Loving the Enemy

By mydumbas

251K 4.2K 909

Book 1 of 2 When two of the biggest Mafia's are threatened, they are forced to work together to defeat the en... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 33

4.1K 67 15
By mydumbas


soo.. now that i was gone for a longer time, i will post more chapter now and i hope you like it bc i kind of did 'em in a hurry🕳️👩‍🦯

reason that i wasnt so active is bc i just wasn't really that motivated and school started and i bascically only have f's upon f's and i'm starting to get really depressed

but anywayy... enjoy;)


(play song now)


The phone lights up and Annas hand quickly shoots out to take it.

Reading the message out loud, she names an address and time.

Alex searches up the place, figuring it's actually an abandoned psychiatry. It's only half an hour from Levi's and Mateo's house.

And we must be there in an hour.

I already knew it would be an early meeting, but not this early.

Fifteen minutes later, we have quickly discussed everything, revised the plan and matched it up with the location.

Each of us went to our bedrooms to quickly get ready.

It's still pretty cool outside so I decide to put on black suit pants and a black hoodie.

Walking over to the bed I bend down and pull out my black duffle bag.

I zip it open and take two handguns, quickly checking if the magazine has enough bullets before putting them behind under my hoodie.

Like Anna prefers her daggers, I prefer my guns.

And if there aren't any guns there at the moment, my fists will always do.

Setting the duffle back I walk out of the room and into the hallway, where Anna and the others are already waiting.

Anna doesn't let it show but she is nervous.

I mean, who wouldn't be if your best friend could die at any moment if you make any wrong moves?

Looking her up and down I give her I nod, specifying we can go.

She has put on some black cargo pants and a simple long sleeved black crop-top, matching with some black boots. Her signature snake-daggers are wrapped around her upper thigh and there is one gun strapped to the back of the holder.

Mateo claps a hand onto my shoulder, giving me a reassuring look. But it still doesn't ease my nerves.

I don't really have a reason to be nervous, but these guys have overdone us every time and have caught us in the most unexpected moments.

And maybe it is because I'm a bit worried about Sebastian and what it will do to Anna if they would truly kill him.

The others have a small hug session with Anna, while Lorenzo unexpectly pulls me into a hug.

I hesitate but I wrap my arms around him, pulling something in me, like a reminder that I'm not fully alone. That there is someone like a brother to me who loves me.

"Be careful and don't do, or say, anything stupid." He utters in my ear.

I chuckle and assure him that I won't be doing any of that. But with the look he sends me it's clear we all know that promise is just an empty promise.

Because I always do something stupid.

Pulling apart I look at Anna, communicating over a simple nod.

With one last hit to the shoulder from Lorenzo I open the door, letting Anna walk out first and once she's stepped outside, I follow suit and close the door behind me.

Anna walks to the already situated black SUV and gets into the passenger side.

I start the engine as soon as I got in and drive down the driveway.

The car is silent as I speed through the forest and onto the empty evening streets.

Having been deep in thought, the car ride ends sooner than expected and we arrived at our destination even ten minutes earlier.

An old, abandoned building lies before us, debris lying here and there, old ambulance cars destroyed and two stretches lying there abandoned on the wide driveway.

I hear a deep, shaky breath being taken beside me, so I turn my head in Anna's direction who is nervously playing with her hands on her lap, but her gaze remains on the old psychiatry in front of us.

I can't stop staring at her perfect side profile, her sharp jaw, long lashes, that cute button nose, those perfect soft lips that just a day ago were wrapped around my dick, sucking on it like her life depended on it.

But I believe I shouldn't think about this right now when her best friend might possibly die tonight.

My gaze doesn't even twitch when we make eye contact. My eyes once again wonder around her soft features, lastly landing on her lips again.

Letting my eyes slowly traveling back to meet hers, I catch her for a second doing the exact same thing as me.

I'm strangely very nervous right now.

And that is a big problem.

I have gotten too attached to Anna.

Every time I see her my hearts jumps a beat, making me want to rip it out for reacting that way by just seeing her.

I turn my head back to observe our surroundings.

I don't want to get distracted by her and maybe miss something that will be helpful for us later on.

But Anna has other plans.

Her small hand gently grabs my chin and turns my head to her.

Her face is inches away from mine. One single move from either of us will have us in a wild make up session.

Her expression is gentle, and a bit of that worry is still seen. She doesn't even try to hide her feelings from me.

Why does this make me want to kiss her even more and my heartbeat faster?

I gulp down the feeling of nervousness and make the first step, leaning in closer.

I kiss her softly and passionately, completely different than from the other few times.

I lay a hand on her cheek and deepen the kiss a bit more, getting a bit rougher, but it doesn't seem to bother her in any way.

She pulls away, laying her forehead on mine. "You said you'd do anything to prove that you're not the traitor Ace, right?" I give her a nod, unsure where this is going. "Promise me to keep Sebastian safe if anything happens to him, okay?"

I look at her surprised but her eyes stay closed, a small tear rolling down her cheek.

I gently wipe it away, my heart aching for her. "I promise, mi amor."

At that, she pulls me back into a passionate kiss. A minute later I pull away and lean my forehead against hers again, taking in deep breaths and not opening my eyes before I breathe even again.

She had everything. My mind and my body. It's frustrating, and if I wasn't so worried, I'd be pissed at her.

She had my heart and mind.

Opening my eyes, I take her in once more, her beautiful eyes closed and her lashes laying on her cheeks and- is she- is she... blushing?

That gets a chuckle out of me and of course her eyes fly open to glare at me.

"What are you laughing at, bastard?"

That got me laughing even more for some unknown reason.

For the first time I am laughing in front of my supposed to sworn enemy. And I don't give a shit.

I see her lips twitch into a small smile and her cheeks redden even more.

"Your laugh is pretty." She mutters, plainly for me to understand.

My laugh slowly dies down and I can feel my cheeks warming at her compliment.

A teasing smirk rises on her face when she realizes. "Is Ace de Luca blushing?" She drags out the last word in a teasing manner, and for some stupid reason my cheeks heat up even more.

"I hate you."


I think... I-.

No, no, impossible.

I can't possibly... love her? Can I?

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, pretty boy." With a wink and a grin rising on her beautiful face, she opens the passenger door and steps out.

I enjoy the view of her big, juicy ass before I follow her lead, gently shutting the car door to not make any unnecessary noises.

The door to the psychiatric is lying there in wrecks, so we just carefully step over those and carefully make our way in.

The main room is big and also pretty ruined, with the reception to the right and the once waiting area, now destroyed in the middle and a few other machines for snacks and drinks at the far back.

Taking small steps, we keep looking around for any signs of people being here, with no success.

There are a few other hallways leading to other rooms at the back behind the reception and one opposite of that one.

"What if this is just a trap? And they tricked us?" Anna nervously mutters beside me.

I open my mouth to assure her that everything will be fine, but I instantly shut it closed when there are faint steps being heard.

We stop dead in our tracks and when I see shadows emerging from the hallway on the right, my hand automatically snaps to my gun.

"Now I would rather take your hand of your gun if you want your dear friend to live."

There they are.

Eikichi Daisen Iwasaki with his infamous black mask and his right hand man Aoi Kei Miura.

And Sebastian being dragged along by the collar, looking exhausted and beaten up.

God, maybe I do feel sorry for him.

I hesitantly remove my hand and lift my arms to prove I didn't take anything and let them fall the moment I did so.

Anna beside me hasn't moved or said anything yet, quietly staring at Sebastian with a worried but also angry expression directed at our two enemies, who are taking a few steps toward us.

Deciding to finally break the silence I speak up in a confidant and loud voice. "Get to the point. What do you want?"

"Ahh, yes. Ace de Luca. Always so cold. How about you try it with a 'hello'? Or a 'how are you'? You'll see. Maybe people will like you more."

I didn't expect his voice to sound like it does. I thought he would sound like some old disgusting man in his late 60's, going more in the direction of his friend, Aoi Kei Miura.

But it's the opposite. It's clean, young and deep, something every girl would fall for.

"Get to the point before I shoot the both of you." Anna demands harshly.

"Anna Giovanni. Nice to see you again. Although I wish this would be a bit more friendly occasion." He shrugs. "Anyway. Let's get to the point, like you said. We'll make a deal."

My body stiffens.

"Continue." Anna insists.

The change in his tone is deathly and threating as he continues to speak. "Of course. Surrender. And you'll get your precious friend back."

My brows furrow.


"Surrender? What are you implying Iwasaki?" Anna questions unexpressively.

"Surrender half of your properties and weapons to me each and no one will get hurt."

Even his friend's mouth beside him fell open in shock at such a demand.

My brows furrow.

I haven't worked years so hard to get to the first ranked only for this little motherfucker to take everything from me. Even if I can rebuild everything again, it would take a few years. And getting my properties back would be hard because that would mean going into war with the Japanese again. It's a risk I can't take if because of my weapon loss, allies will leave because I won't be able to make deals, I would not have anyone to help me win those fights.

We're going to have to find another way to save Sebastian.

Only for Anna.

"Eiki, what are you doing?!", Kei Miura whispers in a hushed to Iwasaki "He did not tell you to say that!"

Who told who to say what?

Is there someone else behind all of this?

"I know, my friend. But he isn't the boss of me. He doesn't have as much power as you might think. He's just some dirty boy from the undergrounds."

I look to Anna, seeing her equal expression to mine at their muffled conversation.

They keep kicking around their conversation, completely ignoring the existence of the three of us.

From the side of my eye, I see Anna giving Sebastian a look, implying for him to sneak to us. But when he takes two quick steps forward Iwasaki grabs him by the back of his collar and pulls him back.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not so fast, boy." He redirects his gaze toward us again, "So? I believe you had enough time to consider now. What do you say?"

Giovanni's mouth opens and closes again, not a sound able to come out.

The silence stretches into the big space, nobody leaking a sound.

But our little romance meet here is soon over when without notice a smoke bomb is thrown into the space, provoking confusion and slight panic in the room.

"What... what is going on" Iwasaki coughed, barely audible.

It is impossible to see him anymore. Just as Anna.


"Anna?!" I try to blow away the smoke with my hands, taking small steps to the side to find her.

"Ace? I'm here!" I see her hand, so I quickly grab it before I lose it again.

"Ace? Ace, we need to get to Sebastian." I nod and start leading us forward.

We see silhouettes distancing themselves from us, so I speed up to get to them, when suddenly there's a clunking sound in their direction, like metal falling to the floor...

"Duck!" I shout.

I embrace Anna and throw us to the floor.

The bomb explodes.

Rocks fall around us as another bomb goes off behind us.

And another bomb again.

I tighten my grip around her more, trying to protect her with my body as much as I can.

We lay there for a few minutes waiting for the chaos to calm down a bit.

So there is truly someone behind all of this. Someone who has more power than Eikichi Daisen Iwasaki. But didn't he mention that it was someone from the undergrounds? A dirty boy?

It felt like internet when I finally lift my head again.

I look under me to check on Anna. But she is passed out.

It might have been that she had hit her head when I threw us to the floor.

I quickly checked her pulse, being relieved when everything is alright. She only got a small scratch on her face, but luckily no more.

Without looking back, I lift her in my arms and walk out the basically destroyed building, taking her to the car and carefully laying her in the back.

After once again checking on her I go back into the psychiatric to look if Iwasaki and his companion were hit or are gone.

I make my way to the back, already seeing two bodies lying there.

Iwasaki and Miura.

But Sebastian nowhere to be seen.

I course to Iwasaki's body, slowly kneeling down to him. His mask has ridden up his face, revealing a middle aged, somehow good-looking man.

I take off the mask completely and check his pulse.


He's dead. Just like that.

Opposite for his friend though.

His pulse is slow, but he is still unconscious. I Mentally note to take him with us later after I searched for Sebastian.

I almost searched the whole place again, making sure he isn't crushed under some bricks.

I walk to the one place I didn't look at, yet: the hallway they came from.

I step over rocks and find a shredded bomb lying around the place and not far from it, another body.

I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise, my love.

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