns you, and fucks you harder into the mattress, he thanks himself mentally that he put a pillow there the other night,

He holds your hands locked with his above your head.

He lowers his mouth to be able to suck on your nipples, and lick around the soft skin on your breasts. Enhancing your pleasure.

"Hayden, I'm coming," you warn him and you feel the knot in your stomach just about to burst. Your legs quivering and your thighs shaking around his waist.

"Me too," he groans, his face into your neck, as his hips keep thrusting into you, fast and hard, and deep. Squelching noises coming from in between your legs, from how turned on you were.

"Fuck!" He says breathlessly into your ear as you come around his shaft. You love that he's so vocal, and let's you know that you're making him feel good.

"Oh, baby," you whine, as your body goes through the aftershocks.

"Love you so much," he pinches your chin and gives you two gentle kisses.

Your giggle in content, and run your hands up his firm, muscular back.

~ the next morning ~

"Oh sweetheart!" Annie opens the door and pulls you in for a big hug, "I'm so happy you came."

Annie is like a ball of energy, happy energy.

"Oh what's wrong?" She frowns when she sees your face.

"Come sit down," she helps you take off your coat and bag. Leading you to her sofa area.

"Is it Hayden? You know I raised him to repescar women, despite his father being a son of a—"

"—no it's not Hayden, Annie," you smile reassuringly at her, remembering the loving, hot sex her son gave you last night, Hayden was the least of your problems, "it's about Hayden's birth father."

"His birth father?" She perks a brow up in confusion.

You can't contain the information you know, so you're spilling out everything you know.

"My father's best friend from college had a son his senior year of high school, his name is Andy and he's a lawyer now, he helped me win the trial, and yesterday we went out to celebrate and he told me about his baby who he gave away for adoption with his high school girlfriend, and I-I I really think he's Hayden's—"

For the first time you see Annie frown, she puts her hand on yours, in which you stop rambling.

"You had me at Andy, honey." She says calmly, "Andy and Scarlett were the names of the young couple I talked to you about a few weeks ago. I know exactly who you're talking about. I, I just didn't know he'd know your father."

"It's a small world..." you sigh, happy to get that all of your chest.

"It really is." Annie chuckles.

~ back at the penthouse ~

"So, Hayden, he," Andy mouth goes dry, with the news that felt like a bucket of ice water that you just poured over him, "he's my son?"

"Yes." You confirm, "his mother is Annie, and his father was George. They are the ones who adopted him when, after," you don't think the words, after you gave him up, are right, "they're the ones that have raised him, and cared for him."

"Oh my god," Andy touches his chest, "you're saying I had him right under my nose the whole time?"

"Yeah," you smile at the coincidence too.

"Does, he, he know?" Andy stammers.

"No," you respond, "I was thinking maybe we could tell him together. Or if you wanted to tell him by yourself that's fine too."

"I think we should both do it, he admires you, and loves you and just feels safe around you. I can see it. So it might make him a bit more comfortable."

That afternoon when Hayden came back from his run, you and Andy told him the news.

Currently he was pacing back and forth as you and Andy sat on the couch.

"Why?" Hayden finally says.

"Why?" Andy repeats, confused.

"Why did you give me up? Why didn't you fight for me?"

Andy looks at you, and then at Hayden, "I swear to you, son, I did, I wanted to fight. But, your mom, your birth mom she came from a complicated family. They were very religious and the only way we could keep you was if we were to marry."

"Well!" Hayden is really upset, you've never seen him like this.

"She...she didn't want to. Said she was too young. To have a baby and to be a wife. She, couldn't. And I, well, I supported her in anything she wanted to do because I loved her."

Hayden nods, licking his lips, "so, I went from having teen parents, to being handed over to an abusive man who'd hit me for the majority of my life?"

Andy's heartbreaks, you could see the pain and regret all over his face.

"Hayden, it's not his fault." You try to calm him down.

Hayden doesn't pay attention to you, just keeps looking at Andy with the saddest face ever.

"Thanks for telling me about the biggest mistake of your life Andy. You may go." Hayden says crudely.

"Hayden..." you say gently.

"He's right, Y/n." Andy stands and gathers his things, "just for the record Hayden, if I were to do it again, I'd fight to take you home with me. I really would've."

Hayden doesn't say anything, and heads into our room. While Andy leaves.

"He's just upset," you explain to him, as you walk him to the door.

Andy's eyes are filled with tears.

"I just hope he comes around. I'd love to talk with him, get to know him more. Have him tell me everything I missed up until now. I want to be there for him."

Hayden eavesdrop near the hallway, listening to everything Andy says.

"He'll come around, Andy, don't worry." You squeeze his arm and hug him as he leaves.

~ few days later ~

It's been a few days, and Hayden still hasn't reached out or spoken to Andy.

You've been trying to gently advise him to talk to Andy, get to know him more, ask more questions that don't involve the biggest mistake Andy's made

But each time you try, it seems like Hayden changes the subject or simply doesn't respond.

It was a rainy day in New York City today, so Hayden and you were just hanging around the house.

He's been different since Andy came, and since he found out the truth. Quieter, less loving with you, and just very isolated.

You walk into the bedroom, where Hayden was laying on his stomach, his arms curled around a pillow as he watch the rain fall against the window.

"Denny?" You dip your knee into the bed and begin crawling up, "I ordered pizza. You want to eat it with me? And maybe we can watch a movie..."

He doesn't look at you, he simply just keeps watching the rain.

You frown, you want him to talk to you, this isn't the Hayden you know.

"Can you please talk to me?" You ask softly, your hand raising to cup his cheek, then moving to brush over his golden locks.

Nothing. No response. No reaction.

"Whatever Hayden, when you're ready to talk, I'll be here." You crawl off the bed, and leave the room.

You ate pizza by yourself, and you watched a movie by yourself. That's how long Hayden was cooped up in that room.

He didn't even get up to check on you, so you decided to sleep in the guest room.

It was raining even harder now, and you can't even sleep, tossing and turning. Checking your phone it's 2am.

Who were you kidding, you can't sleep without Hayden. He's the best cuddled and you just feel safe with him.

But he needs his space, so you're camping out here in the guest room, trying to be strong.

The rain finally soothes you, and you fall asleep briefly before being woken up to Hayden crawling in beside you, and putting his head on your chest.

He doesn't say anything but starts to sleep on you, you feel content and you let him cuddle you.

Playing with his hair, you hear his soft snores, and soon you were off to sleep.

The next morning, it was sunny and the storm had passed, the sunshine filters into the room and you groan gently as you wake up.

Waking up, you don't feel the relaxing weight of Hayden on top of you, fluttering your eyes open you notice he's not on you or even in the room.

You force yourself out of bed at some point to look for him, heading to the kitchen you see he's left a note on the table.

Went to the gym
When I get back we'll talk

H ❤️

Half an hour later Hayden stumbles through the front door, and you don't turn your head from your favorite show to watch him walk through the doorway, you know it's him, no one else has the code to get pass the doorman downstairs.

When he approaches you on the couch, you realize he's holding a bouquet of flowers.

"I'm sorry for acting weird, I just needed some time to make sense of it all." He says very apologetic and soft, taking a seat beside you, handing you the bouquet in which you receive them and inhale their wonderful scent.

Hayden reaches to cradle the side of your face, making you look at him, "how did you know?"

You wet your lips, and place the bouquet on your lap, "at dinner, after we won the trial, he started talking about his baby the he gave up for adoption, and your mom told me how she exactly got you, it all sort of clicked...I guess."

Hayden nods, mentally talking to himself.

"I have so many questions." He says after a while.

"He's going back to Boston tomorrow, there's still time." You advise and reach to squeeze his hands.

Hayden gives you a hopeful smile, and leans in for a soft kiss, "I love you."

"I love you too Hayden."

Later that night Andy arrives, and you just got done putting in the small cake you made for the very special occasion.

Hayden was setting the table.

The doorbell rings and you wipe off the flour onto your apron, rushing to go open the door, Andy is standing there a bit nervous, there's a bag of what seems like fresh tomatoes and a bottle of wine in his other hand.

"HI Andy!" You chirp, and hug him mindful of the flour on your apron, "come in, come in." You wave him in.

He enters, a bit hesitant, "I was going to bring dessert but then I remembered you were a baker, so I quickly changed my mind and brought some fresh tomatoes from the market. And wine."

You chuckle, "I just put our dessert into the oven, and dinner is almost ready, I'm going to add these tomatoes to our salad."

Hayden enters, and suddenly the air is thick, and the silence is very loud.

Andy seems that he doesn't know what to say either.

"Can I get your coat?" Hayden offers politely.

"Oh yes," Andy is quick to shrug his coat off, and hands it over to Hayden, "thank you."

Hayden sets the coat to hang off the back of the couch, and the next thing he does is surprising, you watch as he goes over and hugs Andy.

Andy takes a second, like he's shocked as well. But he's quick to hug Hayden back.

The tender moment waters your eyes, Hayden's childhood may not have been the best. And yes, maybe that good father figure was absent, but he turned out to be a great person despite it all.

And seeing him hug his real dad, it's like things have come full circle.

The guys pull away, and Andy is wiping a tear, your father always said he was soft as butter on the inside.

"Baby maybe you can give Andy a tour of the penthouse." You're quick to add in so the moment doesn't turn awkward.

"There's a pool table in the game room that we definitely had to check out later." Hayden puts his arm on Andy's shoulders.

"It's been a while since I played pool, so go easy on me."

"No promises."

Their lighthearted chuckles is the last thing you hear as they disappear further into your penthouse.

After the tour and dinner, Hayden couldn't stop questioning Andy's ear off. From what Andy's family is like, to what Jacob and Laurie are like, to how Andy met Hayden's real mom, and to how teenage Andy was like.

And Andy would tell him everything, and not hold back a single thing.

They are now making plans to explore the entire Boston area, once Hayden and you move there for school.

~ Five Months Later; age 22 ~

"Hayden!" Jacob whips open the door and jumps into his big brother's arms.

"Hey kiddo!" Hayden messes his brown hair up a bit, setting Jake down.

"Y/n!" He cheers, and proceeds to pull both Hayden and you into the house.

Laurie and Andy are having you guys over for dinner, again, you guys are basically there almost every weekend since school and your guys' condo is so close.

Sometimes you even sit for them, while Laurie and Andy head off to date night, and Jake has a great time with his big brother.

Andy and Hayden really have grown super close since the dinner in New York. They text everyday, and if they aren't texting they're on the phone. They fish on Sunday mornings, and they golf on Wednesday's.

"Hey Dad," Hayden hugs Andy, and then Andy proceeds to hug you.

Oh yeah, now Hayden calls Andy Dad, and he's never going back.

Living in Boston for almost 6 months now, has been great. You occasionally go back to the city, to make sure Nate is doing okay with the restaurant.

You miss Gila everyday, Hayden now has Annie and Andy, two parental figures in his life to help and support him in anything.

You have Annie, and Andy as well, but it's not the same.

You had Gila, she was your adoptive mom. Andy has worked hard to find her, but it seems like she vanished off the earth. The last trace of her was a recording from a camera, her hopping onto a bus to Texas.

"So, Y/n, excited to be graduating soon?"

You were almost done with your culinary arts degree. Once this semester ends.

"Yeah, I just can't believe how fast it went by." I respond.

"What are your plans for after, honey?" Laurie asks, cutting into her dinner.

Everyone was seated at the table, Laurie and Andy beside each other, you and Hayden, and Jake at the end of the table.

"Probably become an assistant baker somewhere, hopefully get some experience so that one day I can open my own bakery." You state your future goals, and that's when you feel Hayden's hand on your thigh, squeezing, you look briefly at him and he's giving you a proud smile.

"What about you son?" Andy asks Hayden, "I know you said you needed your internship but what are your plans for after?"

"Honestly, Pops,"

Right. Hayden also refers to Andy as Pops.

", probably start my own architecture firm."

Laurie and Andy also do the same proud smiles, it's like they've known Hayden since he was a baby, they get excited for the majority of things he does, it's like Hayden was their first baby.

Honestly, in other world, it should've been.

~ One year later; age 23 ~

You cover your mouth with a shaky hand. Blinking and blinking again at the sight before you.

Looking down at your boyfriend on one knee, right here on the Jeffries Point with the sun setting.

He had taken you out on a date, and he acted completely normal, which is why this proposal threw you off so hard.

You could've sworn he was going to ask probably within the next two years. Not today.

"You're killing me here, baby, say something, please?"

You notice his hand is trembling, and you realize you haven't said anything but stare at him.

You choke out, "yes, yes, yes."

Hayden has also changed his last name from his abusive's father's last name, Smith, to Andy's last name.

So you were going to be the next Mrs.Barber. And your kids would also carry the Barber name.

Andy cried the day Hayden told him, they hugged for 10 minutes.

Denny smiles big and slips the ring on your finger. Picking you up and twirling you around.

~ One year later; age 24 ~

"Hayden what are we doing?" You ask your husband.

You feel his car come to a stop, it feels like hours since he first blindfolded you.

Hayden has recently opened up his own architecture firm and it's been going great, business is good. Hayden has wonderful people on his team, and a great assistant.

He loves the job a little too much because you have to call him and remind him he has dinner and a wife waiting for him at home.

And hopefully a baby soon, you have the fever, the baby fever, Laurie and Andy just welcomed a baby girl, Ava, and you can't stop swooning over her and wishing you had a small chunky little baby of your own.

But with Hayden's business starting and him just getting into the swing of things, he won't be home a lot to help with the baby so, it's on hold, for now.

"C'mere angel," Hayden helps you off the car. And you stand on wobbly legs, his hand circles around your waist.

You hear a lot of cars passing, and people on the phone, talking, some even yelling. It feels like you guys were right in the center of Boston's downtown...

"And voila!" He takes the blindfold off, and your eyes adjust to the bright sunlight, when your vision finally focuses, you see what is an empty shop.

"My birthday was last month." You tease, not really understanding what was happening.

"Do you like it?" Hayden asks, stepping around you to face you completely.

It's a great little shop, right in the middle of the busy downtown, but not attached to the other businesses so there could be little tables set out, in the summer, if this were to be a food place.

Hayden's been growing a beard, and Laurie teases him all the time about how much he looks like Andy, and now that you're taking a second to really look at him, she's right. Hayden is Andy's literal clone.

"It looked like it was once a great...burger place?" still you're confused and left with nothing.

Hayden chuckles at you, "do you think it would fit a good amount of people?"

"Uh," you look again, with so many people walking by, it was hard to tell, but then again why is he asking you so many questions, "maybe? I don't know, Denny, what is going on."

"You seriously don't recognize it?"

The questions makes you critically think harder, the exterior molding, the way the door is has its own little windows, the space from the street to the actual bakery...


"Hayden," your voice shakes when it dawns upon you, "is this what I think it is?"

Hayden smiles proudly that you finally figured it out, "you've been under Genie's wing for almost two years now, I think it's time you fly, baby."

You step closer, looking in through the glass window, you can picture your cakes on display on top of adorable cake domes, people eating and drinking coffee while they study, or work, or simply catch up with a friend.

"This is your bakery, made and constructed by Hayden's Creations, but mostly me. We started off with my sketch and we made it come alive."

You throw yourself onto him, and he gladly welcomes you.

Hayden is the best, and you're just so lucky he's yours.

And you're lucky he sketched you that little bakery and became one of the best architects the Boston area has ever seen.

"Come on, you haven't even seen the inside layout."

Normal people would just say the inside, but your husband is a builder, looking for homes was awful because he'd critique everything.

So he decided to make the house you guys are going to be living in.

Which is why you guys are living in a nice condo not too far from downtown actually.

~ One year later; age 25 ~

"Hi boss, looking great!" Your employee Kelce clocks in and smiles at you, "you literally glow more and more these days.

You were rolling out some dough for your churros, "thanks K, it's Friday so you know what that means."

Kelce looks down at her watch, "oh god, and it's almost time to open, don't worry boss, I'm prepared."

Every Friday mornings, Hayden and his entire team of employees come for breakfast, everything on the house.

Technically that's what you tell them, but Hayden just ends up putting the money you lost into the cashier anyway, which you've told him to stop doing, but he doesn't listen.

A while later, the rest of your employees come, including your waitresses and waiters. Hayden is also here with his team, enjoying fresh baked croissants, fruit, pastries and coffee of course.

Ones you baked with your own hands, all by yourself, Hayden is begging you to get a helping chef/baker. He says you're going to need the help soon.

While Hayden eats with his team, you continue to run the bakery.

You wanted to name it Denny's, but then Hayden said people would confuse it with the fast food place Denny's, and that the bakery wasn't even his, it was yours.

And that's how your bakery got the name: Angel's Bakery.

Many people have asked if your name was Angel, but you simply say your husband calls you that so much, it might as well be your name.

"Hi welcome to Angel's, what can I get for you?" You were running the cashier for a little bit, you haven't even looked at the person.

"You're overworked, sit down, please babe." Hayden's reprimanding voice makes your shoulders drop, because you thought he was an actual customer.

He leans against the marble counter, swiping the pout right off your lips, "please?"

"No Denny, I have a full house," you motion his team and many other regulars sitting in your tables, then the bell above the door rings, "and more people coming! Now, go, I love you."

Hayden smirks, you were never this bossy. Must be the hormones. You've been ripping his clothes off any chance you got or you'd be very sensitive and emotional.

He's still trying to learn.

"You know how you're looking for that assistant baker?" He continues to speak, not moving a muscle.

Your eyes on trained onto the cashier screen because suddenly it's not showing the prices for anything anymore, "stupid computer," you mumble, the look up at your hubby, "Hayden, I'm going to keep working until I can't anymore. Then we can start looking for another baker."

"No need, angel, Pops and I already found her."

With the way he said that, and the feel of another pair of eyes on you, you finally tear away from the cashier, looking at Gila.

"Gila?" You gulp, is it really her? It's been so long.

But when you see Andy standing beside her, they don't even have to say anything, they finally found her.

"Tater tot, oh how I missed you." She says and opens her arms.

You make your way around the counter and her eyes widen, she gasps, looking at your growing bump lovingly.

Baby boy is due in a little less than 2 months, which is why Hayden wants you to take it easy...

"I missed you so much, you don't even know, Gila." You hug her, and she hugs back tight.

~ One year later: age 26 ~

"It's time for the cake, baby," You tell your husband who is carrying your one year old son, Grayson.

Today was his first birthday, and you were celebrating it in your dream home, with everyone you care about.

You pull your husband away from speaking to his friends and everyone gathers to sing.

You of course were the one to make your baby boy's first birthday cake with the help of your assistant baker, Gila. She's stayed in Boston ever since Andy found her and brought her to you, she lives in the downstairs area of yours and Hayden's home.

She's also the co founder of a new shelter in the making, where young girls like you, or even women in general who are in manipulative and abusive homes may go and receive all the help they need.

A chain of these shelters will be placed all over the tri state area, with the money your dad left you, and one day the entire country.

A safe place you wish was there for you.

But that's okay because Hayden was that safe place.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

You sing and smile as everyone sings to your son, Kate and Tom came all the way from New York, and so did Derek, Hayden's best friend and Nate.

Derek and Kate are Grayson's godparents. They are also engaged, which came somewhat of a shocker to you, but not really because you know if Kate has her eye on someone, she'll do whatever it takes.

Andy, Laurie, Jake, and little Ava were also present.

Gila was beside them, singing loud, Gray calls her GiGi, and he loves her, mostly because she lets him get away with anything.

Annie, Grayson's Mimi, also lets him get away with anything and spoils him rotten.

A few months ago, Andy reached out to Hayden's biological mom, asking her if she wanted to meet Hayden, me and Grayson.

She simply said she wasn't interested and proceeded to block Andy from texting her again.

It crushed Hayden, but you got him through it, how could she not want to meet her own son? Her grandson?

Doesn't matter. Because if she didn't want to be apart of Hayden's life, he certainly won't beg her to be in it. He has Annie, and that's all the mother he needed.

"...happy birthday dear Grayson, happy birthday to you!"

Everyone cheers, clapping, you and Hayden give Gray a big kiss on each of his cheeks, Kate snaps multiple photos and so does everyone else.

The three of you bend down, and Hayden is mindful not to bring the baby too close to the candle because knowing your little rambunctious boy, he will try to grab it.

Hayden and you show Gray how to blow, then the three of you proceed to blow out his candles.

A little while later, everyone is in the backyard on this beautiful spring afternoon eating their slice of cake.

"So now that we have you guys all here," You look at Hayden, his arm circled around your waist.

Gray was in the arms of his number one favorite person, his grandpa, Andy.

Kate is already smirking at you, because she was the first one to find out, since you guys are always texting and keeping in touch. Which means she knows about your cycles and you know about hers.

"We're pregnant!" You finish, and watch everyone's eyes twinkle with joy and make delightful noises, mostly the ladies, "I'm three months along."

Everyone comes to congratulate and hug you and Hayden.

Hayden has saved you in so many ways. He's the best father, an even better husband, son, boss, and friend.

But despite being all that, at the end of the day, he's really just your prince charming.


a/n; I finished my first book! Woah🥹 I hope you guys liked this mini series, I really enjoyed writing the ending. It made me want to have someone like Hayden. Y/n got her happy ending and Prince Charming, and even an adorable little baby.

After being put through so much in life, she deserves this and so much more!

Also, who saw Andy being Hayden's dad coming? One day the idea just came to me, and I was like this has to happen. I must write it in.

I might revisit this book and add cute little one shots as to how this family is doing 👑

If you haven't already, follow my insta @wifeycevans for aesthetic boards like the one below, and a lot other good stuff based on this book and my other works! ❤️


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[MAJOR WIP & EDITING GOING ON. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE] A past to run from. A new country to settle in. And avoiding men's touch in every way pos...
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