11:20 am (Lego Monkie Kid X...

By Akira-ran

16.9K 441 157

Monkie Kid x Fem!reader This has been rotting away in my drafts so I apologize if it's a bit cringe ๐Ÿ˜ฌ More

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2.6K 50 16
By Akira-ran


The city was obviously a odd place where you could see pretty much anything and everything, weird or normal, but despite that the odd attire of the h/c haired girl definitely turned heads wherever she went. Most people thought she was simply "cosplaying" while other others looked at her as if she were an alien from another planet or something.


'something feels...odd'
i thought to myself as I walked through the bright, loud and bustling city

i had just arrived here a few days ago and since then have gotten a few people staring at me which made me feel unsure.

'Is this the threat sire was going on about? we're they expecting me to be here?'
a few questions kept repeating in my mind as i continue looking around the city following the directions that were sent to me which ended up being around a vague circle of land that would be considered a starting point

'i have to keep my guard up just incase'
i quietly noted to myself as i did my best to remember where certain places and landmarks are located- since i am in a huge disadvantage being unfamiliar with the place. It's best I familiarize myself to my surroundings to exclude any advantage they may have of me— which I assume is alot.

Before i could continue any further from walking i had bumped shoulder with someone making them drop their belongings

'so much for me being "aware" of my surroundings'
i sigh and turned around to see the person who was crouched down on the floor and hurried to pick up his books that fell out of his bag

"My apologies, i wasn't being aware of my surroundings" i said bowing down my head a bit as i handed them a few of their books.

"o-Oh its fine really! i aslo wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings-" The guy infront of me said before cutting himself off, he looked at me with a shocked face and practically stars in his eyes as he gasped

"Those clothes you're wearing! those armour parts! are they real? where did you get them? did you make them yoursel?-" he asked, suddenly bombarding me with questions

"Is there a problem with what i am wearing?" i asked furrowing my eyebrows

"W-well yes- i mean no- it just they looks so real! i think i have read about this before but i can't really remember" he continued putting a hand under his chin

"to answer your question, yes they are real" i said still confused on why this man had asked such odd questions about my clothing, perhaps I should've taken my assistant's advise on wearing a more discreet disguise.

"Then that means you're uh- agh! i can't remember but i know it was written in a book somewhere-" the black haired male said rummaging through his book bag

"Okay i know this might sound bad for a stranger to say this but can you please accompany me real quick i just need a sketch of what your wearing!  thats it i swear" he said before bowing down a bit

'I mean he doesn't seem like a threat from what i can tell, i could possibly also ask him questions about this place, he seems like an.. "educated" person... '

"Okay then, but if you seem even slightly suspicious i wont hesitate to end you" I said sternly

"Of course i'll keep that noted!" He said bowing once again, he seemed to have no regard for his safety whatsoever as I blatantly threatened him with his life.


As we we're both on our way towards...our destination- We both shot each other our respective questions, Despite asking slightly concerning or odd questions the man answered them with full explanations and with no hesitations whatsoever,

'Poor guy, its quite easy too get information out of him'
i thought to myself before being interrupted by the dark haired male.

"And ah- here we are!"
He said pointing his hands toward a restaurant. He seemed very proud of the place

"Pigsy's Noodles, home of the longest noodles in the world" He introduced proudly before leading us inside said shop.

As we both entered 2-3 people sent me looks of confusion before going back to whatever they were just doing previously,
"And c'mere sit down i don't think alot of of people will be here yet so its perfect!" He said before grabbing a red notebook and flipping through its pages while muttering,

as he continued scanning the book i decide to take a look around the shop. It wasn't really anything special with a slightly messy kitchen and and noodle stains almost everywhere, it wasn't really that dirty just a bit messy but it was a contrast to the clean, tidy and practically spotless palace.

"Hmmm, okay... Can you stay still for a a few seconds?" He asked holding up a pencil,

"Uhmmm, sure..."
I answered hesitantly

'could this be a trap..?'
Looking at the now hyper focused male infront of me who had a tongue slightly sticking out profusely sketching on his notebook
'i should probably ask him for his name, it seems a bit unproper to call him based in his physical characteristics'

"If i may ask, what is your name?"
i asked him

"Oh its-"
he said before being cut off by someones yelling

"Ugh! TAANGGGG!!!"
A pig said exiting the kitchens back door in pure rage whipping around a wooden spoon

"Oh.. its pigsy.."
He continued making Tang beside me sweatdrop, before the pig could continue his "scolding" he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and a confused look

"And who is this? Is this some weird magic shenanigans?? Or one of those uh people who play dress up??" He asked tang sternly pointing his spoon at me,

I cleared my throat, using a finger to lower the spoon pointed at me. I ignored the somewhat offensive comment he made of me just being someone who played 'dress up'

"I apologize for not introducing myself, my name is Y/n L/n he- i mean, i am here on a vacation and Tang here helped me around" i said internally scolding myself for nearly exposing my title. I should be kind, not open.

"hmm ok then , as long as ya' pay for your food and dont wreck my restaurant you're welcome here." He said giving me a bowl filled with noodles which i immediately payed him for. After accepting the cash "Pigsy" turning and walked back towards the back kitchen doors.

I went and sat back properly at my seat
"Here you go."
i turned and offered him the bowl as a thanks for his gratitude, He quickly thanked me and put down the notebook and started eating away at the noodles.

I was about to go and take a peak at his so called sketch of my clothing- until a tired figure entered the shop, A boy with messy brown hair in a white shirt. I assume he didnt see me as he immediately took a seat next to Tang's stool,

As they both busied themselves in their conversation as I took the time too look that the book. Like I had mentioned it had a red cover on the front but what i had failed to notice was the writing on the front

'monkey king...?'
That very name piqued my interest

As I reached out for the notebook I overheard Tang and the other person beside me mention the same name again.

"Yeah, it's one of monkey king's 72 transformations" Tang said with a  shrug as he continued eating away at his noodles

'ok so they really are talking about the same monkey king'

I cleared my lightly throat in an attempt to get Tangs attention in which he responded by giving me a confused look

"If I may ask, can you inform me about this "Monkey King'" I asked

'still, I have to make sure it really is him. There is no room for mistakes'

"Oh! So you wanna know about Monkey King- well you are in luck-"

"CAUse you've got THE monkie kid right here in the flesh"
the brown haired male said interrupting Tang

"The Monkie 'Kid'??"
'had they misheard me'
I look at both of them with a raised eyebrow, people these days..

"what wait wait- you haven't heard of the Monkie Kid?" Tang asked me in which I just shake my head

'was there something mentioned during the meeting that I had missed? Surely My Lord and Zhen wouldn't hide such information from me'

"Well let me introduce myself to you personally, My name is Mk! Like we just mentioned I'm the Monkie Kid the successor so Monkie King!" The brunette said confidently striking a pose with his staff

"Ahh- ok.... Oh and is that supposed to be normal" I said pointing at the clone behind them that had been copying Mk's movements

They both looked at the direction I pointed at with a shocked looked on their faces, Mk quickly rushed over to the carbon copy of himself in excitement as Tang just sweat dropped and hurriedly ate his noodles

Mk and his clone rushed to leave the place and both of the Mks sent Tang a quick thanks,

"Shouldn't you be concerned as this doesn't seem to be a normal occurrence?" I asked Tang

"if I wasn't so calm and put together I would probably be worrying about the consecuenses"
He said brushing off what had just happened with a confident smile that made even me worry about Mk's safety— and I don't even know him

"Well if you don't need anything else I will be leaving now, I already saw that you had finished the sketch" I said hopping off the stool and fixing my now slightly wrinkled clothes

"ahh- wait is there anyway we could keep in contact? I might have a few questions and other stuff to write abo-"

"Sure" i answered holding up the communication devise or my Phone
(As I was told by Zhen)

"Ok here's my number!" Tang said with a smile as he happily agave me a napkin with his number on it, I grabbed it and thanked him for his time and out the napkin in my pocket as I left the restaurant.

'hmm... I already have a Informant of some sorts now what else do I do...'
I thought to myself walking behind a crowd of other people about to cross the street

'i should most likely follow that Mk kid, this uneasy feeling that My Lord was feeling might be from either him or The Monkie King himself...'


'does that not hurt him?'
I thought to myself leaning down on a pillar nearby, observing Mk contestantly pulling out strand after strand of hair even for the easiest of tasks

'okay... So there's one helping Pigsy, another one helping that big blue fella and now he's conjured up an army at the party place..'
I noted down in my head

I had slowly started to get bored of just jumping from building to building following the him a while ago

'maybe I should go back to Tang..'
I thought as i jumped down from the pillar and absentmindedly walked to wherever I felt like

'he's one of the only people I know here that I can talk to and get information out of so far.. granted I have to take it with a grain of salt after seeing how biased the writings about Wukong were.. .'

Thank goodness the party place wasn't too far from the restaurant or it would have probably taken me quite a while to get back having no form of transportation whatsoever.

'i should probably get a vehicle of some sort to help me get around the city faster' I shook my head as the the restaurant came into my view

I push away the tarp and enter the only quiet restaurant. For having so many orders and costumers daily it doesn't seem quite as loud as I thought it would me in mid afternoon

"Oh hey! back so soon Y/n?"
Tang said loooking as me with a smile as he held up a bowl of noodles

'does he never get sick from that?'

"Mhm I just went back here since I had nothing else to do." I answered sitting down on a stool beside him

"hmm I see, Anyways! I wanna show you the final sketch I made of you- or more like your armour!"
He explained pushing the red notebook towards me, which I slowly start to open and look for his sketch

"Eh- I'm not quite as much of an artist as Mk but I did try" he continued bashfuly rubbing his neck as I examine the drawing

"It look nice, the colors are in a different order but it looks gre-"

As I got cut of by Pigsy a chubby Mk wadled into the kitchen scaring Pigsy into dropping the bowl of noodles

"Any more orders?- uh everything ok boss?"
Mk asked looking at Pigsy confusingly

"Shouldn't you be concerned?"
I asked looking at Tang who was just eating his noodles noncholontly

"I say leave them be, or maybe we should back away a bit" Tang said moving away from Pigsy and Mk who were now fighting over a bowl of noodles as Pigsys phone kept ringing

"Good call" I said also slightly backing away from the probably soon to me mess.

Before I could properly sit down the sound of shuffling came from the front entrance of the shop

All heads turned towards a half bald MK with headphones on just dancing to music. Before Mk could walk any further he was cut off by Pigsy's confused scolding

Mk hurriedly attempted to explain himself but then chubby Mk fell on Pigsy

"So you gonna clean up this mess?"
Tang asked as Mk kept poking the other Mk, after a while og Mk huffed in defeat

'gods it was already a little challenging keeping track of all the Mks... Hmm I wonder what they'll do about the arcade situation?'
I thought leaning my head on my hand observing the others

"Try pressure points."
I suggested to him, not really thinking that much.

"You think that'll work?"
He asked skeptically

"I'm not sure but you can test it out"


Mk exclaimed as he started hitting random pressure points on the other Mk which seemed to have no effect on them-


'i spoke too soon..'

"Woohoo! It worked"
he said jumping around as the whole store was practically covered in his hair, some even go in Tangs food?

'Gods what have I gotten myself into'

Rushed ending, not proofread should I continue this?


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